17 research outputs found

    Resultados preliminares del comportamiento de los usuarios de datasea.es

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    This presentation shows the analysis of datasea.es webpage users through the Google Analytics tool

    La investigación española en Ciencias de la Salud frente al uso compartido de datos: una aproximación cualitativa

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    El intercambio de datos entre investigadores es una práctica que ha ido ganando relevancia en los últimos años. Aunque es una práctica con una larga historia en la ciencia, hoy en día los avances tecnológicos y la progresiva concienciación sobre el acceso abierto han hecho que sea cada vez más requerida por las revistas, los editores y las agencias de financiación. Dado que los investigadores son los principales llamados a llevar a cabo esta práctica, indagar en sus conocimientos, creencias y actitudes sobre la compartición de datos es vital para entender este fenómeno y perfilar su proyección a medio y largo plazo. La metodología llevada a cabo ha sido cualitativa y consistió en una entrevista semi-estructurada con preguntas abiertas a 23 investigadores de Ciencias de la Salud en el contexto español. Para su selección se ha llevado a cabo un muestreo intencional siguiendo la técnica de la bola de nieve. Se ha buscado que la muestra estuviera conformada por personas con distintos años de experiencia y que llevaran a cabo investigación básica o aplicada. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas manualmente en documentos en formato .doc y analizadas con el software de investigación cualitativa Atlas.ti. Entre los principales resultados del estudio se ha hallado que los investigadores de básica tienen más conocimientos y más experiencia con la práctica, así como menos reticencia que los investigadores aplicados para llevarla cabo. No obstante, también se han encontrado más a menudo con la exigencia de compartir datos por parte de las revistas. Sobre las creencias, en general todas las personas entrevistadas reconocen la importancia de la práctica, sin embargo, se evidencian miedos relacionados con la pérdida de la ventaja competitiva en cuanto a currículum (sobre todo entre los junior), y en cuanto a la consecución de financiación (sobre todo entre los senior). Por este motivo, las actitudes hacia la práctica se pueden resumir en “sí, pero con condiciones”, en la gran mayoría de los casos. La principal conclusión de este trabajo es que existe la necesidad de abordar la percepción de los investigadores e investigadoras sobre una práctica como es el uso compartido de datos desde una perspectiva cualitativa. Se trata de una práctica que implica modificar los hábitos de los investigadores y asumir una serie de riesgos en un mundo muy competitivo como es el científico. Para tratar de asegurar un cierto éxito, las políticas institucionales, así como de las entidades financiadoras públicas y privadas, deben centrarse en entender las realidades subjetivas de los investigadores antes de realizar movimientos y lanzar directrices.Data sharing between researchers is a practice that has been gaining relevance in recent years. Although it is a practice with a long history in science, nowadays technological advances and the progressive awareness of open access have made it increasingly required by journals, publishers and funding agencies. Since researchers are the main ones called upon to carry out this practice, inquiring about their knowledge, beliefs and attitudes about data sharing is vital to understand this phenomenon and to outline its medium- to long-term projection. The methodology used was qualitative and consisted of a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions to 23 Health Sciences researchers in the Spanish context. A purposive sampling was carried out for their selection following the snowball technique. The sample consisted of people with different years of experience and who carried out basic or applied research. The interviews were manually transcribed into documents in .doc format and analyzed with the qualitative research software Atlas.ti. Among the main results of the study, it was found that basic researchers have more knowledge and more experience with practice, as well as less reluctance than applied researchers to carry it out. However, they also encountered more often the requirement of data sharing by journals. On beliefs, in general all interviewees recognize the importance of practice, however, fears related to the loss of competitive advantage in terms of curriculum (especially among juniors), and in terms of securing funding (especially among seniors) are evident. For this reason, attitudes towards the internship can be summarized as "yes, but with conditions", in the vast majority of cases. The main conclusion of this work is that there is a need to address the perception of researchers about a practice such as data sharing from a qualitative perspective. It is a practice that implies modifying the habits of researchers and assuming a series of risks in a very competitive world such as the scientific one. To try to ensure some success, institutional policies, as well as those of public and private funding entities, should focus on understanding the subjective realities of researchers before making moves and launching guidelines

    Jóvenes, deporte y dopaje: Un estudio sobre su percepción y actitudes en los gimnasios y centros deportivos de la ciudad de València

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    Un estudio sobre la percepción de los jóvenes y sus actitudes en los gimnasios y centros deportivos de la ciudad de València

    The inclusion of the gender perspective in oncology research with Spanish participation

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    The gender perspective is important for a better diagnosis and treatment of diseases, especially in the field of oncology. This study aimed to analyse the gender approach in scientific articles in the field of oncology by studying the gender composition of the authorship of papers and the gender inclusion in the research carried out. A bibliographic search of articles and reviews signed by at least one Spanish institution published between 2010 and 2019 was carried out using the Science Citation Index Expanded database in the Oncology category. A total of 7523 studies were classified according to the gender composition determined by the author’s name and a randomised sample was used to evaluate the inclusion of gender perspectives using a checklist. This study revealed a lack of gender parity in the authorship of oncology publications involving Spanish participation. Papers without author gender parity were eight times higher than papers with parity and showed a greater presence of male than female authorship (58 % versus 31 %). Regarding the introduction of the gender perspective, a negative response of 68 % referring to compliance with the entire checklist was obtained, and only a fifth of the articles presented gender balance in the study sample. Moreover, there is a positive correlation between gender parity in authorship and gender perspective integration in published research. In conclusion, there is a great need to advance the inclusion of gender perspectives in cancer research to overcome gender bias and promote better prevention, detection, and intervention for cancer.This work benefited from the assistance of the Spanish Ministry of Equality (MUJER-PI-41-2-ID22), the National R + D + I of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Spanish Government (PID2019-108579RB-I00), and the Valencian Regional Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science, and Digital Society. Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2020/010; CIAICO/2021/205); the 2015- Networks of Excellence Call (CSO2015-71867-REDT), and the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MS21-020)

