1,008 research outputs found

    Dynamic changes in the histomorphological structure of the thyroid gland of rats against the background of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis

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    In preclinical studies, which are conducted to study the therapeutic effectiveness and pharmacological safety of biologically active compounds for the correction of autoimmune thyroiditis, various experimental models of this pathology are used in the experiment. In this work, we analyzed various models of thyroiditis that have been used for the past fifty years. Such an analysis made it possible to choose the most optimal model for the study of autoimmune pathology of the thyroid gland as well as for the correction of this condition. The analysis of known and the search for new pathogenetically justified models of autoimmune diseases of endocrine organs is a very urgent task. The aim of the work was to study the dynamics of changes in the histomorphological structure of the thyroid gland when modeling autoimmune thyroiditis in rats using an allogeneic antigen isolated from the human thyroid gland. The postoperative thyroid gland of a person was used as an antigen. Morphological changes in the thyroid gland were studied one, three and six months after the end of the simulation. It was found that the use of this type of immunization led to changes in the parenchyma of the gland, characteristic of autoimmune thyroiditis. Already one month after modeling, Gürtle cells, fibrosis, areas of lymphoid infiltration of the parenchyma were registered. These pathological changes persisted and worsened three and six months after the end of the simulation. The investigated type of model of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis is easily reproduced. Pathological changes in the gland deepen over time and are comparable to those that occur in people with Hashimoto's thyroiditi

    Erinnern an Herakleios

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    This dissertation is dealing with the problem of the social memory of the Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius. It is the first study into the history of reception of this ruler by Medieval Christian authors. The source basis of this study covers a wide number of narrative sources, primarily of Byzantine, Medieval Western and Oriental Christian provenance, composed between the 7th and the 13th centuries. The main question discussed is how was Heraclius remembered in different Medieval cultures and contexts, i.e. how the memory of him and his reign developed over the course of time, what changes and disruptions the image of Heraclius underwent throughout the centuries and how forgetting, intentional or not, influenced this process. Using a systematic approach, I explored narrative elements common to most of the sources addressed, e.g. Heraclius’ Persian campaigns or his religious policy. It’s worth emphasizing that not only the narrative elements that constitute what is seen as “real history” are being analyzed, but also certain fictional elements, e.g. various hyperbolized, fantastic, stories of Heraclius personally fighting and vanquishing unrealistically powerful enemies. As part of this analysis, I identified and compared various narrative approaches to the history of Heraclius’ reign, while searching for their possible origins. This, while dedicating particular attention to the narrative approaches found in different regional and religious-political textual traditions: the contemporary Byzantine and Western traditions; the late Crusader tradition; the Dyothelete, Monothelete and Miaphysite traditions. The ideological and political needs of constructing a certain specific image of Heraclius are further examined in this work in order to understand and establish the level of “historicity” and/or the “biased” nature of the relevant source or group of sources. Through a critical juxtaposition of the “historical” and the “imagined” Heraclius, this study can enrich our understanding of the mechanisms of social memory and its ideological dimension, as applied to Medieval societies

    Problémy vzdělávání v multikulturním stá tu

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    Pronoun in Abel Matthieu’s linguistic concept (1520? - 1572?)

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    The aim of the article is to describe the system of pronouns in the linguistic concept of Abel Matthieu (1520? - 1572?), a French humanist, legal adviser and author of the treatise "Devis de la langue francoyse" (1559, 1560, 1572

    Dynamic changes in the histomorphological structure of the thyroid gland of rats against the background of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis

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    In preclinical studies, which are conducted to study the therapeutic effectiveness and pharmacological safety of biologically active compounds for the correction of autoimmune thyroiditis, various experimental models of this pathology are used in the experiment. In this work, we analyzed various models of thyroiditis that have been used for the past fifty years. Such an analysis made it possible to choose the most optimal model for the study of autoimmune pathology of the thyroid gland as well as for the correction of this condition. The analysis of known and the search for new pathogenetically justified models of autoimmune diseases of endocrine organs is a very urgent task. The aim of the work was to study the dynamics of changes in the histomorphological structure of the thyroid gland when modeling autoimmune thyroiditis in rats using an allogeneic antigen isolated from the human thyroid gland. The postoperative thyroid gland of a person was used as an antigen. Morphological changes in the thyroid gland were studied one, three and six months after the end of the simulation. It was found that the use of this type of immunization led to changes in the parenchyma of the gland, characteristic of autoimmune thyroiditis. Already one month after modeling, Gürtle cells, fibrosis, areas of lymphoid infiltration of the parenchyma were registered. These pathological changes persisted and worsened three and six months after the end of the simulation. The investigated type of model of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis is easily reproduced. Pathological changes in the gland deepen over time and are comparable to those that occur in people with Hashimoto's thyroiditi

