216 research outputs found

    La désulfuration par flottation des résidus miniers porteurs d'or

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    Partout oĂč se trouvent de vieux sites miniers abandonnĂ©s, les projets de restauration se heurtent Ă  d’importants dĂ©fis. D’abord, d’un point de vue environnemental, les rĂ©sidus non traitĂ©s peuvent constituer une problĂ©matique majeure en raison de leur sĂ©vĂšre contamination et, dans certain cas, de leur gĂ©nĂ©ration soit de drainage minier acide (DMA) ou de drainage neutre contaminĂ© (DNC). Quant Ă  l’aspect Ă©conomique, la prĂ©sence des mĂ©taux Ă  grande valeur ajoutĂ©e tels que l’or et l’argent peut faire de certains parcs Ă  rĂ©sidus de vĂ©ritables gisements secondaires. En effet, les procĂ©dĂ©s d’extraction existants Ă  l’époque oĂč ces sites Ă©taient exploitĂ©s n’étaient pas autant dĂ©veloppĂ©s et performants que les procĂ©dĂ©s actuels. Les motivations et les objectifs liĂ©s au traitement des vieux rĂ©sidus sont donc multiples. Quant aux moyens possibles pour le traitement de ces rĂ©sidus sulfurĂ©s, la dĂ©sulfuration environnementale par flottation est une avenue prometteuse qui viserait un double objectif. En effet, cette technique permettra de produire deux fractions : un concentrĂ© de sulfures gĂ©nĂ©rateur de DMA, qui en mĂȘme temps contiendra de l’or, et un rejet final non problĂ©matique qui sera dĂ©posĂ© directement dans les parcs Ă  rĂ©sidus ou qui pourrait servir de matĂ©riau de recouvrement pour la restauration. Cependant, aprĂšs des longues annĂ©es d’exposition aux conditions atmosphĂ©riques, des couches des produits d’oxydation se sont formĂ©es Ă  la surface des particules Ă  flotter, ce rĂ©duit l’efficacitĂ© de la flottation. Ainsi, des techniques de prĂ©traitements se doivent d’ĂȘtre envisagĂ©es afin de crĂ©er des surfaces fraiches, permettant d’amĂ©liorer le processus de flottation. Ce travail a donc comme objectif principal de faire une Ă©tude comparative de prĂ©traitement mĂ©caniques des vieux rĂ©sidus permettant d’obtenir, au moyen d’une dĂ©sulfuration par flottation, un rejet final dĂ©sulfurĂ© non problĂ©matique, pouvant servir comme matĂ©riau de recouvrement ainsi qu’une rĂ©cupĂ©ration de l’or dans le concentrĂ© toujours emprisonnĂ© selon l’hypothĂšse de recherche qui considĂšre que l’or est associĂ© aux sulfures. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, deux Ă©chantillons, collectĂ©s dans un site d’une ancienne mine exploitĂ©e en Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue, aujourd’hui abandonnĂ©e, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Un premier trĂšs oxydĂ© R1 et un deuxiĂšme partiellement oxydĂ© R2. Les deux Ă©chantillons contiennent des teneurs en soufre presque similaires, aux alentours de 1 %, et des teneurs en or de 3,82 g/t et de 1,41 g/t, respectivement, pour R1 et R2. Suite Ă  la caractĂ©risation chimique, physique et minĂ©ralogique, diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de prĂ©traitement mĂ©caniques dont une agitation, une attrition avec silice et un re-broyage ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es pour nettoyer les surfaces des sulfures en enlevant les couches d`oxydation. Dans le but de dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres de flottation du premier prĂ©traitement mis en oeuvre, Ă  savoir l’agitation, diffĂ©rents essais ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec suivi de la vitesse de rotation, du dĂ©bit d’air et de l’ajout d’activant. BasĂ© sur les rĂ©sultats obtenus, les paramĂštres de flottation qui suivront l’agitation ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. Le prĂ©traitement par agitation a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© sur les deux Ă©chantillons R1 et R2. En ce qui concerne l’attrition et le re-broyage, ils ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pour le matĂ©riel R1. Les teneurs en soufre dans les rejets pour les tests d’agitation et de re-broyage pour R1 sont supĂ©rieurs Ă  0,3% (directive 019). Ainsi, des essais cinĂ©tiques en mini-cellules d`altĂ©ration ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pour R1 et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment pour 3 Ă©chantillons M1, M2 et M3 afin de statuer sur leur potentiel de gĂ©nĂ©ration de DNC. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus pour ce travail prĂ©liminaire sont satisfaisants en termes de concentration des sulfures et de l’or dans les concentrĂ©s d’ébauchage. En effet, les prĂ©traitements mĂ©caniques testĂ©s ont permis d`Ă©liminer les produits d'oxydation et par consĂ©quent amĂ©liorer la flottabilitĂ© des sulfures : pour R2, les valeurs des teneurs en soufre pour les concentrĂ©s ont montrĂ© une nette augmentation comparativement Ă  l’essai de flottation standard et pour le rejet de cet essai, la teneur respecte la directive 019. Pour R1, et avec l’agitation et le re-broyage, la rĂ©cupĂ©ration en soufre et en or est amĂ©liorĂ©e. Pour l`attrition pour R1, les rĂ©sultats ne sont pas trĂšs satisfaisants, ce qui a Ă©tĂ© expliquĂ© par le phĂ©nomĂšne d`entrainement de certains minĂ©raux de gangue dans les concentrĂ©s, conduisant ainsi Ă  une dilution des teneurs en soufre. En ce qui concerne les rĂ©sultats de l`Ă©tude environnementale, les rĂ©sultats des essais statiques et cinĂ©tiques ont confirmĂ© que les rejets dĂ©sulfurĂ©s ne produisent pas de DMA, cependant, pour les Ă©chantillons M1 et M3, les concentrations en As sont relativement Ă©levĂ©es et dĂ©passent la limite Ă©tablie par la directive 019, ce qui pourrait reprĂ©senter un risque de gĂ©nĂ©ration de DNC en arsenic. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus pour le prĂ©sent projet offrent des multiples pistes d’optimisation pour rendre ces mĂ©thodes les plus Ă©conomiques et rentables possible. Ceci serait rĂ©alisable en effectuant dĂšs le dĂ©part une Ă©tude minĂ©ralogique approfondie de l’échantillon, ce qui permettrait certainement dans l’avenir de guider le choix des diffĂ©rents paramĂštres de flottation, et par consĂ©quent, l’optimisation serait moins compliquĂ©e (variation du temps et de la taille du re-broyage, dĂ©termination du collecteur adĂ©quat, utilisation de collecteurs spĂ©cifiques Ă  l'or)

