18 research outputs found

    An Attempt at Assessment of Alnetum Incanae Lüdi 1921 Transformations in the Skawica River Valley (The Beskid Żywiecki MTS)

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    The paper presents an attempt at assessment of Alnetum incanae LÜDI 1921 transformations in the Skawica River valley. The field studies were carried out in the whole Skawica valley. On the basis of phytosociological relevés, the participation of species which prefer riparian habitats, the number and cover of anthropophytes, including invasive plants, were analyzed. The presence of synanthropic sites was also taken into consideration. The research demonstrated that in the study area phytocoenoses of the Alnetum incanae association have primarily retained natural character, in spite of a noticeable influence of human impact. The results suggested that the vicinity of synanthropic sites does not eliminate natural components of phytocoenosis

    Penetration of anthropophytes into alluvial phytocoenoses of the Skawica river valley (western Carpathians)

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    In this paper, data on penetration of anthropophytes into alluvial phytocoenoses, collected in the years 2006-2007, were analysed with reference to the level of their disturbance, community structure and localization of patches. The investigation was carried out in the whole Skawica valley (in the area comprising villages Zawoja, Skawica and Białka). On the basis of 106 phytosociological releves, eight associations were distinguished: Rorippo-Agrostietum, Phalarido-Petasitetum hybridi, Filipendulo ulmariae-Menthetum longifoliae, Phalaridetum arundinaceae, Glycerietum plicatae, Thyphetum latifoliae, Alnetum incanae, Salicetum albo-fragilis. It was stated that phytocoenoses undisturbed or less disturbed are penetrated with anthropophytes in smaller degree while riparian forest associations are more threated by anthropophytes. Invasive species - Impatiens glandulifera, Impatiens parviflora and Reynoutria japonica - most frequently penetrate phytocoenoses of Alnetum incanae, Salicetum albo-fragilis, Phalarido-Petasitetum hybridi and Filipendulo ulmariae-Menthetum longifoliae. Communities which are free from penetration by anthropophytes in this area include rush associations: Glycerietum plicatae and Typhetum latifoliae

    Zróżnicowanie i przemiany naturalnej i półnaturalnej roślinności kuesty górnojurajskiej oraz związanej z nią flory

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    Upper Jurassic Cuesta is a specific landform – a ridge that defines the border between the Silesian Upland and the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. Its characteristic feature is a large diversity of environmental conditions, mainly due to its geological structure and geographical extent. The plant cover of this area has not been studied so far, only fragments of this area have been surveyed (Szczypek, Wika 1995, Babczyńska-Sendek, Barć 2009, Babczyńska-Sendek et. al 2014; Babczyńska-Sendek et. al 2015). Due to the specific environmental features of this ridge, a large diversity of flora and vegetation was expected, thus detailed phytosociological and floristic studies were undertaken. A total of 263 phytosociological relevés were performed and 201 floristic inventories were carried out. Moreover, 73 soil samples were collected and analyzed. The classification of phytosociological data set was made using the TWINSPAN analysis. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was used in order to identify the key environmental variable influencing the diversity of vegetation. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to determine the relationship between vegetation and soil properties. The vegetation was analyzed in terms of phytocoenotic and functional diversity, as well as in terms of occurring disturbances. The Z Disturbance Index (Kącki 2012) was used for this analysis. Floristic diversity was investigated in the 16 designated research sections, and the synthesis of the data was made in relation to three main parts of the studied area (northern, central and southern). In the studied area 23 vegetation units were identified (communities and associations). The largest share in the vegetation cover were Molinio-Arrhenatheretea meadows communities (31% of all phytocoenoses studied), Festuco-Brometea grasslands (23%) and Rhamno-Prunetea shrubs (18%). The most common plant community in this area was Pruno-Crataegetum (16%). The vegetation diversity was reflected in the diversification of its functional structure. The most important functional traits, which distinguish studied plant communities, were selected. For forest vegetation they were among others: SLA, seed mass and share of competitors; and for non-forest vegetation, among others: share of species with different life strategies, plant height, type of reproduction and seed mass. It was shown that the studied environmental variables explain 24% of variation of the cuesta vegetation. The main vegetation changes indicators of the studied area are: share of plants with a competitive strategy; share of low (less than 30 cm), erosulate and semi-rosette species; and small seeds plants. A total of 682 vascular plant species were found in the area of Upper Jurassic cuesta. The vast majority are native plants. The floristically richest is ‘Włodowice’ research sections, where 357 species of vascular plants were found, which constitutes 51% of the entire flora of this area. The core of flora in particular parts of the cuesta is similar, significant differences between them were demonstrated in the case of the participation of the most valuable elements of flora and species belonging to various sociological and ecological groups. The most valuable elements of the flora of this area were among others: 1 species from the Polish Red Book of Plants: Orobanche bartlingii, 29 species of the Polish red list of ferns and flower plants, 135 threatened species of the Silesian Province and 46 species covered by legal protection. Two species (Silaum silaus and Carex michelii) reach the limit of their natural range in this area. Five natural habitats of European importance were identified in the studied area. Based on the research findings, the most valuable fragments of vegetation were identified and protective recommendations were specified

