42 research outputs found

    Rimski steber z rdeče barvanim ometom iz Emone

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    The excavation conducted in 1999 in Ljubljana (Slovenia), in Insula XXVII of the Roman colonia Iulia Emona, un- earthed the remains of a column shaft with an organic core set onto a stone block. The contribution presents this find, its context and likely parallels, the mineralogical-petrographic composition of the stucco, type of the pigments used, as well as the rock of the plinth and its provenance. Of the shaft, only the stucco survives, applied in four mortar layers and painted in red ochre, while its interior surface shows the impressions of reeds. The plinth is a rectangular block made of locally available Lower Jurassic oolitic limestone, presumably from Podpeč. The column may have formed part of a porticus or peristyle, possibly associated with a pool or a bath complex in this part of Late Roman Emona.Arheološka izkopavanja, ki so leta 1999 potekala v Ljubljani, v inzuli XXVII Emone, so odkrila ostanek trupa stebra z organskim jedrom, postavljenega na kamnito plinto. V prispevku predstavljamo najdbo, njen arheološki kontekst in morebitne analogije, mineraloško-petrografsko sestavo ometa, tip pigmenta ter analizo naravnega kamna, uporabljenega za plinto. Od trupa stebra je ostal le zunanji del iz ometa, nanesenega v štirih plasteh in barvanega z rdečo okro, v notranjosti pa se je ohranil odtis trstičja. Plinta je pravokotni blok, narejen iz lokalnega spodnjejurskega oolitskega apnenca, verjetno z območja Podpeči. Oblika stebra kaže, da bi bil lahko del portika ali peristila, arheološki kontekst pa nakazuje povezavo z bazenom oz. kopališčnim kompleksom v tem delu poznorimske Emone

    Ocena vlage v mlajšepleistocenskem kraškem okolju: Paleoklima in paleomikrookolje v jami Divje babe I, Slovenija / Assessing Humidity in an Upper Pleistocene Karst Environment: Palaeoclimates and Palaeomicroenvironments at the Cave Divje babe I, Slovenia

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    V članku je prikazan nov sedimentološki-klimatski model za razlago avtohtonih klastičnih sedimentov v mlajšepleistocenskem najdišču Divje babe I v Sloveniji. Analizirani sedimenti pripadajo kisikovi izotopski stopnji 1, 3 in 5 (OIS 1, OIS 3, OIS 5). Poudarek analize je na padavinah, ki smo jih razložili na podlagi količine avtigenih strukturnih agregatov v sedimentih. Ugotovitve smo podprli s kvantitativno analizo reliefno korodiranih klastov, ki pomenijo korozijo jamskega svoda, in izjedkanih kosti, ki pomenijo korozijo v jamskih tleh. Raziskali smo tudi odnos med klimo in jamskim medvedom ter neandertalcem in klimo, in sicer na podlagi množičnih fosilnih ostankov ter najdb artefaktov. Vse analize smo naredili na podlagi trodimenzionalnega vzorčenja, tj. v horizontalni in vertikalni smeri. Vzorčili smo 65 profilov na površini 65 m2. Vsak profil je imel 35 arbitrarnih stratigrafskih enot (režnjev) s podatki o agregatih, izjedkanih kosteh, fosilnih ostankih in artefaktih. Pri razlagi sedimentnih karakteristik, ki nakazujejo klimatske parametre, smo dosledno upoštevali holocenske standarde za najdišče. Ugotovili smo, da je bila klima v OIS 3 hladnejša in bolj vlažna kot v OIS 1 in OIS 5. Na klimatsko spremembo v OIS 3 so se z večjim obiskom jame odzvali ljudje in živali, vendar ne hkrati. Sprememba klime se je na mikrolokaciji jame domnevno pokazala predvsem v podaljšanem trajanju snežne odeje. The article presents a new sedimentary-climatic model for explaining autochthonous clastic sediment in the Upper Pleistocene site, Divje babe I, Slovenia. The sediment analysed here was deposited during Oxygen Isotope Stages 1, 3 and 5 (OIS, OIS 3, OIS 5). The stress is on precipitation, which we explained on the basis of the quantity of authigenic structural aggregates in the sediment. We supported the results with quantitative analysis of clasts with etched surface, which represent corrosion of the cave ceiling, and etched bones, which represent corrosion on the cave ground. We also analysed the relation between climate and cave bears, and Neanderthals and climate, on the basis of mass fossil remains and finds of artefacts. All analyses were made on the basis of three-dimensional sampling, i.e., in horizontal and vertical directions. We sampled 65 profiles over an area of 65 m2. Each profile had 35 arbitrary stratigraphic units (splits) with data on aggregates, etched bones, fossil remains and artefacts. In explaining the sediment characteristics that point to climatic parameters, we consistently took into account the Holocene standards for the site. We found that the climate in OIS 3 was colder and damper than in OIS 1 and OIS 5. People and animals responded to the climatic changes in OIS 3 with more visits to the cave, but not at the same time. The climatic change was presumably reflected in the microlocation of the cave mainly by the longer duration of snow cover.  