    La Universitat de València frente a la práctica de compartir material adicional: análisis a través de las publicaciones científicas del año 2018

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    In recent years, publishers, journals, public and private organizations, as well as academic institutions, have promoted the sharing of material that is part of the research process, but which for various reasons has not been included in the final publication. However, little is known about how much material is actually shared and what its characteristics are. For this reason, the objective of this study is to analyze to what extent the teaching and research staff (PDI) of the University of Valencia (UV) share additional material in scientific publications. For this, a representative sample of the 5,679 articles published by the UV PDI was obtained in 2018. The results obtained show that only a quarter of the documents have some type of additional material, with a low frequency of files with reusable material and they were especially focused on specific knowledge areas. However, of these, a large majority are in the first quartile of the Journal Cititation Report or Scimago Journal Rank. It is suggested the need to establish policies at the Universitat de València that promote training on the deposit of additional material and research data in research articles.Las editoriales, revistas, organismos públicos y privados, así como las instituciones académicas, han promovido en los últimos años la compartición de aquel material que forma parte del proceso de investigación, pero que por diversas razones no se ha podido incluir en la publicación final. No obstante, poco se sabe sobre cuánto de este material adicional efectivamente se comparte y cuáles son sus características. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio es analizar en qué medida comparte material adicional en publicaciones científicas el personal docente e investigador (PDI) de la Universitat de València (UV). Para ello, se obtuvo una muestra representativa de los 5.679 artículos publicados por el PDI de la UV en el año 2018. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que solo una cuarta parte de los documentos tiene algún tipo de material adicional, con una baja frecuencia de archivos con material reutilizable y focalizados especialmente en áreas del conocimiento específicas. Sin embargo, de estos, una gran mayoría están en el primer cuartil de Journal Cititation Report o Scimago Journal Rank. Se sugiere la necesidad de establecer políticas en la Universitat de València que promuevan la formación sobre el depósito de material adicional y datos de investigación en los artículos de investigación

    Gender presence on the editorial boards of journals in the Women's Studies subject category

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    In the scientific journals, being part of the editorial boards, including the journals' members and chief editors, involves holding positions of power and responsibility that affect the running of a journal. Until now, these positions have usually been held by men in most scientific disciplines. In this study, the gender composition in the editorial board members (EBMs) and editor-in-chief (ECs) of the 45 Women's Studies journals classified in the Journal Citation Report (JCR) was analyzed. The following indicators were calculated: the gender distribution of ECs and EBMs by journal, publisher, country, and quartile of the journal in the JCR; the geographical area of the members; and the gender distribution of the authors of papers grouped by journal, and geographical area. The gender distribution of the ECs was 92 % women, while that of the EBMs was 82.2 %. Regarding the articles and reviews published during 2019, a 72.4 % were signed by women. These results display an “inverted truncated pyramid”: the higher the level of decision-making positions is, the higher the percentage of women. On the other hand, the results by geographical area shows an Anglo-Saxon and European bias

    Administración Social y Sistemas de Bienestar

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    Material docente de la asignatura de Administración Social y Sistemas de Bienestar en el grado de Educación Social. Los contenidos están basados en la guía docente de la asignatura profundizando en la configuración de la política social en España, la configuración histórica del Estado del Bienestar y de los diferentes modelos existentes y el sistema público de servicios sociales, con especial atención al modelo del País Valenciano. Se trata de una traducción, revisión y ampliación del manual "Administració social i sistemes de benestar", con localizador: https://hdl.handle.net/10550/8070

    The Emergency Medicine Facing the Challenge of Open Science

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    BACKGROUND: The availability of research datasets can strengthen and facilitate research processes. This is specifically relevant in the emergency medicine field due to the importance of providing immediate care in critical situations as the very current Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic is showing to the scientific community. This work aims to show which Emergency Medicine journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) currently meet data sharing criteria. METHODS: This study analyzes the editorial policies regarding the data deposit of the journals in the emergency medicine category of the JCR and evaluates the Supplementary material of the articles published in these journals that have been deposited in the PubMed Central repository. RESULTS: It has been observed that 19 out of the 24 journals contained in the emergency medicine category of Journal Citation Reports are also located in PubMed Central (PMC), yielding a total of 5983 articles. Out of these, only 9.4% of the articles contain supplemental material. Although second quartile journals of JCR emergency medicine category have quantitatively more articles in PMC, the main journals involved in the deposit of supplemental material belong to the first quartile, of which the most used format in the articles is pdf, followed by text documents. CONCLUSION: This study reveals that data sharing remains an incipient practice in the emergency medicine field, as there are still barriers between researchers to participate in data sharing. Therefore, it is necessary to promote dynamics to improve this practice both qualitatively (the quality and format of datasets) and quantitatively (the quantity of datasets in absolute terms) in research