340 research outputs found

    Resource use in two contrasting habitat types raises different challenges for the conservation of the dryad butterfly Minois dryas

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    The suitability of any location for a given species is determined by the available resources. However, there are many species that occur in more than one habitat type and their successful conservation may be particularly difficult. The dryad Minois dryas, a locally endangered butterfly, occurs in two contrasting habitats-xerothemic and wet grasslands. We investigated the influence of various habitat characteristics, such as vegetation height, grass cover, proximity of shrubs, plant species composition, Ellenberg indices of trophic and microclimatic conditions, on the microhabitat selection by the species. The nectaring of randomly selected butterflies was observed and habitat characteristics were compared at random points within the meadow and at the butterfly’s nectaring and resting places. The butterflies generally preferred to stay close to shrubs and avoided invasive goldenrods. Thermal conditions and the availability of nectar plants were the factors limiting the dryad’s use of wet grassland. In xerothermic habitats grass cover affected the distribution of butterflies. Concerning the availability of larval host plants, wet meadows proved potentially more favourable, whereas nectar resources for adults were more abundant in xerothermic grasslands. Based on our findings, conservation strategies for this butterfly must differ in the two habitats. Rotational mowing in xerothermic grasslands and the removal of invasive goldenrods in wet grasslands are the recommended actions. At a larger spatial scale, a habitat mosaic composed of xerothermic and wet grasslands in close proximity would seem to be the most suitable areas for the conservation of the dryad

    Wizualizacja nawigacji w serwisach typu discovery

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    Next generation Integrated Library Systems (NGILS) also known as discovery and delivery systems or search and discovery systems, are claimed to be significant innovation in information searching field as well as its visualisation methods. One of the explanation is extended retrieval scope including e-documents in data bases and repositories. Navigation systems have a significant meaning in properly functionality of NGILS. Navigation provide ways to achievement of users’ goals. Main aim of the article is a comparative analysis of navigation systems in selected NGILS: VuFind (open source), Primo ExLibris, Summon ProQuest, Encore Innovative Interfaces, ProlibIntegro, Virtua/Chamo. The visualisation layer of NGILS navigation mechanisms was also discussed. Optimal visualisation of interfaces and navigation assist users in making decision process, and in link selection.Zintegrowane systemy biblioteczne nowej generacji, zwane również systemami typu discovery and delivery lub search and discovery zaliczane są do istotnych innowacji w zakresie techniki wyszukiwania informacji oraz jej prezentowania m.in. ze względu na poszerzenie zasięgu przeszukiwania o dokumenty elektroniczne udostępniane w bazach danych i repozytoriach cyfrowych. Istotną rolę w ich prawidłowym funkcjonowaniu odgrywają systemy nawigacji ułatwiające użytkownikom odkrywanie drogi do celu.Celem artykułu jest analiza porównawcza elementów systemów nawigacji zastosowanych w interfejsach użytkownika a szczególnie wizualizacja ich mechanizmów, których zadaniem jest kierowanie użytkownika do szukanego dokumentu, a także ułatwianie podejmowania decyzji o wyborze następnej opcji lub linku

