20 research outputs found
SWOT analysis of renewable energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland): current progress, prospects and policy implications
Renewable energy (RE) plays an increasingly important role in the economy of almost every country in the world. In order to examine the state of renewable energy (RE) in Mazowieckie Voivodeship (Poland), a literature review was carried out, anonymous sur-veys were conducted, a SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and TOWS analysis were carried out and the potential of RE in Mazowieckie voivodship was estimated. The total capacity of all installations is equal to 712 MW. In recent months, number of prosumers have increased to 11,742 in the Voivodeship, and the capacity of their installations is estimated at 66 MW. Simplification of legal regulations and educating society is strongly recommended. Respondents in the survey and SWOT analysis on the future of the energy sector in Mazowieckie Voivodeship show that solar energy (35.5% of respondents) and wind energy (24.5% of respondents) have the greatest chances for the development. Development of the RE sector in the Voivodeship means new jobs, both in this sector and around it. Significant RE potential together with large project financing pos-sibilities may cause Mazowieckie Voivodeship to be a leader in RE production in Poland. It is this Voivodeship (with its capital Warsaw) that can serve as an example of the energy transformation towards 100% RE
15 Years of the Polish agricultural biogas plants: their history, current status, biogas potential and perspectives
Biogazownie rolnicze w Polsce
Wind energy in Poland – History, current state, surveys, Renewable Energy Sources Act, SWOT analysis
The history, current state and prospects for the development of the wind power sector in Poland have been presented. Poland has a long tradition of using wooden windmills, mainly post mills for economic purposes. Basing on the data of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, the speed of wind was calculated in Poland at a height of 100 m. The highest wind speed in Poland is noted in the northern part, the central part and, most of all, in the south-western part. In the December 2015 there were 1016 wind installations in Poland of total power of 5100 MW in Poland. There are also 37 wind farms. At the largest farm – Margonin – there are 60 wind turbines in operation, each of power of 2 MW. The new formal and legal framework for the wind power sector in Poland was described in relation to the new Renewable Energy Sources Act (RES Act). The new regulations on funding the wind power sector; that is, an auction system, were presented. The outcomes of the sociometric surveys conducted among investors were described. The SWOT analysis of the wind power sector in Poland was presented. The three scenarios of the development of the wind power sector in Poland were described
Energia odnawialna w województwie warmińsko-mazurskim, 158 s.
Energetyka odnawialna (OZE) jest szeroko rozwijana na świecie, w tym również w Polsce. W najbliższych latach przewiduje się dalszy rozwój OZE w Polsce. Stąd też zrodził się pomysł napisania niniejszej monografii.
Pierwszym celem przeprowadzonych badań było wyznaczenie potencjału technicznego energii odnawialnej w Polsce. W przypadku biomasy założono, że w większym stopniu należy wykorzystać biomasę odpadową oraz zagospodarować grunty ugorowane i nieużytki. Obliczono również potencjał techniczny aeroenergetyki w Polsce z wykorzystaniem metody GIS na podstawie danych uzyskanych z IMGW. W przypadku helioenergetyki i pomp ciepła przyjęto, że panele fotowoltaiczne, kolektory słoneczne i pompy ciepła należy montować na istniejących budynkach użyteczności publicznej i obiektach nowo budowanych
Drugim celem badań było przeprowadzenie ankiet socjometrycznych. W latach 2009–2018 przygotowano i wysłano ankiety do firm, właścicieli urządzeń OZE w Polsce, rolników, uczniów i nauczycieli.
