2,155 research outputs found

    On Optimality of Long Document Classification using Deep Learning

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    Document classification is effective with elegant models of word numerical distributions. The word embeddings are one of the categories of numerical distributions of words from the WordNet. The modern machine learning algorithms yearn on classifying documents based on the categorical data. The context of interest on the categorical data is posed with weights and the sense and quality of the sentences is estimated for sensible classification of documents. The focus of the current work is on legal and criminal documents extracted from the popular news channels, particularly on classification of long length legal and criminal documents. Optimization is the essential instrument to bring the quality inputs to the document classification model. The existing models are studied and a feasible model for the efficient document classification is proposed. The experiments are carried out with meticulous filtering and extraction of legal and criminal records from the popular news web sites and preprocessed with WordNet and Text Processing contingencies for efficient inward for the learning framework

    In-situ fines migration and grains redistribution induced by mineral reactions – Implications for clogging during water injection in carbonate aquifers

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    Water injection into an aquifer is generally motivated by one of three objectives: disposal, managed aquifer recharge (MAR), or aquifer storage and recovery (ASR). Any of these would be undermined if an injection well were to become clogged. This paper investigates whether mineral reactions can cause mobilization of fines and rock grains, and if so, how this would affect clogging. Injection experiments are performed on Edwards Brown (dolomite) and Indiana limestone core samples. X-ray Powder Diffraction analysis of the rocks shows that no clays are present. Filtered-deaired deionized water and pure salts are used to prepare the injection fluids. The core samples are subjected to four sequential injections of fluids: at salinities 44,580 mg/L (referred to as “seawater”), 14,860 mg/L, 7,430 mg/L, and 0 mg/L (deionized water). These salinities are selected to represent disposal, and less saline fluids to represent MAR and ASR projects. Pressure difference is recorded across the core sample at each stage and is used to calculate permeability. The effluent samples are collected to characterize produced fines and elements. The increase in the pH of the effluent samples suggest mineral reactions, which is supported by an increase in the concentration of chemical elements in the effluent samples. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images show pore enlargement due to dissolution and depict pore blockage due to fines migration, grains redistribution, and mineral precipitation. Mineral reactions dissolved the grain's surface and intergranular cement, releasing silicate fines and rock grains, which in turn reduce the permeability of the rock by 68 % to 99.9 %

    Lipid levels in HIV-positive men receiving anti-retroviral therapy are not associated with copy number variation of reverse cholesterol transport pathway genes Genetics

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    Background: The exacerbation of HIV-1 associated dyslipidemia seen in a subset of patients receiving anti-retroviral therapy suggests that genetic factors put these individuals at greater risk of cardiovascular disease. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within genes of and influencing the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) pathway are associated with lipid levels but little is known regarding their copy number variation (CNV). This form of quantitative genetic variation has the potential to alter the amount of gene product made, thereby also influencing lipid metabolism. Results: To examine if CNV in RCT pathway genes was associated with altered serum lipid profiles in HIV-positive individuals receiving therapy, we designed a custom multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification assay to screen 16 RCT genes within a subset of individuals from the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study who show extreme lipid phenotypes. Verification of CNV was performed using a custom NanoString assay, and the Illumina HT-12 mRNA expression microarray was used to determine the influence of copy number on gene expression. Among the RCT genes, CNV was observed to be extremely rare. The only CNV seen was in the CETP gene, which showed a loss of copy in 1 of the 320 samples (0.3 %) in our study. The genes in our study showed little variation in expression between individuals, and the variation seen was not related to any detected CNV. Conclusions: Whole gene CNV is uncommon in RCT pathway genes, and not a major factor in the development of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) associated dyslipidemia

    Variable climate suitability for wheat blast (Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum) in Asia: results from a continental-scale modeling approach

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    Crop fungal diseases constitute a major cause of yield loss. The development of crop disease monitoring and forecasting tools is an important effort to aid farmers in adapting to climate variability and change. Recognizing weather as a main driver of fungal disease outbreaks, this work assesses the climate suitability for wheat blast (Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype Triticum, MoT) development in Asian wheat-producing countries. MOT was reported for the first time in Bangladesh in 2016 and could spread to other countries, provided that environmental conditions are suitable to spore development, distribution, and infection. With results from a generic infection model driven by air temperature and humidity, and motivated by the necessity to assess the potential distribution of MoT based on the response to weather drivers only, we quantify potential MOT infection events across Asia for the period 1980–2019. The results show a potential higher incidence of MOT in Bangladesh, Myanmar, and some areas of India, where the number of potential infection (NPI) events averaged up to 15 during wheat heading. Interannual trends show an increase in NPI over those three countries, which in turns show their higher interannual variability. Cold/dry conditions in countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan appear to render them unlikely candidates for MOT establishment. The relationship between seasonal climate anomalies and NPI suggests a greater association with relative humidity than with temperature. These results could help to focus future efforts to develop management strategies where weather conditions are conducive for the establishment of MOT

    An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change

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    This report is the outcome of a study titled 'An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change', carried out with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). This report prepared by the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) delineates an action plan to prioritize adaptation options after considering the inputs by experts and scrutiny by stakeholders. It aims to promote precision agriculture and commercialization of crop agriculture with strong institutional and financial footing to tackle climate change

    On the Utility of Agronomic Monsoon Onset Definitions for Rainfed Aman Rice in Bangladesh

