20 research outputs found

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    Surfactant Flooding for EOR Using Sodium Lignosulfonate Synthesized from Bagasse

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    Surfactant injection is one of the types of chemical injections used in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) process. Surfactant can increase the interfacial tension between oil and water in the rock matrix. The surfactant used is an anionic surfactant, which is one of the lignosulfonate surfactants known as sodium lignosulfonate (SLS) surfactant derived from lignin. Bagasse is one of the raw materials having a high content of lignin (24–25%). The synthesized bagasse becomes lignosulfonate used as an isolation of lignin and transformed into sodium lignosulfonate by sulfonation process. Based on the characteristic test, the bagasse’s SLS surfactant has some qualified characteristics which are a good aqueous stability, clear solution and not causing turbidity, and capability to form middle-phase microemulsion with light oil. Synthesized SLS has a hydrophilic–lipophilic balance (HLB) value of 11.6 which can be classified as oil in water (O/W) emulsion. Middle-phase emulsion as a characteristic SLS surfactant affects the performance of the SLS surfactant injection. So the use of sodium lignosulfonate surfactant synthesized from bagasse is a challenge to be developed further as a surfactant flooding

    The Effect of CaO and MgO as Expanding Additives to Improve Cement Isolation Strength under HPHT Exposure

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    Cementing is one of the most important parts in oil-well drilling. Recent development in oil-well drilling technology has led to a more problematic case in cementing. High temperature cementing is one of the problems. High temperature cementing may cover steam recovery wells, geothermal wells and ultra deep wells.The use of expanding cements as an effort to improve the sealing efficacy of annulus cementing has been considered for a long time as a promising solution to the existing problems. CaO and MgO have been proposed as two of the most effective additives to create excellent expanding cement.The purpose of this study is to find the effect of adding up burnt pure CaO and MgO to the value of compressive strength and shear bond strength of API class G cement in high pressure and high temperature condition. The method that we used within this research is an evaluation of the data taken from a simulator that simulated within temperature range of 100 "“ 250 oC and pressure of 2000 psi.The conclusion is taken according to the results which saying that the addition of burnt pure CaO and MgO would increase the shear bond strength and the compressive strength on specific condition up to 200 oC temperature. The addition won't be effective for the condition of 250 oC temperature. The behavior of cement strength was also influenced by the length of curing time.Further more, research on expanding cement needs to be developed and extended whether to vary its compositions, temperatures, or curing time conditions. The compatibility when mixed with other additives together with silica flour has not yet been figured out

    Laboratory Optimization Study of Sulfonation Reaction toward Lignin Isolated from Bagasse

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    Bagasse is scientifically defined as waste from the extraction of sugarcane liquid after the grinding process. Bagasse is biomass which is used as raw material to be processed into surfactants. Bagasse fiber cannot be dissolved in water because it consists mostly of cellulose, pentosane and lignin. The optimum conditions for obtaining the highest yield and the best conversion of bagasse to lignin were achieved when used 80 mesh bagasse and 3 M NaOH as a hydrolysis agent. Then lignin is reacted with 0.25 sodium bisulfite to the surfactant sodium lignosulfonate. Lignin and sodium lignosulfonate were further characterized using a FTIR spectrophotometer to determine the components contained therein. The lignin component consists of phenolic functional group elements, aliphatic and aromatic groups, ketone groups, aren functional groups, amine groups and alkyl groups along with standard lignin components. Likewise with lignosulfonates, with indicator components consisting of C═C alkenes, Sulfate S═O, C═O carboxylic acids and S-OR esters. The NMR test was resulted the monomer structure of SLS surfactant bagasse. The results indicate that the lignin isolation process from bagasse has been successfully. Likewise, the sulfonation of lignin to lignosulfonate is also successful

    The Effect of Surfactant Characteristics on IFT to Improve Oil Recovery in Tempino Light Oil Field Indonesia

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    Water injection has been employed in the Tempino oil field since 1996. The current oil recovery factor is 35% of OOIP. Even though the pressure is still high, the oil production rate has declined rapidly and the water cut is approaching 89%. In order to mobilize  the  oil from the  reservoir  more effectively, surfactant flooding is one of the solutions that can reduce residual oil saturation. Interaction between crude oil and compatible surfactant generates microemulsion,  as an indication of low interfacial tension. Hence the oil is expected to move out of the pore throat easily. In this research, thirty types of surfactants  were evaluated. The hydrophilic  lipophilic  balance (HLB)  was calculated and  the  interfacial tension (IFT)  with the  reservoir fluid  was measured. HLB criteria were established as an indicator of low IFT, which was then tested for Berea core flooding. The results indicate that an HLB between approximately 2.7 and 3.1 (on Davies' Scale) or greater than 11.5 (on Griffin's Scale) gives  low IFT  (~10-3 dynes/cm).  This characteristic  is possesed by surfactant  ethoxy  carboxylate  with a  linear hydrophobic structure.  This surfactant produces a high incremental oil recovery according to Berea core flood tests. The AN2NS and AN3 surfactants recovered 90% and 86% of OOIP respectively

    Cost Minimization Model of Gas Transmission Line for Indonesian SIJ Pipeline Network

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    Optimization of Indonesian SIJ gas pipeline network is being discussed here. Optimum pipe diameters together with the corresponding pressure distribution are obtained from minimization of total cost function consisting of investment and operating costs and subjects to some physical (Panhandle A and Panhandle B equations) constraints. Iteration technique based on Generalized Steepest-Descent and fourth order Runge-Kutta method are used here. The resulting diameters from this continuous optimization are then rounded to the closest available discrete sizes. We have also calculated toll fee along each segment and safety factor of the network by determining the pipe wall thickness, using ANSI B31.8 standard. Sensitivity analysis of toll fee for variation of flow rates is shown here. The result will gives the diameter and compressor size and compressor location that feasible to use for the SIJ pipeline project. The Result also indicates that the east route cost relatively less expensive than the west cost

