156 research outputs found

    14C dating to study the development of soils in the forest-steppe of the central russian upland as a result of bioclimatic changes and long-term cultivation

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    Temporal changes in soils of forest landscapes of the forest-steppe zone - Haplic Luvisols and Greyzemic Phaeozems - under the impact of Holocene climate changes (natural factor) and long-term cultivation (anthropogenic factor) were studied on level interfluves of the Central Russian Upland. To study soil evolution under the impact of climate changes, soil chronosequences of archaeological sites - paleosols buried under ramparts of ancient settlements and background surface soils of adjacent areas - were analyze

    Expansionfree Fluid Evolution and Skripkin Model in f(R) Theory

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    We consider the modified f(R)f(R) theory of gravity whose higher order curvature terms are interpreted as a gravitational fluid or dark source. The gravitational collapse of a spherically symmetric star, made up of locally anisotropic viscous fluid, is studied under the general influence of the curvature fluid. Dynamical equations and junction conditions are modified in the context of f(R) dark energy and by taking into account the expansionfree evolution of the self-gravitating fluid. As a particular example, the Skripkin model is investigated which corresponds to isotropic pressure with constant energy density. The results are compared with corresponding results in General Relativity.Comment: 18 pages, accepted for publication Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Expansion-Free Cavity Evolution: Some exact Analytical Models

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    We consider spherically symmetric distributions of anisotropic fluids with a central vacuum cavity, evolving under the condition of vanishing expansion scalar. Some analytical solutions are found satisfying Darmois junction conditions on both delimiting boundary surfaces, while some others require the presence of thin shells on either (or both) boundary surfaces. The solutions here obtained model the evolution of the vacuum cavity and the surrounding fluid distribution, emerging after a central explosion. This study complements a previously published work where modeling of the evolution of such kind of systems was achieved through a different kinematical condition.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex. Typos corrected. Published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Expansion-Free Evolving Spheres Must Have Inhomogeneous Energy Density Distributions

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    In a recent paper a systematic study on shearing expansion-free spherically symmetric distributions was presented. As a particular case of such systems, the Skripkin model was mentioned, which corresponds to a nondissipative perfect fluid with a constant energy density. Here we show that such a model is inconsistent with junction conditions. It is shown that in general for any nondissipative fluid distribution, the expansion-free condition requires the energy density to be inhomogeneous. As an example we consider the case of dust, which allows for a complete integration.Comment: 8 pages, Latex. To appear in Phys. Rev.D. Typos correcte

    Application of remote monitoring and ground-based sensing in pastoralism

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    The development and implementation of an innovative system applying digital aerospace technologies in pastoralism constitute one of the current trends in agricultural development designed to solve numerous problems associated with soil fertility restoration in grazing pastures. Here, a promising line of research is to explore the feasibility of using satellite systems for an overall nutrient yield assessment per hectare of grazing land. The present article describes a comprehensive approach to the optimization of pastoralism that is based on remote methods for assessing pasture fertility using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and artificial Earth satellites. An analysis of existing methodological approaches reveals that the formalization of prediction processes is complicated by the lack of a theoretical basis for creating appropriate model-algorithmic support. The data on vegetation index dynamics and the nutritional values of forage plants obtained by interpreting imagery from a UAV camera and the multispectral cameras of a satellite service, as well as data from a portable handheld nitrogen sensor, were compared with the actual nutritional values of pasture plants. The study results provide a means to optimize the grouping of grazing animals, taking into account the actual possibility of achieving an increase in live weight. The provided findings indicate the possibility of achieving an additional 11.06% increase in daily live weight gain in young sheep (Jalgin Merino) when keeping them in pasture areas having a vegetation index of at least 0.5. Remote monitoring based on satellite service allows more efficient use of pastures. Study shows a positive relationship between remote sensing NDVI and feed nutritional value. Animal grazing optimization provides an additional 11.06% increase in live weight gain

