11 research outputs found

    MorfoloŔka i kemijska analiza introduciranih sorti nektarine u Hercegovini

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    A 2-year study was done to compare fruit morphological and chemical composition of three nectarine cultivars grown in south Hercegovinia conditions. A high variability among and within cultivars was found and significant differences were observed among them in all properties analyzed. On the basis of evaluated data, the best fruit performance was registered in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and ā€˜Venusā€™ grown in the condition of this part of the Mediteran. This evaluation may help to select a set of nectarine cultivars with better fruit quality attributes, which in our growing conditions might be indicated in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and somewhat in ā€˜Venusā€™. The highest average of fruit width (61.18 mm) and fruit weight (148.24 g) was found in cultivar Caldesi 2000. As for friut thickness, also cultivar Caldesi 2000 had the highest value (55.39 mm). The results for the highest fruit length (60.48 mm) had Venus cultivar also fruit stone weight length, width and thickness. The contents sugars (glucose, fructose) total soluble dry matter, and total acids in fruits were found in cultivar Venus, but pH and sucrose were found in cultivar Sun Grand.Provedeno je dvogodiÅ”nje istraživanje kako bi se usporedio morfoloÅ”ki i kemijski sastav plodova tri sorte nektarine uzgojene u južnohercegovačkim uvjetima. Utvrđena je velika varijabilnost između i unutar sorti te su uočene značajne razlike među njima u svim analiziranim svojstvima. Na temelju procijenjenih podataka najbolji učinak ploda zabilježen je kod sorti \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i \u27Venus\u27 uzgojenih u uvjetima ovog dijela Mediterana. Ova procjena može pomoći u odabiru niza sorti nektarina s boljim svojstvima kvalitete ploda, Å”to bi u naÅ”im uvjetima uzgoja moglo biti označeno kao \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i donekle \u27Venus\u27. Najveći prosjek Å”irine ploda (61,18 mm) i mase ploda (148,24 g) ima sorta Caldesi 2000. Å to se tiče debljine ploda, također je sorta Caldesi 2000 imala najveću vrijednost (55,39 mm). Rezultati za najveću duljinu ploda (60,48 mm) imala je sorta Venus kao i težinu, Å”irinu i debljinu koÅ”tice ploda. Sadržaj ukupne topljive suhe tvari, Å”ećera (glukoza, fruktoza) i ukupnih kiselina u plodovima utvrđen je kod sorte Venus, a pH i saharoza kod sorte Sun Grand

    MorfoloŔka i kemijska analiza introduciranih sorti nektarine u Hercegovini

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    A 2-year study was done to compare fruit morphological and chemical composition of three nectarine cultivars grown in south Hercegovinia conditions. A high variability among and within cultivars was found and significant differences were observed among them in all properties analyzed. On the basis of evaluated data, the best fruit performance was registered in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and ā€˜Venusā€™ grown in the condition of this part of the Mediteran. This evaluation may help to select a set of nectarine cultivars with better fruit quality attributes, which in our growing conditions might be indicated in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and somewhat in ā€˜Venusā€™. The highest average of fruit width (61.18 mm) and fruit weight (148.24 g) was found in cultivar Caldesi 2000. As for friut thickness, also cultivar Caldesi 2000 had the highest value (55.39 mm). The results for the highest fruit length (60.48 mm) had Venus cultivar also fruit stone weight length, width and thickness. The contents sugars (glucose, fructose) total soluble dry matter, and total acids in fruits were found in cultivar Venus, but pH and sucrose were found in cultivar Sun Grand.Provedeno je dvogodiÅ”nje istraživanje kako bi se usporedio morfoloÅ”ki i kemijski sastav plodova tri sorte nektarine uzgojene u južnohercegovačkim uvjetima. Utvrđena je velika varijabilnost između i unutar sorti te su uočene značajne razlike među njima u svim analiziranim svojstvima. Na temelju procijenjenih podataka najbolji učinak ploda zabilježen je kod sorti \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i \u27Venus\u27 uzgojenih u uvjetima ovog dijela Mediterana. Ova procjena može pomoći u odabiru niza sorti nektarina s boljim svojstvima kvalitete ploda, Å”to bi u naÅ”im uvjetima uzgoja moglo biti označeno kao \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i donekle \u27Venus\u27. Najveći prosjek Å”irine ploda (61,18 mm) i mase ploda (148,24 g) ima sorta Caldesi 2000. Å to se tiče debljine ploda, također je sorta Caldesi 2000 imala najveću vrijednost (55,39 mm). Rezultati za najveću duljinu ploda (60,48 mm) imala je sorta Venus kao i težinu, Å”irinu i debljinu koÅ”tice ploda. Sadržaj ukupne topljive suhe tvari, Å”ećera (glukoza, fruktoza) i ukupnih kiselina u plodovima utvrđen je kod sorte Venus, a pH i saharoza kod sorte Sun Grand