    La désulfuration par flottation des résidus miniers altérés porteurs d'or

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Partout oĂč se trouvent de vieux sites miniers abandonnĂ©s, les projets de restauration se heurtent Ă  d’importants dĂ©fis. D’abord, d’un point de vue environnemental, les rĂ©sidus non traitĂ©s peuvent constituer une problĂ©matique majeure en raison de leur sĂ©vĂšre contamination et, dans certain cas, de leur gĂ©nĂ©ration soit de drainage minier acide (DMA) ou de drainage neutre contaminĂ© (DNC). Quant Ă  l’aspect Ă©conomique, la prĂ©sence des mĂ©taux Ă  grande valeur ajoutĂ©e tels que l’or et l’argent peut faire de certains parcs Ă  rĂ©sidus de vĂ©ritables gisements secondaires. En effet, les procĂ©dĂ©s d’extraction existants Ă  l’époque oĂč ces sites Ă©taient exploitĂ©s n’étaient pas autant dĂ©veloppĂ©s et performants que les procĂ©dĂ©s actuels. Les motivations et les objectifs liĂ©s au traitement des vieux rĂ©sidus sont donc multiples. Quant aux moyens possibles pour le traitement de ces rĂ©sidus sulfurĂ©s, la dĂ©sulfuration environnementale par flottation est une avenue prometteuse qui viserait un double objectif. En effet, cette technique permettra de produire deux fractions : un concentrĂ© de sulfures gĂ©nĂ©rateur de DMA, qui en mĂȘme temps contiendra de l’or, et un rejet final non problĂ©matique qui sera dĂ©posĂ© directement dans les parcs Ă  rĂ©sidus ou qui pourrait servir de matĂ©riau de recouvrement pour la restauration. Cependant, aprĂšs des longues annĂ©es d’exposition aux conditions atmosphĂ©riques, des couches des produits d’oxydation se sont formĂ©es Ă  la surface des particules Ă  flotter, ce rĂ©duit l’efficacitĂ© de la flottation. Ainsi, des techniques de prĂ©traitements se doivent d’ĂȘtre envisagĂ©es afin de crĂ©er des surfaces fraiches, permettant d’amĂ©liorer le processus de flottation. Ce travail a donc comme objectif principal de faire une Ă©tude comparative de prĂ©traitement mĂ©caniques des vieux rĂ©sidus permettant d’obtenir, au moyen d’une dĂ©sulfuration par flottation, un rejet final dĂ©sulfurĂ© non problĂ©matique, pouvant servir comme matĂ©riau de recouvrement ainsi qu’une rĂ©cupĂ©ration de l’or dans le concentrĂ© toujours emprisonnĂ© selon l’hypothĂšse de recherche qui considĂšre que l’or est associĂ© aux sulfures. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, deux Ă©chantillons, collectĂ©s dans un site d’une ancienne mine exploitĂ©e en Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue, aujourd’hui abandonnĂ©e, ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Un premier trĂšs oxydĂ© R1 et un deuxiĂšme partiellement oxydĂ© R2. Les deux Ă©chantillons contiennent des teneurs en soufre presque similaires, aux alentours de 1 %, et des teneurs en or de 3,82 g/t et de 1,41 g/t, respectivement, pour R1 et R2. Suite Ă  la caractĂ©risation chimique, physique et minĂ©ralogique, diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de prĂ©traitement mĂ©caniques dont une agitation, une attrition avec silice et un re-broyage ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es pour nettoyer les surfaces des sulfures en enlevant les couches d`oxydation. Dans le but de dĂ©terminer les paramĂštres de flottation du premier prĂ©traitement mis en Ɠuvre, Ă  savoir l’agitation, diffĂ©rents essais ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec suivi de la vitesse de rotation, du dĂ©bit d’air et de l’ajout d’activant. BasĂ© sur les rĂ©sultats obtenus, les paramĂštres de flottation qui suivront l’agitation ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©s. Le prĂ©traitement par agitation a Ă©tĂ© testĂ© sur les deux Ă©chantillons R1 et R2. En ce qui concerne l’attrition et le re-broyage, ils ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pour le matĂ©riel R1. Les teneurs en soufre dans les rejets pour les tests d’agitation et de re-broyage pour R1 sont supĂ©rieurs Ă  0,3% (directive 019). Ainsi, des essais cinĂ©tiques en mini-cellules d`altĂ©ration ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s pour R1 et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment pour 3 Ă©chantillons M1, M2 et M3 afin de statuer sur leur potentiel de gĂ©nĂ©ration de DNC. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus pour ce travail prĂ©liminaire sont satisfaisants en termes de concentration des sulfures et de l’or dans les concentrĂ©s d’ébauchage. En effet, les prĂ©traitements mĂ©caniques testĂ©s ont permis d`Ă©liminer les produits d'oxydation et par consĂ©quent amĂ©liorer la flottabilitĂ© des sulfures : pour R2, les valeurs des teneurs en soufre pour les concentrĂ©s ont montrĂ© une nette augmentation comparativement Ă  l’essai de flottation standard et pour le rejet de cet essai, la teneur respecte la directive 019. Pour R1, et avec l’agitation et le re-broyage, la rĂ©cupĂ©ration en soufre et en or est amĂ©liorĂ©e. Pour l`attrition pour R1, les rĂ©sultats ne sont pas trĂšs satisfaisants, ce qui a Ă©tĂ© expliquĂ© par le phĂ©nomĂšne d`entrainement de certains minĂ©raux de gangue dans les concentrĂ©s, conduisant ainsi Ă  une dilution des teneurs en soufre. En ce qui concerne les rĂ©sultats de l`Ă©tude environnementale, les rĂ©sultats des essais statiques et cinĂ©tiques ont confirmĂ© que les rejets dĂ©sulfurĂ©s ne produisent pas de DMA, cependant, pour les Ă©chantillons M1 et M3, les concentrations en As sont relativement Ă©levĂ©es et dĂ©passent la limite Ă©tablie par la directive 019, ce qui pourrait reprĂ©senter un risque de gĂ©nĂ©ration de DNC en arsenic. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus pour le prĂ©sent projet offrent des multiples pistes d’optimisation pour rendre ces mĂ©thodes les plus Ă©conomiques et rentables possible. Ceci serait rĂ©alisable en effectuant dĂšs le dĂ©part une Ă©tude minĂ©ralogique approfondie de l’échantillon, ce qui permettrait certainement dans l’avenir de guider le choix des diffĂ©rents paramĂštres de flottation, et par consĂ©quent, l’optimisation serait moins compliquĂ©e (variation du temps et de la taille du re-broyage, dĂ©termination du collecteur adĂ©quat, utilisation de collecteurs spĂ©cifiques Ă  l'or). ---------- Abstract Everywhere old mining sites can be found, reclamation projects face important challenges. First, from an environmental point of view, abandoned mine tailings constitute a serious problem caused by the lack of containment and reclamation. In several cases, these tailings can be rich in sulphide minerals and can subsequently generate either DMA or DNC. Regarding the economic aspect, some tailings ponds can be considered as actual secondary deposits because it may still contain a significant gold content potentially recoverable. Indeed, the extraction processes existing at the time when these sites were operated were not as developed and efficient as modern processes. The motivations and objectives related to the treatment of old residues are therefore multiple. As for the possible means for this treatment, environmental desulfurization by flotation is an interesting approach. This technique will produce two fractions: a first, a non problematic-desulphurized sulphide used in tailings impoundments reclamation as a monolayer cover and a second, rich in sulphides, which can be used for extracting its high value metals such as gold or silver. However, in the case of old mine tailings and after long years of exposure to different weathering and atmospheric conditions, layers of oxy and hydroxide products form on the surface. These oxidation products have a poor affinity with the collector, which adsorbs ineffectively to the altered surface of the particles and therefore constitute a barrier to collector adsorption. Thus, to improve the efficiency of sulphide recovery by flotation, pre-treatments must be considered in order to create fresh surfaces, allowing to improve the flotation process. The main goal of this study is to produce a concentrate rich in sulphides and gold using mechanical pre-treatment techniques prior to desulphurization. It also targets the production of a desulphurized material that could be used to cover reclaimed tailings impoundments. To achieve this objective, two samples were collected from an abandoned mine site in Abitibi-TĂ©miscamingue. A first highly oxidized R1 and a second partially oxidized R2. The two samples contain almost similar sulphur contents around 1% and gold contents equal to 3.82 g/t and 1.41 g/t respectively for R1 and R2. Following the chemical, physical and mineralogical characterization, various mechanical pretreatment methods including agitation, attrition with silica and re-grinding were tested to clean the sulfide surfaces by removing the oxidation layers. In order to determine the flotation parameters of the first pre-treatment used, i.e. agitation, various tests were carried out with monitoring of the rotational speed, air flow rate and addition of activant. Based on the results obtained, the flotation parameters that will follow the agitation have been determined. Pretreatment by agitation was tested on both samples R1 and R2. As far as attrition and regrinding are concerned, they have been carried out for the materiel R1. The sulphur contents in the tailings for the agitation and regrinding tests for R1 are higher than 0.3% (Directive 019). Thus, kinetic tests in mini-alteration cells were carried out for R1 and more precisely for 3 samples M1, M2 and M3 in order to determine their DNC generation potential. The results obtained for this preliminary work are satisfactory in terms of sulphide and gold concentration in the roughing concentrates. Indeed, the mechanical pretreatments tested eliminated the oxidation products and consequently improved the floatability of the sulphides: for R2, the values of the sulphur contents for concentrates showed a clear increase compared to the standard flotation test and for the tailing of this test, the content complies with Directive 019. For R1, and with agitation and regrinding, the recovery of sulphur and gold is improved. For the attrition for R1, the results are not very satisfactory. This has been explained by the phenomenon of entrainment of certain gangue minerals in the concentrates, thus leading to a dilution of the sulphur contents. Concerning environmental study, the results of the static and kinetic tests confirmed that desulfurized tailings do not produce DMA, however, for samples M1 and M3, the concentrations of As are relatively high and exceed the limit fixed by Directive 019, which could represent a risk of generating DNC into arsenic. The results obtained for this project offer multiple avenues for optimization to make these methods as economical and profitable as possible. This could be achieved by carrying out a thorough mineralogical study of the sample from the outset, which would certainly make it possible in the future to guide the choice of the various flotation parameters, and consequently, optimization would be less complicated (variation in the time and size of the re-milling, determination of the appropriate collector, use of specific gold collectors)

