17 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de software para interpretação de dados gasométricos aplicável em unidades de terapia intensiva Software development for gasometric data interpretation applicable in intensive care units

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um software para interpretação de dados gasométricos aplicável em UTIs. Trata-se de estudo de caráter experimental, sendo selecionada uma base teórica em Java com a IDE NetBeans 6.8 por meio de parceria com profissionais capacitados em Sistemas de Informação. O desenvolvimento do programa foi baseado na criação de um algoritmo, uma sequência de instruções bem definidas e não ambíguas a serem executadas mecanicamente com a finalidade de fornecer um diagnóstico desejado. Foi criado um software aplicável em UTIs denominado InterGas, que é um programa de fácil instalação, possui interface de fácil compreensão e utilização, além de processar os dados rapidamente e de forma precisa, oferecendo como resultado final o diagnóstico para o distúrbio do equilíbrio ácido-básico. O desconhecimento de outra ferramenta que reúna todos os componentes do InterGas o torna um software pioneiro que facilita a tomada de decisão à medida que caracteriza a ocorrência de distúrbios mistos utilizando fórmulas de compensação. Com isso, futuros estudos deverão ser feitos com o objetivo de avaliar aspectos relacionados à implementação e eficácia do software desenvolvido.<br>The objective of this study was to develop a software for data interpretation of gasometric applicable in Intensive Care Units that can provide a diagnosis for disorders of acid-base balance. This is an experimental study being selected on a theoretical basis with the Java IDE NetBeans 6.8 through a partnership with professionals trained in Information Systems. The program development was based on creating an algorithm, a sequence of well-defined and unambiguous to be performed mechanically in order to provide a desired diagnosis. We created a software applicable in intensive care units called InterGas, which is a program easy to install, has an interface easy to understand and use, and to process the data quickly and accurately providing as the final diagnosis for the disorder the acid-base balance. The lack of another tool that brings together all the components of InterGas makes it a pioneering software that facilitates decision-making, as it characterizes the occurrence of mixed disturbances using compensation formulas

    Detraining Differentially Preserved Beneficial Effects of Exercise on Hypertension: Effects on Blood Pressure, Cardiac Function, Brain Inflammatory Cytokines and Oxidative Stress

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    AIMS: This study sought to investigate the effects of physical detraining on blood pressure (BP) and cardiac morphology and function in hypertension, and on pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (PICs and AIC) and oxidative stress within the brain of hypertensive rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: Hypertension was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats by delivering AngiotensinII for 42 days using implanted osmotic minipumps. Rats were randomized into sedentary, trained, and detrained groups. Trained rats underwent moderate-intensity exercise (ExT) for 42 days, whereas, detrained groups underwent 28 days of exercise followed by 14 days of detraining. BP and cardiac function were evaluated by radio-telemetry and echocardiography, respectively. At the end, the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) was analyzed by Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot. ExT in AngII-infused rats caused delayed progression of hypertension, reduced cardiac hypertrophy, and improved diastolic function. These results were associated with significantly reduced PICs, increased AIC (interleukin (IL)-10), and attenuated oxidative stress in the PVN. Detraining did not abolish the exercise-induced attenuation in MAP in hypertensive rats; however, detraining failed to completely preserve exercise-mediated improvement in cardiac hypertrophy and function. Additionally, detraining did not reverse exercise-induced improvement in PICs in the PVN of hypertensive rats; however, the improvements in IL-10 were abolished. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that although 2 weeks of detraining is not long enough to completely abolish the beneficial effects of regular exercise, continuing cessation of exercise may lead to detrimental effects