    The mobile application as a library service

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    Aplikacja mobilna to wyspecjalizowany program pozwalający na dostęp do wybranych przez ich dostawców funkcji oraz treści. Badania polskiego rynku mobilnego dowodzą, że laptop i smartfon są najczęściej stosowanymi urządzeniami do łączenia się z Internetem. Według raportu Internet Trends średnio na użytkownika przypada 47 zainstalowanych aplikacji rocznie. W 2014 roku kupiono więcej smartfonów i tabletów niż komputerów PC i laptopów. Biblioteki również zaczynają korzystać z tej formy komunikacji z użytkownikami. Aplikacje mobilne omawiane w niniejszej pracy można podzielić na: 1) aplikacje uniwersyteckie – programy użytkowe oferujące dostęp do wielu usług uczelni, w tym do zasobów bibliotek, poprzez udostępnienie: przeszukiwania katalogu, zamawiania książek, zarządzania kontem użytkownika, rezerwacji stanowiska komputerowego w bibliotece, mapy dojazdu, aktualności, rekomendacji nowości bibliotecznych, skanowania barkodów itp.; 2) aplikacje biblioteczne – dedykowane działalności bibliotecznej, oferujące dostęp do wielu usług biblioteki. W referacie omówione zostaną przykłady m-aplikacji następujących bibliotek: Uniwersytetu w Groningen, Uniwersytetu w Valladolid, Uniwersytetu w Foggi, Uniwersytetu w Chicago, Uniwersytetu Rutgersa i Uniwersytetu w Mannheim.A mobile application is specialized software that gives the user access to selected functions and content. Polish mobile market research shows that the laptop and smartphone are devices most commonly used to connect to the Internet. According to the report of Internet Trends, an average user installs about 47 applications a year. In 2014 more smartphones and tablets than PCs and laptops were bought. Libraries also use this form of communication with users. Library mobile applications can be divided into two types: 1) a library app – it provides access to many library services: searching the catalog, ordering books, user account management, booking work space in the library, GPS, news, scanning barcodes, etc.; 2) a university app – it provides instant access to news and events, helps to find the way and transit on the maps, enables watching videos or checking the library OPAC module. The article will discuss the apps of the following institutions: the University of Groningen Library, the University of Valladolid Library (Spain), the University of Foggia Library (Italy), the University of Chicago (USA), Rutgers University (USA) and the University of Mannheim (Germany)[email protected] Pedagogiczny w KrakowieClark J. A., Ellyssa J.: Building Mobile Library Applications. Chicago 2013.Emanuel J.: Next Generation Catalogs: What Do They Do and Why Should We Care? „Reference & User Services Quarterly” Vol. 49, nr 2 (2009), s. 117-120.Fling B.: Mobile Design and Development. Beijing 2009.Hobber S.: The Rise of the Phablet: Designing for Larger Phones. November 2014. Tryb dostępu: http://www.uxmatters.com/mt/archives/2014/11/the-rise-of-the-phabletdesigning-for-larger-phones.php#sthash.DcVOnEVM.dpuf [11 lipca 2015].Kołodziejczyk E.: Strony i aplikacje mobilne – przykłady rozwiązań technologicznych w bibliotekach naukowych. „Biuletyn EBIB” 2013, nr 3(139). Tryb dostępu: http://www.nowyebib.info/images/stories/numery/139/139_kolodziejczyk.pdf [9 sierpnia 2015].Kurkovsky S., Meesangnil W.: Building and Evaluating a Mobile Application for an Academic Library. W: 15th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems (NBiS). Melbourne 2012, s. 357-363.Nielsen J., Budiu R.: Funkcjonalność aplikacji mobilnych. Nowoczesne standardy UX i UI. Gliwice 2013.Meeker M., Liang W.: Internet Trends 2015 – Code Conference. Tryb dostępu: http://www.slideshare.net/kleinerperkins/kpcb-internet-trends-2013 [11 lipca 2015].Miller R. E., Vogh B. S., Jennings E. J.: Library in an App: Testing the Usability of Boopsie as a Mobile Library Application. „Journal of Web Librarianship” Vol. 7, nr 2 (2013), s. 142-153.Mobile online w Polsce 2015. Perspektywy rozwojowe. Raport. Warszawa 2015.Morville P., Callender J.: Wzorce wyszukiwania. Projektowanie nowoczesnych wyszukiwarek. Gliwice 2015.Skórka S.: Architekt informacji – kreator przestrzeni informacyjnych. „Przegląd Biblioteczny” 2011, nr 1(79), s. 47-61.Skórka, S.: Fasety na nowo odkryte: integrowanie systemów nawigacji i organizacji informacji. „Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej” 2014, nr 2, s. 92-109.Strain M.: 1983 to today: a history of mobile apps. Tryb dostępu: http://www.theguardian.com/media-network/2015/feb/13/history-mobile-apps-future-interactive-timeline [8 sierpnia 2015].Vasudavan H., Ravi M. I.: Investigation and Design of Mobile OPAC Services (MOS) for Non-Smartphone Users. „Information Management and Business Review” Vol. 5, No. 10 Oct. (2013), s. 514-524.Washburn B.: Library Mobile Applications: What Counts as Success? „Information Outlook” 2011, 15(1). Tryb dostępu: http://www.oclc.org/research/publications/library/2011/washburn-io.pdf [8 sierpnia 2015].357-37

    Numerical and behavioural response of Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus on population growth of the expansive Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans

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    We monitored population size from 1996 to 2003 and studied behavioural interactions (in 2001) between the native Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus and an expansive, opportunistic predator, the Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans, at water reservoirs in Poland. The expansive species caused a population decline in the native species and affected its choice of nest sites. The Black-headed Gulls perceived the risk of predation on the part of the larger Caspian Gulls. When both species occurred in close proximity, the native gull breeding pairs built nests where the vegetation was higher and its cover greater than at the sites chosen by pairs breeding far away from the expansive species. The native gulls in proximity to the expansive species spent more time guarding their nests. However, this was not compensatory, as egg losses were higher and breeding success much lower in pairs breeding near the Caspian Gulls than in those breeding far from the latter. Such a low breeding performance in the Black-headed Gulls was probably caused either by predation on the part of Caspian Gulls or by aggressive interactions among Black-headed Gulls. In fact, the rate of intraspecific aggression in native gulls was higher in pairs breeding in proximity to the expansive species than in those breeding far away from it. These intraspecific fights, caused by the presence of the expansive species were, at least partially, responsible for egg and chick losses. We did not find the presence of native gulls to have any effect on the behaviour and breeding performance of the expansive gull. These results indicate that the expansive predatory Caspian Gull negatively affects local population size and alters the behaviour of the native Black-headed Gull, and may, both directly and indirectly, affect its reproductive performance

    Invasive alien plants affect grassland ant communities, colony size and foraging behaviour