    La construction identitaire chez l’adolescent de parents migrants. Analyse croisĂ©e du processus identitaire

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    L’adolescence est la pĂ©riode spĂ©cifique oĂč remaniements psychiques et questionnements identitaires sont au premier plan. La question de la construction identitaire s’avĂ©rerait d’autant plus complexe dans un contexte transculturel. À partir de leurs interrogations cliniques, les auteurs proposent une revue de la littĂ©rature sur le processus de construction identitaire chez les adolescents de parents migrants. Cette rĂ©flexion thĂ©orique s’appuie sur les conceptualisations de ce processus en psychologie interculturelle, transculturelle et dans la thĂ©orie du self dialogique. Mettre en relief ces diffĂ©rentes approches et les ponts qui les relient, permettra alors de mieux comprendre la rĂ©alitĂ© de l’identitĂ© hybride ou mĂ©tissĂ©e Ă  l’adolescence.Adolescence is the specific stage during which psychological changes and identity searching are at the forefront of preoccupations. The identity construction proves to be particularly complex in a transcultural context. Starting from their clinical questioning, the authors propose a literature review of the process of identity construction in a population of adolescent children of migrant parents. This theoretical reflection is based on conceptualisations of this process in intercultural psychology, transcultural psychology and in the theory of dialogical self. Putting into perspective these different approaches and their interconnections will help better understand the reality of hybrid or half-breed identity during adolescence.La adolescencia es el perĂ­odo especĂ­fico en el que las transformaciones psĂ­quicas y cuestionamientos de la identidad se encuentran en primer plano. La cuestiĂłn de la construcciĂłn de la identidad se presenta de forma aĂșn mĂĄs compleja en un contexto transcultural. A partir de sus interrogantes clĂ­nicas, los autores proponen una revisiĂłn de la literatura sobre el proceso de construcciĂłn de la identidad en los adolescentes de padres inmigrantes. Esta reflexiĂłn teĂłrica se apoya en las conceptualizaciones de este proceso en la psicologĂ­a intercultural, transcultural y en la teorĂ­a del self dialĂłgico (self-dialogique). Poner de relieve estos enfoques diferentes y los puentes que los enlazan, permitirĂĄ comprender mejor la realidad de la identidad hĂ­brida o mestiza en la adolescencia.A adolescĂȘncia Ă© o perĂ­odo especĂ­fico no qual transformaçÔes psĂ­quicas e questionamentos identitĂĄrios encontram-se em primeiro plano. A questĂŁo da construção identitĂĄria Ă© ainda mais complexa em um contexto transcultural. A partir de questionĂĄrios clĂ­nicos, os autores propĂ”em uma revista da literatura sobre o processo de construção identitĂĄria em adolescentes cujos pais sĂŁo imigrantes. Esta reflexĂŁo teĂłrica apĂłia-se nas conceitualizaçÔes deste processo em psicologia intercultural, transcultural e na teoria do self dialĂłgico. Ressaltar estas diferentes abordagens e os pontos que as unem permitirĂĄ, entĂŁo, melhor compreender a realidade da identidade hĂ­brida ou mestiça na adolescĂȘncia

    Repairing political trust in Tunisia

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    Purpose: this study aims to identify the responses required to repair political trust in Tunisia and the differences between two key stakeholder groups, namely politicians and voters. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative longitudinal study was adopted using two data sources: media data from TV political talk shows; and semi-structured interviews conducted with citizens and politicians. Data was collected following several key events that violated trust. Findings: New responses were identified to repair political trust and these were categorized using a trust repair framework. In addition to short and long-term responses a new category, swift response, was identified to resolve immediate political uncertainty. The role of the trustor (i.e. voters) in actively restoring trust was identified for the first time. Research limitations: This study focused on trust repair responses suggested by voters and politicians and not responses that were implemented by the government or political parties during the period of study. The effectiveness of the suggested responses in repairing trust was not therefore evaluated. Practical implications: Identification of the responses required to repair trust with voters and how these differ over time and according to different trust violations will help Tunisian politicians rebuild trust more effectively during election and non-election periods. Notably, differences highlighted between the responses suggested by voters and politicians suggest that politicians may not understand how to repair voter trust. Originality/value: Contrary to previous studies that assume a trustor (the voter) is a passive observer, this research identified the proactive role that citizens play in the trust repair process

    Countertransference in Trauma Clinic: A Transitional Breach in the Therapists’ Identity

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    In line with the theoretical elaboration of countertransference in the trauma clinic, this article addresses the therapist’s relationship to the strangeness of the trauma, as well as his/her interaction with the cultural difference of the other, who is in this case, the traumatized patient. Thirty-one therapists were interviewed about their subjective experiences, using the methodology of interpretative phenomenological analysis. This article shows interesting subtleties in countertransference reactions to trauma narratives and sheds light on processes indicative of trauma transmission. Therapists interviewed could express experiencing moments of strangeness and inner disquiet; resonance in the defense mechanisms deployed by therapists and by patients at certain moments of the therapy; resorting to disregarding cultural interpretations/generalizations to make sense of an utterly painful situation and put a protective distance with the patients’ culture of origin

