130 research outputs found

    RELION: Implementation of a Bayesian approach to cryo-EM structure determination

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    AbstractRELION, for REgularized LIkelihood OptimizatioN, is an open-source computer program for the refinement of macromolecular structures by single-particle analysis of electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) data. Whereas alternative approaches often rely on user expertise for the tuning of parameters, RELION uses a Bayesian approach to infer parameters of a statistical model from the data. This paper describes developments that reduce the computational costs of the underlying maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm, as well as statistical considerations that yield new insights into the accuracy with which the relative orientations of individual particles may be determined. A so-called gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) procedure to prevent overfitting is also described. The resulting implementation yields high-quality reconstructions and reliable resolution estimates with minimal user intervention and at acceptable computational costs

    Introducing robustness to maximum-likelihood refinement of electron-microsopy data

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    An expectation-maximization algorithm for maximum-likelihood refinement of electron-microscopy data is presented that is based on finite mixtures of multivariate t-distributions. Compared with the conventionally employed Gaussian mixture model, the t-distribution provides robustness against outliers in the data

    A graph neural network approach to automated model building in cryo-EM maps

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    Electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) produces three-dimensional (3D) maps of the electrostatic potential of biological macromolecules, including proteins. Along with knowledge about the imaged molecules, cryo-EM maps allow de novo atomic modelling, which is typically done through a laborious manual process. Taking inspiration from recent advances in machine learning applications to protein structure prediction, we propose a graph neural network (GNN) approach for automated model building of proteins in cryo-EM maps. The GNN acts on a graph with nodes assigned to individual amino acids and edges representing the protein chain. Combining information from the voxel-based cryo-EM data, the amino acid sequence data and prior knowledge about protein geometries, the GNN refines the geometry of the protein chain and classifies the amino acids for each of its nodes. Application to 28 test cases shows that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art and approximates manual building for cryo-EM maps with resolutions better than 3.5 \r{A}

    Structure of the Mammalian Ribosome-Sec61 Complex to 3.4 Å Resolution

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    Cotranslational protein translocation is a universally conserved process for secretory and membrane protein biosynthesis. Nascent polypeptides emerging from a translating ribosome are either transported across or inserted into the membrane via the ribosome-bound Sec61 channel. Here, we report structures of a mammalian ribosome-Sec61 complex in both idle and translating states, determined to 3.4 and 3.9 Å resolution. The data sets permit building of a near-complete atomic model of the mammalian ribosome, visualization of A/P and P/E hybrid-state tRNAs, and analysis of a nascent polypeptide in the exit tunnel. Unprecedented chemical detail is observed for both the ribosome-Sec61 interaction and the conformational state of Sec61 upon ribosome binding. Comparison of the maps from idle and translating complexes suggests how conformational changes to the Sec61 channel could facilitate translocation of a secreted polypeptide. The high-resolution structure of the mammalian ribosome-Sec61 complex provides a valuable reference for future functional and structural studies

    Automated model building and protein identification in cryo-EM maps

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    Interpreting electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) maps with atomic models requires high levels of expertise and labour-intensive manual intervention in three-dimensional computer graphics program

    The structural basis of proton driven zinc transport by ZntB

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    Zinc is an essential microelement to sustain all forms of life. However, excess of zinc is toxic, therefore dedicated import, export and storage proteins for tight regulation of the zinc concentration have evolved. In Enterobacteriaceae, several membrane transporters are involved in zinc homeostasis and linked to virulence. ZntB has been proposed to play a role in the export of zinc, but the transport mechanism of ZntB is poorly understood and based only on experimental characterization of its distant homologue CorA magnesium channel. Here, we report the cryo-electron microscopy structure of full-length ZntB from Escherichia coli together with the results of isothermal titration calorimetry, and radio-ligand uptake and fluorescent transport assays on ZntB reconstituted into liposomes. Our results show that ZntB mediates Zn2+ uptake, stimulated by a pH gradient across the membrane, using a transport mechanism that does not resemble the one proposed for homologous CorA channels

