30 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Bap Dan Tdz Untuk Perbanyakan Tanaman Gaharu (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.) (the Use of Bap and Tdz for Propagation of Agarwood (Aquilaria Malaccensis Lamk.))

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    Agarwood (A. malaccensis Lamk.) is one of the important tropical forest trees, which produces a high economically valuable fragrant resinous wood. The increase of agarwood demand from year to year leads to uncontrolled illegal harvest of this plant from its natural habitat. To encounter this problem, there is an urgent need to develop agarwood plantation. Tissue culture is an alternative method to provide genetically good seedlings for plantation in the future due to its short period and mass quantity of planlet production. In addition, through this method, its might also provide homogenous plant, and free pest and diseases. The objectives of the study were (1) to find out the optimal concentration of BAP or TDZ for inducing shoot multiplication of agarwood in in vitro conditions. MS (Murashige And Skoog, 1962), was used as basal media. The experimental design of the research was completely randomized design (RAL) with treatment of BAP concentration (control; 0,50 ppm; 0,75 ppm; 1,0 ppm) or TDZ concentration (control; 0,25 ppm; 0,50 ppm; 0,75 ppm), in 3 units, of replicate every units consist of 4 bottles, every bottle containing one explants coming from axillaries and adventitious shoot explants. Results indicated that two types of agarwood explants grown in vitro in MS basal media containing BAP 0,50 ppm or TDZ 0,25 ppm produced the highest number of shoots and leaves of agarwood plantlets, as well as its plantlet shoot length

    Spatial Variability of Fruit and Seedling Growth of Mindi (Melia Azedarach L.) in Community Forest, West Java, Indonesia

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    Mindi (Melia azedarach L.) is mostly found in community forests of West Java. One of the important factors affecting productivity of community forests is the use of quality seed. Due to scarcity of seed sources, however, seed quality is not easily available. Currently, community forests serve also as ad hoc seed sources that are usually without appropriate quality assessment. This research was aimed to determine baseline information on spatial variability of mindi fruits collected from five seed sources, and seedling growths treated in seven different growing media consisting mixtures of soil, rice husk, sand and cattle manure. Five mindi populations were selected in the following villages: Nagrak (Bogor), Babakan Rema (Kuningan), Padasari (Sumedang), Sukakarya (Bogor) and Gambung (Bandung). The results showed that variability of seed dimension (CV=4.82-14.37%) and seedling growth (11.79-21.77%) were moderate. The mindi fruits from Nagrak were found to be the biggest in terms of size (1.22 ± 0.17 cm), weight (0.40 ± 0.04 g), and seed set (85.47 ± 15.09%). In addition, the seedling growth from Nagrak was also better than those of other villages showing its potential for future seed sources. Growing media containing cattle manure were observed consistently to be the best for seedling growth. The findings are useful in supporting scientifically the selection of seed sources from community forests

    Karakteristik Tapak, Benih Dan Bibit 11 Populasi Jabon Putih (Anthocepalus Cadamba Miq.)

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    White jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.) is a potential fast-growing tree species which naturally distributed in most of Indonesia islands. The study aims to assess the characteristic of site and morphophysiological variation of seeds and seedlings of white jabon. The seeds were collected from 11 natural populations, i.e. Sumatera (3 populations), Java (2 populations), Nusa Kambangan (1 population), Kalimantan (2 populations), Sulawesi (2 populations), and Sumbawa (1 population). The research revealed that white jabon naturally grows at elevations ranging from 23–628 m asl, pH 4.4–6.7 and in the low to high soil fertility condition. Significant differences were found for all fruits, seeds and seedling characters except for radicle length. The fruit morphological characters showed significant positive correlations with several seedling growth characters. Seed length was positively correlated with mean time of germination and radicle length. Most of the seed and seedling characters were not significant correlation with geo-climate variables of the populations. Percentage of genotypic coefficient of variance for all of the parameters was higher than percentage of environmental coefficient of variation

    Variation Among Populations and Correlation Among Seedling Characters of White Jabon (Neolamarckia Cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser) Under Drought and Water Logging Stress

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    Drought and water logging stress are the most critical environmental factors that affect tree seedling survival and growth in the field. In this study, 12 populations of white jabon (Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb.) Bosser) were evaluated to determine the genetic variability among populations and correlation among morpho-physiological seedling characters under drought and water logging stresses. Two research units were carried out by the randomized complete design with 2 x 12 factorial arrangements, i.e. (1) drought stress (2 treatments) and population (12 populations), and (2) water logging stress (2 treatments) and population (12 populations). Results showed that the responses of seedling traits were varied among populations under drought and water logging stresses. White Jabon seedling has higher adaptation to water logging stress than to drought stress. Kampar and Gowa populations have better adaptation to water logging stress. In drought stress, Gowa population had better adaptation followed by Nusa Kambangan population. Seedling height, total biomass and proline content characters based on value of broad sense heritability and correlation among characters, could be considered as important indicators for improvement programs for drought tolerance, while in the water logging stress, height, total biomass, root length and leaf area could be considered as important indicators for improvement program of white Jabon for tolerance on waterlogged sites

