987 research outputs found

    The many sides of RCW 86: a type Ia supernova remnant evolving in its progenitor's wind bubble

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    We present the results of a detailed investigation of the Galactic supernova remnant RCW 86 using the XMM-Newton X-ray telescope. RCW 86 is the probable remnant of SN 185 A.D, a supernova that likely exploded inside a wind-blown cavity. We use the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) to derive precise temperatures and ionization ages of the plasma, which are an indication of the interaction history of the remnant with the presumed cavity. We find that the spectra are well fitted by two non-equilibrium ionization models, which enables us to constrain the properties of the ejecta and interstellar matter plasma. Furthermore, we performed a principal component analysis on EPIC MOS and pn data to find regions with particular spectral properties. We present evidence that the shocked ejecta, emitting Fe-K and Si line emission, are confined to a shell of approximately 2 pc width with an oblate spheroidal morphology. Using detailed hydrodynamical simulations, we show that general dynamical and emission properties at different portions of the remnant can be well-reproduced by a type Ia supernova that exploded in a non-spherically symmetric wind-blown cavity. We also show that this cavity can be created using general wind properties for a single degenerate system. Our data and simulations provide further evidence that RCW 86 is indeed the remnant of SN 185, and is the likely result of a type Ia explosion of single degenerate origin.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 13 figure

    On the non metrizability of Berwald Finsler spacetimes

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    We investigate whether Szabo's metrizability theorem can be extended to Finsler spaces of indefinite signature. For smooth, positive definite Finsler metrics, this important theorem states that, if the metric is of Berwald type (i.e., its Chern-Rund connection defines an affine connection on the underlying manifold), then it is affinely equivalent to a Riemann space, meaning that its affine connection is the Levi-Civita connection of some Riemannian metric. We show for the first time that this result does not extend to Finsler spacetimes. More precisely, we find a large class of Berwald spacetimes for which the Ricci tensor of the affine connection is not symmetric. The fundamental difference from positive definite Finsler spaces that makes such an asymmetry possible, is the fact that generally, Finsler spacetimes satisfy certain smoothness properties only on a proper conic subset of the slit tangent bundle. Indeed, we prove that when the Finsler Lagrangian is smooth on the entire slit tangent bundle, the Ricci tensor must necessarily be symmetric. For large classes of Finsler spacetimes, however, the Berwald property does not imply that the affine structure is equivalent to the affine structure of a pseudo-Riemannian metric. Instead, the affine structure is that of metric-affine geometry with vanishing torsion.Comment: 12 pages, contribution to the Special Issue "Finsler Modification of Classical General Relativity" in the Journal Univers

    Mental privacy as part of the human right to freedom of thought?

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    Closed-Loop Brain Devices in Offender Rehabilitation: Autonomy, Human Rights, and Accountability

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    The current debate on closed-loop brain devices (CBDs) focuses on their use in a medical context; possible criminal justice applications have not received scholarly attention. Unlike in medicine, in criminal justice, CBDs might be offered on behalf of the State and for the purpose of protecting security, rather than realising healthcare aims. It would be possible to deploy CBDs in the rehabilitation of convicted offenders, similarly to the much-debated possibility of employing other brain interventions in this context. Although such use of CBDs could in principle be consensual, there are significant differences between the choice faced by a criminal offender offered a CBD in the context of criminal justice, and that faced by a patient offered a CBD in an ordinary healthcare context. Employment of CBDs in criminal justice thus raises ethical and legal intricacies not raised by healthcare applications. This paper examines some of these issues under three heads: autonomy, human rights, and accountability

    Normative Demonstration in Constitutional Democracy: An Expression of Political Love-Recognition

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    Despite significant research on protests and crowd phenomena, there is little understanding of the functioning of demonstrations in democratic constitutional states. Researchers have primarily focused on protest activity and collective action without specifically examining the unique characteristics of demonstrations. In this article, I examine the distinct concept of normative demonstration as a method of participating in the process of democratic opinion formation. Normative demonstrations are a link between normative democratic theory and the political theory of recognition and provide a concrete example of struggles of recognition being linked by social psychological mechanisms to "good" democratic outcomes. These social psychological phenomena, found in crowds, manifest as an expression of political love-recognition which attains its political nature through uniting with a normative claim in the context of a demonstration. This understanding of demonstrations, as an expression of political love-recognition, fundamentally challenges the delineation of the political in the political theory of recognition and provides a conceptual framework for reconciling the democratic purpose of a demonstration and its physical anti-deliberative methods, to understand how demonstrations can contribute to furthering democracy.No embargoAcademic Major: Political Scienc

    Mental privacy as part of the human right to freedom of thought?

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    RELION: Implementation of a Bayesian approach to cryo-EM structure determination

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    AbstractRELION, for REgularized LIkelihood OptimizatioN, is an open-source computer program for the refinement of macromolecular structures by single-particle analysis of electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) data. Whereas alternative approaches often rely on user expertise for the tuning of parameters, RELION uses a Bayesian approach to infer parameters of a statistical model from the data. This paper describes developments that reduce the computational costs of the underlying maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm, as well as statistical considerations that yield new insights into the accuracy with which the relative orientations of individual particles may be determined. A so-called gold-standard Fourier shell correlation (FSC) procedure to prevent overfitting is also described. The resulting implementation yields high-quality reconstructions and reliable resolution estimates with minimal user intervention and at acceptable computational costs

    Finsler gravitational waves of (α,β)(\alpha,\beta)-type and their observational signature

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    We introduce a new class of (α,β)(\alpha,\beta)-type exact solutions in Finsler gravity closely related to the well-known pp-waves in general relativity. Our class contains most of the exact solutions currently known in the literature as special cases. The linearized versions of these solutions may be interpretted as Finslerian gravitational waves, and we investigate the physical effect of such waves. More precisely, we compute the Finslerian correction to the radar distance along an nterferometer arm at the moment a Finslerian gravitational wave passes a detector. We come to the remarkable conclusion that the effect of a Finslerian gravitational wave on an interferometer is indistinguishable from that of standard gravitational wave in general relativity. Along the way we also physically motivate a modification of the Randers metric and prove that it has some very interesting properties

    Relativistic compatibility of the interacting κ\kappa-Poincar\'e model and implications for the relative locality framework

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    We investigate the relativistic properties under boost transformations of the κ\kappa-Poincar\'e model with multiple causally connected interactions, both at the level of its formulation in momentum space only and when it is endowed with a full phase space construction, provided by the relative locality framework. Previous studies focussing on the momentum space picture showed that in presence of just one interaction vertex the model is relativistic, provided that the boost parameter acting on each given particle receives a "backreaction" from the momenta of the other particles that participate in the interaction. Here we show that in presence of multiple causally-connected vertices the model is relativistic if the boost parameter acting on each given particle receives a backreaction from the total momentum of all the particles that are causally connected, even those that do not directly enter the vertex. The relative locality framework constructs spacetime by defining a set of dual coordinates to the momentum of each particle and interaction coordinates as Lagrange multipliers that enforce momentum conservation at interaction events. We show that the picture is Lorentz invariant if one uses an appropriate "total boost" to act on the particles' worldlines and on the interaction coordinates. The picture we develop also allows for a reinterpretation of the backreaction as the manifestation of the "total boost" action. Our findings provide the basis to consistently define distant relatively boosted observers in the relative locality framework.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure