21 research outputs found

    Gastric cancer : epidemiology, risk factors, classification, genomic characteristics and treatment strategies

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    Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common malignancies worldwide and it is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death. GC is a multifactorial disease, where both environmental and genetic factors can have an impact on its occurrence and development. The incidence rate of GC rises progressively with age; the median age at diagnosis is 70 years. However, approximately 10% of gastric carcinomas are detected at the age of 45 or younger. Early-onset gastric cancer is a good model to study genetic alterations related to the carcinogenesis process, as young patients are less exposed to environmental carcinogens. Carcinogenesis is a multistage disease process specified by the progressive development of mutations and epigenetic alterations in the expression of various genes, which are responsible for the occurrence of the disease

    The Intra-Manufacture Diameter Variability of Rotary Files and Their Corresponding Gutta-Percha Cones Using Laser Scan Micrometer

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    Introduction: As an attempt to simplify the obturation process and create a tight seal, manufacturers offer gutta-percha (GP) cones matching different sizes of endodontic files. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether intra-manufacture GP diameters matched the diameters of their corresponding files at different horizontal levels of the canal. Methods and Materials: Twenty files and corresponding GP master cones of Reciproc R 40/0.08 (VDW, Munich, Germany), WaveOne Large (40/0.08) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), ProTaper F3 (30/0.09) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and Mtwo (40/0.06) (VDW, Munich, Germany) were examined using laser micrometer (LSM 6000 by Mitutoyo, Japan) with accuracy of 1 nm to establish their actual diameter at D0, D1, D3 and D6. Data were analysed using the independent t-test. The differences were considered as significant for P<0.05. Results: The diameter of GP master cones was significantly larger than the corresponding files at all levels with all the above brands. ProTaper GP diameter were closest to the file diameter at D1 (GP=0.35, File=0.35 mm), and D3 (GP=0.48, file=0.49). Conclusion: This in vitro study showed that within the same manufacturer GP cone diameters do not match the diameters of their corresponding files.Keywords: Diameter; Gutta-percha Cone; Laser Scan Micrometer; Rotary File; Tape

    Diameter Variability of Rotary Files and Their Corresponding Gutta-Percha Cones Using Laser Scan Micrometre

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    Introduction: Manufacturers offer gutta-percha (GP) cones matched with different sizes of endodontic files as an attempt to simplify the obturation process and create a tight seal in the canal. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether intra-manufacture GP diameters matched the diameters of their corresponding files at different levels using laser micrometre. Methods and Materials: Twenty files and corresponding GP master cones of Reciproc R40 (40/0.06) (VDW, Munich, Germany), WaveOne Large (40/0.08) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), ProTaper F3 (30/0.09) (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and Mtwo 40/0.06 (VDW, Munich, Germany) were examined using laser micrometre (LSM 6000 by Mitutoyo, Japan) with accuracy of 1 nm to establish their actual diameter at D0, D1, D3 and D6. The data was analysed using the independent t-test. The differences were considered at 0.05. Results: The diameter of GP master cones was significantly larger than that of the corresponding files at all levels in all brands. ProTaper GP diameter was closest to the file diameter at D1 (GP=0.35, File=0.35 mm), and D3 (GP=0.48, File=0.49). Conclusion: Within the same manufacturer, GP cone diameters do not match the diameters of their corresponding files. Clinicians are advised to use a GP gauge to cut the tip so as to appropriate the diameter from a smaller sized GP cone.Keywords: Diameter; Gutta-Percha; Root Canal; Rotary File; Size 

    Results of the treatment of patients with solid tumours and liver metastases: 8 years experience of one institution

