341 research outputs found

    Tipologi Intelektual Muslim dalam Bidang Kajian Fikih: Studi terhadap Karya-karya Fikih Dosen STAIN Bengkulu

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    This study aims to examine the scientific trend of approach and theme of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu in the field of Islamic law (fiqh) and the scientific position of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu as Muslim intellectuals. This article is using two approaches, namely the conceptual approach and historical approaches, whereas measures of research was conducted by reviewing documentation as primer data and interviewing as sekunder data. The results showed that the scientific trend of approach and theme of lecturer\u27s works of STAIN Bengkulu was consists of three kinds: First, the normative trend of scientific approach and theme in Islamic law. This trend was categorized as “exclusive Muslim intellectualism”. Second, this trend began to expand the discourse of study on fikih, but it was not to integrate with Western scientific approach. This trend was categorized as “inclusive Muslim intellectualism”. Third, this study was more empirical and historical-sociological approach and theme in Islamic law (fikih) so that the discourse was more be able to answer the situation and condition of the people. This trend was categorized as “pluralist Muslim intellectualism”

    The intervention of maternal nutrition literacy has the potential to prevent childhood stunting: Randomized control trials

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    Background: Stunting is the impaired growth and development of children due to poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychological stimulation. This research aims to examine the impact of maternal nutrition literacy (MNL) in increasing the height or score of a stunted child.Design and Methods: This study is a randomized control trial, which uses a sample size of 85 participants, 43 interventions and 42 controls, an 80% stress test and a 95% confidence level. The intervention group of the MNL consists of families with children under the age of five, focused on the mother's ability to perform breastfeeding, hygiene activities, care, and intervention for 3 months.Result: The status of stunting was determined by the different distribution of stunting before and after the intervention in both the intervention and control groups. There was a decrease of about 9.3% of MNL in the intervention group, while in the control group it decreased by just 2.4% (p<0.05).Conclusions: It can be concluded that MNL has an effect in preventing stunting, and it is recommended that preventive measures should focus more on normal children, while stunted children should be provided with breastfeeding as the core of MNL

    Implementasi Pendidikan Islam Multikultural dan Moderat di Sekolah Dasar dalam Membentuk Nasionalisme

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    the surrounding environment as a plurality culture (contextual approach) and inculcating attitudes tolerance and being able to coexist with others. In conclusion, the implementation of multicultural and the surrounding environment as a plurality culture (contextual approach) and inculcating attitudes tolerance and being able to coexist with others. In conclusion, the implementation of multicultural and moderate islamic education in elementary schools in shaping nationalism is carried out in three steps developed by teachers in structured learning planning by formulating goals, setting important materials implementing learning processes, and conducting attitude assessment .   Keyword: moderate, multicultural, nationalism, islamic education &nbsp

    Pengaruh Tunjangan Kinerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Bauk Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Gambaran persepsi pengawai mengenai pemberian tunjangan kinerja pada BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar; 2) Gambaran kinerja pegawai pada BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar 3) Pengaruh tunjangan kinerja terhadap kinerja pegawai BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian korelasional. Variabel dalam penelitian ini yaitu pemberian tunjangan kinerja sebagai variabel bebas dan kinerja pegawai sebagai variabel terikat. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 107 dengan sampel sebanyak 50% (54 orang) yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik proportinale random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan yaitu teknik angket observasi dan teknik dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh melalui instrument angket, dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial setelah diuji persyaratan analisis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Persepsi pegawai mengenai pemberian tunjangan kinerja termasuk sangat tinggi; 2) Kinerja pegawai termasuk kategori sangat tinggi; 3) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara pemberian tunjangan kinerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada pimpinan pada BAUK Universitas Negeri Makassar, kiranya berupaya mempertahankan kinerjanya dan bahkan lebih ditingkatkan

    Implementasi Hukum Adat Berbasis Kearifan Lokal melalui Peraturan Daerah

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini ingin menemukan isi kandungan, implementasi, dan posisi Undang-Undang Adat Lembaga Kota Bengkulu dalam bingkai hukum Nasional. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif bersifat deskriptif-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Undang-undang Adat Lembaga Kota Bengkulu terdiri dari 9 bab dan 84 pasal yang berisi tentang: Hal bertunangan, lari melarikan, bimbang, nikah, sarak atau bercerai, keramaian, pemindahan harta dan angkat anak, pusaka, dan penjagaan yang tersebut di atas. Beberapa pasal masih diterapkan dalam masyarakat misalnya pasal 37 tentang wali nikah, pasal 43 tentang taklik nikah, pasal 49 tentang permintaan sarak/cerai, pasal 63 tentang ketetapan anak pasca cerai, dan pasal 71 tentang wasiat. Dalam lingkup Nasional, undang-undang adat lembaga ini diberlakukan melalui sebuah Peraturan Daerah Kota Bengkulu Nomor 29 tahun 2003. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pada saat ini, posisi pengesahan keberlakuan adat di Kota Bengkulu diatur dalam Peraturan Daerah Kota Bengkulu Nomor 29 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemberlakuan Adat di Kota Bengkulu. Ini menunjukkan bahwa undang-undang adat kota Bengkulu adalah bagian dari sistem peraturan Indonesia yang diakui oleh peraturan daerah.   Kata Kunci: Adat, Kearifan Lokal, Lembaga, Undang-Undang. &nbsp