    The emergence of new localities of Orobanche bartlingii Griseb. in the Silesian-Cracow Upland as a result of the spreading of Libanotis pyrenaica (L.) Bourgh. due to changes in land use : [poster]

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    During the last few decades, many cultivated fields and grazed grasslands have disappeared in the Silesian- Cracow Upland. Therefore, abandoned lands occupy now a large area there. As a result of these changes, some plant species have significantly increased the area of occurrence. Libanotis pyrenaica is one of them. In many places it begins to behave like an expansive species (Fragment tekstu)

    Influence of soil contaminated with cadmium on cell death in the digestive epithelium of soil centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda)

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    Cadmium is a heavy metal that is treated as an environmental pollutant (air, water, soil). In order to understand the potential effects of cadmium in soil and soil invertebrates, it is important to describe all alterations which appear at different levels in organisms. The main aim of this study was to investigate, analyze and describe the alterations caused by cadmium short- and long-term intoxication at different levels in the organisms: from tissues to cells and organelles. In addition, the activation of cell deathmechanisms that take part in homeostasismaintenance according to cadmium has been studied. Therefore, as the species for this project, a terrestrial and well-known widespread European species – the centipede Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha) – was chosen. This omnivorous species lives under upper layers of soil, under stones, litter, rocks, and leaves, and it is also commonly found in human habitats. The animals were divided into three groups: C – the control group, animals cultured in a horticultural soil; Cd1 – animals cultured in a horticultural soil supplemented with 80 mg/kg (dry weight) of CdCl2, 12 days – short-term exposure; Cd2 – animals cultured in a horticultural soil supplemented with 80 mg/kg (dry weight) of CdCl2, 45 days – long-term exposure. The midgut was isolated from each specimen and it was prepared for analysis using some histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Our studies showed that short-term intoxication causes intensification of autophagy and digestion of reserve material, while long-term exposure to this heavy metal causes activation of cell death processes together with inhibition of autophagy connected with the lack of reserve material. Additionally, we can infer that autophagy and cell death are nutrient deprivation-induced processes. Finally, we can conclude that short- and long-term exposure of soil centipede to cadmium affects different mechanisms and processes of cell death

    Evaluation of the Levels and Quality of Microbial Contamination in Medical Emergency Departments in Comparison to Other Workplaces

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    Work in Hospital Emergency Departments (HEDs) exposes both the emergency ward staff and patients to infectious and in other way harmful biological agents. The results of this study shows the presence of pathogenic bacteria isolated by three different methods. It revealed 9.8% of pathogens detected by imprint method, 10.5% of pathogens by swabbing method, 17.6% and 22% in HEDs corridors and rooms, respectively, by air sampling method. In control workplaces (offices) pathogenic bacteria reached the level of 6.5% and 14.7% by imprint method and swabbing, respectively. The relatively low level of contamination by bacteria in HEDs may depend on the effectiveness of Standard Protective Precautions in the studied hospitals

    Działania opiekuńcze w profilaktyce i terapii

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperOpieka jest potrzebna wszystkim, zarówno dzieciom, jak i dorosłym, a w sposób szczególny osobom starszym, w tym terminalnie chorym. Prezentowane w niniejszej monografi i teksty uwzględniają właśnie tę wieloczynnikową aktywność opiekuńczą. Autorami poszczególnych rozdziałów są pracownicy naukowi zaangażowani w proces edukacyjny w zakresie nauk o zdrowiu, pracujący w Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, ale także studenci PWSZ w Tarnowie. W różnorodnym zakresie przedstawili i omówili oni główne tezy monografii