54 research outputs found

    Spatial and Temporal Habitat Use of an Asian Elephant in Sumatra

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    Increasingly, habitat fragmentation caused by agricultural and human development has forced Sumatran elephants into relatively small areas, but there is little information on how elephants use these areas and thus, how habitats can be managed to sustain elephants in the future. Using a Global Positioning System (GPS) collar and a land cover map developed from TM imagery, we identified the habitats used by a wild adult female elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in the Seblat Elephant Conservation Center, Bengkulu Province, Sumatra during 2007–2008. The marked elephant (and presumably her 40–60 herd mates) used a home range that contained more than expected medium canopy and open canopy land cover. Further, within the home range, closed canopy forests were used more during the day than at night. When elephants were in closed canopy forests they were most often near the forest edge vs. in the forest interior. Effective elephant conservation strategies in Sumatra need to focus on forest restoration of cleared areas and providing a forest matrix that includes various canopy types

    Kuat Tekan dan Ultasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV) Beton OPC dan OPC Abu Sekam Padi untuk Aplikasi di Lingkungan Gambut

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    This research study the compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) of OPC and OPC rice husk ash (RHA) concrete. Test will be measured after 28 days immersed in peat water. Specimens will be immersed in peat water after 28 days cured in normal water. Compressive strength of OPC concrete showed biggest value than OPC with admixture RHA 5% and 10% which is increasing amount of RHA for subsitute cement will decreasing compressive strength. Test UPV of the specimen showed OPC RHA 5% being best quality than other


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    The aim of this community service activity was to provide educational information related to the rules of the correct and good steps for washing hands. This activity was the one of simple procedure steps to break the chain of covid 19. This service activity was carried out with one of the pork traders at Kasih Traditional market, Naikoten, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara. The level of understanding of pork traders regarding the correct way of washing hands according to WHO (World Health Organization) standards is proven to increase understanding and knowledge after direct educational outreach activities which are measured by questionnaires before and after service activity


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    The prevention of COVID-19 widespread needs to be understood by the community, especially people who unfortunately have to work face to face with buyers, such as meat traders in local markets. It is important to ensure them understanding the prevention of COVID-19 so they can keep having income with a minimum chance of being infected by COVID-19. The purpose of this community service is to increase the awareness of pork trader group participation in Kasih Market, Naikoten, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province in preventing the COVID-19 widespread by doing physical distancing and wearing masks. The method of implementing this community service is the distribution of questionnaires (pretest and posttest form) and socialization. The pre-socialization questionnaire was given to know pork traders’ knowledge about physical distancing and mask usage. The socialization was delivered by explaining how to do correct physical distancing and mask usage. The post-socialization questionnaire was given as the indicator of the success of the community service. The questionnaire results showed a significant increase in pork traders’ understanding of physical distancing, from around 67% to 92%, and the understanding of masks usage, from around 42% to 92%. Therefore, it is hoped that the pork traders can apply the knowledge correctly and participate in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the market

    Post-Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Complications at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital

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    Background: This study retrospectively evaluated post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) complications at Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital in order to improve management of a subsequent prospective study of post-ERCP complications.Method: The indications, findings, diagnostic or therapeutic procedure, cannulation, devices used during the procedure, and complications of patients treated consecutively with ERCP between January 2004 and November 2008 were evaluated retrospectively.Results: Of 176 ERCP patients who were initially evaluated, 38% had undergone diagnostic ERCP and 62% therapeutic ERCP. The median age of the patients was 49 years (range 18–80 years); 95 (53.9%) were male. Only 54 of these 176 procedures could be evaluated for post-ERCP complications. A computed tomographic abdominal scan or magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography was performed in 23 (42.6%) patients and a biliary sphincterotomy in 14 (25.9%) patients. The overall complication rate was 33.3%: 14.8% after diagnostic ERCP and 18.5% after therapeutic ERCP. The complications after diagnostic ERCP were pancreatitis in 3 (15%) patients, cholangitis in 3 (15%) patients, hemorrhage in 1 (5%) patient, pancreatitis and hemorrhage in 1 (5%) patient; the complications after therapeutic ERCP were pancreatitis in 6 (17.6%) patients, cholangitis in 3 (8.8%) patients, hemorrhage in none, and concomitant pancreatitis with hemorrhage in 1 (2.9%) patient. No significant difference was observed between the complication rates and the type of ERCP performed.Conclusion: There were no differences in the complications after diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP. As our study shows the post-ERCP complication rate to be higher than those of other large retrospective and prospective studies, we must evaluate it in a prospective study

