1,094 research outputs found

    Transgressive femininity: gender in the Scandinavian Modern Breakthrough

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    This PhD thesis deals with how new discourses on femininity and gender developed in Scandinavian literature during the Modern Breakthrough, 1880-1909. Political, economic and demographic changes in the Scandinavian societies put pressures on the existing, conventional gender roles, which literature reflects; however, literature also created and introduced new discourses on gender. The main focus has been on transgressive female characters in Danish, Swedish and Norwegian novels, which I have seen as indicators of emerging new forms of femininity. The study shows how the transgression of gender boundaries is used in the novels, when presenting their views on what femininity is, should be or could be. In addition to analysing the textual strategies in the representation of these ‘deviant’ literary characters, I have examined how the relevant texts were received by critics and reviewers at the time, as reviews are in themselves discursive constructs. The theoretical basis of this study has mainly been Michel Foucault’s discourse theory, Judith Butler’s theory of performativity and Yvonne Hirdman’s theory of gender binarism. I have also used concepts from several (mainly Anglo-American and Scandinavian) literary gender theorists and historians in the analyses. The four novels analysed in this study are as follows: 1) Danish author Herman Bang’s early decadence novel Haabløse Slægter (1880), where I use a queer theory perspective. 2) Norwegian author Ragnhild Jølsen’s Rikka Gan (1904), where the strong elements of pre-psychoanalysis are analysed. 3) Swedish author August Strindberg’s Le Plaidoyer d’un fou (1887-88), where I make a narratological examination of the narrative voice from a gender perspective. 4) Swedish author Annie Quiding’s Fru Fanny (1904), analysed as an example of ‘negative’ New Woman literature. The thesis shows how literature of the time represented and introduced new forms of femininity, often in the form of ambiguous female characters, and often to the disapproval of the critics. It also shows that gender discourses were much alike within Scandinavia. Furthermore, my study lays bare the skeleton of normative Breakthrough femininity, what can be called the dominant discourse on femininity at the time: a nonexisting sexual desire, feminine immobility/containment in the home and an imperative, self-sacrificing motherliness

    The Many Facets of a Diamond: Space and Gender in Selma Lagerlöf’s Antikrists Mirakler and in her Italian Legends

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    For the first time ever, cutting-edge research about the Swedish Nobel Laureate Selma Lagerlöf and her work is made available to a world-wide audience in one comprehensive volume. Written by an international group of scholars, Re-Mapping Lagerlöf highlights the interdisciplinarity of current Lagerlöf research which frequently cuts across genres, media and disciplines. The structure of the book, with sections dedicated to performance, film and intermediality, transnational narratives and European transmissions, is reinforced by the extensive introductory portal. The authors explore themes such as Lagerlöf in and political contexts, her involvement in the women’s movement, the construction of her celebrity persona, her role for early Swedish film, the transnationality of her work and its impact in international contexts. The volume includes a number of illustrations that are rarely reproduced, and the detailed bibliographical section will contribute to making Re-Mapping Lagerlöf an indispensable platform for Lagerlöf scholarship for years to come. It also offers a model for interdisciplinary research in the arts and humanities

    Investigating long-term human ecodynamics in the European Arctic:Towards an integrated multi-scalar analysis of early and mid Holocene cultural, environmental and palaeodemographic sequences in Finnmark County, Northern Norway

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    Most parts of the Circumpolar Arctic have only discontinuous evidence for long-term human settlement. In contrast, Northern Norway has an unbroken archaeological record that extends back to the early Holocene. Numerous high-resolution archaeological and palaeoenvironmental records have been generated by commercial excavations and surveys, offering archaeologists unique opportunities to investigate long-term human ecodynamics in an Arctic coastal setting. To date, however, deeper analysis of the new datasets has yet to be undertaken. This paper aims to present a new synthesis of early and mid Holocene archaeological and paleoenvironmental sequences for Western Finnmark (11500-2000 cal BP). This enables us to identify three major phases of culture change that broadly correlate with climatic and environmental shifts. We then present emerging results from our multi-scalar analysis of the processes driving these transformations. At supra-regional and regional scales, our palaeodemographic modelling indicates major population events centered around 6000 cal BP and 4000 cal BP. At intra-regional scales, we are identifying spatial clustering of prehistoric settlements into local socio-economic communities. At the scale of local settlements, our analysis of house-pit chronologies is clarifying the degree of simultaneous occupation and re-use. We also draw on recent research into rock art and ritual landscapes in an effort to reconstruct the relationship between settlement clusters and general interaction patterns. Integration of these diverse lines of evidence is generating a vivid picture of thriving Arctic coastal communities, with indications that the timing and pace of cultural responses to climatic and environmental changes were more complex than previously thought

