70 research outputs found

    Translation and validation of Malay version stroke knowledge test: extension study experience

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    To translate and validate the Malay version of the Stroke Knowledge Test (SKT) research tool developed by Sullivan and Dunton (2004) among stroke patients. To state the experience of checking stability of Malay SKT among chronic kidney patients

    Vaksin Covid-19: kami sudah, lepas ini anda pula

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    Terima kasih Malaysia! Tanda penghargaan kami, petugas kesihatan untuk tunggak kepimpinan negara. Vaksin Pfizer telah diterima Malaysia akhir Februari 2021 sebagaimana dijanjikan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin. Beliau sendiri telah disuntik jururawat terlatih pada 24 Februari 2021 simbolik pemimpin mendahului rakyat demi meningkatkan keyakinan terhadap pemvaksinan. Terlalu banyak isu terutamanya perbezaan jenis vaksin di pasaran, keberkesanan dan penerimaan individu serta kesan sampingan telah menjadi topik hangat. Umumnya, semua jenis vaksin samada Pfizer, AstraZeneca, sinovac, CanSinoBIO mahupun Sputnik V yang dibawa masuk ke Malaysia adalah selamat! Vaksin ini melalui pematuhan piawaian yang ketat oleh Regulatori Farmasi Negara (NPRA) dan Pihak Berkuasa Kawalan Dadah (PBKD). Selepas ini, giliran masyarakat umum untuk divaksinasi, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) akan memantau segala aspek terutamnya kesan sampingan susulan imunisasi (AEFI). Isunya ialah adakah anda bersedia untuk vaksin? Artikel Penuh : https://www.sinarharian.com.my/article/129192 ยฉ 2018 Hakcipta Terpelihara Kumpulan Karangkra

    Penyakit buah pinggang kronik boleh dicegah

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    Buah pinggang merupakan salah satu organ dalam tubuh manusia yang sangat penting. Antara fungsi buah pinggang ialah untuk menapis darah serta bahan kumuh (urea, asid urik, ammonia, air) berlebihan dari tubuh badan, mengawal keseimbangan elektrolit (garam sodium, potassium, klorid, fosfat) dan hormon (renin, angiotensin, aldosteron) dalam mengawalatur keseimbangan isipadu cecair dan tekanan darah dalam tubuh manusia. Secara prinsipnya, buah pinggang sukar untuk mengalami masalah dan seterusnya kegagalan dalam menjalankan fungsi yang disebutkan di atas. Namun begitu, terdapat beberapa faktor risiko memandangkan kebelakangan ini rakyat Malaysia berdepan dengan pelbagai penyakit medikal seperti diabetes mellitus, hipertensi, masalah jantung serta obesiti yang berkait rapat dengan gaya hidup yang kurang sihat. Penyakit buah pinggang kronik (CKD) sekiranya tidak dikawal mampu membawa kepada kegagalan akhir buah pinggang (ESRD) yang menelan kos rawatan yang tinggi seperti terapi penggantian buah pinggang (renal transplant) dan hemodialisis. Oleh itu, pencegahan awal lebih bermakna melalui modifikasi gaya hidup ke arah yang lebih sihat. Kawalan pemakanan serta senaman merupakan aspek penting dalam kalangan pesakit dengan masalah buah pinggang kronik di peringkat awal seperti CKD Peringkat 1 dan 2. Di samping itu, amatlah penting bagi pesakit untuk sentiasa mematuhi rawatan susulan yang ditetapkan oleh doktor, mengambil ubatan yang telah perskripsikan oleh pegawai farmasi mengikut aturan pengambilan yang dicadangkan oleh jururawat serta mengubahsuai pengambilan pemakanan yang telah dicadangkan oleh pegawai pemakanan / nutrisi

    LGBT: Is this our responsibility?

