1,015 research outputs found

    Hegemoniczna męskość i dywidenda patriarchatu. O społecznej teorii płci kulturowej Raewyn Connell

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    The article gives a brief introduction to the social theory of gender relations created by R. Connell. It discusses mainly the concept of hegemonic masculinity, showing its main features and present form. The article also underlines Connell’s understanding of cultural gender. Moreover, masculinity in different cultures and the sources of modern masculinity patterns are presented

    Professor John Simson And The Growth Of Enlightenment In The Church Of Scotland

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    Historians have seen John Simson (1668-1740) as either a heretic or a rationalist. He is a frequently mentioned, but seldom analysed, figure in eighteenth century Scottish history. This dissertation seeks to place Simson in his doctrinal and political context, proving that he was a faithful Calvinist Whig whose career was an important factor in creating conditions in which the Scottish Enlightenment could flourish with the approval and protection of the Church of Scotland.;Simson was elected to the Glasgow University Divinity chair in 1708. Despite his conventional background and education as a son of the manse, within a few years he was causing concern to some members of the Church of Scotland because of the changes which he had instituted in the teaching of theological concepts and pastoral ministry. The alarm raised among these ultra-orthodox churchmen led to Simson being charged with unsound teaching in 1714, and a second time in 1726. While the first heresy process against Simson resulted in a mild reprimand, the second trial ended with his suspension from teaching and preaching, although he retained his University title and emoluments.;Simson\u27s cases were complicated by the interference of political factions who were contending for control of Scottish affairs and patronage during much of his tenure of the Glasgow chair. His membership of the Presbytery of Glasgow as an ordained minister, along with his position in the University, meant that his political allegiance had considerable significance in determining his fate.;The dissertation begins by studying Simson\u27s life, his pedagogical methods, and the theological and political background to his cases. It then examines the actual accusations against him and his responses to them. Through this narrative approach, Simson\u27s career may be seen as illustrative of the interaction of doctrinal and political factors in early eighteenth century Scottish academic life. Partly as a result of his tribulations, by the 1740s a radical change had been effected in the way in which ministers were permitted to teach in the Universities; a change which allowed the development of an institutional Enlightenment in Scotland

    Creation of a human being in the awareness of the catechized youth

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    Catechesis, while preaching Jesus Christ, takes a man living in a specific social and cultural context into account. The biblical image of a man is the starting point in relation to a man.  This biblical view of a man is present in the teaching of the Church from Christian ancient times to modern times. The teaching of the Second Vatican Council is of particular importance  for the understanding of a man and his presence in the world. This view on a man is deepened by subsequent  documents of the Church such as “Catechesi tradendae“ and General Directory on catechesis. They all emphasize that catechesis should be faithful to God and to a man. Also catechetical documents of the Church in Poland and the Core Curriculum  for Catechesis and the Curriculum of religious  education try to realize the vision of a man which is included in the teaching of the Church.Stworzenie człowieka w świadomości katechizowanej młodzieży Katecheza głosząc Chrystusa bierze pod uwagę człowieka żyjącego w określonym kontekście społecznym i kulturowym. Punktem wyjścia w odniesieniu się do człowieka jest biblijny obraz człowieka. To biblijne spojrzenie na człowieka obecne jest w nauczaniu Kościoła od starożytności chrześcijańskiej aż po współczesność. Szczególne znaczenie dla rozumienia człowieka i jego obecności w świecie ma nauczanie Soboru Watykańskiego II. To spojrzenie jest pogłębiane przez kolejne dokumenty Kościoła jak Catechesi tradendae i Dyrektorium Ogólne o katechizacji. One wszystkie uwypuklają, że katecheza powinna być wierna Bogu i człowiekowi. Również dokumenty katechetyczne Kościoła w Polsce oraz Podstawa programowa katechezy i Program nauczania religii starają się realizować wizję człowieka zawartą w nauczaniu Kościoła

    CHALLENGING NARRATIVES:The Women's Liberation Movement in Pittsburgh in the 1970s

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    In the 1960s and 1970s, a women's movement thrived in the United States. Current explanationsof the movement either privilege the equality strand, focusing on national networks andprofessional organizations, or they concentrate on the radical liberation strand in the largesturban settings in the United States. Explanations also historically locate the women's movementas a Second Wave of feminism and a product of the New Left, a reaction to gender and racialdiscrimination and earlier authoritarian practices. However, these explanations ignore local variations in the women's movement throughout the country, painting an unrepresentative picture of the movement as a whole. This study examines the women's liberation movement in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the 1970s to challenge some dominant explanations of the movement and add another case to the literature. It compares and contrasts the complex local variations of the movement and explores the movement's origins to investigate an underlyingtheoretical connection to earlier movements for liberation. This study also examines narrativesby movement participants, demonstrating the importance of analyzing subjectivities, and theintersection of biography and history, for a more holistic understanding of collective action


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    Niniejsze opracowanie stawia sobie za cel przedstawienie podstawowej intertemporalnej problematyki prawa administracyjnego. Problematyka ta jest niezwykle złożona i – wbrew utrwalonym przesądom o jakoby uboższej problematyce teoretycznej prawa administracyjnego – wykazuje nawet większą złożoność od tak rozwiniętej dyscypliny, jak prawo cywilne. Związane jest to z samą charakterystyką prawa administracyjnego. Zapewne stąd na gruncie prawa administracyjnego spotykamy się nie tylko z zastosowaniem wszystkich podstawowych zasad opisowych prawa administracyjnego, lecz także z zasadami w którymś ze swoich aspektów szczegółowymi (na przykład zasada aktualności, zasada lex mitior retro agit). Istotne jest również to, że również na gruncie prawa administracyjnego występują rozstrzygnięcia intertemporalne, których treść, jeśli w ogóle, to jedynie częściowo jest wyznaczana regulacjami pozytywnymi.This paper aims at presenting the fundamental intertemporal issues in administrative law. Those issues are highly complex and, contrary to the existing fixed opinions on the seemingly poorer theoretical content of administrative law, reveal even greater complexity than the well developed disciplines such as civil law, which arises from the very nature of administrative law. Thus, most certainly, when it comes to administrative law, we deal not only with the application of its all basic descriptive principles, but also with detailed principles such as, for example, the lex mitior retro agit principle. What is also of material importance is the fact that intertemporal solutions are also present in administrative law, but their content is, if at all, only partially determined by positive regulations

    Participation in Public Religious Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Between Various Limitations and Their Proportionality

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    The right to manifest religion or belief in community with others is one of the essential components of religious freedom. However, it has been significantly curtailed in many countries owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. This article identifies the scope of the introduced restrictions, their proportionality, and their impact on the functioning of religious communities. Section 1 sets out three different approaches to participation in public religious practices in selected countries with severe (Germany), moderate (Poland), and liberal (Belarus) restrictions. In section 2, an international perspective on access to religious buildings in times of emergency is presented. The conclusions of this research are juxtaposed in section 3 with the jurisprudence of the highest national courts in Germany, the United States, and France, in order to highlight proportional legal solutions for the protection of religious freedom and public health. In the last section, the consequences of the introduced restrictions are analysed from the perspective of religious associations, using the example of Poland. Lastly, predictions concerning future participation in religious services are also made