580 research outputs found

    Implicaturas no contexto do ato de comunicação

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    The article presents a study in the field of linguistic pragmatics and considers the implicitness problem with respect to the communication act. Extracting an impicature of an utterance is proved to be the main condition for successful speech act. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that the implicitness problem has not been completely studied and still has a lot of aspects to explore. The classification of different kinds of implicatures supported by examples from fiction texts is given. Moreover, some statistic data relating to impicatures types and their frequency are provided. The article might be interesting for specialists developing problems of linguistic pragmatics, communication acts and implicitness.El artículo presenta un estudio en el campo de la pragmática lingüística y considera el problema de la implícitaidad con respecto al acto comunicativo. Se ha demostrado que extraer una impicatura de un enunciado es la condición principal para un acto de habla exitoso. La relevancia del artículo viene determinada por el hecho de que el problema de la implícita no ha sido completamente estudiado y aún tiene muchos aspectos por explorar. Se da la clasificación de diferentes tipos de implicaturas apoyada por ejemplos de textos de ficción. Además, se proporcionan algunos datos estadísticos relacionados con los tipos de impicaturas y su frecuencia. El artículo puede resultar interesante para especialistas en desarrollo de problemas de pragmática lingüística, actos de comunicación e implícitaidad.O artigo apresenta um estudo no campo da pragmática linguística e considera o problema da implicitude no que diz respeito ao ato de comunicação. Extrair a impicatura de um enunciado é comprovadamente a principal condição para o sucesso do ato de fala. A relevância do artigo é determinada pelo fato de que o problema da implicitude não foi totalmente estudado e ainda possui muitos aspectos a serem explorados. É apresentada a classificação de diferentes tipos de implicaturas suportadas por exemplos de textos de ficção. Além disso, são fornecidos alguns dados estatísticos relativos aos tipos de impicaturas e sua frequência. O artigo pode ser interessante para especialistas em desenvolvimento de problemas de pragmática linguística, atos de comunicação e implicitude

    Predicatividade implícita de sentenças nominais em russo e inglês

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    The article considers nominal sentences in Russian and English languages. This type of sentences have always been to seen as one-member sentences, but in the recent decades some researches have appeared claiming that they contain implicit predicativity, that is, they can be considered as two-member sentences at the level of semantics. The authors completely support this view and explore the way how one member sentences express predicativity using limited language means. The authors also provide the classification of nominal sentences with language examples in Russian and English and express the view that nominal sentences have different degrees implicit predicativity. Special attention is paid to the kinds of nominal sentences with highest implicit predicativity.El artículo considera oraciones nominales en los idiomas ruso e inglés. Este tipo de oraciones siempre se han visto como oraciones de un miembro, pero en las últimas décadas han aparecido algunas investigaciones que afirman que contienen predicatividad implícita, es decir, pueden ser consideradas como oraciones de dos miembros a nivel semántico. Los autores apoyan completamente este punto de vista y exploran la forma en que las oraciones de un miembro expresan la predicatividad utilizando medios de lenguaje limitados. Los autores también proporcionan la clasificación de oraciones nominales con ejemplos de lenguaje en ruso e inglés y expresan la opinión de que las oraciones nominales tienen diferentes grados de predicatividad implícita. Se presta especial atención a los tipos de oraciones nominales con mayor predicatividad implícita.O artigo considera sentenças nominais nas línguas russa e inglesa. Este tipo de sentenças sempre foi visto como sentenças de um membro, mas nas últimas décadas algumas pesquisas surgiram alegando que elas contêm uma predicatividade implícita, ou seja, podem ser consideradas sentenças de dois membros no nível da semântica. Os autores apóiam completamente esta visão e exploram a maneira como as sentenças de um membro expressam predicatividade usando meios de linguagem limitados. Os autores também fornecem a classificação de sentenças nominais com exemplos de linguagem em russo e inglês e expressam a visão de que sentenças nominais têm diferentes graus de predicatividade implícita. Atenção especial é dada aos tipos de sentenças nominais com maior predicatividade implícita

    Mechanism of formation of pores and voids in unconventional reservoirs at great depths in the crystalline basement of the East Russian Plate

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    © SGEM2014. All rights reserved. This article considers formation mechanism of unconventional reservoirs void-pore space of the East Russian Plate basement. These processes are associated with geodynamic processes, the formation of destruction zones and latter studies of lowtemperature crystalline basement rocks of the East Russian Plate