    Density fluctuations and single-particle dynamics in liquid lithium

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    The single-particle and collective dynamical properties of liquid lithium have been evaluated at several thermodynamic states near the triple point. This is performed within the framework of mode-coupling theory, using a self-consistent scheme which, starting from the known static structure of the liquid, allows the theoretical calculation of several dynamical properties. Special attention is devoted to several aspects of the single-particle dynamics, which are discussed as a function of the thermodynamic state. The results are compared with those of Molecular Dynamics simulations and other theoretical approaches.Comment: 31 pages (in preprint format), 14 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Comparison of residual salivary fluoride retention using amine fluoride toothpastes in caries-free and caries-prone children.

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    This was to compare the salivary fluoride levels following tooth brushing with amine fluoride toothpastes containing three different concentrations of F (250 ppm F, 500 ppm F and 1250 ppm F) and to evaluate the effect of rinsing with water on the oral fluoride levels up to 90 min.A double blind randomised six-arm crossover study was conducted with 32 child participants. Patients were divided into two groups depending on their caries experience with caries-free group (n = 17, mean age = 72.9 months) and caries-prone group (n = 15, mean age = 69.6 months, mean dmfs = 12.3). Each participant brushed their teeth with a smear of dentifrice containing (250 ppm, 500 ppm and 1250 ppm F toothpastes) for 60 s. After spitting out the dentifrice/saliva slurry, participants either rinsed with water or did not rinse at all. Samples of whole mixed unstimulated saliva were collected at 0 (baseline), 1, 15, 30, 45, 60 and 90 mins post-brushing/rinsing.After completing the study on residual fluoride concentration it was found that caries was not a significant variable (p = 0.567) while every other variable was (all p values 1000 ppm F concentration in children with an increased caries risk in addition to spitting excess toothpaste with no rinsing following brushing

    Liver-Derived IGF-I Regulates Mean Life Span in Mice

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    Background: Transgenic mice with low levels of global insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) throughout their life span, including pre- and postnatal development, have increased longevity. This study investigated whether specific deficiency of liver-derived, endocrine IGF-I is of importance for life span. Methods and Findings: Serum IGF-I was reduced by approximately 80 % in mice with adult, liver-specific IGF-I inactivation (LI-IGF-I-/- mice), and body weight decreased due to reduced body fat. The mean life span of LI-IGF-I-/- mice (n = 84) increased 10 % vs. control mice (n = 137) (Cox’s test, p,0.01), mainly due to increased life span (16%) of female mice [LI-IGF-I-/- mice (n = 31): 26.761.1 vs. control (n = 67): 23.060.7 months, p,0.001]. Male LI-IGF-I-/- mice showed only a tendency for increased longevity (p = 0.10). Energy expenditure, measured as oxygen consumption during and after submaximal exercise, was increased in the LI-IGF-I-/- mice. Moreover, microarray and RT-PCR analyses showed consistent regulation of three genes (heat shock protein 1A and 1B and connective tissue growth factor) in several body organs in the LI-IGF-I-/- mice. Conclusions: Adult inactivation of liver-derived, endocrine IGF-I resulted in moderately increased mean life span. Body weight and body fat decreased in LI-IGF-I-/- mice, possibly due to increased energy expenditure during exercise. Genes earlier reported to modulate stress response and collagen aging showed consistent regulation, providing mechanisms tha

    Critical Decay at Higher-Order Glass-Transition Singularities

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    Within the mode-coupling theory for the evolution of structural relaxation in glass-forming systems, it is shown that the correlation functions for density fluctuations for states at A_3- and A_4-glass-transition singularities can be presented as an asymptotic series in increasing inverse powers of the logarithm of the time t: ϕ(t)figi(x)\phi(t)-f\propto \sum_i g_i(x), where gn(x)=pn(lnx)/xng_n(x)=p_n(\ln x)/x^n with p_n denoting some polynomial and x=ln (t/t_0). The results are demonstrated for schematic models describing the system by solely one or two correlators and also for a colloid model with a square-well-interaction potential.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of "Structural Arrest Transitions in Colloidal Systems with Short-Range Attractions", Messina, Italy, December 2003 (submitted