25 research outputs found

    The genome of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis, a model for animal development, regeneration, immunity and lignocellulose digestion

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    The amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis is a blossoming model system for studies of developmental mechanisms and more recently regeneration. We have sequenced the genome allowing annotation of all key signaling pathways, transcription factors, and non-coding RNAs that will enhance ongoing functional studies. Parhyale is a member of the Malacostraca clade, which includes crustacean food crop species. We analysed the immunity related genes of Parhyale as an important comparative system for these species, where immunity related aquaculture problems have increased as farming has intensified. We also find that Parhyale and other species within Multicrustacea contain the enzyme sets necessary to perform lignocellulose digestion ('wood eating'), suggesting this ability may predate the diversification of this lineage. Our data provide an essential resource for further development of Parhyale as an experimental model. The first malacostracan genome will underpin ongoing comparative work in food crop species and research investigating lignocellulose as an energy source

    The genome of the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis, a model for animal development, regeneration, immunity and lignocellulose digestion

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    The amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis is a blossoming model system for studies of developmental mechanisms and more recently regeneration. We have sequenced the genome allowing annotation of all key signaling pathways, transcription factors, and non-coding RNAs that will enhance ongoing functional studies. Parhyale is a member of the Malacostraca clade, which includes crustacean food crop species. We analysed the immunity related genes of Parhyale as an important comparative system for these species, where immunity related aquaculture problems have increased as farming has intensified. We also find that Parhyale and other species within Multicrustacea contain the enzyme sets necessary to perform lignocellulose digestion ('wood eating'), suggesting this ability may predate the diversification of this lineage. Our data provide an essential resource for further development of Parhyale as an experimental model. The first malacostracan genome will underpin ongoing comparative work in food crop species and research investigating lignocellulose as an energy source

    Proteins on the catwalk: modelling the structural domains of the CCN family of proteins

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    The CCN family of proteins (CCN1, CCN2, CCN3, CCN4, CCN5 and CCN6) are multifunctional mosaic proteins that play keys roles in crucial areas of physiology such as angiogenesis, skeletal development tumourigenesis, cell proliferation, adhesion and survival. This expansive repertoire of functions comes through a modular structure of 4 discrete domains that act both independently and in concert. How these interactions with ligands and with neighbouring domains lead to the biological effects is still to be explored but the molecular structure of the domains is likely to play an important role in this. In this review we have highlighted some of the key features of the individual domains of CCN family of proteins based on their biological effects using a homology modelling approach

    Structures of insect Imp-L2 suggest an alternative strategy for regulating the bioavailability of insulin-like hormones

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    The insulin/insulin-like growth factor signalling axis is an evolutionary ancient and highly conserved hormonal system involved in the regulation of metabolism, growth and lifespan in animals. Human insulin is stored in the pancreas, while insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is maintained in blood in complexes with IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP1–6). Insect insulin-like polypeptide binding proteins (IBPs) have been considered as IGFBP-like structural and functional homologues. Here, we report structures of the Drosophila IBP Imp-L2 in its free form and bound to Drosophila insulin-like peptide 5 and human IGF-1. Imp-L2 contains two immunoglobulin-like fold domains and its architecture is unrelated to human IGFBPs, suggesting a distinct strategy for bioavailability regulation of insulin-like hormones. Similar hormone binding modes may exist in other insect vectors, as the IBP sequences are highly conserved. Therefore, these findings may open research routes towards a rational interference of transmission of diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fevers


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    Structural basis for the inhibition of insulin-like growth factors by insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins

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    Insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBPs) control bioavailability, activity, and distribution of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)1 and -2 through high-affinity IGFBP/IGF complexes. IGF-binding sites are found on N- and C-terminal fragments of IGFBPs, the two conserved domains of IGFBPs. The relative contributions of these domains to IGFBP/IGF complexation has been difficult to analyze, in part, because of the lack of appropriate three-dimensional structures. To analyze the effects of N- and C-terminal domain interactions, we determined several x-ray structures: first, of a ternary complex of N- and C-terminal domain fragments of IGFBP4 and IGF1 and second, of a “hybrid” ternary complex using the C-terminal domain fragment of IGFBP1 instead of IGFBP4. We also solved the binary complex of the N-terminal domains of IGFBP4 and IGF1, again to analyze C- and N-terminal domain interactions by comparison with the ternary complexes. The structures reveal the mechanisms of IGF signaling regulation via IGFBP binding. This finding supports research into the design of IGFBP variants as therapeutic IGF inhibitors for diseases of IGF disregulation. In IGFBP4, residues 1–38 form a rigid disulphide bond ladder-like structure, and the first five N-terminal residues bind to IGF and partially mask IGF residues responsible for the type 1 IGF receptor binding. A high-affinity IGF1-binding site is located in a globular structure between residues 39 and 82. Although the C-terminal domains do not form stable binary complexes with either IGF1 or the N-terminal domain of IGFBP4, in the ternary complex, the C-terminal domain contacts both and contributes to blocking of the IGF1 receptor-binding region of IGF1

    The Mushroom Body of Adult Drosophila Characterized by GAL4 Drivers

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    The mushroom body is required for a variety of behaviors of Drosophila melanogaster. Different types of intrinsic and extrinsic mushroom body neurons might underlie its functional diversity. There have been many GAL4 driver lines identified that prominently label the mushroom body intrinsic neurons, which are known as Kenyon cells. Under one constant experimental condition, we analyzed and compared the the expression patterns of 25 GAL4 drivers labeling the mushroom body. As an internet resource, we established a digital catalog indexing representative confocal data of them. Further more, we counted the number of GAL4-positive Kenyon cells in each line. We found that approximately 2,000 Kenyon cells can be genetically labeled in total. Three major Kenyon cell subtypes, the , '/', and / neurons, respectively, contribute to 33, 18, and 49% of 2,000 Kenyon cells. Taken together, this study lays groundwork for functional dissection of the mushroom body

    Specific Dopaminergic Neurons for the Formation of Labile Aversive Memory

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    A paired presentation of an odor and electric shock induces aversive odor memory in Drosophila melanogaster [1, 2]. Electric shock reinforcement is mediated by dopaminergic neurons [3-5], and it converges with the odor signal in the mushroom body (MB) [2, 6-8]. Dopamine is synthesized in similar to 280 neurons that form distinct cell clusters [9-11] and is involved in a variety of brain functions [9, 12-20]. Recently, one of the dopaminergic clusters (PPL1) that includes MB-projecting neurons was shown to signal reinforcement for aversive odor memory [21]. As each dopaminergic cluster contains multiple types of neurons with different projections and physiological characteristics [11, 20], functional understanding of the circuit for aversive memory requires cellular identification. Here, we show that MB-M3, a specific type of dopaminergic neurons in the PAM cluster, is preferentially required for the formation of labile memory. Strikingly, flies formed significant aversive odor memory without electric shock when MB-M3 was selectively stimulated together with odor presentation. In addition, we identified another type of dopaminergic neurons in the PPL1 cluster, MB-MP1, which can induce aversive odor memory. As MB-M3 and MB-MP1 target the distinct subdomains of the MB, these reinforcement circuits might induce different forms of aversive memory in spatially segregated synapses in the MB

    Efforts towards the design of 'Teflon' proteins: In vivo translation with trifluorinated leucine and methionine analogues

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    In vivo incorporation of monofluorinated noncanonical amino acids into recombinant proteins has been well-established for decades. Proteins fluorinated in this way proved to be useful tools for many practical applications. In contrast, trifluorinated amino acids have been incorporated in only a few peptides and relatively small proteins by using expression systems in living cells. A novel class of proteins with a fluorous core can be envisaged only if full replacement of the core-building hydrophobic and aliph. amino acids such as leucine or methionine with the related analogs trifluoromethionine and trifluoroleucine would be feasible. However, our systematic efforts to introduce these amino acids in larger proteins (over 10 Da) that contain different structural motifs clearly show that only partial substitutions are possible. The reasons are high toxicity of these substances and difficulties to accommodate them into the compact cores of natural proteins without adverse effects on their structural integrity. Therefore, engineering of such three dimensional "Teflon"-like structures would require, besides an expansion of the amino acid repertoire of the genetic code, a de novo protein design as well