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    Wstęp. Leczenie chirurgiczne przerzutów nowotworów litych do wątroby powinno odbywać się w ramach zespołu wielodyscyplinarnego.Cel pracy. Celem pracy jest ocena wyników leczenia skojarzonego chorych na różne nowotwory lite z przerzutami do wątroby przez zespół wielodyscyplinarny jednego ośrodka onkologicznego w ciągu ostatnich 8 lat.Materiał i metody. Retrospektywną analizą objęto 166 chorych (84 kobiety i 82 mężczyzn) w wieku od 19 do 78 lat (średnia 58 ± 11,2), leczonych z powodu przerzutów do wątroby pierwotnych nowotworów litych o różnej lokalizacji, z wyjątkiem guzów neuroendokrynnych. Każdorazowo rozważano okołooperacyjne leczenie systemowe zgodnie z aktualnymi zaleceniami Polskiej Unii Onkologii.Wyniki. W czasie obserwacji (mediana 35 miesięcy) zmarło 46% chorych. Resekcje wątroby wykonano u 107 (65%)chorych, w tym u 19 chorych połączono je z (RF-)termoablacją zmian przerzutowych, którą wykonano jako samodzielny zabieg u dalszych 59 (36%) chorych. Śmiertelność pooperacyjna wyniosła 1,2%. Powikłania II° wg klasyfikacji Clavien-Dindo wystąpiły u 33 (19,8%) chorych, natomiast III° i IV° — u 8 (4,8%) chorych. Przeżycia 1-roczne, 3-letniei 5-letnie wyniosły odpowiednio 78%, 41% i 37%. Pięcioletnie przeżycia całkowite u chorych na raka jelita grubego po resekcjach przerzutów metachronicznych wyniosły 48%.Wnioski. Skojarzone leczenie chorych na nieendokrynne nowotwory lite z przerzutami do wątroby przez zespół wielodyscyplinarny jest bezpieczne i skuteczne. W starannie dobranej grupie chorych można osiągnąć blisko 50% całkowitych przeżyć 5-letnich. Resekcja wątroby jest optymalną metodą leczenia chirurgicznego przerzutów do wątroby.Introduction. Surgical treatment of liver metastases from solid tumours should be provided by multidisciplinary teams.Aim. The aim of the present study is to analyse results of the combined treatment of patients with different solid tumours and liver metastases by single institution multidisciplinary team for last 8 years.Material and methods. This is a retrospective analysis of 166 patients (84 females and 82 males), aged from 19 to 78 years (mean 58 ± 11.2), treated due to liver metastases from solid tumours in various primary localizations: except neuroendocrine tumours. In every patient, perioperative systemic therapy was evaluated in agreement with current recommendations of the Polish Union of Oncology.Results. In the follow-up time available (median 35 months) 46% of patients died. Liver resections were performed in 107 (65%) patients, including 19 patients in whom resections were supplemented with (RF-)thermoablations of their liver metastases. This was the sole surgical treatment in the 59 (36%) patients. Perioperative mortality was 1.2%. Grade II complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification were found in 33 (19.8%) patients, whereas grade III and IV complications were treated in 8 (4.8%) patients. One-, 3-, and 5-year survival rates were respectively 78%, 41%, and 37%. Five-year overall survival in patients with colorectal carcinoma after liver resection of metachronous metastases was 48%. We conclude that combined treatment of patients with liver metastases from non-endocrine solid tumours by the multidisciplinary team is safe and effective. A nearly 50% 5-year survival is achievable in a carefully selected group of patients. We also conclude that hepatic resection is an optimal method of surgical treatment of liver metastases

    Skin Lesions and Systemic Reactions in Humans Infested by Blackflies (Diptera: Simullidae) in Recreational Areas in Southeastern Poland

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    Due to their mass occurrence in some environments and high aggressiveness, blackflies (Simulium spp.) represent the most bothersome arthropods attacking humans. In this study, we describe the medical effects of blackfly infestations in humans in southeastern Poland. Local and systemic reactions to blackfly bites were monitored in 418 patients (61.24% of females and 38.76% of males) of medical centers. Only skin lesions at the site of the bites were found in 88.52% of the patients, whereas accompanying systemic reactions were diagnosed in 11.48%. The most common signs observed in the area of the bites were pruritus (94.74%), burning (55.02%), edema (44.02%), and erythema (40.91%). The skin lesions, which were most often grouped small papules and papular and purpuric lesions with a varied range, typically persisted for several days, or for several weeks in some patients. Statistical analyses confirmed that the persistence of the skin lesions did not depend on the sex of the patients and the number of blackfly infestations. The systemic reactions to the components of the blackfly saliva were manifested by headache, increased body temperature, arthralgia, lymphadenopathy, and menstrual disorders in the females. The patients were most often attacked simultaneously by many blackflies on exposed parts of the body, mainly the upper limb, lower limb, head, and neck areas. The investigations indicate that blackflies are an important etiological factor of dermatitis and other symptoms in humans; hence, they should be considered in clinical diagnosis

    Managing Colorectal Cancer from Ethology to Interdisciplinary Treatment: The Gains and Challenges of Modern Medicine

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a common malignant tumor of the gastrointestinal tract, which has become a serious threat to human health worldwide. This article exhaustively reviews colorectal cancer’s incidence and relevance, carcinogenesis molecular pathways, up-to-date treatment opportunities, prophylaxis, and screening program achievements, with attention paid to its regional variations and changes over time. This paper provides a concise overview of known CRC risk factors, including familial, hereditary, and environmental lifestyle-related risk factors. The authors take a closer look into CRC’s molecular genetic pathways and the role of specific enzymes involved in carcinogenesis. Moreover, the role of the general practitioner and multidisciplinary approach in CRC treatment is summarized and highlighted based on recent recommendations and experience. This article gives a clear understanding and review of the gains and challenges of modern medicine towards CRC. The authors believe that understanding the current patterns of CRC and its revolution is imperative to the prospects of reducing its burden through cancer prevention and cancer-adjusted treatment


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    The experiment was carried out in the year 2013. The experimental plant material consisted of herb (leafy flowered stems) and leaves of periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don). The aim of the study was to compare the content of biologically active compounds (L-ascorbic acid, total polyphenols), dry matter, and antioxidant activity of fresh and dried plant material. Moreover, on the base of the dried plant material (herb and leaves of periwinkle), three kinds of water extracts were prepared: infusions, decoctions and macerates; with three times of extraction. In the obtained water extracts content of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity were determined. On the base of the study results it was shown that fresh leaves of periwinkle had higher biological value in comparison with its herb. However, after drying process higher content of biologically active compounds was noted for the herb. 15 min/h decoction was found to be the most effective method of water extraction of dried perwinkle herb and leaves. Moreover, herb water extracts were characterized by higher content of polyphenols, while leaf water extracts – by higher content of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity