9 research outputs found


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    This research was motivated by business expansion activities carried out by good companies in Indonesia. However, unfortunately, when the company continues to build but does not pay attention to the sustainability aspect of the business. The future of the business is increasingly bleak. Therefore, the concept of expansion is needed accompanied by a green economy based on sharia maqashid. This study aims to analyze the application of Green Economy in Indonesia from the perspective of maqashid syariah. This research is a qualitative research using a phenomenon approach in the form of library research. Where researchers experience events then explain in descriptive form related to the concept of Green Economy and the relevance of its implementation in the Indonesian context and how it is applied in the perspective of safeguarding religion, soul, reason, offspring, property, and the environment. The results show that in designing an implementative, reliable and comprehensive green economy implementation model, Indonesia should have a truly green economic model and relevant to the characteristics of the Indonesian nation based on sharia maqashid that is in harmony with the sociocultural of Indonesian society. The principle of low carbon is basically in line with the maintenance of soul and reason. The principle of resource efficient is also in line with the maintenance of offspring and property. Likewise, the principle of socially inclussive is found in the five aspects of maintenance in the concept of maqashid sharia. Based on the analysis, researchers concluded that in general the application of the green economy concept in Indonesia still needs to be revised. There are still many obstacles faced in the field. Among them, the company is more concerned with profits, without paying attention to business sustainability. Therefore, in developing a business, a maqashid sharia approach is needed so that the business carried out is blessed both in the world and at the end. As recommended by Islam, namely the balance of the world and the hereafter. For this reason, it is expected that companies that expand their business pay attention to the principles of green economy based on sharia maqashid. &nbsp


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    This research is motivated by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Indonesian nation. Covid-19 has an impact on business activities in general. This is the reason why the government's policy of restructuring financing for Islamic banks during the Covid-19 pandemic has emerged. The Covid-19 outbreak that has infected almost all parts of the world has an impact on all dimensions, be it social, political, or economic. The impact in terms of the economy on Islamic financial institutions is problematic financing. The resulting problematic financing has the potential to disrupt banking performance and financial system stability, which can affect economic growth. This study aims to find out the extent of how the implementation of financing restructuring in Islamic banking. In addition, to find out whether restructuring is felt to be beneficial for business people. This research uses a qualitative type of research with a case study approach using data collection techniques through observation, and literature (library research).  Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that Sharia Banks in providing financing restructuring to customers due to the Covid-19 Pandemic are based on the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 16 / POJK.03 / 2014, which can only be given to customers who have difficulty fulfilling their obligations to banks due to their business being affected by Covid-19. In addition, the study also found that restructuring began with rescheduling, reconditioning, and, restructuring. All these stages are carried out in order to fulfil the purpose of a customer's initial contract with the bank, namely to give birth to a legal consequence or common intention that is intended and that the party wants to realize through the making of an agreement. Because the contract in the law of engagement means binding, for which a debtor is obliged to complete the payment of instalments until a predetermined time limit in accordance with the agreement. This study concluded that the practice of financing restructuring was carried out as an effort to save problematic financing.  The implementation of restructuring, when viewed from the POJK, especially POJK 48, shows several important points that banks must consider. In addition, the implementation of the restructuring pays attention to the DSN MUI Fatwa No. 47,48,49, regarding the settlement of non-performing financing, the absence of additional costs, and the conversion of contracts.  The restructuring period varies greatly depending on the Islamic bank's assessment of its customers. &nbsp

    Konstruksi Margin Murabahah Berbasis An Nur dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Konsumen (Studi di Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel)

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penentuan profit margin pada pembiayaan murabahah bank Muamalat Indonesia tidak hanya berpatokan pada FATWA DSN MUI No. 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 Tentang Murabahah, akan tetapi memperhatikan unsur An Nur yakni, ketauhidan, akal, kalbu, maslahah, dan keyakinan. Harga jual murabahah berpatokan pada cara Nabi Muhammad SAW melakukan transaksi perdagangan dengan cara menjelaskan harga beli, seberapa masuk akal yang diinginkan konsumen. Konsumen BMI merasa puas karena transparansi dalam menentukan margin murabahah dengan memperhatikan unsur-unsur An Nur. Margin yang diperoleh dari tingkat selisih atau kenaikan nilai dari aset yang mengalami peningkatan nilai dari biaya produksi dan harga jual mengakibatkan konsumen merasa puas sehingga menjadikan bank syariah tujuan utama berinvestasi. Asset Liability Committee (ALCO) terdiri beberapa unit yang terkait masalah harga penentu semua kebijakan dalam mobilitas kegiatan bak syariah untuk menentukan berapa harga yang akan diambil yang dijual ke konsumen

