209 research outputs found

    Endangered freshwater mollusc species from the Eastern tributaries of the Tisa river (Romanian territory)

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    Based on long-term research this paper aims to reveal the status of 10 highly endangered freshwater mollusc spccics from the eastern Tisa River Basin. In all cases the adverse human pressure (pollution, hydrotcchnical works and drastic reduction of wetlands) is responsible for the present-day status of this fauna, several species having a highly patchy distribution, some became rare or even extinct. Despite these facts some trends of recovery are also registered on the main rivers in Transylvania

    Orpheus and Women on 5th Century BCE Vases

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    In Greek myth, Orpheus is a musician with incredible talent, his music so beautiful that it charmed the beasts and guardians of the Underworld, and eventually Persephone and Hades themselves, into allowing his dead wife Eurydice to returning to the living realm. When he defied their singular rule of not turning to look back at her and she was then banished to the Underworld forever, Orpheus returned to the mortal realm, began to worship Helios instead of Dionysus, and was promptly killed by Thracian women sent by Dionysus. Alternatively, it has been told that Orpheus, wrought with heartbreak, could not make himself love another woman and instead turned to the love of men, which angered the Thracian women so much that they killed him. At any rate, an overwhelming majority of literary retellings and visual representations of the myth place Orpheus at the center of the story: the viewer or reader follows him as he experiences loss, travels into the Underworld, retrieves his bride, loses her once more, lives on in misery, and is eventually killed by women within his own community. This is undoubtedly reflective of the patriarchal society in which the myth was born. This paper looks to explore visual representations of the women with whom Orpheus interacts, particularly Eurydice and the Thracian women who kill him, by studying 5th century BCE Athenian decorated vases. A wide discrepancy exists between the interests of the Athenian consumers of the myth, who were interested in the Thracian women’s murder of Orpheus, and the Roman consumers of the myth, who focused more on the romantic connection between Orpheus and Eurydice

    Building Successful Information Systems – a Key for Successful Organization

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    An Information System (IS) can have a major impact on corporate strategy and organizational success. The involvement of managers and decision makers in all aspects of information systems is a major factor for organizational success, including higher profits and lower costs. Some of the benefits business organization seek to achieve through information systems include: better safety, competitive advantage, fewer errors, greater accuracy, higher quality products, improved communications, increased efficiency and productivity, more efficient administration, superior financial and managerial decision making.information system, management, software, organization


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    Taking into consideration the current conditions, in which "information is often assimilated with power" the major interest for most organizations stands in collecting the necessary knowledge at a high qualitative level and using it with maximum efficiency, through its materialization into adequate managerial conducts, actions and decisions. Together with the assurance of the material, human resources, both international and financial, the performing organizations are more and more preoccupied by the production, transmitting, usage, depositing and protection of knowledge, especially of the strategic ones, essential for the companies' development. The information became more and more a resource, a major asset, a main product and at the same time a strategic advantage for organizations, fact that has a significant influence over the content and the way of manifestation of the management, imposing with acuteness the promotion of the management based on knowledge.management based on knowledge, information, culture of knowledge, a learning organization


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    The results of researches present in the specialized literature emphasize thatthe evaluation of both e-services and traditional services is based on the customers’individual experiences.This paper presents a study conducted for evaluating the e-services provided by BogdanVoda University from an attitudinal perspective, based on 5 indicators of the servicesquality dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy).The study was performed to establish the quality of the e-services provided by theuniversity and whether these services influence the university image. Two basic, but wellstructured questionnaires were used in conducting this study: the first reflects thesubjects’ expectations and the second conveys their perceptions. Assuming that the mostmotivated evaluators of the quality of the e-services provided by the university are itsown students, it has been chosen a sample of 70 Bogdan Voda University juniors.The indicators interpretation is made according to their values: 0 meaning thesatisfactory level of the e-services and dimensions quality, the positive values indicatinga higher than expected service quality while the negative values translate into lower thanexpected service quality.quality, e-services, expectations, perceptions, users, dimensions, indicators.