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    The issue of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) has become a social issue in many community including the Muslim. LGBT is associated with sexual disorders and gender issues which require the attention of everyone, including the policymakers and leaders. Many communities do not condone such behaviour, thus various approaches had been used to overcome or at least minimise this social menace. It is a very sensitive issue that demands research to understand it better. We may choose to ignore or accept it as a reality; but how would we react if one our family members or close friend claimed to be an LGBT? Will we be worried, try to understand the problem and help them or just ignore it totally? Perhaps, in this situation some would try to help out of empathy, love and care. Some may resort to the blaming game and find reasons to explain the phenomena. Can it be a genetic disorder? Is it a result of upbringing, influence from friends or social media? Or is it part of qadaโ€™ and qadar from Allah as a test from Him

    Virtual reality (VR) in breast cancer awareness (BCA) program

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    1. Evidence from literatures on breast cancer along with project leader and her FYP studentsโ€™ research findings. 2. Previous BCA program organized by the team. 3. Hands on: Breast self-examination (BSE

    Knowledge, attitude and practice on stroke among hypertensive patients attending Medical Outpatient Department of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan

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    Stroke is ranked as the second leading cause of mortality and the third leading cause of disability despite advancement in diagnostic and treatment regime (Johnson, Onuma, Owolabi & Sachdey, 2016). In Malaysia, stroke is recognized as the third leading cause of death after ischemic heart disease and pneumonia (Zariah et al, 2015). According to Hamidon et al (2012), it is important to emphasize on primary intervention; health education especially for those at higher risk for stroke attack in order to reduce stroke incidence. However, there is limited information regarding knowledge, attitude and practice towards stroke in Malaysia and limited study conducted in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang

    Educational needs among stroke patients admitted to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia: preliminary findings

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan jenis keperluan pendidikan di kalangan pesakit strok di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. Pesakit strok (n = 41) dipilih menggunakan persampelan mudah dari Wad Perubatan dan Pembedahan antara September hingga Disember 2012. Data diperolehi menggunakan borang kaji selidik separa berpandu dan laporan perubatan. Pesakit diberi masa yang mencukupi untuk melengkapkan sejarah gaya hidup dan keperluan pendidikan berkaitan strok dengan bantuan penyelidik. Instrumen tentang keperluan pendidikan terdiri daripada lima tema termasuk maklumat umum mengenai strok, pengurusan faktor risiko, rawatan strok, rehabilitasi dan masalah pasca strok serta pengurusan pemakanan pasca strok. Hasil kajian menunjukkan majoriti pesakit strok adalah perempuan (58.5%), berusia antara 56 hingga 65 tahun (39.0%) dan menghidap strok iskemia (68.3%). Pesakit mempunyai sejarah tekanan darah tinggi (85.4%), kencing manis (46.3%), hiperlipidemia (29.3%), penyakit jantung iskemia (22.0%) dan fi brilasi atrium (2.4%). Sebelas daripada mereka (26.9%) adalah bekas perokok dan ramai mengamalkan gaya hidup kurang sihat seperti kurang bersenam (80.5%) dan gemar makanan bergoreng (68.3%). Kebanyakan pesakit diperskripsi pelbagai ubatan (92.7%) untuk merawat penyakit mereka. Secara umum, keperluan pendidikan yang paling ingin diketahui oleh pesakit strok adalah tentang pencegahan (92.7%), pengurusan bantuan kecemasan (85.4%), komplikasi (85.4%) dan kejadian strok berulang (85.4%). Keperluan pendidikan lain yang ingin diketahui ialah kemungkinan sembuh melalui ubatan (92.7%), senaman sendi (82.9%), pengambilan ikan (78.0%), pengambilan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran selepas strok (78.0%). Hasil kajian ini memberikan maklumat asas jenis keperluan pendidikan dalam kalangan pesakit strok. Intervensi pendidikan pesakit perlu dilaksanakan secara rutin untuk pencegahan awal dan pencegahan strok berulang di hospital dan komunit

    Incidence and risk factors of phlebitis among adult patients with peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC)

