137 research outputs found

    Kompetanseinvesteringer i videreutdanning og opplæring i norsk arbeidsliv. Beregninger basert på data fra Lærevilkårsmonitoren koblet mot registerdata

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    Formålet med dette notatet er å undersøke omfanget av kompetanseinvesteringer i livslang læring i norsk arbeidsliv, hvor vi med «livslang læring» mener det å delta i minst en av følgende to former for læring: formell videreutdanning eller kurs og opplæring som ikke gir formell kompetanse. Notatet er skrevet på oppdrag fra Kunnskapsdepartementet, og utgjør en tilleggsmodul til et større prosjekt som handler om livslang læring i norsk arbeidsliv. Det er utgitt fire andre rapporter i prosjektet

    Massive transfusjonsprotokoller ved norske sykehus med akutt traumefunksjon og deres respektive blodbankers beredskap av transfusjoner og medikamentelle tiltak. Følger sykehusene og deres blodbanker anbefalingene fra Nasjonal Kompetansetjeneste for Traumatologi?

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    Introduksjon: Nasjonale og europeiske retningslinjer anbefaler i dag at et hvert sykehus som har akutt traumefunksjon har en massiv transfusjonsprotokoll (MTP). I denne studien undersøkes utbredelse og innhold av massive transfusjonsprotokoller ved norske sykehus med akutt traumefunksjon og deres respektive blodbankers beredskap. Metode: To separate spørreundersøkelser på henholdsvis 26 og 15 spørsmål ble sendt til traumekoordinatorer og blodansvarlige ved alle norske sykehus med akutt traumefunksjon og tilhørende blodbankene. Dataene ble deskriptivt analysert ved hjelp av regnearket Excel. Resultater: 35/38 traumekoordinatorer og 36/38 blodbankansvarlige besvarte hele eller deler av spørreundersøkelsene. Ved 4/35 sykehus forelå ingen MTP. Åtte (29%) av protokollene var sist revidert i 2017 eller tidligere. Klinisk mistanke om stor blødning (93%) og avvikende hemodynamiske parametere (80%) var hyppigste aktiveringskriterier. Monitorering utover avvikende hemodynamiske parametere som aktiveringskriterium, var i liten grad anført i MTP. 10/31(34%) protokoller manglet føringer for monitorering av temperatur. I 11/29 (38%) protokoller forelå ingen føringer for hyppighet av laboratoriske prøver. Ved 12 lokalisasjoner mangler trombocyttberedskap til vanlig. Fire sykehus transfunderer fullblod, tre av disse har også muligheten til komponentbasert transfusjon. 33/37 (89%) sykehus og blodbanker anga i sin MTP transfusjon av erytrocytter og plasma i forhold 1:1. Tranexamsyre (22/26, 85%) og fibrinogen (19/26, 73%) var hyppigst anførte medikamentell støttebehandling i MTP. Kun 23/35 (66%) blodbanker hadde anbefalte mengder erytrocytter av typen O Rh(D) positiv jamfør nasjonal traumeplan. Konklusjon: Fire sykehus mangler MTP. Innholdet i MTP varier i form av monitorering av vitale parametere, i tillegg til føringer for laboratorieundersøkelser og medikamentell støttebehandling. Trombocytter er til vanlig ikke tilgjengelig ved 12 blodbanker. Blodbankberedskapen i øyeblikkundersøkelsen tilfredsstiller i liten grad anbefalingene fra Nasjonal Kompetansetjeneste for Traumatologi. Økt fokus på massive blødninger og nye revisjoner av MTP bør vurderes ved flere lokalisasjoner. Nye studier hvor pasientdata integreres vedrørende prehospital og intrahospital transfusjonsbehandling vil gi en bedre kartlegging av MTP i Norge

    Kompetanseutviklingsprogrammets første år : en foreløpig oversikt og vurdering

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    Notatet gir en oversikt over og foreløpig vurdering av Kompetanseutviklingsprogrammet (KUP). Hensikten med evalueringen er å undersøke om programmet gir resultater i samsvar med programmets intensjoner, samt å vurdere om organisering, planlegging og iverksetting er hensiktsmessig. KUP ble etablert av Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet i første halvår 2000, og fikk i løpet av år 2000 inn omkring 600 søknader. På tross av små ressurser har programsekretariat og -styre på kort tid klart å etablere rutiner for å administrere den store og uensartede søknads-mengden for et innovativt program-. Søkerne som hadde vært i kontakt med sekretariatet, var meget godt fornøyd med behandlingen de fikk der. Vårt hovedinntrykk er at programmet får i gang prosjekter som i grove trekk er i samsvar med hovedmålsettingene. KUP bør imidlertid vurdere å intensivere informasjons- og motivasjonsarbeid for utvalgte grupper; bør legge vekt på å gi søkerne realistiske forventninger; bør vurdere å øke støttebeløpene og samtidig opprettholde kravet om egenandel; bør legge vekt på at prosjektene har mulighet til å gi varig effekt; og bør ikke støte fra seg interessante prosjekter som ikke passer inn i skillet mellom arbeids-giver-arbeids-taker

    Regulating Skill Formation in Europe: German, Norwegian and Spanish Policies on Transferable Skills

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    ■ The article explores the new policy frameworks for learning and skills formation in Germany, Norway and Spain. It asks whether a new type of regulation for training is emerging, and how employers and trade unions engage with such developments. It ends arguing that there are competing dynamics, strategic directions and actor-related issues within these new departures in industrial relations

    Influence of Sandstone Mineralogy on the Adsorption of Polar Crude Oil Components and Its Effect on Wettability