    Strategies of incresing the competitiveness based on costs analysis

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    Although the strategies of increasing the competiveness, based on costs analysis, represent a subject which is frequently approachable by economists over different complexity levels; in the present application, we detect, despite the title given, an absolute novelty, precisely the strategies established within the content of this book, refer to a domain, not easily accessible to each and every specialist in economical analysis field. It is about fluvial transport on Danube, subject that with no doubt implies certain specificity, in report with the maritime transport. And the difficulty does not refer strictly to the method itself, but, most often to the almost total absence of a specialized bibliography, without which, the researcher is forced to perform, from the very beginning a true pioneering mission. Nevertheless, achieving the paper implied a high degree of difficulty due to the absence, from within the fluvial units of a strict accounting management, compatible with the respective field as well as with the challenge assumed by the author

    Evaluarea metodelor de reabilitare a pacienților cu atrofie severă a maxilarului superior

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    Background. Insufficient bone volume is difficult to manage in rehabilitating patients with maxillary atrophy. The currently available solutions are: increasing the bone amount followed by standard implantation or the alternative method by using zygomatic implants without preimplantation bone growth. Objective of the study. Comparative evaluation of standard versus alternative methods of rehabilitation in patients with severe maxillary atrophy. Material and Methods. Study was axed on 12 patients, aged 32 - 67 years, mean age 54.5 years, divided into 2 groups. Patients in group I (7) were rehabilitated by zygomatic implants without bone grafting, and patients in group 2 (5) were rehabilitated by bone grafting, with delayed implantation. Patient data was processed in Sidexis 4.2 and Microsoft Excel Results. In group I, 4.42 implants / patient were used, 1 intervention was performed under general anesthesia, 1 under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation and 5 under local anesthesia only. The patients underwent a single surgery with an average duration of 134 minutes and the functional rehabilitation of the patients lasted an average of 6.28 days. In group II, 8.4 implants / patient were used, all 5 bone grafting procedures were performed under general anesthesia, and subsequent interventions were performed under local anesthesia, the average summary time of surgery was 385 minutes. The functional rehabilitation lasted on average 12.8 months. Conclusion. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of both methods, but showed that the alternative rehabilitation method can be performed in a shorter time, with a smaller number of implants, mostly under local anesthesia, in a single surgery with a shorter duration. Introducere. Insuficiența ofertei osoase reprezintă o dificultate în reabilitarea pacienților cu atrofie maxilară. Actualmente, soluțiile disponibile sunt: creșterea ofertei osoase cu implantare standard ulterioară sau metoda alternativă prin utilizarea implanturilor zigomatice fără creștere osoasă preimplantară. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea comparativă a metodelor standarde versus alternarive de reabilitare a pacienților cu atrofie severă maxilară. Material și Metode. Studiul a cuprins 12 pacienți, cu vârsta 32 - 67 ani, vârsta medie 54,5 ani, repartizați în 2 loturi. Pacienții lotului I (7), au fost reabiliați prin intermediul implanturilor zigomatice fără creștere osoasă preimplantară, iar pacienții lotului 2 (5) au fost reabilitați prin creșterea osoasă, cu implantare amânată. Datele pacienților au fost procesate în programul Sidexis 4.2 și Microsoft Excel. Rezultate. În lotul I, s-au utilizat 4,42 implanturi/pacient, 1 intervenție a fost efectuată sub anestezie generală, 1 sub anestezie loco-regională cu potențiere intravenos, 5 sub anestezie loco-regională. Pacienții au fost supuși unei singure intervenții chirurgicale cu o durată medie de 134 de minute, iar reabilitarea funcțională a pacienților a durat în mediu 6,28 zile. În lotul II, s-au utilizat 8,4 implanturi/pacient, toate 5 intervenții de creștere osoasă au fost realizate sub anestezie generală, iar intervențiile ulterioare au fost realizate sub anestezie locală, timpul sumar mediu al intervențiilor chirurgicale a constituit 385 de minute. Reabilitarea funcțională a durat în mediu 12,8 luni. Concluzii. Studiul a demonstrat eficiența ambelor metode, însă a evidențiat că metoda de reabilitare alternativă poate fi realizată într-un timp mai scurt, cu un număr mai mic de implanturi, preponderent sub anestezie locală, într-o singură intervenție chirurgicală cu o durată mai mică