    Optimization problems in electron microscopy of single particles

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-006-0078-8Electron Microscopy is a valuable tool for the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of macromolecular complexes. Knowledge about the macromolecular structure provides important information about its function and how it is carried out. This work addresses the issue of three-dimensional reconstruction of biological macromolecules from electron microscopy images. In particular, it focuses on a methodology known as “single-particles” and makes a thorough review of all those steps that can be expressed as an optimization problem. In spite of important advances in recent years, there are still unresolved challenges in the field that offer an excellent testbed for new and more powerful optimization techniques.We acknowledge partial support from the “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” through grants CAM-07B-0032-2002, GR/SAL/0653/2004 and GR/SAL/0342/2004, the “Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia yTecnologia” of Spain through grants BIO2001-1237, BIO2001-4253-E, BIO2001-4339-E, BIO2002- 10855-E, BFU2004-00217/BMC, the Spanish FIS grant (G03/185), the European Union through grants QLK2- 2000-00634, QLRI-2000-31237, QLRT-2000-0136, QLRI-2001-00015, FP6-502828 and the NIH through grant HL70472. Alberto Pascual and Roberto Marabini acknowledge support by the Spanish Ramon y Cajal Program

    Novel tau filament fold in chronic traumatic encephalopathy encloses hydrophobic molecules

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    Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative tauopathy that is associated with repetitive head impacts or exposure to blast waves. First described as punch-drunk syndrome and dementia pugilistica in retired boxers1-3, CTE has since been identified in former participants of other contact sports, ex-military personnel and after physical abuse4-7. No disease-modifying therapies currently exist, and diagnosis requires an autopsy. CTE is defined by an abundance of hyperphosphorylated tau protein in neurons, astrocytes and cell processes around blood vessels8,9. This, together with the accumulation of tau inclusions in cortical layers II and III, distinguishes CTE from Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies10,11. However, the morphologies of tau filaments in CTE and the mechanisms by which brain trauma can lead to their formation are unknown. Here we determine the structures of tau filaments from the brains of three individuals with CTE at resolutions down to 2.3 Å, using cryo-electron microscopy. We show that filament structures are identical in the three cases but are distinct from those of Alzheimer's and Pick's diseases, and from those formed in vitro12-15. Similar to Alzheimer's disease12,14,16-18, all six brain tau isoforms assemble into filaments in CTE, and residues K274-R379 of three-repeat tau and S305-R379 of four-repeat tau form the ordered core of two identical C-shaped protofilaments. However, a different conformation of the ÎČ-helix region creates a hydrophobic cavity that is absent in tau filaments from the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. This cavity encloses an additional density that is not connected to tau, which suggests that the incorporation of cofactors may have a role in tau aggregation in CTE. Moreover, filaments in CTE have distinct protofilament interfaces to those of Alzheimer's disease. Our structures provide a unifying neuropathological criterion for CTE, and support the hypothesis that the formation and propagation of distinct conformers of assembled tau underlie different neurodegenerative diseases

    Tau filaments from multiple cases of sporadic and inherited Alzheimer's disease adopt a common fold.

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    The ordered assembly of tau protein into abnormal filaments is a defining characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurodegenerative disorders. It is not known if the structures of tau filaments vary within, or between, the brains of individuals with AD. We used a combination of electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) and immuno-gold negative-stain electron microscopy (immuno-EM) to determine the structures of paired helical filaments (PHFs) and straight filaments (SFs) from the frontal cortex of 17 cases of AD (15 sporadic and 2 inherited) and 2 cases of atypical AD (posterior cortical atrophy). The high-resolution structures of PHFs and SFs from the frontal cortex of 3 cases of AD, 2 sporadic and 1 inherited, were determined by cryo-EM. We also used immuno-EM to study the PHFs and SFs from a number of cortical and subcortical brain regions. PHFs outnumbered SFs in all AD cases. By cryo-EM, PHFs and SFs were made of two C-shaped protofilaments with a combined cross-ÎČ/ÎČ-helix structure, as described previously for one case of AD. The higher resolution structures obtained here showed two additional amino acids at each end of the protofilament. The immuno-EM findings, which indicated the presence of repeats 3 and 4, but not of the N-terminal regions of repeats 1 and 2, of tau in the filament cores of all AD cases, were consistent with the cryo-EM results. These findings show that there is no significant variation in tau filament structures between individuals with AD. This knowledge will be crucial for understanding the mechanisms that underlie tau filament formation and for developing novel diagnostics and therapies
