105 research outputs found

    Developmental Course and Risk Factors of Physical Aggression in Late Adolescence

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    This study examined risk factors of physical aggression during transition from early to late adolescence using a two-wave longitudinal study. Specifically, we examined if risk factors in early adolescence predict physically aggressive behavior starting in late adolescence and why some adolescents desist physical aggressive behavior while others do not. The study sample consisted of 2289 Norwegian adolescents (1235 girls) who participated in the Young-HUNT1 study (mean age 14.5) and the follow-up study 4 years later, Young-HUNT2 study (mean age 18.4). One in six young adolescents reported engaging in physical fights. Moreover, physical aggression in early adolescence was significantly associated with male gender, attention problems, academic problems, being bullied, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Male gender and heavy drinking during early adolescence increased the risk for newly emerging aggressive behavior in late adolescence, whereas heavy drinking during early adolescence was a predictor for persistent versus desisting aggressive behavior in late adolescence.publishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    Prevention of economic exclusion in Norwegian football

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    Inkludering av flyktninger i norske fotballklubber

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    Inclusion of refugees in Norwegian football clubs

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    Forebygging av økonomisk eksklusjon i norsk fotball

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    How to create good tnteraction processes for vulnerable children and young people? : normalization process theory as a tool to understand implementation processes

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    I denne artikkelen anvender vi normaliseringsprosessteori (NPT) som et kvantitativt analyseredskap i evalueringen av implementeringen av en ny intervensjon. Vi viser på denne måten hvordan NPT kan brukes for å analysere og evaluere implementeringen av et nytt samhandlingsforløp for barn og unge. NPT strukturerer både analyse, presentasjon av funn og konklusjoner. Studiens funn er viktige når intervensjonen skal videreutvikles. Ved å bruke NPT som en ramme kan vi systematisk avdekke både hemmende og fremmende faktorer som vil kunne påvirke i hvilken grad det nye samhandlingsforløpet kan etableres som en del av praksis for alle tjenestene som jobber sammen med å skape et samordnet hjelpetilbud for barn og unge. Nøkkelord: utsatte barn og unge, samhandlingsforløp, psykisk helse, implementeringsteori, normaliseringsprosessteoriThe article describes the implementation of a new integrated care pathway in specialist care and in four municipalities, aimed at children and youngsters in need of coordinated care. The purpose of the pathway was to develop better routines for co-operation between families, municipality and specialist care. The approach of the analysis is the Normalization Process Theory. Questionnaire data were collected among leaders and employees. The main results show great willingness for change and commitment towards the integrated care pathway, and the respondents experience a great benefit from using the care pathway. However, there is also a need for critical assessment of which measures can further strengthen the implementation process. Critical conditions are how leaders in the participating organizations can provide for a collective implementation effort through strengthening of competence, guidance and resource allocations, supported by systematic assessments, training and exchange of experience.publishedVersio

    Kameraovervåkning av hønsefuglreir: noen hovedresultat fra studieområdet i Nord-Trøndelag etter feltsesongen 2011

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    FoU-prosjektet ”Kameraovervåkning av hønsefuglreir” startet i 2009 i regi av Høgskolen i Hedmark (HiHm), med et studieområde i Hedmark. I 2010 ble prosjektet utvidet med et studieområde også i Nord-Trøndelag, hvor Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag (HiNT) hadde det praktiske ansvaret for gjennomføringen i nært samarbeid med HiHm.Dette arbeidsnotatet er ment som en kort oppsummering av hovedresultat og –erfaringer etter feltsesongen i Nord-Trøndelag i 2011, hvor bl.a. publisering av en del av bildematerialet er prioritert

    Sluttrapport Krafttak Nordvest

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    Møre og Romsdal står i dag i eit varsla og aukande kraftunderskot. Mangel på fornybar kraft i regionen kan i løpet av få år bli ei stor utfordring for både eksisterande kraftkrevande eksportindustri og ny industri under etablering. Utan eit krafttak for å auke produksjon av ny fornybar energi i vår region, står konkurransekrafta for våre leiande industrinæringar i fare for å bli svekka. Dette kan igjen føre til tap av verdiskaping og arbeidsplassar langs kysten. I det Skaparkraft-finansierte prosjektet Krafttak Nordvest har ei breitt samansett prosjektgruppe beståande av Doxacom, SINTEF, Havkraft, Glocal Green, iKuben, Ocean Network og Salt Lofoten avdekka mulegheitsrommet for etablering av storskala havenergi utanfor Mørekysten. Prosjektet har funne at Nordvestlandet er godt rusta til å ta del i utbygging av havenergi primært gjennom flytande havvind, med bølgeenergi, flytande sol og alternative energiberarar som komplementære tilskot. Regionen har eit sterkt og kompetent næringsliv som kan lede an i ei slik utvikling.publishedVersio

    Quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing in youth with neuromuscular disorders who are wheelchair Users: A systematic review

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    Objective: To investigate quality of life (QoL) and psychosocial wellbeing in youth with Neuromuscular Disorders (NMD) who are wheelchair users. Data Sources: Medline, Embase, CINAHL and PsycINFO (January 2004 to April 2016) and reference lists of retrieved full-text papers. Study Selection: Peer-reviewed studies were included when data describing self-reported QoL and psychosocial wellbeing could be separately understood for those using wheelchairs and aged 12-22 years old. 2058 records were independently screened and potentially eligible papers were obtained and examined by all reviewers. Twelve observational and three qualitative studies met the inclusion criteria. Data Extraction: Population representativeness, measurement tools and outcomes, where possible with comparison groups. Two reviewers independently appraised studies for risk of bias to internal validity and generalisability. Data Synthesis: Heterogeneity of measurement and reporting precluded meta-analysis. Data were cross-sectional only. Compared to same age typically developing peers, physical QoL was scored consistently and significantly lower in youth with NMD, whilst psychosocial QoL was not. Psychosocial QoL was highest in youth non-ambulant since early childhood and in those recruited via single tertiary specialist clinics. Mental health and social participation could not be compared to same age populations. Conclusions: Despite low physical QoL, psychosocial QoL in youth with NMD appeared comparable to same age peers. The psychosocial wellbeing of younger adolescents on degenerative disease trajectories appeared most compromised, though the longitudinal impacts of growing up with NMD on mental health and social participation are unknown. Interpretation was hampered by poor description of participant age, gender and physical ability, lack of population based recruitment strategies and inconsistent use of age appropriate measures. Understanding of self-reported QoL and psychosocial wellbeing in youth with NMD transitioning to adulthood is limited