    Peningkatan Daya Saing Global Melalui Marketing

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    Abstrak Latar belakang penelitian ini diawali banyaknya pelaku bisnis baik yang lama maupun yang baru mengalami stagnasi kinerja, bahkan mengalami kemunduran. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena daya saing mereka masih sangat rendah. Padahal, peluang bersaing di pasar global terbuka. Potensi yang ada dimiliki belum dimanfaatkan dengan baik. Selain itu, manajemen pemasaran atau strategi pemasaran perusahaan belum berjalan secara maksimal.Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis desktriftif. Data yang diperoleh dari referensi dideskrifsikan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi. Selain itu, penulis juga memakai pendekatan studi kasus terkait daya saing serta strategi marketing yang dipraktekkan perusahaan dan pelaku bisnis memasuki era persaingan secara global.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan daya saing, pelaku bisnis atau perusahaan membutuhkan daya saing agar bisa eksis di dunia bisnis global. Daya saing bisa diraih dengan dengan melakukan ekspansi pemasaran. Produk yang ditawarkan mengutamakan kualitas. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pelaku bisnis sangat membutuhkan strategi khusus agar mereka bisa bersaing di pasar global. Globalisasi bisnis membutuhkan strategi serta manajemen yang baik dan terujui agar perusahaan tetap eksis di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat seiring perkembangan global bisnis. Pelaku bisnis yang akan bertahan adalah mereka yang mampu menciptakan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Era globalisasi sangat dibutuhkan teknologi informasi. Pelaku bisnis menggunakan e-commerce sebagai sarang promosi efektif.Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa bisnis yang berkembang seperti sekarang ini sangat membutuhkan daya saing yang baik sehingga mampu bersaing dan tetap eksis pada persaingan global. Strategi pemasaran berbasis digital dianggap perlu untuk dikembangkan di pasar global. Perusahaan yang mengabaikan pemanfaatan teknologi akan mengalami perlambatan kinerja bahkan akan gulung tikar. Terbukanya pasar global memberi peluang kepada setiap pelaku bisnis menawarkan produknya kepada konsumen dengan biaya rendah dengan produktivitas secara maksimal. (**)Kata Kunci: Daya Saing, Marketing, Global, Bisnis, StrategikAbstractThe background of this research began with the number of business people, both old and new, experiencing performance stagnation, and even regressions. This is because their competitiveness is still very low. In fact, the opportunity to compete in the global market is open. The existing potential has not been put to good use. In addition, the company's marketing management or marketing strategy has not been running optimally.This type of research is qualitative using detrifative analysis. The data obtained from the references are described using a phenomenological approach. In addition, the author also uses a case study approach related to competitiveness and marketing strategies practiced by companies and business people entering the era of global competition.The results showed that to increase competitiveness, business people or companies need competitiveness in order to exist in the global business world. Competitiveness can be achieved by expanding marketing. The products offered prioritize quality. This research also shows that business people really need special strategies so that they can compete in the global market. Business globalization requires a good and advanced strategy and management so that the company continues to exist in the midst of increasingly fierce competition in line with the development of global business. Business people who will survive are those who are able to create products according to consumer needs. The era of globalization is urgently needed information technology. Businesses use e-commerce as a hotbed of effective promotion.Researchers concluded that a business that is developing as it is today really needs good competitiveness so that it can compete and still exist in global competition. Digital-based marketing strategies are considered necessary to be developed in the global market. Companies that ignore the use of technology will experience a slowdown in performance and will even go out of business. The opening of the global market provides an opportunity for every business to offer their products to consumers at low costs with maximum productivity.Keywords: Competitiveness, Marketing, Global, Business, Strategic 


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    Diversity can be a blessing if it is managed properly, it becomes uniqueness and strength, however, plurality can be a challenge if it is not handled wisely, it can even become a threat of division and conflict that can rip apart social security. The aim of the research was to find out the importance of Islamic economics in moderation of religion, this study used a descriptive qualitative approach with the phenomenological method, where researchers collected data with participant observation to find out the essential phenomena of participants in life experiences related to Islamic economics based on religious moderation. Sources of research data were obtained from various references which included books, journals, laws and regulations, and other relevant references. Research is carried out by collecting library data, reading, taking notes, processing research material through in-depth analysis, then making this paper a proper reading that can be used as a reference for further research. The analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis, which explains and describes the interrelationships of the Islamic economy based on religious moderation. The results of this study found that Islamic economics is important in the moderation of religion because it can create peace and tranquility in muamalah, namely mutual respect between adherents of religions is mandatory and becomes a basic foundation in everyday life. In carrying out economic activities, the concepts of Sharia will not be complete without being accompanied by religious moderation. Both Muslims and non-Muslims must be aligned in carrying out economic activities


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    This study aims to determine the performance standards of Customer Service at PT Bank BRI Sidenreng Rappang Branch. The type of research carried out is qualitative or in the form of descriptions in the form of explanations from sources related in this study so that accurate data can be obtained on the problem and then analyzed so that conclusions can be drawn. The design of this study was to review the documents and standard operating procedures of the customer service frontliner at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cab Sidenreng-Rappang and other sources of library data. Based on the results of research and discussion of researchers on the evaluation of customer service performance, researchers can conclude that the customer service of BRI Sidrap Branch Office has carried out well and fully responsible for all its duties in accordance with the applicable BRI Kanca Sidrap Company Operational Standards (SOP). For the obstacles experienced by customer service in meeting service quality targets, the researchers conclude that there are three obstacles, namely in terms of the network, product knowledge that is always updated, and the character of customers who are not always the same