40 research outputs found

    Where Do Women's Jobs Come From? Job Resegregation in an American Bank

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    We document changes in the gender composition of jobs in a large American bank. This change was occasioned by a restructuring initiative that created new positions. Through interviews with employees and direct observation of work in four geographic regions, we identify five factors that underlie the process of resegregation: managers built gendered assumptions into the new jobs; managers framed employees' choices based on these assumptions; employees responded to these cues and to the characteristics of the jobs; management made job assignments that were consistent with both their assumptions and employees' choices; and both managers and employees developed shared gender norms associated with the new positions.


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    This dissertation answers key questions about the reasons behind the mobilization and consolidation of Arab American collective identities expressed in political activism. Summarized into one overarching question, these key questions examine what encourages and challenges the mobilization of a consolidated political voice of Arab Americans in the American political arena. The ultimate goal of this project is to understand the reasons behind the existing political weakness of Arab American voices in the American socio-political arena. More specifically stated, the key questions are: "What, in the history of immigration of Arab American, impacted the current weakness of the collective, Arab American political voice?;" "What impact did political events and policies have on the mobilization of the consolidated Arab American identity?;" "What are the challenges and motivations for consolidation of the Arab American political voice related to the heterogeneity of Arab American communities?;" and finally "What role does counter-mobilization, namely pro-Israeli lobbies, play in affecting the intensity of Arab American voices in American politics?" The general answer, which was acquired through tracing the process of formation of this mobilization and consolidation of the Arab American identity, demonstrates that political isolation is the predominant mobilizing factor for identity-based activism and consolidation of Arab American identities. This study concludes that Arab Americans face political isolation due to several factors such as the relatively short presence of Arab immigrants in the United States, their brief political engagement in the American political arena, the heterogeneity of Arab American communities preventing a development of strong leadership uniting the communities, and the presence of counter-mobilized communities such as well established pro-Israeli lobbies which are often in opposition to Arab American political efforts. Historical events such as the 1967 War or the attacks of September 11 make Arab American activists aware of their political isolation. Thus, unlike many ethnic minorities motivated by cultural and economic factors, Arab American motivation is predominantly politically driven. In regard to methodological approaches, this research draws on interviews, life histories of members of self-labeling Arab American organizations in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area and document analyses to learn about their organizations and motivations behind identity-based political activism. In regard to pre-existing scholarship, this study engages the literature about panethnic mobilization and the incorporation of immigrants into a host society. A recurrent theme in this literature is how panethnic mobilization is driven by economic or cultural factors. However, economic and cultural factors are not key catalysts driving panethnic Arab American identities. At the collective level Arab Americans enjoy all elements of citizenship: legal status, rights and a sense of belonging yet their path to full participation in U.S. political arenas remains a challenge. The consolidated identity-based activism of Arab Americans focuses on gaining a political voice and creating an influential political constituency. As this study reveals, Arab American panethnic organizations strive to disrupt the monolithic and negative discourse about Arabs and Arab Americans in the popular and political culture of the United States by taking ownership over the "Arab American" label. Thus, the use of the monolithic label of Arabness is ultimately a strategic move towards gaining political voice(s). The complexities and nuances of this political isolation and corresponding political mobilization unfold in the chapters below

    Fundamentalist religious movements : a case study of the Maitatsine movement in Nigeria.

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    This study is a historical analysis of reasons and dynamics behind the emergence of fundamentalist religious movements. Its purpose is to develop a new conceptual apparatus to the approach toward religious fundamentalist movements that would analyze both external and internal factors influencing their emergence. It is a case study of an Islamic fundamentalist religious movement called Maitatsine in Nigeria. The theoretical background is based upon the concepts of international division of labor and the role of the state taken from development theories, which explain the external factors influencing the dynamics in West Africa, the region where the analyzed religious movement emerged. Analysis of the factors at the micro level is provided with the social movements theories\u27 concepts of mobilization and framing, which explain the organization of religious movements. Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer\u27s concept of the culture industry, and Antonio Gramsci\u27s concepts of hegemony and counter hegemony are used to analyze the ideological background of the fundamentalist religious movements. Historical context, with the history of Islam, colonialism, and post-independence period in Nigeria are presented in order to provide a background for the study of the Maitatsine movement. Findings indicate that the world dynamics significantly influence economic and political realities of peripheries with weak states. They provoke the increase of the disinherited social groups in the capitalist secular system, which include mainly immigrants, foreigners. Consequently, this inflames rising feelings of grievance toward the dominant western culture that is directed by charismatic religious leaders. Religious ideology becomes a strong mobilizing and framing factor that creates counter hegemony and starts controlling members adhering to the fundamentalist religious movement

    It's Not Just the ATMs: Technology, Firm Strategies, Jobs, and Earnings in Retail Banking

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    The authors examine trends in job content and earnings in selected jobs in two American banks. Firm restructuring and technological changes resulted in higher earnings for college-educated workers. The banks followed different strategies in implementing these changes for lower-skill jobs, with different effects on bank tellers in particular. The authors conclude that technology enables workplace reform but does not determine its effect on jobs and earnings; these effects are contingent on managerial strategies. This focus on organizational processes and managerial strategy provides a complementary approach to accounts of growing inequality that center solely on the role of individual skills and technological change.