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    Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal features of restrictions as a legal phenomenon, their purpose, the value of their place and role among other legal phenomena. The relevance of this study is pressuposed by the need to develop the optimal limits for intervention in the rights of civil law subjects. The development of a harmonious mechanism for the legal regulation of rights' restrictions, ensuring a balance between the interests of the right holder and those opposing it is of particular importance. Methods: during the study, we used the ascent method from the abstract to the concrete; universal methods of knowledge: genetic method; system-structural. Private scientificmethods: legal-dogmatic method and method of interpretation of legal norms. Results: as a result of an analysis of existing opinions about the subjective civil rights' restriction, it has been established that the restrictions imply the deprivation of the right holder of the opportunity to exercise the powers granted to him/her in order to protect the private interests of other persons and public interests. Restrictions allow for the sustainable development of social relations while ensuring the right holder's interests. Conclusions: Restrictions are the most important and inalienable attribute of subjective civil law. The absence of restrictions will lead to an imbalance of existing interests, providing theright holder with ample opportunities for abuse, putting the interests of others at risk. At the same time, the rights' restriction as a concept means the specific measures to narrow the powers of the right holder, the content of which is largely due to the specific nature of the protection object.Key words: restrictions, limits, subjective civil law, absolute right, property right, exclusive right


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    The perpetrator of the crime under Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is characterized by willingness to follow criminal ideology, to lead the criminal hierarchy using an arsenal of illegal methods, to organize and expand the scope and territory of criminal activity through subordinate structures, actively counteract the law enforcement function of the state. The criminal career of the leader of the criminal hierarchy is the basis for qualifying a crime, determining the circumstances included in the subject of proof, for planning and organizing an investigation. Purpose: to analyze the criminal law, criminological and criminalistic characteristics of the perpetrator of the crime – «Taking the highest position in the criminal hierarchy». Methods: empirical methods of comparison, description, interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic; specific scientific methods: legal-dogmatic and interpretation of legal norms. Results: the study makes it possible to identify problems in the qualification of the crime, to highlight the criminal law, criminological and criminalistic signs of the perpetrator of the crime under Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to formulate recommendations on the organization and planning of the investigation of this crime

    Hydrogen Sulfide Ameliorates Developmental Impairments of Rat Offspring with Prenatal Hyperhomocysteinemia

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    Maternal high levels of the redox active amino acid homocysteine-called hyperhomocysteinemia (hHCY)-can affect the health state of the progeny. The effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) treatment on rats with maternal hHCY remain unknown. In the present study, we characterized the physical development, reflex ontogeny, locomotion and exploratory activity, muscle strength, motor coordination, and brain redox state of pups with maternal hHCY and tested potential beneficial action of the H2S donor-sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS)-on these parameters. Our results indicate a significant decrease in litter size and body weight of pups from dams fed with methionine-rich diet. In hHCY pups, a delay in the formation of sensory-motor reflexes was observed. Locomotor activity tested in the open field by head rearings, crossed squares, and rearings of hHCY pups at all studied ages (P8, P16, and P26) was diminished. Exploratory activity was decreased, and emotionality was higher in rats with hHCY. Prenatal hHCY resulted in reduced muscle strength and motor coordination assessed by the paw grip endurance test and rotarod test. Remarkably, administration of NaHS to pregnant rats with hHCY prevented the observed deleterious effects of high homocysteine on fetus development. In rats with prenatal hHCY, the endogenous generation of H2S brain tissues was lower compared to control and NaHS administration restored the H2S level to control values. Moreover, using redox signaling assays, we found an increased level of malondialdehyde (MDA), the end product of lipid peroxidation, and decreased activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) in the brain tissues of rats of the hHCY group. Notably, NaHS treatment restored the level of MDA and the activity of SOD and GPx. Our data suggest that H2S has neuroprotective/antioxidant effects against homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity providing a potential strategy for the prevention of developmental impairments in newborns

    Violated copyright protection in the russian federation

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    © 2014, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. The article analyzes international and Russian law statutes and court practice about legal protection of copyright. The main legacy problems of copyright protection including modern approaches are noted. The main types of types of violations in practice and forms of protection are shown. The article also deal with problems of application of the copyright law based on the analysis of judicial practice of the state arbitration courts of the Russian Federation. Compensation in money terms is specially attended. There is a conclusion about the need for balance between private and public interests in copyright protection

    Ways of transferring implicit information in English-Russian fiction translations

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. The study presents a research in the field of translation studies and deals with the problem of transferring implicit meanings from the original language to the target language. Every person who has some practical experience in fiction translating realizes the importance of this problem. The presence of implicit meanings in all languages is one of the most important features of the verbal communication process. By implicit meaning, we understand the meaning of a statement that is not expressed in a verbal way but can be drawn by the recipient on the basis of the context, situation or background knowledge. The research has been made using original American fiction samples and comparing them with their Russian translations. As a result, we have made the following conclusions: when trying to translate impicit components of a statement, translators use the following methods: leaving these components without any change and letting the reader to draw the implicit meaning; replacing them by equivalents in the target language; partial or complete explication which might result in the loss of the statement implicity in the target language