225 research outputs found

    Ecocity. Book I.

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    Fluorescence kinetics of flavin adenine dinucleotide in different microenvironments

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    Fluorescence kinetics of flavin adenine dinucleotide was measured in a wide time and spectral range in different media, affecting its intra- end extramolecular interactions, and analyzed by a new method based on compressed sensing

    Encodings of Range Maximum-Sum Segment Queries and Applications

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    Given an array A containing arbitrary (positive and negative) numbers, we consider the problem of supporting range maximum-sum segment queries on A: i.e., given an arbitrary range [i,j], return the subrange [i' ,j' ] \subseteq [i,j] such that the sum of the numbers in A[i'..j'] is maximized. Chen and Chao [Disc. App. Math. 2007] presented a data structure for this problem that occupies {\Theta}(n) words, can be constructed in {\Theta}(n) time, and supports queries in {\Theta}(1) time. Our first result is that if only the indices [i',j'] are desired (rather than the maximum sum achieved in that subrange), then it is possible to reduce the space to {\Theta}(n) bits, regardless the numbers stored in A, while retaining the same construction and query time. We also improve the best known space lower bound for any data structure that supports range maximum-sum segment queries from n bits to 1.89113n - {\Theta}(lg n) bits, for sufficiently large values of n. Finally, we provide a new application of this data structure which simplifies a previously known linear time algorithm for finding k-covers: i.e., given an array A of n numbers and a number k, find k disjoint subranges [i_1 ,j_1 ],...,[i_k ,j_k ], such that the total sum of all the numbers in the subranges is maximized.Comment: 19 pages + 2 page appendix, 4 figures. A shortened version of this paper will appear in CPM 201

    Study of shock waves generation, hot electron production and role of parametric instabilities in an intensity regime relevant for the shock ignition

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    We present experimental results at intensities relevant to Shock Ignition obtained at the sub-ns Prague Asterix Laser System in 2012 . We studied shock waves produced by laser-matter interaction in presence of a pre-plasma. We used a first beam at 1ω (1315 nm) at 7 × 10 13 W/cm 2 to create a pre-plasma on the front side of the target and a second at 3ω (438 nm) at ∼ 10 16 W/cm 2 to create the shock wave. Multilayer targets composed of 25 (or 40 μm) of plastic (doped with Cl), 5 μm of Cu (for Kα diagnostics) and 20 μm of Al for shock measurement were used. We used X-ray spectroscopy of Cl to evaluate the plasma temperature, Kα imaging and spectroscopy to evaluate spatial and spectral properties of the fast electrons and a streak camera for shock breakout measurements. Parametric instabilities (Stimulated Raman Scattering, Stimulated Brillouin Scattering and Two Plasmon Decay) were studied by collecting the back scattered light and analysing its spectrum. Back scattered energy was measured with calorimeters. To evaluate the maximum pressure reached in our experiment we performed hydro simulations with CHIC and DUED codes. The maximum shock pressure generated in our experiment at the front side of the target during laser-interaction is 90 Mbar. The conversion efficiency into hot electrons was estimated to be of the order of ∼ 0.1% and their mean energy in the order ∼50 keV. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distributio

    Contribution to understanding the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics

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    Probabilistic description of results of measurements and its consequences for understanding quantum mechanics are discussed. It is shown that the basic mathematical structure of quantum mechanics like the probability amplitudes, Born rule, commutation and uncertainty relations, probability density current, momentum operator, rules for including the scalar and vector potentials and antiparticles can be obtained from the probabilistic description of results of measurement of the space coordinates and time. Equations of motion of quantum mechanics, the Klein-Gordon equation, Schrodinger equation and Dirac equation are obtained from the requirement of the relativistic invariance of the space-time Fisher information. The limit case of the delta-like probability densities leads to the Hamilton-Jacobi equation of classical mechanics. Many particle systems and the postulates of quantum mechanics are also discussed.Comment: 21 page

    X-ray microscopy of living multicellular organisms with the Prague Asterix Iodine Laser System

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    Soft X-ray contact microscopy (SXCM) experiments have been performed using the Prague Asterix Iodine Laser System (PALS). Laser wavelength and pulse duration were λ = 1.314 μm and τ (FWHM) = 450 ps, respectively. Pulsed X rays were generated using teflon, gold, and molybdenum targets with laser intensities I ≥ 1014 W/cm2. Experiments have been performed on the nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans. Images were recorded on PMMA photo resists and analyzed using an atomic force microscope operating in contact mode. Our preliminary results indicate the suitability of the SXCM for multicellular specimens

    Shock pressure induced by 0.44 [mu]m laser radiation on aluminum targets

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    Shock pressure generated in aluminum targets due to the interaction of 0.44 μm (3 ω of iodine laser) laser radiation has been studied. The laser intensity profile was smoothed using phase zone plates. Aluminum step targets were irradiated at an intensity I ≈ 1014 W/cm2. Shock velocity in the aluminum target was estimated by detecting the shock luminosity from the target rear using a streak camera to infer the shock pressure. Experimental results show a good agreement with the theoretical model based on the delocalized laser absorption approximation. In the present report, we explicitly discuss the importance of target thickness on the shock pressure scaling

    Human Health Risk Assessment For Arsenic: A Critical Review

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    Millions of people are exposed to arsenic resulting in a range of health implications.This paper provides an up-to-date review of the different sources of arsenic (water, soil and food), indicators of human exposure (biomarker assessment of hair, nail, urine and blood), epidemiological and toxicological studies on carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health outcomes, and risk assessment approaches. The review demonstrates a need for more work evaluating the risks of different arsenic species such as; arsenate, arsenite monomethylarsonic acid, monomethylarsonous acid, dimethylarsinic acid and dimethylarsinous acid as well as a need to better integrate the different exposure sources in risk assessments

    Two-Photon Microscopy for Non-Invasive, Quantitative Monitoring of Stem Cell Differentiation

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    BACKGROUND: The engineering of functional tissues is a complex multi-stage process, the success of which depends on the careful control of culture conditions and ultimately tissue maturation. To enable the efficient optimization of tissue development protocols, techniques suitable for monitoring the effects of added stimuli and induced tissue changes are needed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we present the quantitative use of two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF) and second harmonic generation (SHG) as a noninvasive means to monitor the differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) using entirely endogenous sources of contrast. We demonstrate that the individual fluorescence contribution from the intrinsic cellular fluorophores NAD(P)H, flavoproteins and lipofuscin can be extracted from TPEF images and monitored dynamically from the same cell population over time. Using the redox ratio, calculated from the contributions of NAD(P)H and flavoproteins, we identify distinct patterns in the evolution of the metabolic activity of hMSCs maintained in either propagation, osteogenic or adipogenic differentiation media. The differentiation of these cells is mirrored by changes in cell morphology apparent in high resolution TPEF images and by the detection of collagen production via SHG imaging. Finally, we find dramatic increases in lipofuscin levels in hMSCs maintained at 20% oxygen vs. those in 5% oxygen, establishing the use of this chromophore as a potential biomarker for oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this study we demonstrate that it is possible to monitor the metabolic activity, morphology, ECM production and oxidative stress of hMSCs in a non-invasive manner. This is accomplished using generally available multiphoton microscopy equipment and simple data analysis techniques, such that the method can widely adopted by laboratories with a diversity of comparable equipment. This method therefore represents a powerful tool, which enables researchers to monitor engineered tissues and optimize culture conditions in a near real time manner
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