7,816 research outputs found

    A model of large volumetric capacitance in graphene supercapacitors based on ion clustering

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    Electric double layer supercapacitors are promising devices for high-power energy storage based on the reversible absorption of ions into porous, conducting electrodes. Graphene is a particularly good candidate for the electrode material in supercapacitors due to its high conductivity and large surface area. In this paper we consider supercapacitor electrodes made from a stack of graphene sheets with randomly-inserted "spacer" molecules. We show that the large volumetric capacitances C > 100 F/cm^3 observed experimentally can be understood as a result of collective intercalation of ions into the graphene stack and the accompanying nonlinear screening by graphene electrons that renormalizes the charge of the ion clusters.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures; additional discussion and supporting calculations adde

    Provenance and geochemistry of exotic clasts in conglomerates of the Oligocene Torehina Formation, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand

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    Non-marine pebble to cobble conglomerates of the lower Torehina Formation (Oligocene) crop out along western Coromandel Peninsula and overlie, with strong angular discordance, continental-margin metasedimentary rocks (Manaia Hill Group) of Mesozoic (Late Jurassic to ?Early Cretaceous) age. The conglomerates contain provenance information that identifies a pre-Oligocene depositional history obscured by the unconformable juxtaposition of these Tertiary and Mesozoic strata. Most clasts in the lower Torehina Formation are visually similar to local bedrock lithologies, including metamorphosed sandstones and argillites, but are kaolinitic and contain more detrital and authigenic chert, quartz, and potash feldspar. Local derivation of these clasts seems unlikely. By comparing geochemical ratios with those defined for continental margin sandstones, and well characterised New Zealand tectonic terranes, we interpret the majority of clasts in the lower Torehina Formation to have been derived from a dissected orogen, with mixtures of felsic and volcanogenic-derived sediment. The most likely sources are the Waipapa and Torlesse Terranes. The remaining 20–30% of the clasts in the lower Torehina Formation were originally friable, are coarse grained, and appear to be lithologically exotic relative to known metamorphosed sandstones in basement terrane sources on North Island. Some clasts contain coal laminae and particles, and all contain detrital kaolinite as lithic fragments and matrix. Such characteristics imply a non-marine to marginal-marine source containing sediment derived from strongly weathered granite or granodiorite. Mechanical fragility implies a likely proximal, easily erodible source. We propose that this group of clasts was derived from an Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover, either part of a locally developed basin fill or part of a once regionally extensive cover on North Island. Either case defines a more widely distributed Cretaceous source than found today

    The sky distribution of 511 keV positron annihilation line emission as measured with INTEGRAL/SPI

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    The imaging spectrometer SPI on board ESA's INTEGRAL observatory provides us with an unprecedented view of positron annihilation in our Galaxy. The first sky maps in the 511 keV annihilation line and in the positronium continuum from SPI showed a puzzling concentration of annihilation radiation in the Galactic bulge region. By now, more than twice as many INTEGRAL observations are available, offering new clues to the origin of Galactic positrons. We present the current status of our analyses of this augmented data set. We now detect significant emission from outside the Galactic bulge region. The 511 keV line is clearly detected from the Galactic disk; in addition, there is a tantalizing hint at possible halo-like emission. The available data do not yet permit to discern whether the emission around the bulge region originates from a halo-like component or from a disk component that is very extended in latitude.Comment: to be published in the proceedings of the 6th INTEGRAL Workshop "The Obscured Universe" (3-7 July 2006, Moscow

    Very High Resolution Solar X-ray Imaging Using Diffractive Optics

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    This paper describes the development of X-ray diffractive optics for imaging solar flares with better than 0.1 arcsec angular resolution. X-ray images with this resolution of the \geq10 MK plasma in solar active regions and solar flares would allow the cross-sectional area of magnetic loops to be resolved and the coronal flare energy release region itself to be probed. The objective of this work is to obtain X-ray images in the iron-line complex at 6.7 keV observed during solar flares with an angular resolution as fine as 0.1 arcsec - over an order of magnitude finer than is now possible. This line emission is from highly ionized iron atoms, primarily Fe xxv, in the hottest flare plasma at temperatures in excess of \approx10 MK. It provides information on the flare morphology, the iron abundance, and the distribution of the hot plasma. Studying how this plasma is heated to such high temperatures in such short times during solar flares is of critical importance in understanding these powerful transient events, one of the major objectives of solar physics. We describe the design, fabrication, and testing of phase zone plate X-ray lenses with focal lengths of \approx100 m at these energies that would be capable of achieving these objectives. We show how such lenses could be included on a two-spacecraft formation-flying mission with the lenses on the spacecraft closest to the Sun and an X-ray imaging array on the second spacecraft in the focal plane \approx100 m away. High resolution X-ray images could be obtained when the two spacecraft are aligned with the region of interest on the Sun. Requirements and constraints for the control of the two spacecraft are discussed together with the overall feasibility of such a formation-flying mission

