1,025 research outputs found

    A risk-based decision policy to aid the prioritization of unsafe sidewalk locations for maintenance and rehabilitation

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    Air pollution and a general concern for lack of physical activity in North America have motivated governments to encourage non-motorized modes of transportation. A key infrastructure component for these forms of transportation is sidewalks. The City of Saskatoon has identified the need to formalize sidewalk management policies to demonstrate diligence for community protection regarding sidewalk safety. Prioritization of sidewalk maintenance and rehabilitation actions must be objective and minimize risk to the community. Most research on prioritization of pedestrian facilities involved new construction projects. This research proposes a decision model that prioritizes a given list of existing unsafe sidewalk locations needing maintenance or rehabilitation using a direct measure of pedestrian safety, namely, quality-adjusted life years lost per year. A decision model was developed for prioritizing a given list of unsafe sidewalk locations, aiding maintenance and rehabilitation decisions by providing the associated risk to pedestrian safety. The model used data mostly from high quality sources that had already been collected and validated. Probabilities and estimations were used to produce value-added decision policy. The decision analysis framework applied probability and multi-attribute utility theories. This study differed from other research due to the inclusion of age and gender groups. Total average daily population of the city was estimated. This population was distributed to sidewalk locations using probabilities for trip purposes and a location’s ability to attract people relative to the city total. Then trip injury events were predicted. Age and gender distribution and trip injury type estimations were used to determine the impact of those injuries on quality of life.There exist much observable high quality data that can be used as indicators of unknown or unobserved events. A decision policy was developed that prioritizes unsafe sidewalk locations based on the direct safety impact on pedestrians. Results showed that quality-adjusted life years lost per year sufficiently prioritized a given list of unsafe sidewalk locations. It was demonstrated that the use of conditional probabilities (n=594) allowed for the ability to abstract data representing a different source population to another. Average daily population confined and distributed within the city boundary minimized problems of accuracy. Gender-age distribution was important for differentiating the risk at unsafe sidewalk locations. Concepts from this research provide for possible extension to the development of sidewalk service levels and sidewalk priority maps and for risk assessment of other public services

    Positional, Reorientational and Bond Orientational Order in DNA Mesophases

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    We investigate the orientational order of transverse polarization vectors of long, stiff polymer molecules and their coupling to bond orientational and positional order in high density mesophases. Homogeneous ordering of transverse polarization vector promotes distortions in the hexatic phase, whereas inhomogeneous ordering precipitates crystalization of the 2D sections with different orientations of the transverse polarization vector on each molecule in the unit cell. We propose possible scenarios for going from the hexatic phase, through the distorted hexatic phase to the crystalline phase with an orthorhombic unit cell observed experimentally for the case of DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Measuring Cognitive Reflection without Maths: Development and Validation fo the Verbal Cognitive Reflection Test

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    The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) became popular for its impressive power to predict how well people reason and make decisions. Despite the popularity of the CRT, a major issue complicates its interpretation: the numerical nature of the CRT confounds reflection ability with mathematical ability. We have addressed this issue by developing the Verbal CRT (CRT-V), a novel 10-item measure of cognitive reflection (https://osf.io/xehbv/), using non-mathematical problems with good statistical and psychometric properties and with low familiarity. First, we selected suitable items with relatively low familiarity and optimal difficulty as identified in two different populations (Studies 1 and 2) and with high content validity as judged by an expert panel (Study 3). Second, we demonstrated good criterion and construct validity for the test in different populations with a wide range of variables (Studies 4-6, 8) and a good internal consistency and test-retest reliability (Study 7). The Verbal CRT was less associated with math anxiety, objective and subjective numeracy than the original CRT and it was test equivalent across gender, age groups and administration setting. In contrast with the original CRT (Hedge’s g = 0.29, 95% CI[0.17, 0.40]), the Verbal CRT showed no gender differences (Hedge’s g = -0.06, 95% CI[-0.18, 0.06]). The Verbal CRT can complement existing, numerical, tests of cognitive reflection

    Are COVID-19 conspiracies a threat to public health? Psychological characteristics and health protective behaviours of believers

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    We tested the link between COVID-19 conspiracy theories and health protective behaviours in three studies: one at the onset of the pandemic in the United Kingdom (UK), a second just before the first national lockdown, and a third during that lockdown (N = 302, 404 and 399). We focused on conspiracy theories that did not deny the existence of COVID-19 and evaluated the extent to which they predicted a range of health protective behaviours, before and after controlling for psychological and sociodemographic characteristics associated with conspiracy theory belief. COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs were positively correlated with beliefs in other unrelated conspiracies and a general conspiracy mind-set, and negatively correlated with trust in government and a tendency towards analytical thinking (vs. intuitive thinking). Unexpectedly, COVID-19 conspiracy believers adhered to basic health guidelines and advanced health protective measures as strictly as non-believers. Conspiracy believers were, however, less willing to install the contact-tracing app, get tested for and vaccinated against COVID-19, and were more likely to share COVID-19 misinformation – all of which might undermine public health initiatives. Study 3 showed conspiracy theory believers were less willing to undertake health protective behaviours that were outside of their personal control, perceiving these as having a negative balance of risks and benefits. We discuss models explaining conspiracy beliefs and health protective behaviours, and suggest practical recommendations for public health initiatives

    Germline-encoded neutralization of a Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor by the human antibody repertoire.