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    Ants are dominant members of many terrestrial ecosystems and are regarded as indicators of environmental changes. However, little is known about the effects of invasive alien plants on ant populations, particularly as regards the density, spatial distribution and size of ant colonies, as well as their foraging behaviour. We addressed these questions in a study of grassland ant communities on five grasslands invaded by alien goldenrods (Solidago sp.) and on five non-invaded grasslands without this plant. In each grassland, seven 100 m plots were selected and the ant colonies counted. Ant species richness and colony density was lower in the plots on the invaded grasslands. Moreover, both of these traits were higher in the plots near the grassland edge and with a higher number of plant species in the grasslands invaded by goldenrods but not in the non-invaded ones. On average, ant colony size was lower on the invaded grasslands than the non-invaded ones. Also, ant workers travelled for longer distances to collect food items in the invaded areas than they did in the non-invaded ones, even after the experimental removal of some ant colonies in order to exclude the effect of higher colony density in the latter. Our results indicate that invasive alien goldenrods have a profound negative effect on grassland ant communities which may lead to a cascade effect on the whole grassland ecosystem through modification of the interactions among species. The invasion diminishes a major index of the fitness of ants, which is a colony's size, and probably leads to increased foraging effort of workers. This, in turn, may have important consequences for the division of labour and reproductive strategies within ant colonies

    The structure and the role of NF-κB proteins and their significance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Jądrowy czynnik transkrypcyjny NF kappa B (NF-κB) pełni znaczącą rolę w procesach odpornościowych i zapalnych. Zdolność NF-κB do hamowania apoptozy, indukcji proliferacji oraz nasilania procesu angiogenezy sugeruje, że NF-κB może być istotnym czynnikiem w procesie onkogenezy i progresji nowotworu. Przekaźnictwo sygnału NF-κB w guzach litych, a także w nowotworach hematologicznych, w tym w przewlekłej białaczce limfocytowej (PBL) jest stale poznawane. Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że NF-κB jest niezbędny do przeżycia komórek białaczkowych, należy sądzić, że może stanowić on dobry cel terapeutyczny w PBL. w artykule przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat struktury i funkcji białek NF-κB, a także mechanizmów ich aktywacji i znaczenia w PBL.The Nuclear Factor kappa B (NF-κB) plays a crucial role in immune and inflammatory processes. Moreover NF-κB ability to inhibition of apoptosis, induction of proliferation and angiogenesis suggest that NF-κB could be very significant in oncogenesis and tumor progression. Knowledge on NF-κB signaling in solid tumors and haematological malignancies as well as CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) constantly expanding. Since NF-κB is essential to CLL cells survival it is suggested that NF-κB could be a new therapeutic target in CLL. In this manuscript we summarize current knowledge about the structure and the functions of NF-κB components and mechanisms of their activation and importance in CLL

    Stable aqueous dispersion of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles protected by charged chitosan derivatives

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    This article presents the synthesis and characterization of biocompatible superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) coated with ultrathin layer of anionic derivative of chitosan. The water-based fabrication involved a two-step procedure. In the first step, the nanoparticles were obtained by co-precipita- tion of ferrous and ferric aqueous salt solutions with ammonia in the presence of cationic derivative of chitosan. In the second step, such prepared materials were subjected to adsorption of oppositely charged chitosan derivative which resulted in the preparation of negatively charged SPIONs. They were found to develop highly stable dispersion in water. The core size of the nanocoated SPIONs, determined using transmis- sion electron microscopy, was measured to be slightly above 10 nm. The coated nanoparticles form aggregates with majority of them having hydrodynamic diameter below 100 nm, as measured by dynamic light scattering. Their composition and properties were studied using FTIR and thermogravimetric analyses. They exhibit magnetic properties typical for superparamagnetic material with a high saturation magnetization value of 123 ± 12 emu g - 1 Fe. Very high value of the measured r 2 relaxivity, 369 ± 3mM - 1 s - 1 , is conducive for the potential application of the obtained SPIONs as prom- ising contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging

    Within-patch mobility and flight morphology reflect resource use and dispersal potential in the dryad butterfly Minois dryas

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    Knowledge of mobility is essential for understanding animal habitat use and dispersal potential, especially in the case of species occurring in fragmented habitats. We compared within-patch movement distances, turning angles, resting times, and flight-related morphological traits in the locally endangered butterfly, the dryad (Minois dryas), between its old populations occupying xerothermic grasslands and newly established ones in wet meadows. We expected that the latter group should be more mobile. Individuals living in both habitat types did not differ in their body mass and size, but those from xerothermic grasslands had wider thoraxes and longer wings, thus lower wing loading index (defined as body mass to wing length ratio). The majority of movements were short and did not exceed 10 m. Movement distances were significantly larger in males. However, there was no direct effect of habitat type on movement distances. Our results suggest that the dryads from xerothermic grasslands have better flight capabilities, whereas those from wet meadows are likely to invest more in reproduction. This implies that mobility is shaped by resource availability rather than by recent evolutionary history. Lower female mobility may have negative implications for the metapopulation persistence because only mated females are able to (re)colonise vacant habitat patches efficiently. Conservation efforts should thus be focused on maintaining large habitat patches that prevent stochastic local extinctions. Furthermore, the recommendation of promoting the exchange of individuals among patches through improving matrix permeability, as well as assisted reintroductions of the species into suitable vacant habitats should also improve its conservation