17 research outputs found

    Теоретическое обоснование низконапорного гидроагрегата

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    The purpose of the present work is to justify the design of a low-head hydraulic turbine whose efficiency is by 10... 15 % higher than the efficiency of a water wheel.Theoretical investigations in respect of counteraction to torque of an impeller blade of a hydraulic turbine when it enters and leaves water flow have been carried aut.The model of the developed hydraulic turbine has been manufactured. The model will be tested in the hydraulic channel of the BNTU.Целью настоящей работы является обоснование конструкции низконапорной гидротурбины, у которой КПД на 10... 15 % выше, чем, например, у водяного колеса.Проведены теоретические исследования противодействия крутящему моменту лопасти рабочего колеса гидротурбины при ее вхождении в поток воды и выходе из него.Изготовлена модель разработанной гидротурбины, которая будет испытана в гидравлическом лотке БНТУ

    WebAssembly for Backend Process Development

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    The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the fundamental features of Wasm, and its runtime environments called Wasmtime and Wasmedge. The case company for this thesis was Nokia, one of the leading telecommunications companies worldwide. A relatively new functional tool called WebAssembly (Wasm) makes it possible to execute code written in a variety of programming languages on the Web browser at native speed. The thesis covered fundamental information and reasons why WebAssembly was released. In addition, this work focused on exploring two Wasm runtime environments, Wasmtime and Wasmedge. Also, the thesis covers the basic information of both runtimes and provides a practical use case for a client-server application with Wasm usage. The outcome of this study demonstrates the potential of WebAssembly and its runtime environments for developing backend services at the beginning of the 2023 year. The findings indicate that this technology should be improved and cannot yet enable simple usage. Furthermore, there is relatively limited documentation and the information that is accessible is quite specific. Moreover, Wasm cannot be used out of the box and existing Rust, or C++ code should be changed to use libraries supported by Wasm. The outcome of this thesis should help Nokia to understand the basic idea, usage, advantages, and disadvantages of Wasm. In the end, this work includes significant information in one place that is unique at this stage of WebAssembly development

    Building a Software-Defined Networking System with OpenDaylight Controller

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    The goal of this project was to create a working and redundant software defined networking system in an isolated networking laboratory. In addition, another goal was to gain experience with the technology and produce well-defined and clear instructions describing how to create the same system. The project was carried out in a networking laboratory on an ESXi server with virtual machines installed on it. The OpenDaylight controller was chosen as a main controller and Mininet was used as a networking infrastructure orchestrated by the controller. A usable software defined networking system was built using the OpenDaylight controller and documented. Moreover, a set of instructions with explanations was written. In addition, obstacles and problems were described and a possible solution for the problems was suggested. The system was tested with the VTN application. Overall performance of the system was analyzed. The results showed that the OpenDaylight controller had been cutting edge technology and an alternative for traditional networks, but some limitations and issues still had existed. Future enhancements were given and a possible practical system for future Metropolia SDN offerings was created

    Kombinierte Dichtungswelle - Patent SU 1093850 A vom 23.5.1984

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    Der wirtschaftliche Nutzen dieser Erfindung besteht darin, daß das Anwendungsgebiet der Dichtungen durch die Verbesserung der Abdichtung erweitert wird

    Theoretical Justification of Low-Head Hydraulic Unit

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    The purpose of the present work is to justify the design of a low-head hydraulic turbine whose efficiency is by 10... 15 % higher than the efficiency of a water wheel.Theoretical investigations in respect of counteraction to torque of an impeller blade of a hydraulic turbine when it enters and leaves water flow have been carried aut.The model of the developed hydraulic turbine has been manufactured. The model will be tested in the hydraulic channel of the BNTU

    Radionuclide measurements in sediments and water of the Kara Sea

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    In this report, the results of a 2000-2001 radiogeoecological investigation are presented for the region of the Ob and Yenisei estuaries and the adjacent Kara Sea. In order to study the behaviour and migration of Cs, Sr and Pu radionuclides in a river - sea system experimental research on the distribution of these radionuclides in the water column and surface sediments has been carried out. In addition, the role of suspended and dissolved organic matter on the behaviour of radionuclides in water solutions has been studied. The 137Cs and 239,240Pu concentrations in the upper 0-2cm layer of the sediments varied between 1,4 and 50,0 Bq/kg, with a mean of 12,4 Bq/kg, and between 0,065-1,96 Bq/kg, with a mean of 0,62 Bq/kg, respectively. There is a direct relationship of a specific radioactivity of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the sediments and the content of clay fraction. The 137Cs, 90Sr and 239,240Pu concentrations in the water samples varied between 0,4 and 7,0 Bq/m**3 (mean of 3,6 Bq/m**3), 0,4 and 9,7 Bq/m**3 (mean of 3,3 Bq/m**3), and 0,01-0,3 Bq/m**3 (mean of 0,02 Bq/m**3), respectively. In the water samples the concentration of the water-soluble species l37Cs increases with increasing salinity, whereas the concentration of the 90Sr-radionuclide decreases with increasing salinity. This may be related to the physico-chemical behaviour of these radionuclides in water solutions and the influence of several sources on radioactive pollution in this basin. In sea water the suspended matter may absorb up to 10% 137Cs, 90Sr and 239,240Pu, in river water samples these values may reach 15-30%. More than 50% 90Sr and 239,240Pu is able to form complexes with dissolved organic matter. This effect is smaller in saline water. The comparison of the data of 137Cs radioactivity in the surface sediments in 1995 and 2000-2001 showed that the level of radioactivity has decreased