LGBT: Is this our responsibility?


The issue of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) has become a social issue in many community including the Muslim. LGBT is associated with sexual disorders and gender issues which require the attention of everyone, including the policymakers and leaders. Many communities do not condone such behaviour, thus various approaches had been used to overcome or at least minimise this social menace. It is a very sensitive issue that demands research to understand it better. We may choose to ignore or accept it as a reality; but how would we react if one our family members or close friend claimed to be an LGBT? Will we be worried, try to understand the problem and help them or just ignore it totally? Perhaps, in this situation some would try to help out of empathy, love and care. Some may resort to the blaming game and find reasons to explain the phenomena. Can it be a genetic disorder? Is it a result of upbringing, influence from friends or social media? Or is it part of qada’ and qadar from Allah as a test from Him

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