11 research outputs found

    Tradisi Politik Melayu : Analisis Sistem Marga Uluan Dan Iliran Di Sumatera Selatan

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    The writing in this study aims to unravel the existence of traditional political system in modern era, besides wanting to investigate more about how dichotomized between uluan and Iliran society. The method used in this research uses qualitative research method with primary and secondary data sources sought by interview data collection techniques, observation and documentation techniques and then in analysis with the researchers' need for data presented in this study. In this study can be drawn some conclusions, the dichotomy between Uluan and Iliran is based on the understanding of each society towards their culture, at a later stage affecting their daily lives hereditary. Second, the declining custom is applied in the Uluan and Iliran communities in dominnation with the traditional system of government with the implementation of traditional authorities in the succession of leadership, where the head of government is elected hereditary. The next stage in the dynamics of the traditional system of government does not strip away the State and Religion, therefore there needs to be an appropriate middle way to accommodate all interests. There must be a mutually filling nature between the two, namely the opportunity for religion to fill the ethical dimension of state life and religious morality, so that the formulation of "The State of Indonesia is not a religious state nor a secular state", but a country in which the values of religions can live and exist .Tulisan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurai eksistensi sistem politik tradisional di era modern sekarang, selain itu ingin menelisik lebih dalam tentang bagaimana dikotomis antara masyarakat uluan dan Iliran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan sumber data primer dan sekunder yang dicari dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara, observasi dan teknik dokumentasi dan kemudian di analisis dengan kebutuhan peneliti akan data yang disajikan dalam penelitian ini. Dalam penelitian ini dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan, dikotomis antara Uluan dan Iliran didasrkan pada pemahaman setiap masyarakat terhadap kebudayaan mereka, pada tahap selanjutnya mempengaruhi kehidupan mereka sehari-hari secara turun temurun. Kedua, adat yang turun menurun diterapkan dalam masyarakat Uluan dan Iliran di dominnasi dengan system pemerintahan tradisional dengan implementasi otoritas tradisional dalam suksesor kepemimpinannya, dimana kepala pemerintahan dipilih secara turun temurun. Tahap selanjutnya dalam dinamika system pemerintahan tradisional tidak menanggalkan Negara dan Agama, Oleh karena itu perlu adanya jalan tengah yang tepat guna mengakomodir semua kepentingan. Harus ada sifat saling mengisi antara keduanya Yakni adanya peluang bagi agama untuk mengisi dimensi etis dari kehidupan bernegara dan moralitas agama, sehingga rumusan “Negara Indonesia bukanlah negara agama bukan pula negara sekuler”, tetapi negara yang di dalamnya nilai-nilai agama-agama bisa hidup dan eksi

    Analysis of Manual Material Handling Technique and Its Association with Low Back Pain (LBP) Among Fisherman In Kangkung Village, Bandar Lampung

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    Low Back Pain (LBP) is a sensation of pain in the lower back that may derive from the spine, muscle, nerve, and other structures around the area. Factors that possibly contribute to LBP are including individual factors, occupational factors, and environmental factors. Manual material handling (MMH) is still unavoided to do a jobas a fisherman, especially in Kankung Village. Our preliminary study found that 9 of 10 fishermen in Kangkung Village had a complaint of pain at the lower back of the body. This study aimed to determine the association between MMH technique, age, body mass index (BMI), work period, load mass and lifting frequency with the occurrence of LBP. This research was an observational study with a cross-sectional design, involving 101 subjects which were taken by consecutive sampling technique. Data were collected by interview and physical examination using the Lasseque test to determine LBP. Independent variables were age, BMI, MMH technique, work period, load mass and lifting frequency. The dependent variable was LBP. Data were analyzed with Chi-square test (α=0.05). Prevalence of LBP among fisherman in Kangkung Village was 81.2%. There was a significant association between age (p= 0.001), BMI (p= 0.011), MMH technique (p= 0.003), work period (p= 0.001), load mass (p= 0.001), lifting frequency (p=0.012) with the occurrence of LBP. Age, BMI, work period, MMH technique, load mass, and lifting frequency are the risk factor of LBP among fisherman. An ergonomic work procedure is urgently applied to prevent LBP. Keywords: fisherman, low back pain, manual material handlin

    Konsep Demokrasi Islam Dalam Pandangan Kuntowijoyo (Studi Pada Sejarah Peradaban Islam)

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    Kuntowijoyo , trying to offer a concept of democracy which is based on the values contained in the Qur'an and Hadisth . Kunto provide rules contained in Islam which can be connected into the teachings of Islam . Kuntowijoyo used epistemological analysis of democracy and related it to the political dynamics of contemporary Indonesia. On one hand, Kunto accepted the concept of Western version of democracy , on the other hand Kunto gave a " soul " in the substance of democracy . Kunto combined Islamic values in the concept and practice of democracy . Quotes verses of the Qur’an were accompanied by contextual interpretation , then transformed and implemented it with the real growing Indonesia political environment

    Influence of structural isomerism and fluorine atom substitution on the self-association of naphthoic acid

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    The self-association of small aromatic systems driven by π-π stacking and hydrophobic interactions is well known. Understanding the nature of these interactions is important if they are to be used to control association. Here, we present results of an NMR study into the self-association of two isomers of naphthoic acid along with an investigation into the role of a fluorine substituent on that self- association. We interpret the results in terms of a simple isodesmic model of self- association and show that the addition of the fluorine atom appears to increase the stability of the aggregates by an order of magnitude (e.g. 1-naphothic acid vs 4- fluoro-1-naphthoic acid Keq = 0.05 increases to 0.35 M-1), a result which is supported by computational studies in the literature on the role of substituent effects on interaction energy. The use of fluorinated isomers to probe the assembly is also presented, with differing trends in fluorine-19 chemical shifts observed depending on the isomer substitution pattern

    Konsep Demokrasi Islam Dalam Pandangan Kuntowijoyo (Studi Pada Sejarah Peradaban Islam)

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    Kuntowijoyo , trying to offer a concept of democracy which is based on the values contained in the Qur'an and Hadisth . Kunto provide rules contained in Islam which can be connected into the teachings of Islam . Kuntowijoyo used epistemological analysis of democracy and related it to the political dynamics of contemporary Indonesia. On one hand, Kunto accepted the concept of Western version of democracy , on the other hand Kunto gave a " soul " in the substance of democracy . Kunto combined Islamic values in the concept and practice of democracy . Quotes verses of the Qur’an were accompanied by contextual interpretation , then transformed and implemented it with the real growing Indonesia political environment