262 research outputs found

    Certification of Family Mediators – Polish Solutions in Comparative Perspective

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    This article is focused on the certification of family mediators. It presents Polish solutions in this matter, but refers also to foreign legal systems in order to compare various solutions in different countries. It discusses requirements (especially mediation training) set up for mediators when they apply for the certificate, and entities that grant the certificate. Finally it answers the question of whether all mediators should go through the certification process

    Traduire un jeu de pronoms ou la subjectivité du traducteur revisitée. Autour des traductions polonaises d’un passage de Madame Bovary

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    The French pronoun on – whose interpretation depends on various elements of the context – can refer to all humans or to a specifi c person, identifi able or not; it can be used instead of all personal pronouns to obtain particular stylistic effects. This particularity of on is exploited by writers to create special effects, which can be a challenge for translators. This study examines how Gustave Flaubert used on in a passage of Madame Bovary and the means which were adopted in four Polish translations of the novel; it shows how the chosen solutions (dictated by the grammatical system of Polish language) reduce – each in a different way – the interpretative potential of the analyzed passage

    The sorption capability of halloysite

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    Halloysite is commonly occuring in Poland a natural mineral which, due to its structure is very popular among researchers. First of all, the large number of sorption areas and their various selectivity makes the material capable of adsorbing the compounds of different nature at the same time. As a result, there is a lot of possible applications. In addition, ease of functionalization of the surface of the material increases its sorption capacity and makes its more attractive.

    Niestandardowa polityka pieniężna Narodowego Banku Czech

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    In the face of the global financial crisis, many central banks applied non-standard monetary policy instruments. They were activated after lowering short-term interest rates to a level close to zero and after the use of classical tools was exhausted. In the conditions of negative GDP growth, low inflation and zero interest rates, the Czech National Bank decided to use the exchange rate as a non-standard instrument of monetary policy. The activities carried out stimulated economic growth and had a relatively small impact on the level of inflation. The Czech experience allows determining the conditions in which it is possible to apply the exchange rate as an instrument of monetary policy and the expected effects of its introduction.W obliczu globalnego kryzysu finansowego wiele banków centralnych zastosowało niestandardowe instrumenty polityki pieniężnej. Były one uruchamiane po obniżeniu krótkoterminowych stóp procentowych do poziomu bliskiego zera i po wyczerpaniu się możliwości stosowania klasycznych narzędzi. Narodowy Bank Czech w warunkach ujemnej dynamiki PKB, niskiej inflacji i zerowych stóp procentowych zdecydował o zastosowaniu kursu walutowego jako niestandardowego instrumentu polityki pieniężnej. Prowadzone działania przyniosły efekt w postaci pobudzenia wzrostu gospodarczego przy relatywnie niewielkim wpływie na poziom inflacji. Doświadczenia Czech pozwalają na określenie warunków, w jakich możliwe jest zastosowanie kursu walutowego jako instrumentu polityki pieniężnej oraz spodziewanych efektów jego wprowadzenia

    Unconventional monetary policy of the European Central Bank: A brief recapitulation

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    The financial and economic crisis that has hit many economies in recent years has significantly increased the activity of central banks. After using the standard instruments of conducting monetary policy, in view of the obstruction of monetary impulse transmission channels, they reached for non-standard instruments. Among them, asset purchase programs played a significant role. The European Central Bank (ECB) launched the largest asset purchase programme (APP) of this type in 2014 and expired in December 2018. The aim of the undertaken activities was to improve the situation on the financial market and stimulate economic growth. The article reviews the literature and results of research on the effects of the program and indicates the possibility of using the ECB’s experience in conducting monetary policy by the National Bank of Poland.The financial and economic crisis that has hit many economies in recent years has significantly increased the activity of central banks. After using the standard instruments of conducting monetary policy, in view of the obstruction of monetary impulse transmission channels, they reached for non-standard instruments. Among them, asset purchase programs played a signifciant role. The European Central Bank (ECB) launched the largest asset purchase programme (APP) of this type in 2014 and expired in December 2018. The aim of the undertaken activities was to improve the situation on the financial market and stimulate economic growth. The article reviews the literature and results of research on the effects of the program and indicates the possibility of using the ECB’s experience in conducting monetary policy by the National Bank of Poland


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    Experiencing violence is one of the greatest threats to human freedom and security. Consequences of violence, both physical - such as bruises, cuts, fractures, and even death, as well as mental - aggression, mental health problems, low self-esteem, emotional and cognitive disorders, can be drastic and permanent for the victim. Widespread and easy access to the media increases the risk of experiencing violence and its consequences. It is therefore important to make the public aware of possible types of violence and to conduct research in this area to help specialists in the field of psychology, law, pedagogy and psychotherapy as well as law enforcement agencies and network service providers to create effective prevention strategies.

    Forward, Polonia! A Review of Online Educational Initiatives for Polish Diaspora

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    This is an overview article. It presents examples of Internet support for Polish diaspora education, and the promotion of Poland and Polish culture through free access to Internet sources, including open educational resources and e- learning courses. The starting point of this review is therefore to understand the problems of the Polish diaspora and the need to develop an educational offer that takes into account educational and socio-cultural needs of Polish diaspora. The initiative undertaken may also be used to strengthen the activities of Polish scientific departments at foreign universities, schools, consultation centres, teachers, and Polish diaspora organisations that, with their hard work and personal commitment, care for Polish culture, tradition, language and national values abroad, while requiring support from the Polish government and educational institutions, as well as from academia. Marsz Polonia! Przegląd internetowych inicjatyw edukacyjnych na rzecz PoloniiNiniejszy tekst ma charakter przeglądowy. Zaprezentowano w nim przykłady internetowego wsparcia oświaty polonijnej, promocji Polski i polskiej kultury poprzez bezpłatny dostęp do źródeł internetowych, w tym otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych i kursów e-learningowych. Punktem wyjścia jest zrozumienie problemów środowisk polonijnych oraz chęć opracowania mapy treści, stanowiącej ofertę oświatową uwzględniającą potrzeby edukacyjne i społeczno- kulturalne Polonii. Podjęta inicjatywa może również służyć wzmocnieniu działań polskich katedr naukowych na uczelniach zagranicznych, szkół, szkolnych punktów konsultacyjnych, nauczycieli, organizacji polonijnych, którzy swoją ciężką pracą i osobistym zaangażowaniem dbają o polską kulturę, tradycję, język, narodowe wartości za granicami kraju i potrzebują wsparcia polskiego rządu, instytucji oświatowych, a także środowisk akademickich

    On dans la traduction polonaise des écrits de recherche. Sur l’exemple de la traduction des Catégories du récit littéraire de Tzvetan Todorov

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    On dans la traduction polonaise des écrits de recherche. Sur l’exemple de la traduction des Catégories du récit littéraire de Tzvetan Todoro