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    Background of study: The insertion of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) is essential among hospitalized patients for treatment purposes. However, this procedure usually fails before the end of therapy due to many complications. Phlebitis is one of the common complication occurred. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the incidence rate of phlebitis among patients with PIVC and identify the associated risk factors contributed to phlebitis. Methods: This study used observational study design which was conducted in one of the hospitals located in East Coast Malaysia (Kuantan, Pahang). There were 161 data collected among patients who had PIVC in medical, gynecology and orthopedic wards from September 2016 until December 2016. The incidence of phlebitis on patients were evaluated using modified Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) score checklist adopted from Royal College of Nursing in 2010. Other information regarding PIVC also being collected through assessment of patients. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square test. Results: The incidence of phlebitis, was found out to be 32.3% (n=52). The associated factors that contributed to the incidence of phlebitis in this study were presence of chronic diseases. Conclusions: Overall, phlebitis was the most frequent reason for PIVC removal and complication in this study. This high incidence from the result indicated a worrying outcome, as it was greater than the percentage recommended by Infusion Nursing Society. This study demonstrated that patients with chronic diseases were most likely to develop phlebitis

    Comparison of knowledge, attitude and practice on stroke knowledge in Malaysia and other nations: A review of literature

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    Background: There is an increasing trend of stroke occurrence among Malaysian populations recently. Thus, there is a need for further early management and secondary prevention of stroke. Objectives: To provide an overview on knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) had been carried out among stroke patients and general population. Data sources: Published survey studies on KAP had been carried out among stroke patients general population in Malaysia and globally. Review methods: Searches were conducted in two data-bases (ProQuest, EBSCOhost). Reviews were included, if these were based on a survey study that measures KAP between 2005 and 2015. The authors had focused the survey study design, population and sampling method highlighting the tools and interview strategy used in order to obtain the information on KAP. The scope of interest were perceptions towards stroke, knowledge on risk factors, signs and symptoms of stroke and its association with socio-demography background of the participants. Results: A total of 22 articles were reviewed included, but none of them from Malaysia studies. However, only 14 were reviewed systematically on the basis of its completeness for quantitative synthesis. In this article, we had reviewed the existing literatures on the scope mentioned earlier and compared it with those of developed countries. Findings highlighted the level of stroke knowledge on risk factors as well as signs and symptoms were range from moderate to poor. This knowledge level was found to be associated with age, gender, education level and income status. Conclusion: Study on KAP is crucial in order to increase the awareness about stroke disease on the risk factors management, administration of appropriate treatment as well as further secondary prevention. This findings may be adopted in Malaysia to improve awareness and knowledge specifically for the stroke patients and their family members and among the public generally

    Incidence and risk factors of phlebitis among adult patient s with peripheral intravenous catheter

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    The insertion of peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) is essential among hospitalized patients for treatment purposes. However, this procedure usually fails before the end of therapy due to many complications. Phlebitis is one of the common complication occurred. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the incidence rate of phlebitis among patients with PIVC and identify the associated risk factors contributed to phlebitis. Methods: This study used observational study design which was conducted in one of the hospitals located in East Coast Malaysia (Kuantan, Pahang). There were 161 data collected among patients who had PIVC in medical, gynecology and orthopedic wards from September 2016 until December 2016. The incidence of phlebitis on patients were evaluated using modified Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) score checklist adopted from Royal College of Nursing in 2010. Other information regarding PIVC also being collected through assessment of patients. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi square test. Results: The incidence of phlebitis, was found out to be 32.3% (n=52). The associated factors that contributed to the incidence of phlebitis in this study were presence of chronic diseases. Conclusions: Overall, phlebitis was the most frequent reason for PIVC removal and complication in this study. This high incidence from the result indicated a worrying outcome, as it was greater than the percentage recommended by Infusion Nursing Society. This study demonstrated that patients with chronic diseases were most likely to develop phlebitis
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