32 research outputs found

    Negatively-Marked MCQ Assessments That Reward Partial Knowledge Do Not Introduce Gender Bias Yet Increase Student Performance and Satisfaction and Reduce Anxiety

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    Multiple-choice question (MCQ) examinations are increasingly used as the assessment method of theoretical knowledge in large class-size modules in many life science degrees. MCQ-tests can be used to objectively measure factual knowledge, ability and high-level learning outcomes, but may also introduce gender bias in performance dependent on topic, instruction, scoring and difficulty. The ‘Single Answer’ (SA) test is often used in which students choose one correct answer, in which they are unable to demonstrate partial knowledge. Negatively marking eliminates the chance element of guessing but may be considered unfair. Elimination testing (ET) is an alternative form of MCQ, which discriminates between all levels of knowledge, while rewarding demonstration of partial knowledge. Comparisons of performance and gender bias in negatively marked SA and ET tests have not yet been performed in the life sciences. Our results show that life science students were significantly advantaged by answering the MCQ test in elimination format compared to single answer format under negative marking conditions by rewarding partial knowledge of topics. Importantly, we found no significant difference in performance between genders in either cohort for either MCQ test under negative marking conditions. Surveys showed that students generally preferred ET-style MCQ testing over SA-style testing. Students reported feeling more relaxed taking ET MCQ and more stressed when sitting SA tests, while disagreeing with being distracted by thinking about best tactics for scoring high. Students agreed ET testing improved their critical thinking skills. We conclude that appropriately-designed MCQ tests do not systematically discriminate between genders. We recommend careful consideration in choosing the type of MCQ test, and propose to apply negative scoring conditions to each test type to avoid the introduction of gender bias. The student experience could be improved through the incorporation of the elimination answering methods in MCQ tests via rewarding partial and full knowledge

    TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansions

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    Hexanucleotide repeat expansions in chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72) have recently been linked to frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and may be the most common genetic cause of both neurodegenerative diseases. Genetic variants at TMEM106B influence risk for the most common neuropathological subtype of FTLD, characterized by inclusions of TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (FTLD-TDP). Previous reports have shown that TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of FTLD-TDP caused by progranulin (GRN) mutations, with the major (risk) allele of rs1990622 associating with earlier age at onset of disease. Here, we report that rs1990622 genotype affects age at death in a single-site discovery cohort of FTLD patients with C9orf72 expansions (n = 14), with the major allele correlated with later age at death (p = 0.024). We replicate this modifier effect in a 30-site international neuropathological cohort of FTLD-TDP patients with C9orf72 expansions (n = 75), again finding that the major allele associates with later age at death (p = 0.016), as well as later age at onset (p = 0.019). In contrast, TMEM106B genotype does not affect age at onset or death in 241 FTLD-TDP cases negative for GRN mutations or C9orf72 expansions. Thus, TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of FTLD with C9orf72 expansions. Intriguingly, the genotype that confers increased risk for developing FTLD-TDP (major, or T, allele of rs1990622) is associated with later age at onset and death in C9orf72 expansion carriers, providing an example of sign epistasis in human neurodegenerative disease

    A Helicobacter pylori Vacuolating Toxin Mutant That Fails To Oligomerize Has a Dominant Negative Phenotype

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    Most Helicobacter pylori strains secrete a toxin (VacA) that causes massive vacuolization of target cells and which is a major virulence factor of H. pylori. The VacA amino-terminal region is required for the induction of vacuolization. The aim of the present study was a deeper understanding of the critical role of the N-terminal regions that are protected from proteolysis when VacA interacts with artificial membranes. Using a counterselection system, we constructed an H. pylori strain, SPM 326-Δ49-57, that produces a mutant toxin with a deletion of eight amino acids in one of these protected regions. VacA Δ49-57 was correctly secreted by H. pylori but failed to oligomerize and did not have any detectable vacuolating cytotoxic activity. However, the mutant toxin was internalized normally and stained the perinuclear region of HeLa cells. Moreover, the mutant toxin exhibited a dominant negative effect, completely inhibiting the vacuolating activity of wild-type VacA. This loss of activity was correlated with the disappearance of oligomers in electron microscopy. These findings indicate that the deletion in VacA Δ49-57 disrupts the intermolecular interactions required for the oligomerization of the toxin

    Regulation of the hydrogenase-4 operon of Escherichia coli by the s54-dependent transcriptional activators FhlA and HyfR

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    The hyf locus (hyfABCDEFGHIJ-hyfR-focB) of Escherichia coli encodes a putative 10-subunit hydrogenase complex (hydrogenase-4 [Hyf]); a potential σ(54)-dependent transcriptional activator, HyfR (related to FhlA); and a putative formate transporter, FocB (related to FocA). In order to gain insight into the physiological role of the Hyf system, we investigated hyf expression by using a hyfA-lacZ transcriptional fusion. This work revealed that hyf is induced under fermentative conditions by formate at a low pH and in an FhlA-dependent fashion. Expression was σ(54) dependent and was inhibited by HycA, the negative transcriptional regulator of the formate regulon. Thus, hyf expression resembles that of the hyc operon. Primer extension analysis identified a transcriptional start site 30 bp upstream of the hyfA structural gene, with appropriately located −24 and −12 boxes indicative of a σ(54)-dependent promoter. No reverse transcriptase PCR product could be detected for hyfJ-hyfR, suggesting that hyfR-focB may be independently transcribed from the rest of the hyf operon. Expression of hyf was strongly induced (∼1,000-fold) in the presence of a multicopy plasmid expressing hyfR from a heterologous promoter. This induction was dependent on low pH, anaerobiosis, and postexponential growth and was weakly enhanced by formate. The hyfR-expressing plasmid increased fdhF-lacZ transcription just twofold but did not influence the expression of hycB-lacZ. Interestingly, inactivation of the chromosomal hyfR gene had no effect on hyfA-lacZ expression. Purified HyfR was found to specifically interact with the hyf promoter/operator region. Inactivation of the hyf operon had no discernible effect on growth under the range of conditions tested. No Hyf-derived hydrogenase or formate dehydrogenase activity could be detected, and no Ni-containing protein corresponding to HyfG was observed

    Induction of Human T-cell and Cytokine Responses Following Vaccination with a Novel Influenza Vaccine

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    Abstract Cell mediated immunity plays a vital role in defense against influenza infection in humans. Less is known about the role of vaccine-induced cell mediated immunity and the cytokine responses elicited. We measured CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell reactivity in human subjects following vaccination with licensed trivalent influenza vaccine and a novel virus-like particle based vaccine. We detected influenza-specific CD4+ T-cell responses following vaccination with the licensed trivalent influenza vaccine and found that these correlated with antibody measurements. Administration of the novel virus-like particle based vaccine elicited influenza-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses and the induction of the cytokines IFN-Îł, IL-17A, IL17F, IL-5, IL-13, IL-9, IL-10 and IL-21. Pre-existing cytokine responses influenced the profile of the cytokine response elicited by vaccination. In a subset of individuals the VLP vaccine changed pre-vaccination production of type 2 cytokines such as IL-5 and IL-13 to a post-vaccination type 1 cytokine signature characterized by IFN-Îł. A transcriptional signature to vaccination was found to correlate with antibody titer, IFN-Îł production by T-cells and expression of a putative RNA helicase, DDX17, on the surface of immune cells