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    This study  aims  to understand the  teachings (shari’a) of Islam  and  explore its positionin the  national life level. The method of this study is a historical-philosophical study that aims to unravel the root of the dynamic histories of Islam  in Indonesia and  the ideology  of Pancasila in order to seek the intersection of both in an effort to strengthen the understanding and  practice of Pancasila. The result  of this study is that  Islam  as religious values  can be a source of national (law) development based on the ideology of Pancasila. With Islamic values, then the national development can run better and more maximally because of the relationship between Islamic religious values and national development, so it can realize the welfare of the birth and min


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    Harmonization of Islamic Religious Norm in the System of Political Law in Indonesia. This study is aimedat exploring the relationship between norms of Islam and politics in Indonesia as well as the harmonization ofnorms of religion in the political system of law in Indonesia. The type of this research is a law’s research (legalresearch) that uses descriptive-normative approach, while the framework of the theory is to use the politicalsystem of law. The relationship between politics and religion is a region that is diferensiatif, not integral orseparate region.The political system of law in Indonesia providessome spaces for change and absorption with thereligious norms, including norms of Islam, to be a source of legal legislation in national and local area. Therefore,the philosophy and ideology of Pancasila as still able to answer the growing and dynamic development of thepresent era. One is the answer to the deliberative democratic system that developed last decade that not onlypromote the most votes, but who sought is common ground to build togetherness and cooperatio

    Early Information About Bio-physical Quality of Seaweed Culture (Eucheuma cottonii) in Waworada Bay, Bima Regency

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    One of the potential areas for developing mariculture in West Nusa Tenggara Province is Waworada Bay of Bima Regency. The aim of this research was to find out the early information about bio-physical quality in Waworada Bay for sustainable development of seaweed culture. PCA (Principal Components Analysis) was used to explore the characteristic distribution of biophysics parameters, and then explore the relationship between seaweed production and carragenan content with biophysics parameters. GIS analysis was also applied to determine the suitable area for seaweed culture. PCA analysis shows that the main parameters of growth seaweed culture was light penetration, water current, water deepness, pest, salinity, nitrate and Pb. As additional parameters were temperature, COD, DO, Phosphate, and pH. Biophysics parameters were found to have very important relationship with seaweed growth, production and carragenan content. Based on GIS analysis, 11,128 ha of 11,135 ha was very ideal for seaweed culture, and the remaining was unsuitable for seaweed culture. Keywords: seaweed, Eucheuma cottonii, biophysics, PCA, GIS, Waworada Bay   ABSTRAK Salah satu wilayah yang sangat potensial untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut di Nusa Tenggara Barat adalah Teluk Waworada Kabupaten Bima. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi awal kualitas biofisik Teluk Waworada untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut. PCA (Principal Components Analysis), digunakan untuk mengetahui distribusi karaktersitik parameter biofisik, hubungan antara parameter biofisik dengan produksi dan kandungan karaginan rumput laut dan penentuan parameter utama pengembangan budidaya rumput. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui kelayakan lokasi digunakan analisa GIS (Geografis Information System). Hasil analisa PCA menunjukan bahwa korelasi antara variable terpusat pada dua sumbu utama dengan kontribusi sebesar 79%. Parameter biofisik hasil penelitian ini sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan, produksi dan karaginan rumput laut. Hasil analisa GIS terdapat 11.138 ha 11.128 sangat sesuai dan 0.0007 yang tidak sesuai.  Kata kunci: rumput laut, Eucheuma cottonii, biofisik, PCA, GIS, Teluk Waworad


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    Indonesian is constitutionally as the state of Pancasila and not as a religious state, but the state is able to accommodate a number of religious norms in the formation of legislation. This typical problem is the primary focus of this study of how is the existing of intensified relations between the values/norms of religious life in the community and Pancasilaas well as how is the existence of religious norms as one of the existential reality of living among the people and the society which later became the part of the values which raised and contained in Pancasila. The results of this study is the birth of the legislation and local regulations with religion nuanced in the constitutional factual reality, so the ideology of Pancasila and the Constitution-NRI 1945 can absorb and accommodate the diversity of religious, cultural, political, economic and others.Although the State of Indonesia is not the state of religion, but Pancasila as an ideolog


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    The Existence of ‘Urf as Resource of National Law Institution. The Academic proposition of this studyaims at describing how the existence of ‘urf (living law) that shares the contributions in the national law, andthat incorporates norms of Islamic law which are essential part of the resource development of national laws.Theoretical framework that has been highlighted is the theory of ‘urf sahih and‘urf fasid, whereas the method ofthis study is the study of literature related to this theme. The result of the study seemed up as the existence oflegal norms that live in the community should be an essential part of national development. The developmentof national law should not be out of the sign of legal principle theory of living law because it proved that it iscapable of delivering Indonesia into the front gate of Independence and formulating universal values in the lifeof the nation. Hence, norms of Islamic law with the law of development theory should take into considerationthe living law as it has contributed to the inclusive development and dynamic law. Process of integrating thevalues of Islamic law in the national legal system will containinly work well as such effect has already producedby a number of laws and regulations that contains nuances of Islamic la