    Numerical study on hygroscopic material drying in packed bed

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    The paper addresses numerical simulation for the case of convective drying of hygroscopic material in a packed bed, analyzing agreement between the simulated and the corresponding experimental results. In the simulation model of unsteady simultaneous one-dimensional heat and mass transfer between gas phase and dried material, it is assumed that the gas-solid interface is at thermodynamic equilibrium, while the drying rate of the specific product is calculated by applying the concept of a "drying coefficient". Model validation was clone on the basis of the experimental data obtained with potato cubes. The obtained drying kinetics, both experimental and numerical, show that higher gas (drying agent) velocities (flow-rates), as well as lower equivalent grain diameters, induce faster drying. This effect is more pronounced for deeper beds, because of the larger amount of wet material to be dried using the same drying agent capacity

    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Akuntansi Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Student Facilitatory And Explaining

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan pembelajaran akuntansi berbasis model pembelajaran SFAE dan Untuk menemukan bagaimana hasil belajar akuntansi dengan pembelajaran berbasis model pembelajaran SFAE pada mahasiswa FKIP UMSU. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam upaya memberikan alternatif solusi penggunaan model pembelajaran dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan akuntansi FKIP UMSU. Pengembangan model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar dilakukakan melalui beberapa tahapan. Teknik yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data dan hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui observasi langsung dikelas pada semester sebelumnya, Selain itu, peneliti juga menggunakan tes dan lembar observasi yang didapat dari hasil refleksi. Selanjutnya data yang diperoleh dianalisis untuk selanjutnya dapat ditarik kesimpulan terkait kegiatan belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran SFAE, Berdasarkan hasil belajar mahasiswa dengan menggunakan Model pembelajaran Student Facilitatory And Explaining (SFAE) dengan metode resitasi (penugasan) secara berkelompok diperoleh hasil rerata hitung belajar sebesar 70.7. Inti penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana keaktifan mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran berbasis SFAE dan akan dikaitkan dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Sedangkan pada aktifitas belajar, apakah mahasiswa belajar, bagaimana mahasiswa belajar dan bagaimana keaktifan mahasiswa belajar diperoleh Kelompok satu mendapat hasil belajar dengan nilai 80, dimana jika dilihat dari keaktifan dalam proses pembelajaran maka diperoleh gambaran bahwa pembelajaran masih kondusif, meskipun ada sebahagian besar anggota kelompok yang tidak fokus pada saat diskusi penyelesaian masalah, perdebatan dalam menyelesaikan masalah seru dan kepastian atas jawaban kelompok dapat dipertanggung jawabkan, kondisi inilah yang menghantarkan kelompok satu mendapatkan nilai 80

    Pengaruh Perputaran Kas, Perputaran Modal Kerja dan Rasio Lancar terhadap Profitabilitas pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2015-2017

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    Situasi ekonomi di Indonesia detik ini mampu dianalisis dari banyaknya industri yang tumbuh dan terus berkembang  salah satunya pada industri Manufaktur. Sampel yang diperoleh pada pengamatan ini sebanyak 74 sampel Perusahaan dengan hasil observasi selama 3 tahun yakni pada tahun 2015 - 2017, sehingga data observasi diperoleh sebanyak 222 sampel. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder melalui teknik purposive sampling. Metode yang digunakan metode analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil dari riset ini menyatakan bahwa secara keseluruhan perputaran kas, perputaran modal kerja, dan rasio lancar berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap profitabilitas. Secara parsial, variabel perputaran kas tidak berpengaruh terhadap profitabilitas. Sedangkan variabel perputaran modal kerja dan rasio lancar berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap profitabilitas
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