    Effects of Fertilization on Vegetative Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot)

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    Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot) is a deciduous fruit shrub from Rosaceae family that does not have a long cultivating tradition in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of variety, quantity and combination of fertilizers on characteristics of vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of black chokeberry of Nero cultivar, in agro - ecological conditions of the Una ā€“ Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina). The experimental site fertilized with the combination of mineral and organic nitrate fertilizers gave the best results in morphometric characteristics of fruit, yield and vegetative characteristics of growth. Fruits from the control site had the highest values when it comes to the most of the following characteristics: dry matter content, ash, total acidity, vitamin C and total phenolic content. Statistical analyses showed that factors of quantity and the manner of fertilization influence significantly most of examined parameters in this research (P ā‰¤ 0.05)

    Medicinske sestre i tehničari u svijetu medija

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    Medicinske sestre i tehničari najbrojniji su medicinski profesionalci koji svakodnevnim djelovanjem ostavljaju duboki trag u promicanju sestrinske skrbi, zdravstvenom poslovanju te prevenciji bolesti u zajednici. Iako je sestrinska profesija involvirana u svim karikama akademskih disciplina, od njege uz bolnički krevet, preko obnaÅ”anja uloge profesora u srednjoÅ”kolskim i visokoÅ”kolskim ustanovama za obrazovanje medicinskih sestara pa do sudjelovanja u najnovijim trendovima istraživanja u medicini, mediji i dalje ne prepoznaju medicinske sestre i tehničare kao stručnjake u području zdravstva i medicinskih disciplina. Unatoč sveprisutnosti medicinskih sestara u životima ljudi, te njihovom kontinuiranom napretku i pojavi u životu i znanosti, mediji, koji su napretkom tehnologije informiranja i tehnologije općenito, ostvarivali sve veći utjecaj na javnost, nikada nisu posvećivali dovoljan medijski prostor ulogama i profesiji medicinskih sestara, a kada bi to činili, one su uglavnom prikazivane stereotipno te s negativnim konotacijama. Mnoge studije pokazuju da je medijski prostor u kojima se pojavljuju medicinske sestre izražen u iznimno malim postotcima. Kada nisu ocrnjivane zbog izoliranih slučajeva u praksi, sestre se u medijima pojavljuju uglavnom kako bi izrazile svoje nezadovoljstvo uvjetima rada. ā€žBurn-outā€œ sindrom, manjak osoblja i resursa veliki su kamen spoticanja u pružanju adekvatne sestrinske skrbi. U ulozi stručnjaka za zdravstveno politička pitanja ili pitanja poslovanja u zdravstvu, medicinske sestre su iznimno rijetko ili nikada koriÅ”tene kao stručni izvor medijima, iako posjeduju sve kompetencije. Napredak sestrinske struke i dalje se odvija, a unatoč tomu Å”to je često u srediÅ”tu zbivanja, ona u medijima i dalje ostaje uvelike nevidljiva. Činjenica je da se miÅ”ljenja o određenim profesijama temelje na vlastitom iskustvu, no nepobitno veliku ulogu u formiranju miÅ”ljenja Å”ire populacije, danas imaju upravo mediji. Zato je neophodno, sa aspekta sestrinstva, medije i njihovu raÅ”irenost iskoristiti za promoviranje sestrinske profesije, jačanje profesionalnih odnosa i pružanje korisnih informacija korisnicima zdravstvenih usluga, surađivanjem sa medijima i kontinuiranim praćenjem statusa medicinskih sestara i tehničara u njima te aktivnim sudjelovanjem u unapređenju sestrinskog imidža i veće pojavnosti u svijetu medija