    Enantiomeric separation of 2-(1-naphthoxy1)-N,N-diethylpropionamide and similar compounds on pirkle-type high performance liquid chromatography chiral stationary phase

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    Thesis (B.S.) in Chemistry -- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1989.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 24-26)Microfiche of typescript. [Urbana, Ill.]: Photographic Services, University of Illinois, U of I Library, [1989]. 1 microfiche (30 frames): negative.s 1989 ilu n

    Analysis of in-hospital course and treatment outcomes in patients with diabetic foot syndrome in the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology, Medical University of Gdansk in the 2008 year

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    WSTĘP. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena profilu mikrobiologicznego, przebiegu oraz wyników leczenia pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinice Nadciśnienia Tętniczego i Diabetologii Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w 2008 roku. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Na podstawie dokumentacji przeprowadzono retrospektywną analizę charakteru i lokalizacji owrzodzeń stóp, przebiegu oraz efektów leczenia, jak również oceniono dostępne wyniki badań mikrobiologicznych w celu określenia profilu mikrobiologicznego zakażeń stóp u pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinice. WYNIKI. Hospitalizowano łącznie 51 chorych na cukrzycę z owrzodzeniami stóp powikłanymi infekcjami o różnym stopniu zaawansowania — u ponad połowy z nich występowało zapalenie kości. U chorych z rozpoznanym osteitis stężenie OB wynosiło średnio 96 mm Hg. Większość owrzodzeń lokalizowało się w obrębie palców lub przodostopia. W analizowanej grupie wykonano łącznie 28 amputacji, z czego 21 (41%) u pacjentów z rozpoznanym zapaleniem kości. U 6 chorych (13%) stan zapalny kości leczono zachowawczo. Głównym patogenem infekcji, również tych z towarzyszącym zapaleniem, był gronkowiec złocisty, ale w większości przypadków w badanym materiale stwierdzano obecność kilku różnych rodzajów bakterii. WNIOSKI. Najczęstszą przyczynę hospitalizacji chorych z zespołem stopy cukrzycowej stanowią infekcje w stopniu 3. oraz 4. w klasyfikacji PTD z towarzyszącym zapaleniem kości i/lub niedokrwieniem kończyny. Wartość OB stanowi ważny wskaźnik istnienia zapalenia kości. Zapalenie kości oraz niedokrwienie kończyny bez możliwości rewaskularyzacji są istotnymi czynnikami ryzyka amputacji (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 6: 204–209).Foot ulcers in patients with diabetes remain a significant health and economical problem. In many cases ulcers can be treated on outpatient basis however patients with severe infection and some of them with moderate infection require admission. We have conducted retrospective analysis of hospitalisation and treatment outcomes in 51 patients admitted to the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology of Medical University in Gdańsk in the year 2008. Most of the subjects were characterized by poor diabetic control and presence of many complications. In most analysed cases infection was classified as stage 3 and 4 according to Polish Diabetic Association classification system. In the study population 28 amputations were performed, 21 (78%) in patients with confirmed osteomielitis. In the group of subjects with osteomielitis mean ESR was 96 mm/h. The main pathogen revealed in microbiological studies was Staph. Aureus, however in majority of patients the infection was polymicrobial and the flora included anaerobes. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 6: 204–209

    Level of knowledge on diabetic foot syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients

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    WSTĘP. Skuteczne leczenie zespołu stopy cukrzycowej (ZSC) ma na celu nie tylko usuwanie doraźnych objawów choroby, ale również właściwe umotywowanie chorego do uzyskania poprawy stylu życia oraz podniesienia jego wiedzy na temat schorzenia, jakim jest ZSC. Dlatego tak ważnym elementem procesu leczenia jest edukacja zdrowotna. Celem pracy była ocena poziomu wiedzy na temat ZSC u chorych na cukrzycę w mieście i na wsi. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto 60 pacjentów z rozpoznaną cukrzycą typu 2, których edukowano w dziedzinie zapobiegania ZSC. Narzędzie badawcze stanowiła opracowana przez autorkę ankieta, która pozwoliła zebrać od chorych na cukrzycę dane społeczno-demograficzne oraz informacje na temat poziomu wiedzy chorych o tym schorzeniu, stosowania zasad pielęgnacji stóp w cukrzycy i właściwej edukacji w ZSC. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI. Poziom wiedzy chorych na temat prewencji ZSC jest niewystarczający i nie różni się istotnie pomiędzy mieszkańcami wsi i miasta (odpowiednio 75 i 71%), mimo że wśród ankietowanych w mieście istotnie więcej osób ma dostęp do poradni cukrzycowej, prowadzącej również gabinet stopy cukrzycowej. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 4: 109-117)INTRODUCTION. Effective treatment of diabetic foot syndrome should include not only medical intervention but also education and motivation of patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the level of knowledge on diabetic foot syndrome in type 2 diabetic patients living in the urban and rural areas. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The studied group consisted of 60 type 2 diabetic patients, who have already been educated on diabetic foot syndrome prevention. The original questionnaire evaluating knowledge, proper care and education in diabetic foot together with social and demographic data was used in the study. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS. Patients living in the urban and rural area know and use the rules of proper diabetic foot care only in 71% and 75% respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the levels of knowledge of patients living in the urban and rural areas. Among the patients living in urban areas more persons have access to diabetic outpatient care with diabetic foot room. The level of knowledge of studied group is insufficient. The knowledge of patients does not go together with a proper care. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 4: 109-117