    Audio Guidance to Enable Vision-Impaired Individuals to Move Independently

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    At present, when an individual who is blind or has low-vision runs or walks for exercise, they might use a treadmill, rely on a guide dog, or use a tethered human guide. Independent and safe exercise, whether walking or running, is one way to increase personal agency and improve the quality of life for vision-impaired persons. This disclosure describes techniques that use on-device machine learning to enable a vision-impaired individual to independently walk or run, e.g., for exercise. A tape or guideline is painted along the running path. A mobile device camera detects the guideline. An app on the phone estimates the user\u27s position to the left or to the right of the guideline. The app provides audio cues in stereo to direct the person to stay in close proximity to the guideline while walking or running


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    The specifics of multiobject forensic handwriting examination is considered. Urgency of their performing and the importance for making decisions on the case are underlined. Attention is drawn to the solution of specific problems that require different approaches, depending on the nature of research objects. Multistage character of research on a multitude of handwriting objects is singled out and features of a separate stage, namely preliminary research are considered. Importance of this stage for the further research planning, selection of the corresponding separate techniques by expert, construction of expert versions is revealed. It is pointed out that methods of performing multiobject handwriting examination at the stage of preliminary research has features that distinguish it from other handwriting methods. Issues related to familiarization with the submitted materials, verification of comparability of samples and establishment of comparative material sufficiency are touched upon. Importance of resolving the issue regarding the need to send an application by a expert is noted. Also, the completion of the preliminary research stage by the formulation of general and private versions per se of the tasks assigned to expert is noted. Recently expert practice requires from experts not only to update methodological approaches in solving handwriting tasks when granting a large number of objects, but also to improve methods of performing relevant research. Above mentioned sequence of research stages can be one of the types of guarantee for full and comprehensive objective research on a large number of objects, an serve the basis for a correct expert decision. Consideration of the issues of features on the stage of preliminary research in carrying out a multiobject handwriting examination is important for handwriting experts, both beginners and with great experience.Рассмотрена специфика многообъектной судебно-почерковедческой экспертизы. Подчеркнута актуальность их проведения и значение для принятия решений по делу. Обращено внимание на решение конкретных задач, которые требуют разных подходов, в зависимости от характера объектов исследования. Выделен многоступенчатый характер исследования множества почерковых объектов и рассмотрены особенности отдельной стадии – предварительного исследования. Раскрыта важность проведения этого этапа для дальнейшего планирования исследования, выбора экспертом соответствующих отдельных методик, построения экспертных версий. Указано, что методика проведения многообъектных почерковедеских экспертиз уже на стадии предварительного исследования имеет особенности, которые отличают ее от других почерковедческих методик. Затронуты вопросы, касающиеся ознакомления с представленными материалами, проверки сопоставимости образцов и установления достаточности сравнительного материала. Отмечена важность решения вопроса о необходимости направления ходатайства экспертом, а также завершения этапа предварительного исследования формулированием общих и частных версий по сути поставленных эксперту задач. Экспертная практика в последнее время требует от экспертов не только обновления методических подходов к решению почерковедческих задач при предоставлении большого количества объектов, но и усовершенствования методов проведения соответствующих исследований. Приведенная последовательность этапов исследования может быть одним из видов гарантии полного и всестороннего объективного проведения исследования большого количества объектов, служить почвой для принятия правильного экспертного решения. Рассмотрение вопросов особенностей стадии предварительного исследования при проведении многообъектной почерковедческой экспертизы имеет важное значение для экспертов-почерковедов как начинающих, так и с большим опытом работы.Розглянуто специфіку багатооб’єктної судово-почеркознавчої експертизи та особливості її окремої стадії – попереднього дослідження. Наведена послідовність етапів дослідження може бути одним із видів гарантії повного й усебічного об’єктивного проведення дослідження значної кількості об’єктів, слугувати підґрунтям для прийняття вірного експертного рішення

    Unrolled three-operator splitting for parameter-map learning in Low Dose X-ray CT reconstruction

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    We propose a method for fast and automatic estimation of spatially dependent regularization maps for total variation-based (TV) tomography reconstruction. The estimation is based on two distinct sub-networks, with the first sub-network estimating the regularization parameter-map from the input data while the second one unrolling T iterations of the Primal-Dual Three-Operator Splitting (PD3O) algorithm. The latter approximately solves the corresponding TV-minimization problem incorporating the previously estimated regularization parameter-map. The overall network is then trained end-to-end in a supervised learning fashion using pairs of clean-corrupted data but crucially without the need of having access to labels for the optimal regularization parameter-maps