    Medicinske sestre i tehničari u svijetu medija

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    Medicinske sestre i tehničari najbrojniji su medicinski profesionalci koji svakodnevnim djelovanjem ostavljaju duboki trag u promicanju sestrinske skrbi, zdravstvenom poslovanju te prevenciji bolesti u zajednici. Iako je sestrinska profesija involvirana u svim karikama akademskih disciplina, od njege uz bolnički krevet, preko obnaÅ”anja uloge profesora u srednjoÅ”kolskim i visokoÅ”kolskim ustanovama za obrazovanje medicinskih sestara pa do sudjelovanja u najnovijim trendovima istraživanja u medicini, mediji i dalje ne prepoznaju medicinske sestre i tehničare kao stručnjake u području zdravstva i medicinskih disciplina. Unatoč sveprisutnosti medicinskih sestara u životima ljudi, te njihovom kontinuiranom napretku i pojavi u životu i znanosti, mediji, koji su napretkom tehnologije informiranja i tehnologije općenito, ostvarivali sve veći utjecaj na javnost, nikada nisu posvećivali dovoljan medijski prostor ulogama i profesiji medicinskih sestara, a kada bi to činili, one su uglavnom prikazivane stereotipno te s negativnim konotacijama. Mnoge studije pokazuju da je medijski prostor u kojima se pojavljuju medicinske sestre izražen u iznimno malim postotcima. Kada nisu ocrnjivane zbog izoliranih slučajeva u praksi, sestre se u medijima pojavljuju uglavnom kako bi izrazile svoje nezadovoljstvo uvjetima rada. ā€žBurn-outā€œ sindrom, manjak osoblja i resursa veliki su kamen spoticanja u pružanju adekvatne sestrinske skrbi. U ulozi stručnjaka za zdravstveno politička pitanja ili pitanja poslovanja u zdravstvu, medicinske sestre su iznimno rijetko ili nikada koriÅ”tene kao stručni izvor medijima, iako posjeduju sve kompetencije. Napredak sestrinske struke i dalje se odvija, a unatoč tomu Å”to je često u srediÅ”tu zbivanja, ona u medijima i dalje ostaje uvelike nevidljiva. Činjenica je da se miÅ”ljenja o određenim profesijama temelje na vlastitom iskustvu, no nepobitno veliku ulogu u formiranju miÅ”ljenja Å”ire populacije, danas imaju upravo mediji. Zato je neophodno, sa aspekta sestrinstva, medije i njihovu raÅ”irenost iskoristiti za promoviranje sestrinske profesije, jačanje profesionalnih odnosa i pružanje korisnih informacija korisnicima zdravstvenih usluga, surađivanjem sa medijima i kontinuiranim praćenjem statusa medicinskih sestara i tehničara u njima te aktivnim sudjelovanjem u unapređenju sestrinskog imidža i veće pojavnosti u svijetu medija

    The comparison of phenotypic characteristics of current varieties and wild species of Fragaria

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    The aim of this study was to compare the major pomological and antioxidant properties of fruits which are comparatively studied in wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.), taken from natural habitats and commercially important varieties that are grown in the Una - Sana Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina): Marmolada, Clery, Maya, Arosa and Elsanta. The aim was also to point out the potential superiority of the wild forms, how rich they are in vitamin C, phenol and anthocyanin, in order to be considered as a potential source of natural antioxidants. The results of analyzing the contents of vitamin C and the total phenols of fruit indicate that a wild strawberry has significantly higher antioxidant content of these components than all the commercial varieties tested. The content of vitamin C in fruits of a wild strawberry was 72 mg/100g and the phenol content 94.8 mg/100g. Their inclusion in breeding programs can provide significant potential to create varieties which will possess a better fruit quality with a higher content of antioxidant components. A wild strawberry is a significant genetic potential of particular importance for conservation and biodiversity of certain areas, as well as for the selection and breeding of cultivated fruit trees. The highest content of the total anthocyanin of fruit is registered in Marmolada (134.7 mg/100g)

    Chemical Composition of Seed Propagated Chestnut Genotypes from Northeastern Turkey

