2,167 research outputs found

    Higher-order splitting algorithms for solving the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and their instabilities

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    Since the kinetic and the potential energy term of the real time nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation can each be solved exactly, the entire equation can be solved to any order via splitting algorithms. We verified the fourth-order convergence of some well known algorithms by solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation numerically. All such splitting algorithms suffer from a latent numerical instability even when the total energy is very well conserved. A detail error analysis reveals that the noise, or elementary excitations of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger, obeys the Bogoliubov spectrum and the instability is due to the exponential growth of high wave number noises caused by the splitting process. For a continuum wave function, this instability is unavoidable no matter how small the time step. For a discrete wave function, the instability can be avoided only for \dt k_{max}^2{<\atop\sim}2 \pi, where kmax=π/Δxk_{max}=\pi/\Delta x.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Finite Generation of Canonical Ring by Analytic Method

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    In the 80th birthday conference for Professor LU Qikeng in June 2006 I gave a talk on the analytic approach to the finite generation of the canonical ring for a compact complex algebraic manifold of general type. This article is my contribution to the proceedings of that conference from my talk. In this article I give an overview of the analytic proof and focus on explaining how the analytic method handles the problem of infinite number of interminable blow-ups in the intuitive approach to prove the finite generation of the canonical ring. The proceedings of the LU Qikeng conference will appear as Issue No. 4 of Volume 51 of Science in China Series A: Mathematics (www.springer.com/math/applications/journal/11425)

    Positivity of relative canonical bundles and applications

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    Given a family f:X→Sf:\mathcal X \to S of canonically polarized manifolds, the unique K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on the fibers induce a hermitian metric on the relative canonical bundle KX/S\mathcal K_{\mathcal X/S}. We use a global elliptic equation to show that this metric is strictly positive on X\mathcal X, unless the family is infinitesimally trivial. For degenerating families we show that the curvature form on the total space can be extended as a (semi-)positive closed current. By fiber integration it follows that the generalized Weil-Petersson form on the base possesses an extension as a positive current. We prove an extension theorem for hermitian line bundles, whose curvature forms have this property. This theorem can be applied to a determinant line bundle associated to the relative canonical bundle on the total space. As an application the quasi-projectivity of the moduli space Mcan\mathcal M_{\text{can}} of canonically polarized varieties follows. The direct images Rn−pf∗ΩX/Sp(KX/S⊗m)R^{n-p}f_*\Omega^p_{\mathcal X/S}(\mathcal K_{\mathcal X/S}^{\otimes m}), m>0m > 0, carry natural hermitian metrics. We prove an explicit formula for the curvature tensor of these direct images. We apply it to the morphisms SpTS→Rpf∗ΛpTX/SS^p \mathcal T_S \to R^pf_*\Lambda^p\mathcal T_{\mathcal X/S} that are induced by the Kodaira-Spencer map and obtain a differential geometric proof for hyperbolicity properties of Mcan\mathcal M_{\text{can}}.Comment: Supercedes arXiv:0808.3259v4 and arXiv:1002.4858v2. To appear in Invent. mat

    Cohomology of bundles on homological Hopf manifold

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    We discuss the properties of complex manifolds having rational homology of S1×S2n−1S^1 \times S^{2n-1} including those constructed by Hopf, Kodaira and Brieskorn-van de Ven. We extend certain previously known vanishing properties of cohomology of bundles on such manifolds.As an application we consider degeneration of Hodge-deRham spectral sequence in this non Kahler setting.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of 2007 conference on Several complex variables and Complex Geometry. Xiamen. Chin

    Fermionic Modular Categories and the 16-fold Way

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    We study spin and super-modular categories systematically as inspired by fermionic topological phases of matter, which are always fermion parity enriched and modelled by spin TQFTs at low energy. We formulate a 1616-fold way conjecture for the minimal modular extensions of super-modular categories to spin modular categories, which is a categorical formulation of gauging the fermion parity. We investigate general properties of super-modular categories such as fermions in twisted Drinfeld doubles, Verlinde formulas for naive quotients, and explicit extensions of PSU(2)4m+2PSU(2)_{4m+2} with an eye towards a classification of the low-rank cases.Comment: Latest post-referee version. Many typos fixed, many explanations expanded, several inconsistencies corrected. 8 figure

    An assessment of the readiness for introduction of the HPV vaccine in Uganda

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    Formative research assessing human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine readiness in Uganda was conducted in 2007. The objective was to generate evidence for government decision-making and operationalplanning for HPV vaccine introduction. Qualitative research methods with children, parents, teachers, community leaders, health workers, technical experts and political leaders were used to captureunderstanding of socio-cultural, health system and policy environments. We found low levels of knowledge about cervical cancer and HPV. Vaccination and its benefits were well-understood;respondents were positive about HPV vaccination. Health systems were deemed adequate for HPV vaccine delivery. Schools were identifie as a vaccination venue, given high attendance by girls aged10-12 years. Communication and advocacy strategies to foster acceptance should provide information on cervical cancer, HPV vaccine safety, and side effects. Policymakers requested further detail on costs.Introduction of HPV vaccine could be integrated into existing reproductive health and immunization policies (Afr J Reprod Health 2008; 12[3]:159-172)
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