    The Effect of CaO and MgO as Expanding Additives to Improve Cement Isolation Strength Under HPHT Exposure

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    Cementing is one of the most important parts in oil-well drilling. Recent development in oil-well drilling technology has led to a more problematic case in cementing. High temperature cementing is one of the problems. High temperature cementing may cover steam recovery wells, geothermal wells and ultra deep wells.The use of expanding cements as an effort to improve the sealing efficacy of annulus cementing has been considered for a long time as a promising solution to the existing problems. CaO and MgO have been proposed as two of the most effective additives to create excellent expanding cement.The purpose of this study is to find the effect of adding up burnt pure CaO and MgO to the value of compressive strength and shear bond strength of API class G cement in high pressure and high temperature condition. The method that we used within this research is an evaluation of the data taken from a simulator that simulated within temperature range of 100 – 250 oC and pressure of 2000 psi.The conclusion is taken according to the results which saying that the addition of burnt pure CaO and MgO would increase the shear bond strength and the compressive strength on specific condition up to 200 oC temperature. The addition won\u27t be effective for the condition of 250 oC temperature. The behavior of cement strength was also influenced by the length of curing time.Further more, research on expanding cement needs to be developed and extended whether to vary its compositions, temperatures, or curing time conditions. The compatibility when mixed with other additives together with silica flour has not yet been figured out

    Capacitance Resistance Clustered Model for Mature Peripheral Waterflood Performance Prediction & Optimization

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    Optimizing water injection rate distribution in waterflooding operations is a vital reservoir management aspect since water injection capacities may be constrained due to geographic location and facility limitations. Traditionally, numerical grid-based reservoir simulation is used for waterflood performance evaluation and prediction. However, the reservoir simulation approach can be time-consuming and expensive with the vast amount of wells data in mature fields. Capacitance Resistance Model (CRM) has been widely used recently as a data-driven physics-based model for rapid evaluation in waterflood projects. Even though CRM has a smaller computation load than numerical reservoir simulation, large mature fields containing hundreds of wells still pose a challenge for model calibration and optimization. In this study, we propose an alternative solution to improve CRM application in large-scale waterfloods that is particularly suitable for peripheral injection configuration. Our approach attempts to reduce CRM problem size by employing a clustering algorithm to automatically group producer wells with an irregular peripheral pattern. The selection of well groups considers well position and high throughput well (key well). We validate our solution through an application in a mature peripheral waterflood field case in South Sumatra. Based on the case study, we obtained up to 18.2 times increase in computation speed due to parameter reduction, with excellent history match accuracy


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    Lignin atau zat kayu adalah salah satu zat komponen penyusun tumbuhan. Komposisi bahan penyusun ini berbeda-beda bergantung jenisnya. Lignin terutama terakumulasi pada batang tumbuhan berbentuk pohon dan semak. Pada batang, lignin berfungsi sebagai bahan pengikat komponen penyusun lainnya, sehingga suatu pohon bisa berdiri tegak (seperti semen pada sebuah batang beton). Lignin merupakan bahan baku pembentuk Lignosulfonat. Lignosulfonat adalah salah satu jenis surfaktan anionik yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku injeksi dalam metoda Injeksi Surfaktan untuk meningkatkan perolehan produksi minyak pada industri perminyakan. Ampas tebu adalah salah satu bahan limbah yang di dalamnya masih terdapat lignin. Ampas tebu  adalah hasil samping dari proses ekstraksi cairan tebu. Ampas tebu yang dipergunakan adalah ampas tebu yang telah mengalami proses penggilingan ke lima kali dari proses pembuatan gula. Selama ini ampas tebu digunakan sebagai bahan bakar pabrik gula dan  pakan ternak. Dengan proses pemisahan lignin dari ampas tebu ini dapat memberi nilai tambah pemanfaatan ampas tebu sekaligus sebagai alternatif pengolahan ampas tebu sebagai limbah pabrik gula. Salah satu metoda yang digunakan untuk memisahkan lignin dari ampas tebu adalah dengan menggunakan reagen Natrium Hidroksida. Dalam penelitian ini proses hidrolisis lignoselulosa dari ampas tebu menjadi lignin menggunakan variasi konsentrasi natrium hidroksida (NaOH) dan variasi ukuran serbuk ampas tebu. Hasil lignin yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi dengan metode spektroskopi FTIR untuk menentukan gugus-gugus fungsi khas yang terdapat pada struktur lignin dan dibandingkan dengan spektrum FTIR lignin komersial standar sehingga dapat diketahui optimasi pemisahan lignin tersebut

    Solusi Model Aliran Gas Dalam Pipa pada Kondisi Line Packing Menggunakan Skema Richtmyer

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    Line packing is a process storing gas in pipeline by increasing inlet gas flow rate while outlet gas flow rate is kept constant. This difference of gas flow rate causes the gas flow in pipeline being transient. Line packing process is intended to guarantee gas supply when trouble occurs. In this paper, a transient model with boundary condition is solved numerically using Richtmyer scheme, because stability analysis showed that Richtmyer scheme is better than other explicit schemes. In the case presented, it is shown that Richtmyer scheme sufficiently agrees with the real data in gas pipeline transmission, which is in many cases unsteady-state