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    Bozhuyuk, Mehmet Ramazan/0000-0001-5021-6019; Akbulut, Mustafa/0000-0003-1028-162XWOS: 000411504400015Turkey ranked third place in the world for chestnut production after China and Bolivia and the country has unique chestnut populations including valuable and diverse seed propagated chestnut genotypes. in this study, chestnuts (Castanea sativa) were collected during the 2016 harvest season from Northeastern part of Turkey from promising 12 different seedling origin genotypes. Tree growth habit, nut weight, kernel ratio, kernel color, moisture, crude protein, crude fat, dietary fiber, total polyphenols, antioxidant activity and fatty acid content of fruits belongs to 12 genotypes were determined. the results showed that, the majority of genotypes had semi upright tree growth habit. the nut weight and kernel ratio were between 5.05 g (K-10) and 10.10 g (K-5) and 71.10% (K-1) and 82.44% (K-3) among genotypes. the total crude fat content ranged from 0.87% (K-7) to 2.61% (K-1) while the crude protein ranged from 4.80% (K-7) to 7.65% (K-1). the dietary fiber content made up no more than 3.61% of the remaining portion of the kernel. It was found that total polyphenols was between 1.66 and 2.70 g GAE/ kg and antioxidant activity was between 5.80 and 9.07 mu mol Trolox equivalent/ g dry weight basis. Oleic and linoleic acid were the major fatty acids in all chestnut fruits and followed by palmitic and linolenic acid. the results showed that there was enough variations among seed propagated chestnut genotypes for most of the searched parameters and this highlights the importance of conserving the genotypes, as their high levels of heterogeneity allow them to respond to abiotic and biotic stresses and adapt to low-input farming systems

    Evaluation of autochthonous apple varieties (Malus domestica) in the area of Tomislavgrad

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    The research included seven autochthonous apple varieties in the area of Tomislavgrad, Stipanjići locality, during 2018, which represent the natural wealth of our country. In seven autochthonous apple varieties: Petrovača bijela, Budimka, Ljutika-Divljaka, Ledarica, Bedrica, Ljepocvjetka-Cvjetača and Jonatanka, phenological characteristics were monitored and analyzed with morphological-pomological properties of fruits. The following phenological characteristics were monitored: flowering phenophases, germination of the first fruits, fruit growth, fruit ripening and full maturity. Five characteristics for the description of apple fruits were determined using the UPOV descriptor for apples (UPOV, 2003). The results of monitoring the morphological and pomological properties of fruits show that the lowest average fruit weight was in the variety of Cvjetača (58,38 g), while the highest average of fruit weight had variety Bedrica (140,59 g). In the result is evident that the lowest value of fruit width had variety Cvjetača (53,72 mm), and the highest had variety of Jonatanka (70,83 mm). The Cvjetača variety had the lowest average fruit lenght (47,24 mm), while the Bedrica variety had the highest (59,72 mm). The Budimka variety had the highest average stem length (2,73 cm), while the Divljak variety had the lowest average stem length (1,43 cm). The Jonatanka variety had the largest average cup concavity and was (1,28 mm), while the Petrovača bijela variety (0,41 mm) had the lowest average cup concavity. Based on the this research, the examined autochthonous apple varieties can be used a valuable genetic material in breeding programs, and can be used to create new varieties, as well as for propagation in commercial plantations

    Genetic structure and diversity of European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) populations in western Balkans: On a crossroad between east and west

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    European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is highly valued in the western Balkans as a source of timber and fruit, but also as an important source of nectar and pollen for the production of honey. In this study, four chestnut populations, covering a major portion of the western Balkans, and a reference population from the northern Italy were examined using 21 microsatellite markers. The highest genetic diversity was detected within the populations geographically closest to the Italian Peninsula, which also displayed the highest level of admixture with the samples from Italy. The strongest genetic differentiation was noted among the southern and eastern chestnut populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) (Gst=12.05%). This pronounced differentiation is probably caused by the genetic adaptations to notably different climatic conditions present in the south (Mediterranean climate) and east (Continental climate) of B&H. The clear genetic differentiation of the southern and eastern B&H chestnut populations from the Italian population, determined by pairwise Gst, FCA and Bayesian Structure analyses, indicates that these populations most likely originated from independent shelter zones (refugia), after the last glaciation period. Based on these results we propose a presence of an introgression zone in the northwestern Balkans, established through gene flow from the Italian and the Balkan Peninsula. The obtained insights into the structure of all analyzed populations will significantly contribute towards establishing a regional conservation and utilization strategy for European chestnut in western Balkans