    Review of experimental results from SND detector

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    The review of experimental results obtained with SND detector at VEPP-2M e+ee^+e^- collider in the energy region s=0.36\sqrt[]{s}=0.36 -- 1.38 GeV is given. The presented results include the following items: studies of the light vector mesons radiative decays, OZI-rule and G-parity suppressed ϕ\phi-meson rare decays, ϕ\phi-meson parameters measurements, studies of e+eπ+ππ0e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 process dynamics, η\eta and KSK_S mesons rare decays, η\eta and ϕ\phi mesons conversion decays, and study of the e+ee^+e^- annihilation into hadrons.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figures. Talk given at the IX International Conference on Hadron Spectroskopy, Protvino, Russia, August 25 - September 1, 200


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    Congestive heart failure is consistently associated with adverse outcomes, and is characterized by a twofold increase in mortality in noncardiac surgery. In this regard, developing the methods aimed to prevent and treatacute heart failure (AHF) in the intraoperative period remain a challenging problem.Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of preoperative levosimendan infusion in reduction both mortality and duration of treatment of elderly patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction in noncardiac surgery.Material and Methods. Design: Multicenter blind randomized placebocontrolled study. Patients: 81 patients operated on abdominal organs. The main endpoint of the study: The length of stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and at the hospital were chosen as the primary endpoints. The secondary endpoints of the study were 30 day and annual mortality, the rate of acute myocardial infarction and stroke.Results. Levosimendan infusion at a rate of 0,05 μg/kg/min — 0,1 μg/kg/min to patients with low left ven tricular ejection fraction just before the surgery reduced the length of stay in ICU for 2 days and required hospital stay for 3 days. NTproBNP showed the best ratio of sensitivity/specificity in predicting 30day mortality in cumulative group: AUC=0,86 (90,77 to 0,93), P<0,0001. From other indicators the most informative were the Inotropes scoring, no change or decrease of a left ventricular ejection fraction, and cardiac index.Conclusion. To reduce perioperative mortality, the intravenous infusion of levosimendan at a rate of 0,05—0,1 μg/kg/min in elderly patients with low left ventricular ejection fraction is recommened as a preoperative preparation the day before the alleged noncardiac surgery.Застойная сердечная недостаточность устойчиво ассоциируется с неблагоприятными исходами и двукратным повышением летальности в некардиальной хирургии. В этой связи особую актуальность приобретают методы, направленные на предупреждение и терапию развития острой сердечной недостаточности в интраоперационном периоде.Цель исследования: изучить эффективность предоперационного введения левосимендана для уменьшения смертности и сроков лечения пожилых пациентов со сниженной фракцией изгнания левого желудочка в некардиальной хирургии.Материалы и методы. Дизайн: мультицентровое рандомизированное слепое плацебоконтролируемое исследование. Пациенты: 81 пациент, оперированный на органах брюшной полости. Основные конечные точки исследования: в качестве первичных точек были выбраны сроки госпитализации в палате интенсивной терапии и стационаре. Вторичными точками исследования являлись 30дневная и годовая летальность, частота развития острого инфаркта миокарда и инсульта.Результаты. Инфузия левосимендана со скоростью 0,05—0,1 мкг/кг/мин пациентам с низкой фракцией изгнания левого желудочка непосредственно перед выполнением хирургического вмешательства снижает сроки пребывания в палате интенсивной терапии на 2 суток и на 3 суток необходимое время пребывания в стационаре. Лучшим соотношением чувствительность/специфичность в плане прогнозирования 30дневной летальности в кумулятивной группе обладал показатель содержания в крови неактивного участка предшественника мозгового натрийуретического полипептида (NTproBNP) на этапе «исход» — AUC=0,86 (0,77—0,93) p<0,0001. Из других показателей имеют значение Inotropes score, отсутствие изменений или снижение фракции изгнания левого желудочка и сердечный индекс.Заключение. Для снижения периоперационной смертности в качестве предоперационной подготовки за сутки до предполагаемого некардиохирургического вмешательства рекомендуется в/в инфузия левосимен дана со скоростью 0,05 мкг/кг/мин — 0,1 мкг/кг/мин пожилым пациентам с низкой фракцией изгнания левого желудочка