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    Staphylococcus aureus is both an important pathogen and a human commensal. To explore this ambivalent relationship between host and microbe, we analysed the memory humoral response against IsdB, a protein involved in iron acquisition, in four healthy donors. Here we show that in all donors a heavily biased use of two immunoglobulin heavy chain germlines generated high affinity (pM) antibodies that neutralize the two IsdB NEAT domains, IGHV4-39 for NEAT1 and IGHV1-69 for NEAT2. In contrast to the typical antibody/antigen interactions, the binding is primarily driven by the germline-encoded hydrophobic CDRH-2 motifs of IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, with a binding mechanism nearly identical for each antibody derived from different donors. Our results suggest that IGHV1-69 and IGHV4-39, while part of the adaptive immune system, may have evolved under selection pressure to encode a binding motif innately capable of recognizing and neutralizing a structurally conserved protein domain involved in pathogen iron acquisition

    Annihilation Emission from the Galactic Black Hole

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    Both diffuse high energy gamma-rays and an extended electron-positron annihilation line emission have been observed in the Galactic Center (GC) region. Although X-ray observations indicate that the galactic black hole Sgr A^* is inactive now, we suggest that Sgr A^* can become active when a captured star is tidally disrupted and matter is accreted into the black hole. As a consequence the galactic black hole could be a powerful source of relativistic protons. We are able to explain the current observed diffuse gamma-rays and the very detailed 511 keV annihilation line of secondary positrons by ppp-p collisions of such protons, with appropriate injection times and energy. Relativistic protons could have been injected into the ambient material if the black hole captured a 50M_\odot star at several tens million years ago. An alternative possibility is that the black hole continues to capture stars with \sim1M_\odot every hundred thousand years. Secondary positrons produced by ppp-p collisions at energies \ga 30 MeV are cooled down to thermal energies by Coulomb collisions, and annihilate in the warm neutral and ionized phases of the interstellar medium with temperatures about several eV, because the annihilation cross-section reaches its maximum at these temperatures. It takes about ten million years for the positrons to cool down to thermal temperatures so they can diffuse into a very large extended region around the Galactic center. A much more recent star capture may be also able to account for recent TeV observations within 10 pc of the galactic center as well as for the unidentified GeV gamma-ray sources found by EGRET at GC. The spectral difference between the GeV flux and the TeV flux could be explained naturally in this model as well.Comment: Accepted by ApJ on March 24, 200

    The Phase Behavior of Mixed Lipid Membranes in Presence of the Rippled Phase

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    We propose a model describing liquid-solid phase coexistence in mixed lipid membranes by including explicitly the occurrence of a rippled phase. For a single component membrane, we employ a previous model in which the membrane thickness is used as an order parameter. As function of temperature, this model properly accounts for the phase behavior of the three possible membrane phases: solid, liquid and the rippled phase. Our primary aim is to explore extensions of this model to binary lipid mixtures by considering the composition dependence of important model parameters. The obtained phase diagrams show various liquid, solid and rippled phase coexistence regions, and are in quantitative agreement with the experimental ones for some specific lipid mixtures.Comment: 8pages, 5figure

    Structural mapping in statistical word problems: A relational reasoning approach to Bayesian inference

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    Presenting natural frequencies facilitates Bayesian inferences relative to using percentages. Nevertheless, many people, including highly educated and skilled reasoners, still fail to provide Bayesian responses to these computationally simple problems. We show that the complexity of relational reasoning (e.g., the structural mapping between the presented and requested relations) can help explain the remaining difficulties. With a non-Bayesian inference that required identical arithmetic but afforded a more direct structural mapping, performance was universally high. Furthermore, reducing the relational demands of the task through questions that directed reasoners to use the presented statistics, as compared with questions that prompted the representation of a second, similar sample, also significantly improved reasoning. Distinct error patterns were also observed between these presented- and similar-sample scenarios, which suggested differences in relational-reasoning strategies. On the other hand, while higher numeracy was associated with better Bayesian reasoning, higher-numerate reasoners were not immune to the relational complexity of the task. Together, these findings validate the relational-reasoning view of Bayesian problem solving and highlight the importance of considering not only the presented task structure, but also the complexity of the structural alignment between the presented and requested relations