    Effect of education level on diabetes control and quality of life in insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients

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    WSTĘP. Celem pracy była próba oceny wpływu edukacji zdrowotnej prowadzonej przez doświadczoną, merytorycznie przygotowaną pielęgniarkę diabetologiczną na parametry wyrównania metabolicznego i jakość życia oraz stopień kontroli własnego zdrowia u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 leczonych insuliną. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Przebadano grupę 53 chorych (32 kobiety i 21 mężczyzn) z cukrzycą typu 2 leczonych insuliną. Średni czas trwania choroby wynosił 9,5 roku, czas leczenia insuliną 4 lata i 4 miesiące. Średnia wieku badanych to 58,4 lat. Jakość życia oraz stopień kontroli własnego zdrowia pacjentów badano 2-krotnie: przed rozpoczęciem edukacji diabetologicznej i po 3 miesiącach po jej przeprowadzeniu. W pracy wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego wykonanego techniką kwestionariuszową. Do oceny stopnia kontroli własnego zdrowia przez pacjenta użyto: 1) kwestionariusza wielowymiarowej Skali Umiejscowienia Kontroli Zdrowia MHCL (wersja B) Wallstona, Wallstona, DeVelisa w polskiej adaptacji Juczyńskiego, 2) Kwestionariusza Zachowań Zdrowotnych Komasińskiej- Moller oraz 3) ankietę własną do oceny glikemii i preferencji edukacyjnych. Do oceny poziomu jakości życia użyto: Skali Satysfakcji z życia autorstwa Diener, Larson, Emmons, Griffin w polskiej adaptacji Juczyńskiego. WYNIKI. Uzyskano znamienne różnice w zakresie spadku i wzrostu glikemii na czczo oraz kontroli zdrowia, a także jakości życia przed edukacją zdrowotną i po jej przeprowadzeniu. WNIOSKI. Prowadzenie edukacji w grupie chorych na cukrzycę w ocenie pacjentów wpływa na wzrost poczucia zadowolenia i satysfakcji z życia. Zaobserwowano pozytywne zachowanie zdrowotne związane z prowadzeniem samokontroli oraz zmniejszenie częstości hiper- i hipoglikemii na czczo. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 2: 46-53)BACKGROUND. The aim of the study was to evaluate how health education by the experienced nurseeducator affects quality of life and metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The studied group consisted of 53 insulin treated diabetic patients who had never before undergone structured education. The mean diabetes duration in the group was ± 9.5 years and the mean duration of insulin treatment ± 4 years and 4 months. 32 women aged from 36 to 72 years and 21 men aged between 33 and 70 were included in the study. Mean age in the control group was ± 58.4 years. The quality of life in the group was studied twice: before the education and three months later. A diagnostic poll method with the use of questionnaire was used in the study. For patient’s estimation of their own health authors used following tools: 1) A Multidimensional Health Scale of Control Location (MHCL) Questionnaire, version of B. K.A. Wallston, B.S. Wallston, R. DeVelisa - adapted by Z. Juczyński; 2) Health Behaviour Questionnaire by M. Komasińska-Moller; 3) author’s own questionnaire for educational preferences and glycaemia estimation. RESULTS. Significant differences were observed with respect to fasting glycaemia, cooperation with the doctor and the sense of inner control in the group of patients who have undergone structural education. CONCLUSIONS. Structural education has positive influence on patients diabetes control as measured by fasting glycaemia as well as on patients cooperation and quality of life which in trun may affect diabetes control. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 2: 46-53

    The Human Side of Skills and Knowledge

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    YesThe goal of decent work is best expressed through the eyes of people. It is about your job and future prospects; about your working conditions; about balancing work and family life, putting your kids through school or getting them out of child labour. It is about gender equality, equal recognition, and enabling women to make choices and take control of their lives. It is about personal abilities to compete in the market place, keep up with new technological skills and remain healthy. It is about developing your entrepreneurial skills, about receiving a fair share of wealth that you have helped to create and not being discriminated against; it is about having a voice in your workplace and your community . . . . For everybody, decent work is about securing human dignity (ILO 2001:7 - 8 cited in Green 2006:19 - 20)