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    The monsoon-season ‘aman' rice crop contributes approximately 40% of total rice production in Bangladesh, where per-capita rice consumption rates are among the highest in the world. Aman rice is primarily rainfed and relies largely on monsoon rainfall, more specifically monsoon onset and withdrawal. Aman rice farmers’ perception on the monsoon onset for the preparation of seedling does not necessarily coincide with typical meteorological onset definitions and varies with different locations. Therefore, agronomic definitions of monsoon onset, rather than meteorological definitions are needed in order to produce climate forecast information that can better support smallholder farmers’ decision making, and the definitions should be tailored for different regions. In this study, we analyzed historical daily rainfall from three regional weather stations across a north-south gradient in Bangladesh where rainfed transplanted rice is the dominant summer crop. We defined threshold numbers including the duration of the initial wet spell, amount of rainfall received during the initial wet spell, length of dry spell during the monsoon, and the maximum amount of rainfall received during the dry spell to develop a set of actionable and region-specific agronomic onset definitions. Because transplanting dates can affect crop productivity, a region-specific onset definition was evaluated in terms of crop model simulated attainable yields in comparison with the results of (a) conventional meteorological onset defined by the quantity of rainfall received and (b) static onset date definitions. When year-to-year varying agronomic onset definition was used predicted attainable yields were higher than those derived from traditional fixed onset date in the case of fully rainfed condition. If irrigation is available at the time of transplanting, however, simulated yields did not show distinctive differences between the different onset methods, underscoring how irrigation can be used as a climate-smart adaptive strategy to cope with monsoon variability. Our tailored agronomic definitions of monsoon onset can be used to assist rainfed rice farmers in choosing more favourable dates for the establishment of seedbeds and transplanting, especially when more advanced seasonal or sub- seasonal forecasts are available in addition to real-time and high-resolution rainfall monitoring

    Prospects and Evaluation of an Integrated Extension Model designed for Anthrax-free Area Development

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    The main purpose of this study wasto assess and evaluate anIntegrated Extension Modelto improve the overall knowledge, attitude and practice habits of community people over a sustained period.The survey questionnaire results have indicated that the various sources of anthrax message dissemination had played a significant role in the study. Among those responsible for disseminating the information, it was realized that studentsserving in the role of message disseminators played the most significant role (15%) indelivering the anthrax-related key information to the community. Majority community members (97.5%) were made aware of the nature, occurrence, public health importance, and management of the disease. Theirdangerous habits and attitudes toward slaughtering of sick animals were reduced (\u3c30%). The attention of local administration and the law enforcement agency focused distinctively on the issue of animal slaughter. Vaccination and clinical records reveal that the percentage of vaccination coverage was increased from 40% to 85% andthe percentage of farmers who can diagnose anthrax has been increased from 30% to 40%.On the other hand, their poor economic background together with the dispersed settlement nature of the farmers was the main gaps identified that continued to force them to slaughter infected animals, sell their products and to consequently concealthat information, all issues that are required to be addressed in the future. Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that this modelis an efficient, effective and suitable method to raise awareness levels in a large communitywith regards to a zoonotic disease like anthrax

    Automatic eduction and statistical analysis of coherent structures in the wall region of a confine plane

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    This paper describes a vortex detection algorithm used to expose and statistically characterize the coherent flow patterns observable in the velocity vector fields measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in the impingement region of air curtains. The philosophy and the architecture of this algorithm are presented. Its strengths and weaknesses are discussed. The results of a parametrical analysis performed to assess the variability of the response of our algorithm to the 3 user-specified parameters in our eduction scheme are reviewed. The technique is illustrated in the case of a plane turbulent impinging twin-jet with an opening ratio of 10. The corresponding jet Reynolds number, based on the initial mean flow velocity U0 and the jet width e, is 14000. The results of a statistical analysis of the size, shape, spatial distribution and energetic content of the coherent eddy structures detected in the impingement region of this test flow are provided. Although many questions remain open, new insights into the way these structures might form, organize and evolve are given. Relevant results provide an original picture of the plane turbulent impinging jet

    Automated parameter estimation for biological models using Bayesian statistical model checking

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    Background: Probabilistic models have gained widespread acceptance in the systems biology community as a useful way to represent complex biological systems. Such models are developed using existing knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the system, experimental observations, and inferences drawn from statistical analysis of empirical data. A key bottleneck in building such models is that some system variables cannot be measured experimentally. These variables are incorporated into the model as numerical parameters. Determining values of these parameters that justify existing experiments and provide reliable predictions when model simulations are performed is a key research problem. Domain experts usually estimate the values of these parameters by fitting the model to experimental data. Model fitting is usually expressed as an optimization problem that requires minimizing a cost-function which measures some notion of distance between the model and the data. This optimization problem is often solved by combining local and global search methods that tend to perform well for the specific application domain. When some prior information about parameters is available, methods such as Bayesian inference are commonly used for parameter learning. Choosing the appropriate parameter search technique requires detailed domain knowledge and insight into the underlying system. Results: Using an agent-based model of the dynamics of acute inflammation, we demonstrate a novel parameter estimation algorithm by discovering the amount and schedule of doses of bacterial lipopolysaccharide that guarantee a set of observed clinical outcomes with high probability. We synthesized values of twenty-eight unknown parameters such that the parameterized model instantiated with these parameter values satisfies four specifications describing the dynamic behavior of the model. Conclusions: We have developed a new algorithmic technique for discovering parameters in complex stochastic models of biological systems given behavioral specifications written in a formal mathematical logic. Our algorithm uses Bayesian model checking, sequential hypothesis testing, and stochastic optimization to automatically synthesize parameters of probabilistic biological models