    Genetic Variation of Agathis Loranthifolia Salisb. in West Jawa Assessed by RAPD

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    Variasi Genetika Agathis loranthifolia Salisb Jawa Barat Menggunakan Analisis RAPD.Agathis loranthifolia Salisb merupakan salah satu tumbuhan hutan yang menghasilkan hasilhutan bukan berupa kayu yaitu berupa getah. Untuk mengetahui derajad variasi genetika darijenis ini maka dicoba dianalisis menggunakan RAPD. Sampel daun tumbuhan ini di perolehdari Perum Perhutani Cianjur dan Garut. Variasi genetika populasi tumbuhan ini dari Cianjursebesar He = 0.1952 atau lebih tinggi dari populasi asal Garut (He = 0.1125). Namun berdasarkanproduksi copalnya menunjukkan bahwa variasi genetika pohon Lanang paling tinggi He =0.210

    Propagation Technique of Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma Longifolia Jack) Via Shoot Cutting

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    Pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) is a treelet growing wildly in the forests of Southeast Asia and widely used throughout the region because of its medicinal properties. Uncontrolled harvesting of wild-grown trees has led to rapid decrease of natural populations. The objective of this research was to get information about propagation technique of pasak bumi by shoot cutting and its adventitous root formation. Cutting materials were originated from 7 month aged seedling propagated by seed. Media used were combination of cocodust : ricehusk (1:1 v/v), cocodust : ricehusk (1:1v/v) and cocodust : ricehusk (2:1 v/v). Research showed that medium significantly improved secondary root length, while rooting percentage, primary root length and the number of root significantly was affected by Rootone F treatment. The microtechnique result showed that roots were first developed from the mesristematic cambium cells

    Intraspecific Variation on Early Growth of Neolamarckia Cadamba Miq. in Provenance-progeny Tests in West Java Province, Indonesia

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    Genetic parameters on early growth of Neolamarckia cadamba, an indigenous species with potential as a source of wood timber, were estimated in open-pollinated provenance-progeny tests at two sites in West Java Province, Indonesia. The experiment was conducted using randomized complete block design with 12 provenances, 105 families and 5 replications of 4-tree row plots. Total height and root collar diameter were measured at the age of 18 months growth. Significant differences among the provenances and families within provenances were observed for height and collar diameter at all sites, except for the collar diameter of among provenances at Parungpanjang site. In general, Garut (GSJ) provenance performed better growth at the two sites than Kualakencana (KKP) and Nusa Kambangan (NKJ) provenances. The evaluation of component of variance at the two sites showed that the provenance effects (ranging from 0.5 to 1.7%) contributed more to total variance than family within provenance effects(ranging from 0.4 to 0.6%). Genetic correlations between height and collar diameter were weak to moderate. Heritability was low for all traits at Limbangan, while at Parungpanjang, the heritability was moderate. Estimation of genetic gain for height and diameter by proportional selected family 0.30 was 0.13 and 0.18 for Limbangan and 0.31 and 0.16 for Parungpanjang. Heritability measurement should be sustained to reach stable value. Stable heritability combined with selection of family and selection within family will improve genetic gain

    Molecular taxonomy via DNA barcodes for species identification in selected genera of Fabaceae

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    Fabaceae merupakan famili yang penting secara ekologi dan ekonomi karena manfaatnya yang tinggi sebagai sumber makanan, pupuk hijau, serta tanaman obat. Namun, di Indonesia Fabaceae telah dieksploitasi secara berlebihan di Indonesia dan beberapa spesies termasuk dalam kategori terancam punah. Untuk mendukung upaya konservasi dibutuhkan teknik identifikasi yang cepat dan akurat. Saat ini, identifikasi spesies melalui DNA barcode telah menjadi teknik klasifikasi taksonomi yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penanda matK, rbcL, serta kombinasinya (matK+rbcL), sebagai DNA barcode dalam identifikasi spesies dari famili Fabaceae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa matK+rbcL dan matK memiliki tingkat identifikasi tertinggi (90% dan 82,05%) pada tingkat spesies. Selain itu, matK memiliki rata-rata jarak interspesifik tertinggi (0.314) dan jarak intraspesifik (0.0030). Selanjutnya pohon filogenetik terbaik dihasilkan dengan metode Neighbour Joining. Berdasarkan analisis secara keseluruhan matK dan matK+rbcL merupakan barcode terbaik untuk spesies terpilih dalam penelitian ini.Fabaceae is an invaluable plant family with considerable ecological and economic importances for example as food sources, bio-fertilizer, and medicinal plants. However, Fabaceae has been overexploited in Indonesia and several species belong to this family are critically endangered. Due to morphological similarity, rapid and accurate identification of Fabaceae species is essential to support its conservation efforts. Nowadays, species identification through DNA barcoding has become an effective taxonomic classification tool. This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of chloroplast markers, matK and rbcL and the combination (matK+rbcL), as DNA barcodes for the identification of seleted genera in Fabaceae. The result showed that matK+rbcL and matK had the highest level of identification (90% and 82.05%) of the investigated genera, respectively. Additionally, matK had the highest mean of interspesific distance (0.134) and intraspecific distance (0.003). The combined barcode matK+rbcL had the highest correct identification rate when comparing the morphological with molecular identification. Furthermore, the best phylogenetic tree was obtained using Neighbor Joining method. Based on the overall performance, matK and matK+rbcL were the best barcodes for the selected genera in this study