    Calcareous nannofossil age constraints on Miocene flysch sedimentation in the Outer Dinarides (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro)

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    Flysch deposits are associated with the Outer Dinaride nappe front. They overlie Eocene platform carbonate to bathyal marl successions that subsequently cover Cretaceous platform carbonates of Apulia and the Dinaride nappes. Planktonic foraminifer biostratigraphy indicates Eocene age of flysch sedimentation. New calcareous nannofossil data reveal that several assemblages are present; besides the dominant Mid-Eocene species, Cretaceous, Paleocene, Oligocene and Miocene taxa were also identified throughout the entire flysch belt. Widespread occurrence of nannofossil species of zone NN4-6 indicates that flysch deposition lasted up to at least the Mid-Miocene. Ubiquitous occurrence of various pre-Miocene taxa demonstrates that extensive, possibly submarine, sediment recycling has occurred in the Cenozoic. As flysch remnants are typically sandwiched between thrust sheets, these new stratigraphic ages give a lower bracket on deformation age of the coastal range. The data provide a link between Cretaceous compression in the Bosnian Flysch and recent deformation in the Adriatic offshore area

    On geological structure and mineralization in Carboniferous rocks north of Litija, Slovenia

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    In the paper data on development of Carboniferous beds, the geological structure and polymetallic deposits in the area north of Litija are presented.Special attention is devoted to composition of quartz-limpnitic rocks from Gavgen hrib-Kržac south of Vače and to their genesis. Establishment of relative succession of crystallization of minerals and of their deformations permitted to prove the existence of a tectonical-erosional phase which corresponds to the Asturianorogeny. The mineralization processes are connected with development of tectonic trenches at that time

    Med zakoni in uredbami: nekaj novosti v našem rodbinskem pravu

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    Facies, development and interpretation of sedimentary environment of the uranium-bearing Brebovnica Member of the Val Gardena Formation in the Žirovski vrh area, W Slovenia

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    The Brebovnica Member, bearing considerable grades of uranium ore, is the most important member of the Val Gardena Formation. Rocks were subdivided according to grain size, sedimentary structures and composition to conglomerate, sandstone, mudstone and carbonate facies, and the conditions of their formation were interpreted. From detailed partial profiles that illustrate the successions of facies a generalized profile of lithostratigraphic development of the entire Brebovnica Member of a total thickness of almost 400 m was constructed. Two macrocycles were distinguished in it. The first macrocycle comprises the lower half of the Brebovnica Member, and the second macrocycle its upper half and approximately the lower half of the Hobovb{e Member. The macrocycles are a product of fluvial depositional environment with its subenvironments, and they areof allocyclic character. The allocyclicity was most probably controlled by tectonic events in drainage and depositional basin. The macrocycles represent the development of fluvialsystem from its proximal parts with predominant bed-load braided channels and alluvial fans towards more distal parts with mixed-load meandering channels

    Proposal of the Slovene terminology on slope movements - slope transport

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