    Evolution from protoplanetary to debris discs: The transition disc around HD 166191

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    HD 166191 has been identified by several studies as hosting a rare and extremely bright warm debris disc with an additional outer cool disc component. However, an alternative interpretation is that the star hosts a disc that is currently in transition between a full gas disc and a largely gas-free debris disc. With the help of new optical to mid-IR spectra and Herschel imaging, we argue that the latter interpretation is supported in several ways: i) we show that HD 166191 is co-moving with the ~4 Myr-old Herbig Ae star HD 163296, suggesting that the two have the same age, ii) the disc spectrum of HD 166191 is well matched by a standard radiative transfer model of a gaseous protoplanetary disc with an inner hole, and iii) the HD 166191 mid-IR silicate feature is more consistent with similarly primordial objects. We note some potential issues with the debris disc interpretation that should be considered for such extreme objects, whose lifetime at the current brightness is mush shorter than the stellar age, or in the case of the outer component requires a mass comparable to the solid component of the Solar nebula. These aspects individually and collectively argue that HD 166191 is a 4-5 Myr old star that hosts a gaseous transition disc. Though it does not argue in favour of either scenario, we find strong evidence for 3-5 um disc variability. We place HD 166191 in context with discs at different evolutionary stages, showing that it is a potentially important object for understanding the protoplanetary to debris disc transition.Comment: accepted to MNRAS, fixed typos in abstract and axis labe

    Electric Field Control of Shallow Donor Impurities in Silicon

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    We present a tight-binding study of donor impurities in Si, demonstrating the adequacy of this approach for this problem by comparison with effective mass theory and experimental results. We consider the response of the system to an applied electric field: donors near a barrier material and in the presence of an uniform electric field may undergo two different ionization regimes according to the distance of the impurity to the Si/barrier interface. We show that for impurities ~ 5 nm below the barrier, adiabatic ionization is possible within switching times of the order of one picosecond, while for impurities ~ 10 nm or more below the barrier, no adiabatic ionization may be carried out by an external uniform electric field. Our results are discussed in connection with proposed Si:P quantum computer architectures.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    The INTEGRAL/SPI response and the Crab observations

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    The Crab region was observed several times by INTEGRAL for calibration purposes. This paper aims at underlining the systematic interactions between (i) observations of this reference source, (ii) in-flight calibration of the instrumental response and (iii) the development and validation of the analysis tools of the SPI spectrometer. It first describes the way the response is produced and how studies of the Crab spectrum lead to improvements and corrections in the initial response. Then, we present the tools which were developed to extract spectra from the SPI observation data and finally a Crab spectrum obtained with one of these methods, to show the agreement with previous experiments. We conclude with the work still ahead to understand residual uncertainties in the response.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proc. of the 5th INTEGRAL Workshop (Feb. 16-20 2004), to be published by ES

    EXIST: The Ultimate Spatial/Temporal Hard X-ray Survey

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    The Energetic X-ray Imaging Survey Telescope (EXIST) is a proposed mission to conduct an all-sky imaging hard x-ray (HX) survey (~5–600 keV) with ~0.05mCrab sensitivity (5σ; 6mo.; ~5–100keV) comparable to the ROSAT soft x-ray survey, and to provide the maximum sensitivity and resolution (spatial and temporal) HX imager as the Next Generation GRB mission. Its primary science goals are to i) identify and measure obscured AGN and constrain the accretion luminosity of the universe as well as the cosmic IR background from Blazar spectra coincident with GeV-TeV observations, ii) measure spectra, variability and locations for the faintest GRBs to study the most energetic events in the universe and the earliest epoch of star formation, and iii) study black holes on all scales, from x-ray transients to luminous AGN. EXIST would incorporate a very large area (~8m^2) imaging Cd-Zn-Te detector and coded aperture telescope array with nearly half-sky instantaneous view which images the full sky each orbit. With fixed zenith pointing, it could be mounted on the ISS or a free flyer and would complement both GLAST and Constellation-X science if launched before 2010, as recommended by the Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey

    Atmospheric wind measurements with the high-resolution Doppler imager

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76745/1/AIAA-26590-119.pd