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    The crude oil–brine–rock (COBR) system is a combination of contacting phases where polar organic molecules in crude oil, inorganic ions from the brine phase, and charged mineral surfaces participate in complex interactions. One of the surface phenomena that occur in the COBR system is the adsorption of polar crude oil components, which can directly affect the capillary forces and wettability of the rock. The purpose of this research work was to determine polar organic component (POC) adsorption trends for sandstones of different origins and mineralogical compositions. Adsorption preferences for acidic and basic POCs were quantified by potentiometric titration during dynamic core flooding tests using modified crude oil. The influence of POC adsorption on wettability was investigated by evaluating capillary forces during the displacement of oil in a spontaneous imbibition (SI) process. The results of this work showed a clear relationship between the intensity of POC adsorption and sandstone mineralogy. Greater adsorption capacity and a predominant affinity for bases compared to that for acids were found in the sandstone material containing a sufficient amount of reactive illite clay minerals. On the other hand, the sandstone material consisting mainly of quartz with an insignificant content of kaolinite clay did not show a pronounced tendency to adsorb POCs. All the studied rock materials have also shown a significant impact of POC adsorption on capillary forces and wettability, confirmed during SI tests. As a result, a detailed mineralogical analysis along with crude oil chemistry is required to properly evaluate sandstone wettability and competently plan core flooding laboratory studies.publishedVersio

    Reproducing wettability in sandstone reservoir core material in laboratory core restorations

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    Replicating initial reservoir wettability conditions in core restoration by core cleaning and fluid restoration in the laboratory is of great importance. There are several core cleaning and restoration protocols used in the oil industry and academia that include the usage of different equipment, techniques, and materials. Strong solvents used in core cleaning can remove material that is part of the rock phase leading to more water–wet behavior. Large volumes of crude oil exposure in core restorations can result in high adsorption of polar organic components onto the mineral surfaces giving less water–wet behavior. Therefore, sufficient core cleaning should be targeted, involving no physical damage to the solid rock phase and effective crude oil exposure securing realistic water saturations, avoiding overexposure of crude oil. The objective of this study was to establish an optimum core restoration process in terms of cleaning solvents and the amount of crude oil exposure, to re-establish the same core wettability from one core restoration to the next. Seven sandstone cores from a reservoir on the Norwegian Continental Shelf underwent a series of core restorations. Two different core cleaning procedures were used, in which mild (kerosene/heptane) and strong (toluene/methanol) solvents were involved, and furthermore, the cores were exposed to various volumes of crude oil. Spontaneous imbibition experiments showed that mild core cleaning in combination with 5 pore volumes or more crude oil exposure rendered the cores less water-wet in successive core restorations. More rigorous cleaning with 5 pore volumes of crude oil exposure rendered the cores more water-wet in successive core restorations. From spontaneous imbibition results it was concluded that an optimum core restoration procedure involving mild cleaning and only 1 pore volume of crude oil exposure successfully reproduced core wettability in successive experiments.publishedVersio

    Polysulphate: A New Enhanced Oil Recovery Additive to Maximize the Oil Recovery From Carbonate Reservoirs at High Temperature

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    Seawater (SW) injection is an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) success in the North Sea carbonate reservoirs due to wettability alteration toward a more water-wet state. This process is triggered by the difference in composition between injection and formation water (FW). “Smartwater” with optimized ionic composition can easily be made under laboratory conditions to improve oil recovery beyond that of SW. However, in the field, its preparation may require specific water treatment processes, e.g., desalination, nanofiltration, or addition of specific salts. In this work, a naturally occurring salt called Polysulphate (PS) is investigated as an additive to produce smartwater. Outcrop chalk from Stevns Klint (SK), consisting of 98% biogenic CaCO3, was used to investigate the potential and efficiency of the PS brines to alter wettability in chalk. The solubility of PS in SW and deionized water, and brine stability at high temperatures were measured. Energy dispersive X-ray and ion chromatography were used to determine the composition of the PS salt and EOR solutions, and to evaluate the sulphate adsorption on the chalk surface, a catalyst for the wettability alteration process. Spontaneous imbibition (SI), for evaluating wettability alteration of PS brines into mixed-wet chalk was performed at 90 and 110°C and compared against the recovery performance of FW and SW. The solubility tests showed that the salt was easily soluble in both deionized water and SW with less than 5% solid residue. The deionized PS brine contained sulphate and calcium ion concentrations of 31.5 and 15.2 mM, respectively, and total salinity was 4.9 g/L. This brine composition is very promising for triggering wettability alteration in chalk. The SW PS brine contained 29.6 mM calcium ions and 55.9 mM sulphate ions, and a total salinity of 38.1 g/L. Compared with ordinary SW, this brine has the potential for improved wettability alteration in chalk due to increased sulphate content. Ion chromatography revealed that the sulphate adsorbed when PS brines were flooded through the core, which is an indication that wettability alteration can take place during brine injection. The reactivity was also enhanced by increasing the temperature from 25 to 90°C. Finally, the oil recovery tests by SI showed that PS brines were capable of inducing wettability alteration, improving oil recovery beyond that obtained by FW imbibition. The difference in oil recovery between ordinary SW and SW PS imbibition was smaller due to the already favorable composition of SW. PS brines showed a significant potential for wettability alteration in carbonates and are validated as a potential EOR additive for easy and on-site preparation of smartwater brines for carbonate oil reservoirs. PS salt, added to the EOR solution, provides the essential ions for the wettability alteration process, but further optimization is needed to characterize the optimal mixing ratios, ion compositions, and temperature ranges at which EOR effects can be achieved.publishedVersio