    Inhibitors of Non-for Profit Organisations’ activities and survival in a crisis context

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    Purpose Tunisia has been living a decade of democratic transition since 2011. In this new context, the civil society has been fervently expressing claims for democracy and social justice through creating thousands of NPOs (23456 NPOs in 2020 against 9000 established in 30 years up to 2010). However, this shift seems to be misleading, as only 3000 NPOs are actually active, indicating that NPOs are struggling to sustain their activities and ensure their survival. The purpose of this study is to uncover the factors hindering NPOs activities and survival. Design/methodology/approach Semi-structured interviews were carried out using a purposive sample of 32 NPOs members in two main economic and touristic cities -Tunis and Sousse- selected using snow ball method. A considerable amount of qualitative data was produced (400 pages of text). This seems representative of Tunisian citizens’ inclination to protest in the new prevailing political and social context. The data collection benefited from the freedom of speech gained after the 2011 civilian uprising as interviewees were enthusiastic in voicing their opinions. Findings Two main categories of inhibitors were identified. First, endogenous inhibitors including (i) inhibitors under the control of the NPO (i.e. use of illegal and foreign sources of funding, limited financial resources, unavailability of NPOs’ members, short term planning, conflicts between managers, autocratic leadership, organisational support, activities diversification and organisational justice, leadership and communication skills, “NPO culture”, members’ opportunistic behaviour and, generation gap) (ii) inhibitors related to NPOs inter-relationships: stiff competition, unfair and dishonest competition, lack of collaboration, trust and communication between NPOs. Second, exogenous inhibitors, i.e. perceived unethical practices and image transfer, economic crisis, foreign funding sources and the media. Research limitations/implications This study has some limitations mainly due to the sample size and characteristics of the selected interviewees. In addition, data was collected in only two regions (Tunis and Sousse). Therefore, the results lack generalisability.   Practical implications The findings highlight the critical impact of the inhibitors under the control of NPOs compared to those out of their control. NPOs in crisis context, could overcome these inhibitors by ensuring congruence between the NPOs’ mission, objectives and activities and designing suitable marketing strategies. Originality/value This study contributes to elucidate this complex circular system of exchange and its inhibitors in challenging and understudied context. It offers support to Bagozzi’s (1974; 1975; 1994; 2011) calls for uncovering the factors constraining or facilitating exchanges that have an impact going beyond the relationship between three or more partners and the conditions that govern these exchanges. Moreover, and to the best of our knowledge, this is the first empirical attempt to support Bagozzi’s (1994) conceptualisation. It also brings an update to NPOs' data and marketing strategy in a region near the crossroads of Middle Eastern, North African and Western influences. Keywords: Not For Profit Organisations (NPOs), endogenous and exogenous inhibitors, NPOs’ inter-relationship, circular exchange system

    Phytochemical, antimicrobial, antioxidant and antigenotoxic potentials of Cyperus rotundus extracts

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    AbstractThe aqueous, ethyl acetate, methanolic and Total Oligomer Flavonoids (TOF) enriched extracts, obtained from the aerial parts of Cyperus rotundus, were investigated for their contents in phenolic compounds. Antioxidative activity using the NBT/riboflavin assay system, antimicrobial activity against Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial reference strains as well as antigenotoxic activity tested with the SOS chromotest assay were also studied. Significant antibacterial activity against reference strains; Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium, was detected in the presence of ethyl acetate and TOF enriched extracts. In addition to their antimicrobial activity, the same extracts showed a significant ability to inhibit nitroblue tetrazolium reduction by the superoxide radical in a non enzymatic O2.− generating system, and were also able to reduce significantly the genotoxicity induced by nifuroxazide and Aflatoxin B1. The antioxidant, antimicrobial and antigenotoxic activities exhibited by C. rotundus depend on the chemical composition of the tested extracts

    Digestive Malacoplakia in Children: Case Report

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    Malacoplakia is a form of chronic granulomatous inflammatory reaction that rarely affects the pediatric age group. The gastrointestinal system is the second most common site for the occurrence of malacoplakia. We report the case of a 9-year-old girl who was hospitalized for abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, and rectal hemorrhage. The endoscopic examinations and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of intestinal malacoplakia. We successfully treated her with oral levofloxacin. This disease does not have any specific clinical or biological signs, and the diagnosis is exclusively based on histology
