18 research outputs found

    Sampling of Atmospheric Precipitation and Deposits for Analysis of Atmospheric Pollution

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    This paper reviews techniques and equipment for collecting precipitation samples from the atmosphere (fog and cloud water) and from atmospheric deposits (dew, hoarfrost, and rime) that are suitable for the evaluation of atmospheric pollution. It discusses the storage and preparation of samples for analysis and also presents bibliographic information on the concentration ranges of inorganic and organic compounds in the precipitation and atmospheric deposit samples

    Collective Narcissism Predicts Hypersensitivity to In-group Insult and Direct and Indirect Retaliatory Intergroup Hostility

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    Results of five studies (N = 1596) linked collective narcissism – a belief in in-group exaggerated greatness contingent on external validation – to direct and indirect, retaliatory hostility in response to situations collective narcissists perceived as insulting to the in-group but which fell well beyond the definition of an insult. In Turkey, collective narcissists responded with schadenfreude to the European economic crisis after feeling humiliated by the Turkish wait to be admitted to the European Union (Study 1). In Portugal, they supported hostile actions towards Germans and rejoiced in the German economic crisis after perceiving Germany’s position in the European Union as more important than the position of Portugal (Study 2). In Poland, they supported hostile actions towards the makers of a movie they found offensive to Poland (Study 3 and 5) and responded with direct and indirect hostility towards a celebrity whose jokes about the Polish government they found offensive (Study 4). Comparisons with self- and in-group positivity indices and predictors of intergroup hostility indicated that collective narcissism is the only systematic predictor of hypersensitivity to in-group insult followed by direct and indirect, retaliatory intergroup hostility

    Collective narcissism as a framework for understanding populism

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    Research on national collective narcissism, the belief and resentment that a nation's exceptionality is not sufficiently recognized by others, provides a theoretical framework for understanding the psychological motivations behind the support for right-wing populism. It bridges the findings regarding the economic and sociocultural conditions implicated in the rise of right-wing populism and the findings regarding leadership processes necessary for it to find its political expression. The conditions are interpreted as producing violations to established expectations regarding self-importance via the gradual repeal of the traditional criteria by which members of hegemonic groups evaluated their self-worth. Populist leaders propagate a social identity organized around the collective narcissistic resentment, enhance it, and propose external explanations for frustration of self and in-group-importance. This garners them a committed followership. Research on collective narcissism indicates that distress resulting from violated expectations regarding self-importance stands behind collective narcissism and its narrow vision of “true” national identity (the people), rejection and hostility toward stigmatized in-group members and out-groups as well as the association between collective narcissism and conspiratorial thinking

    The Shadows of the Past

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    We examined associations between two orientations based on historical group trauma, a form of enduring group victimhood (Perpetual Ingroup Victimhood Orientation [PIVO]) and the belief that one’s group might itself become a victimizer (Fear of Victimizing [FOV]), and attitudes, cognitions, and emotions related to intergroup conflicts. PIVO was positively and FOV was negatively related to aggressive attitudes and emotions toward the outgroup (Studies 1a-1c, Israeli–Palestinian conflict), and to the attribution of responsibility for a series of hostilities to the outgroup (Study 3, Israeli–Palestinian conflict). PIVO was negatively and FOV positively related to support for forgiveness and reconciliation (Study 2, Northern Ireland conflict). In Experimental Study 4, FOV predicted greater accuracy in remembering harm, regardless of victims’ group identity, whereas PIVO was associated with reduced accuracy only when victims were Palestinians (outgroup members). Taken together, these findings indicate that both orientations have a significant impact on intergroup conflicts and their resolution

    Collective narcissism: Political consequences of investment of self-worth into an ingroup’s image.

