Morfološka i kemijska analiza introduciranih sorti nektarine u Hercegovini


A 2-year study was done to compare fruit morphological and chemical composition of three nectarine cultivars grown in south Hercegovinia conditions. A high variability among and within cultivars was found and significant differences were observed among them in all properties analyzed. On the basis of evaluated data, the best fruit performance was registered in ‘Caldesi 2000’ and ‘Venus’ grown in the condition of this part of the Mediteran. This evaluation may help to select a set of nectarine cultivars with better fruit quality attributes, which in our growing conditions might be indicated in ‘Caldesi 2000’ and somewhat in ‘Venus’. The highest average of fruit width (61.18 mm) and fruit weight (148.24 g) was found in cultivar Caldesi 2000. As for friut thickness, also cultivar Caldesi 2000 had the highest value (55.39 mm). The results for the highest fruit length (60.48 mm) had Venus cultivar also fruit stone weight length, width and thickness. The contents sugars (glucose, fructose) total soluble dry matter, and total acids in fruits were found in cultivar Venus, but pH and sucrose were found in cultivar Sun Grand.Provedeno je dvogodišnje istraživanje kako bi se usporedio morfološki i kemijski sastav plodova tri sorte nektarine uzgojene u južnohercegovačkim uvjetima. Utvrđena je velika varijabilnost između i unutar sorti te su uočene značajne razlike među njima u svim analiziranim svojstvima. Na temelju procijenjenih podataka najbolji učinak ploda zabilježen je kod sorti \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i \u27Venus\u27 uzgojenih u uvjetima ovog dijela Mediterana. Ova procjena može pomoći u odabiru niza sorti nektarina s boljim svojstvima kvalitete ploda, što bi u našim uvjetima uzgoja moglo biti označeno kao \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i donekle \u27Venus\u27. Najveći prosjek širine ploda (61,18 mm) i mase ploda (148,24 g) ima sorta Caldesi 2000. Što se tiče debljine ploda, također je sorta Caldesi 2000 imala najveću vrijednost (55,39 mm). Rezultati za najveću duljinu ploda (60,48 mm) imala je sorta Venus kao i težinu, širinu i debljinu koštice ploda. Sadržaj ukupne topljive suhe tvari, šećera (glukoza, fruktoza) i ukupnih kiselina u plodovima utvrđen je kod sorte Venus, a pH i saharoza kod sorte Sun Grand

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