95 research outputs found

    Diffuse Galactic Soft Gamma-Ray Emission

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    The Galactic diffuse soft gamma-ray (30-800 keV) emission has been measured from the Galactic Center by the HIREGS balloon-borne germanium spectrometer to determine the spectral characteristics and origin of the emission. The resulting Galactic diffuse continuum is found to agree well with a single power-law (plus positronium) over the entire energy range, consistent with RXTE and COMPTEL/CGRO observations at lower and higher energies, respectively. We find no evidence of spectral steepening below 200 keV, as has been reported in previous observations. The spatial distribution along the Galactic ridge is found to be nearly flat, with upper limits set on the longitudinal gradient, and with no evidence of an edge in the observed region. The soft gamma-ray diffuse spectrum is well modeled by inverse Compton scattering of interstellar radiation off of cosmic-ray electrons, minimizing the need to invoke inefficient nonthermal bremsstrahlung emission. The resulting power requirement is well within that provided by Galactic supernovae. We speculate that the measured spectrum provides the first direct constraints on the cosmic-ray electron spectrum below 300 MeV.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure, submitted to Ap

    OSSE Observations of the Soft Gamma Ray Continuum from the Galactic Plane at Longitude 95 Degrees

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    We present the results of OSSE observations of the soft gamma ray continuum emission from the Galactic plane at longitude 95 degrees. Emission is detected between 50 and 600 keV where the spectrum is fit well by a power law with photon index -2.6+-0.3 and flux (4.0+-0.5) 10^{-2} photons/s/cm^2/rad/MeV at 100 keV. This spectral shape in this range is similar to that found for the continuum emission from the inner Galaxy but the amplitude is lower by a factor of four. This emission is either due to unresolved and previously unknown point sources or it is of diffuse origin, or a combination of the two. Simultaneous observations with OSSE and smaller field of view instruments operating in the soft gamma ray energy band, such as XTE or SAX, would help resolve this issue. If it is primarily diffuse emission due to nonthermal electron bremsstrahlung, as is the >1 MeV Galactic ridge continuum, then the power in low energy cosmic ray electrons exceeds that of the nuclear component of the cosmic rays by an order of magnitude. This would have profound implications for the origin of cosmic rays and the energetics of the interstellar medium. Alternatively, if the emission is diffuse and thermal, then there must be a component of the interstellar medium at temperatures near 10^9 K.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, requires AASTEX macros and psfig.tex, 2 postscript figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Gamma-Ray Spectral States of Galactic Black Hole Candidates

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    OSSE has observed seven transient black hole candidates: GRO J0422+32, GX339-4, GRS 1716-249, GRS 1009-45, 4U 1543-47, GRO J1655-40, and GRS 1915+105. Two gamma-ray spectral states are evident and, based on a limited number of contemporaneous X-ray and gamma-ray observations, these states appear to be correlated with X-ray states. The former three objects show hard spectra below 100 keV (photon number indices Gamma < 2) that are exponentially cut off with folding energy ~100 keV, a spectral form that is consistent with thermal Comptonization. This "breaking gamma-ray state" is the high-energy extension of the X-ray low, hard state. In this state, the majority of the luminosity is above the X-ray band, carried by photons of energy ~100 keV. The latter four objects exhibit a "power-law gamma-ray state" with a relatively soft spectral index (Gamma ~ 2.5-3) and no evidence for a spectral break. For GRO J1655-40, the lower limit on the break energy is 690 keV. GRS 1716-249 exhibits both spectral states, with the power-law state having significantly lower gamma-ray luminosity. The power-law gamma-ray state is associated with the presence of a strong ultrasoft X-ray excess (kT ~ 1 keV), the signature of the X-ray high, soft (or perhaps very high) state. The physical process responsible for the unbroken power law is not well understood, although the spectra are consistent with bulk-motion Comptonization in the convergent accretion flow.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures, uses aaspp.sty and psfig.st

    The Case for a Low Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background

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    Measurements of the diffuse extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGRB) are complicated by a strong Galactic foreground. Estimates of the EGRB flux and spectrum, obtained by modeling the Galactic emission, have produced a variety of (sometimes conflicting) results. The latest analysis of the EGRET data found an isotropic flux I_x=1.45+-0.05 above 100 MeV, in units of 10^-5 s^-1 cm^-2 sr^-1. We analyze the EGRET data in search for robust constraints on the EGRB flux, finding the gamma-ray sky strongly dominated by Galactic foreground even at high latitudes, with no conclusive evidence for an additional isotropic component. The gamma-ray intensity measured towards the Galactic poles is similar to or lower than previous estimates of I_x. The high latitude profile of the gamma-ray data is disk-like for 40<|b[deg]|<70, and even steeper for |b|>70; overall it exhibits strong Galactic features and is well fit by a simple Galactic model. Based on the |b|>40 data we find that I_x<0.5 at a 99% confidence level, with evidence for a much lower flux. We show that correlations with Galactic tracers, previously used to identify the Galactic foreground and estimate I_x, are not satisfactory; the results depend on the tracers used and on the part of the sky examined, because the Galactic emission is not linear in the Galactic tracers and exhibits spectral variations across the sky. The low EGRB flux favored by our analysis places stringent limits on extragalactic scenarios involving gamma-ray emission, such as radiation from blazars, intergalactic shocks and production of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos. We suggest methods by which future gamma-ray missions such as GLAST and AGILE could indirectly identify the EGRB.Comment: Accepted for publication in JCAP. Increased sizes of polar regions examined, and added discussion of spectral data. Results unchange

    Dark Matter Candidates: A Ten-Point Test

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    An extraordinarily rich zoo of non-baryonic Dark Matter candidates has been proposed over the last three decades. Here we present a 10-point test that a new particle has to pass, in order to be considered a viable DM candidate: I.) Does it match the appropriate relic density? II.) Is it {\it cold}? III.) Is it neutral? IV.) Is it consistent with BBN? V.) Does it leave stellar evolution unchanged? VI.) Is it compatible with constraints on self-interactions? VII.) Is it consistent with {\it direct} DM searches? VIII.) Is it compatible with gamma-ray constraints? IX.) Is it compatible with other astrophysical bounds? X.) Can it be probed experimentally?Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    Influence of porosity on lipid preservation into the wall of archaeological pottery

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    International audiencePorosity of archaeological pottery is a key parameter used to assess its ability to trap lipids during the use of the pot and to preserve them over time. Mercury intrusion porosimetry and gas chromatography were used to study the distribution of porosity and the preservation of lipids in different chrono-cultural contexts. The data obtained show that the porosity pattern, related to the raw materials and the savoir-faire of the potters, influences the amount of lipids accumulated in the pottery. A significant overall porosity together with a high level of small pores is generally favourable for the preservation of lipids, but variations related to the environmental context are observed