Trzecim celem badań było przeprowadzenie analizy SWOT i PEST energetyki odnawialnej w Polsce
Potencjał techniczny odpadowej biomasy stałej na cele energetyczne w Polsce
Potencjał odpadowej biomasy w Polsce
The assessment of solar photovoltaic in Poland: the photovoltaics potential, perspectives and development
The following article explains the current condition of the photovoltaics sector both in Poland and worldwide. Recently, a rapid development of solar energy has been observed in Poland and is estimated that the country now has about 700,000 photovoltaics prosumers. In October 2021, the total photovoltaics power in Poland amounted to nearly 5.7 GW. The calculated technical potential of photovoltaics in Poland is 153.484 PJ (42.634 TWh). This would cover 26.04% of Poland’s electricity needs. The main aim of the article is to assess the level of development of the photovoltaic market in Poland, the genesis of its creation, description of the current situation and determination of the development opportunities. As part of the aim, programs supporting the development of solar energy in Poland have been described and the SWOT analysis has also been performed. The strengths of photovoltaics include high social acceptance and low costs of photovoltaics system operation, while opportunities include rapidly increasing technological efficiency and decreasing cost of solar systems. On the other hand, weaknesses include the high costs of photovoltaics systems and the disparities in the amount of solar energy reaching the market during the year, whereas climate change and the coronavirus pandemic are threats. In 2020, PV became an investment hit in the energy sector and an economic driver in Poland. In the difficult time of two lockdowns caused by the global pandemic, domestic PV made a significant contribution to the maintenance of investment processes in the amount of PLN 9.5 billion and provided Poland with 35 thousand jobs. In 2020, 1.5% of the country’s electricity came from PV sources. In 2021, it will be 3.5%, and by 2025, solar energy will provide approx. 10% of Poland’s electricity. It is worth examining the development of photovoltaics from a broad and long-term perspective. The spectacular development of photovoltaics in Poland is due to hitting the right time window and reducing technology costs, but most of all, it is based on the cooperation of stakeholders and trust in the regulatory environment
The assessment of renewable energy in Poland on the background of the world renewable energy sector
The issues of the article are associated with the development of the renewable energy source (RES) sector in the world and in Poland. The subject is undoubtedly connected with the problem of the energy transformation taking place in most countries nowadays. Energy transformation processes are mainly associated with an increase in the share of energy production from RES and increased awareness of energy use by end consumers. This means that the systematic development of the RES sector is a necessary condition for linking the effective course of energy
transition processes with simultaneous socio-economic development.
The main objective of this study is to present the status of the RES sector in Poland against the background of worldwide development tendencies. The implementation of the objective made it possible to indicate key trends
in the production and use of energy from individual RES and to assess to what extent Poland follows global trends. Poland is one of the European countries where hard coal and lignite constitute the main source of energy.
On the other hand Poland, as a Member State of the EU, is obliged to implement the energy strategy within the framework of the European Green Deal, where all Member States are to become climate neutral
Energia odnawialna w województwie zachodniopomorskim, 168 s.
W książce przedstawiono stan aktualny i perspektywy rozwoju energetyki
odnawialnej w województwie zachodniopomorskim.Województwo może
w 100% pokryć potrzeby energetyczne z energii odnawialnej i dodatkowo
być eksporterem tej energii
Energia odnawialna w województwie pomorskim, 177 s.
Stan aktualny, perspektywy rozwoju i potencjał energii odnawialnej w województwie pomorskim. Analiza PEST energii odnawialnej
Renewable Energy in the Pomerania Voivodeship - Institutional, Economic, Environmental and Physical Aspects in Light of EU Energy Transformation
In the era of globalization and rapid economic growth, affecting most world economies, increased production and consumption are leading to higher levels of energy production and consumption. The growing demand for energy means that energy resources from conventional sources are not sufficient; moreover, its production generates high costs and contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases and waste. In view of the above, many countries have opted to implement an energy transformation. The energy transition allows the transition from an energy system based on conventional fuels to an energy system based mainly on renewable energy (RE) and low-emission sources. In the EU, the development of a “green economy” has become a strategic goal in the fight against climate change. The development of RE offers the possibility to improve the energy security of a given country and the entire EU. New, innovative technologies of RE also increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the economies of the Member States. In line with the EU strategy, the activities carried out aim to achieve a situation in which, in 2050, the activities of economies will not endanger the environment. The main purpose of this article was the assessment of the RE sector in the Pomerania region in the context of energy transformation. To achieve this goal, PEST analysis regarding the functioning of the RE sector in the selected Polish region was used and the potential of the RE sector was determined using GIS tools on the basis of physical conditions. The article presents the research hypothesis that the RE sector within the Pomerania Voivodeship possesses appropriate energy potential, which will allow this Voivodeship to become an energy self-sufficient region based on the use of these energy sources (according to EU strategy). The implementation of the goal set in the article allowed for the verification of the research hypothesis, where the determined energy potential from the RE sector would cover the Voivodeship’s needs due to the use of electricity and heat. The conducted research shows that the RE sector in these regions has high energy potential to meet the criteria outlined in EU legal documents and to implement them successfully within the intended period