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    This article proposes a new theoretical framework for the reviewed state-of-the-art research on collective narcissism–the belief that the ingroup’s exceptionality is not sufficiently appreciated by others. Collective narcissism is interpreted as the investment of an undermined sense of self-esteem into the belief in the ingroup’s entitlement to privilege. Collective narcissism lies in the hard of populist rhetoric. The belief in ingroup’s exceptionality compensates for a lack of self-worth, leaving collective narcissists hyper-vigilant to signs of threat to the ingroup’s position. People endorsing the collective narcissistic belief are prone to biased perceptions of intergroup situations and to conspiratorial thinking. They retaliate to imagined provocations against the ingroup but sometimes overlook real threats. They are prejudiced and hostile. Deficits in emotional regulation, hostile attribution bias and vindictiveness lie behind the robust link between collective narcissism and intergroup hostility. Interventions that support the regulation of negative emotions, such as experiencing self-transcendent emotions, decrease the link between collective narcissism and intergroup hostility and offer further insights into the nature of collective narcissism

    Information management of agriculture products : an example of Agrokoszty data collection

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    In this paper authors want to find out what is the role of information in the process of management, costs simulations and yields taking into account agricultural products. The study concerns Agrokoszty which is the Polish system of agriculture data collection. The authors want to exhibit how data is collected, the way in which it is validated and evaluate how helpful this data is in the decision management process. The technical aspects of the data collection system and the practical use of this data were additional elements taken into account

    The application of osmotic dehydration in minimally processed food technology

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    Warzywa i owoce minimalnie przetworzone łączą w sobie atrybuty żywności świeżej i wygodnej. Jedną z metod utrwalania tego typu produktów jest zastosowanie odwadniania osmotycznego, które pozwala uzyskać żywność wysokiej jakości, zachowującą naturalne właściwości organoleptyczne i odżywcze surowców. Podczas tego procesu następuje częściowe usunięcie wody z tkanki roślinnej z jednoczesnym wniknięciem substancji osmotycznej z roztworu otaczającego do wnętrza materiału. Odwadnianie osmotyczne powoduje zmiany fizyczne i chemiczne zachodzące w różnym stopniu. Stosowanie odpowiednio dobranych parametrów procesu (rodzaj i stężenia roztworu osmotycznego, temperatura, czas, ciśnienie itp.) oraz właściwych metod pakowania i przechowywania pozwala otrzymać produkty zbliżone do świeżych surowców, o przedłużonym okresie trwałości. Produkt końcowy charakteryzuje się świeżym zapachem i smakiem, nieznaczną zmianą barwy o wyglądzie atrakcyjnym dla konsumenta. Możliwe jest również zwiększenie wartości odżywczej produktów utrwalanych tą metodą poprzez dodatek do roztworu osmotycznego kompleksów witaminowo-mineralnych.Minimally processed fruits and vegetables combines attributes of fresh and convenience food. One of the method of preserving products like this is osmotic dehydration, which allow to obtain high quality food, maintaining natural organoleptic and nutritive properties. During osmotic dehydration process takes place partial water removal from the product (without a phase change) with solid gain at the same time. Osmotic treatment provokes physical and chemical changes, which value depends on process conditions. Correct choice of process parameters (composition and concentration of osmotic solution, temperature, immersion time, pressure etc.) and suitable packaging and storage methods allow to receive fresh-like products with extending shelf-life. Final product is characterized by fresh aroma and flavour, slightly color changes and attractive appearance for customer. It is possible to enhance natural nutritional value of products, preserving by osmotic dehydration by enriching with vitaminmineral complex, which are added to osmotic solution

    Commonality of rainfall variables influencing suspended solids concentrations in storm runoff from three different urban impervious surfaces

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    Finding a common set of rainfall variables to explain the concentration of suspended solids in runoff from typical urban impervious surfaces has many applications in stormwater planning. This paper describes a statistical process to identify key explanatory variables to Non-Coarse Particle (suspended solids<500 μm size) event mean concentrations measured from road, carpark and roof surfaces located in Toowoomba, Australia. The dominant variables for all surfaces were rainfall depth and peak 6-minute rainfall intensity. Storm duration, defined as the time period when rainfall intensity exceeds 0.25 mm/hr and antecedent storm rainfall were also important predictors, but was less dominant. The regression model fitted to non-coarse particle concentration across all surfaces was proportional to rainfall depth raised to a negative power and peak 6-minute rainfall intensity raised to a positive power; the proportionality constant varies by surface type. The form of this common model has a physical basis and is analogous to the Modified Universal Soil Loss equation widely used for soil loss estimation for non-urban areas