    The Challenge of Ensuring Business Security in Information Age

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    Every day, thousands of businesses rely on the services and information ensured by information and communication networks. As the dependence on information systems grows, so the security of information networks becomes ever more critical to any entity, no matter if it is a company or a public institution. The asymmetrical threat posed by cyber attacks and the inherent vulnerabilities of cyberspace constitute a serious security risk confronting all nations. For this reason, the cyber threats need to be addressed at the global level. Given the gravity of the threat and of the interests at stake, it is imperative that the comprehensive use of information technology solutions be supported by a high level of security measures and be embedded also in a broad and sophisticated cyber security culture. This paper provides arguments regarding the need to implement coherent information security policies at national level, based on cooperation between public and private sectors and in coordination with international initiatives in the field. Since information security is vital for developing and running an efficient business, this study may constitute a strategic approach to improve the information security posture of Romanian organizations.information security; information security risk management; security threats; confidentiality; integrity; availability.

    Biological and ecological characteristics of invasive species Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) (Mollusca, Bivalvia)

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    Školjkaši se smatraju ključnim vrstama u vodenim ekosustavima, s mogućnošću kontroliranja i preobrazbe vlastite strukture i funkcije kroz aktivnost filtriranja. Invazije slatkovodnih školjkaša su danas opće poznati globalni fenomen, koji počinje poprimati sve veće razmjere. Azijska bezupka, Sinanodonta woodiana najraširenija je vrsta iz porodice Unionidae izvan svog prirodnog područja rasprostranjenosti. Porijeklom iz istočne i jugoistočne Azije, naglo se proširila Europom, a kasnije i ostalim dijelovima svijeta, prvenstveno ribljim vrstama korištenim za uzgoj u ribogojilištima. Upravo iz ribnjaka vrsta je migrirala u Dunav i njegove pritoke, Savu i Dravu, a zatim i u njihove pritoke, gdje je uspostavila stabilne populacije sposobne za reprodukciju. Vrsta S. woodiana ima predispozicije uspješnog kompetitora nad autohtonim vrstama u novo prodrtim staništima u Europi, ali i na drugim kontinentima. Te predispozicije uključuju neselektivnost u izboru ribe-domaćina tijekom obligatne parazitske faze te sposobnost uspješne reprodukcije u suboptimalnim okolišnim uvjetima. Zbog svega navedenog, vrsta S. woodiana predstavlja potencijalnu prijetnju za autohtona staništa i zajednice, ali i čitav ekosustav te gospodarstvo.Bivalves are considered the key species in aquatic ecosystems, being capable of controlling and transforming their structure and functioning through their filtering activity. Freshwater bivalve invasions are nowadays a global phenomenon, which began to take on the increase. Sinanodonta woodiana is the most widespread species of the family Unionidae out of her natural distribution range. Originally from East and Southeast Asia, it has rapidly spread in Europe and later on in the other parts of the world, firstly with fish species used on fish farms. Just out of these fish farms, the species has migrated into the Danube and its tributaries, the Sava and the Drava, and then in their tributaries, where it has established a stable population able to reproduce. S. woodiana has predispositions to be a successful competitor of indigenous species in Europe as well as in other continents. These predispositions include a non-selective strategy in using its hosts during the parasitic stage and being able to reproduce successfully in suboptimal environmental conditions. For all those reasons, S. woodiana is a potential threat to native habitats and communities, but also the whole ecosystem and economy