56 research outputs found

    Sähkö- ja automaatioalan oppimisympäristön kehittäminen

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    Tässä opinnäytetyössä kehitettiin Porvoossa sijaitsevan ammatillisen oppilaitoksen Inveonin sähkö- ja automaatioasentajien perustutkintoa suorittavien automaation oppimisympäristöä. Opetushallitus uudisti tutkinnon perusteet 1.8.2015 koko suomen alueelle, joka sisälsi määräyksen että tutkintoa suorittaessa ammattiosaamisen näytöt täytyy sisältää kaikki osa-alueet jotka perusteissa on mainittuna. Oppilaitoksen olemassa oleva oppimisympäristö verrattiin tutkinnon perusteiden osaamisvaatimuksiin, jossa todettiin että oppimisympäristö oli vanhentunutta sekä puutteellinen monelta osin. Oppilaitos on velvollinen päivittämään laitteistoa, jotta voidaan antaa opetusta joka vastaa työelämän vaatimuksia. Opinnäytetyöllä keskityttiin uudistamaan prosessiautomaation sekä kiinteistöautomaation oppimisympäristöä siten että opiskelijat voivat opiskella käytännössä erilaisia automaatioon liittyviä asioita. Työn tuloksena oli nykyaikainen oppimisympäristö, jossa opiskelijat voivat harjoitella asentamista, kytkemistä, ohjelmointia sekä suunnitella erilaisia automaation laitteistoja. Myös opiskelijoiden näytöt suunniteltiin uusiksi noudattamaan opetushallituksien uusia vaatimuksia.The purpose of this thesis was to develop a learning environment in automation for students perfoming a vocational qualification in electrical engineering as an electrician and automation assembler at Inveon which is a vocational school located in Porvoo. The Finnish National Board of Education made a reform 1.8.2015 for all vocational schools stating in Finland concerning the National Qualification Requirements, which contain a new regulation that everything mentioned in the requirement has to be shown in the skills demonstration. The learning environment was compared to the National Requirements of Qualification and was found outdated and inadequate to a large extent. The vocational school has a responsibility to update equipment in order to teach at the same level as working life requirements. The thesis was focused on renewing learning environments in process automation and property automation so that students will be able to practice installation of different types of automation systems The result of the thesis was a present-day learning environment in which students can practice mounting, connecting, programming and the planning of automation systems. The skills demonstration tests were also renewed to follow the National Board of Education Requirements

    Towards Printed Pediatric Medicines in Hospital Pharmacies : Comparison of 2D and 3D-Printed Orodispersible Warfarin Films with Conventional Oral Powders in Unit Dose Sachets

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    To date, the lack of age-appropriate medicines for many indications results in dose manipulation of commercially available dosage forms, commonly resulting in inaccurate doses. Various printing technologies have recently been explored in the pharmaceutical field due to the flexible and precise nature of the techniques. The aim of this study was, therefore, to compare the currently used method to produce patient-tailored warfarin doses at HUS Pharmacy in Finland with two innovative printing techniques. Dosage forms of various strengths (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg) were prepared utilizing semisolid extrusion 3D printing, inkjet printing and the established compounding procedure for oral powders in unit dose sachets (OPSs). Orodispersible films (ODFs) drug-loaded with warfarin were prepared by means of printing using hydroxypropylcellulose as a film-forming agent. The OPSs consisted of commercially available warfarin tablets and lactose monohydrate as a filler. The ODFs resulted in thin and flexible films showing acceptable ODF properties. Moreover, the printed ODFs displayed improved drug content compared to the established OPSs. All dosage forms were found to be stable over the one-month stability study and suitable for administration through a naso-gastric tube, thus, enabling administration to all possible patient groups in a hospital ward. This work demonstrates the potential of utilizing printing technologies for the production of on-demand patient-specific doses and further discusses the advantages and limitations of each method.Peer reviewe

    A scalable adenovirus production process, from cell culture to purified bulk

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    Adenovirus (AdV) vectors are commonly used in cancer gene therapy trials, evaluated in gene therapy and used as vaccines for various diseases. AdV vectors are well studied and are suitable as vaccine vectors due to their ability to infect different cell types, remain episomal and produce stable high titer material. Manufacturing of safe and efficacious clinical-grade virus relies on a scalable and cost-effective production process. In this study, we have combined experimental work and process economy calculations, from AdV production in cell culture to purified bulk product up to 10L scale. An efficient and scalable process for AdV production was developed by evaluation of each process step. The most studied vector is serotype 5, making this a suitable system for process development of AdV vectors. Human AdV5 expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) was used for process development. First, suspension HEK 293 cells adapted to serum-free cell culture medium were optimized for AdV production and evaluated in different single use bioreactor systems. Tween 20 was used for cell lysis as a replacement for the traditionally used Triton X-100 (now on the Authorization list (Annex XIV) of REACH, the regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of Chemicals). A residual Tween 20 assay with low detection limit was set-up. Filters and conditions for clarification, concentration and buffer exchange by tangential flow filtration were optimized. Anion exchange based capture step alternatives were compared, including different chromatography resins and membrane formats. Finally, core bead technology was evaluated as an alternative to size exclusion chromatography for the polishing step before the final formulation. Analytical methods for virus titer are challenging and depend on purity and quality of the sample. For total virus titer, qPCR and HPLC methods were used. Furthermore, a method based on surface plasmon resonance (Biacore) was developed for analysis of adenovirus titer. For infectious virus titer, we have used a cell based assay with automatic image analysis. Based on analytical data different downstream process alternatives were compared regarding load capacity, recovery and purity and we propose a robust and scalable process with a favorable process economy. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Essential Oils: A Short Review

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    Essential oils are complex mixtures isolated from aromatic plants which may possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of interest in thye food and cosmetic industries as well as in the human health field. In this work, a review was done on the most recent publications concerning their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. At the same time a survey of the methods generally used for the evaluation of antioxidant activity and some of the mechanisms involved in the anti-inflammatory activities of essential oils are also reported

    Additive Benefits of Radium-223 Dichloride and Bortezomib Combination in a Systemic Multiple Myeloma Mouse Model

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    Osteolytic bone disease is a hallmark of multiple myeloma (MM) mediated by MM cell proliferation, increased osteoclast activity, and suppressed osteoblast function. The proteasome inhibitor bortezomib targets MM cells and improves bone health in MM patients. Radium-223 dichloride (radium-223), the first targeted alpha therapy approved, specifically targets bone metastases, where it disrupts the activity of both tumor cells and tumor-supporting bone cells in mouse models of breast and prostate cancer bone metastasis. We hypothesized that radium-223 and bortezomib combination treatment would have additive effects on MM. In vitro experiments revealed that the combination treatment inhibited MM cell proliferation and demonstrated additive efficacy. In the systemic, syngeneic 5TGM1 mouse MM model, both bortezomib and radium-223 decreased the osteolytic lesion area, and their combination was more effective than either monotherapy alone. Bortezomib decreased the number of osteoclasts at the tumor-bone interface, and the combination therapy resulted in almost complete eradication of osteoclasts. Furthermore, the combination therapy improved the incorporation of radium-223 into MM-bearing bone. Importantly, the combination therapy decreased tumor burden and restored body weights in MM mice. These results suggest that the combination of radium-223 with bortezomib could constitute a novel, effective therapy for MM and, in particular, myeloma bone disease
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