12 research outputs found

    Forme aumentate e non aumentate in Omero: tempo, testo, sintassi

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    The augment in Homeric past tenses is an optional feature. In this thesis, I study the coexistence of augmented and unaugmented verbs in Homer, offering an overview and a discussion of the literature on the topic, and suggest a new approach to the phenomenon from a syntactic and textual perspective. The aim of this work is to describe, on a synchronic level, some of the distributional tendencies of the augment and to explore if these tendencies are related to its diachronic reconstruction as a temporal marker. Having first considered the phenomenon within a Comparative Philology framework, I then highlight the distribution of augmented and unaugmented verbs in Homer through a detailed investigation of scholarship on this matter. I then give an account of the different opinions on the reconstruction of the original function and morphology of the augment, also underlining how Homeric data can contribute to this general debate. The comparison and discussion of the various proposals suggest that the more reliable theory is the reconstruction of the augment as a temporal marker. In the second part of the thesis, I present a personal analysis of a corpus of four books from the Iliad. The textual analysis of the data shows that the presence or absence of the augment is often related to narrative effects or strategies. Syntactic analysis, carried out within a Generative Grammar framework, then explores whether augmented and unaugmented verbs have different syntactic behaviour. Results from this investigation illustrate that the syntactic distribution of augmented and unaugmented verbs constistently match with certain narrative effects. In the conclusion, having presented the time related information given by tenses as a complex structure, I try to discuss how the augment in Homer can be considered a temporal marker and I explore whether tendencies which have emerged from my analysis can be related to this interpretation

    Le frasi relative in franco-italiano

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    Il presente contributo propone un primo confronto linguistico tra due testi franco-italiani e testi in francese, italiano e veneto antichi, avvalendosi dell’uso di corpora dotati di annotazione morfo-sintattica secondo i criteri adottati dal Penn Treebank Project. I testi franco-italiani investigati sono l’Entrée d’Espagne e l’Orlandino della Geste Francor. Lo studio esplora la sintassi delle frasi relative nei due testi franco-italiani, al fine di offrire una descrizione preliminare del loro sistema linguistico. L’analisi evidenzia la natura ibrida del sistema linguistico dei due testi franco-italiani, individuando tratti condivisi con le lingue romanze più prossime, nonché tratti peculiari del franco-italiano. This work represents a first attempt to compare the linguistic system of two Franco-Italian texts with texts in Old Italian, Old Veneto, and Old French, by using morpho-syntactically annotated corpora following the guidelines of the Penn Treebank Project. The two Franco-Italian texts investigated are Entrée d’Espagne and Orlandino, from the Geste Francor. The study investigates the syntax of relative clauses in the two Franco-Italian texts with the aim to provide a first description of their linguistic systems. In so doing, we determine the nature of the hybrid linguistic system of the two Franco-Italian texts by individuating those features that are shared with the closest Old Romance languages and those that are idiosyncratic to Franco-Italian. Keywords:  frasi relative, corpora, lingue misterelative clauses, corpora, mixed language

    Le frasi relative in franco-italiano

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    Il presente contributo propone un primo confronto linguistico tra due testi franco-italiani e testi in francese, italiano e veneto antichi, avvalendosi dell\u2019uso di corpora dotati di annotazione morfosintattica secondo i criteri adottati dal Penn Treebank Project. I testi franco-italiani investigati sono l\u2019Entr\ue9e d\u2019Espagne e l\u2019Orlandino della Geste Francor. Lo studio esplora la sintassi delle frasi relative nei due testi franco-italiani, al !ne di o"rire una descrizione preliminare del loro sistema linguistico. L\u2019analisi evidenzia la natura ibrida del sistema linguistico dei due testi franco-italiani, individuando tratti condivisi con le lingue romanze pi\uf9 prossime, nonch\ue9 tratti peculiari del franco-italiano

    Strumenti e criteri per la lemmatizzazione del franco-italiano: verso la costruzione di un "corpus" lemmatizzato della "Geste Francor"

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    This article discusses tools and criteria for the construction of a lemmatized corpus of francoitalian texts by presenting the results of an experimental lemmatization of the "Enfances Bovo" of the "Geste Francor"

    L'aumento in Omero tra linguistica e narrazione.

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    Forme aumentate e non aumentate in Omero: tempo, testo, sintassi

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    The augment in Homeric past tenses is an optional feature. In this thesis, I study the coexistence of augmented and unaugmented verbs in Homer, offering an overview and a discussion of the literature on the topic, and suggest a new approach to the phenomenon from a syntactic and textual perspective. The aim of this work is to describe, on a synchronic level, some of the distributional tendencies of the augment and to explore if these tendencies are related to its diachronic reconstruction as a temporal marker. Having first considered the phenomenon within a Comparative Philology framework, I then highlight the distribution of augmented and unaugmented verbs in Homer through a detailed investigation of scholarship on this matter. I then give an account of the different opinions on the reconstruction of the original function and morphology of the augment, also underlining how Homeric data can contribute to this general debate. The comparison and discussion of the various proposals suggest that the more reliable theory is the reconstruction of the augment as a temporal marker. In the second part of the thesis, I present a personal analysis of a corpus of four books from the Iliad. The textual analysis of the data shows that the presence or absence of the augment is often related to narrative effects or strategies. Syntactic analysis, carried out within a Generative Grammar framework, then explores whether augmented and unaugmented verbs have different syntactic behaviour. Results from this investigation illustrate that the syntactic distribution of augmented and unaugmented verbs constistently match with certain narrative effects. In the conclusion, having presented the time related information given by tenses as a complex structure, I try to discuss how the augment in Homer can be considered a temporal marker and I explore whether tendencies which have emerged from my analysis can be related to this interpretation.L’aumento in Omero costituisce un elemento facoltativo nella costruzione dei verbi di preterito. Questa tesi studia la compresenza di forme aumentate e non aumentate in Omero offrendo una sintesi e una discussione della letteratura sull’argomento e proponendo un nuovo approccio al fenomeno dal punto di vista sintattico e testuale. L’obiettivo del lavoro è descrivere, a livello sincronico, alcune tendenze distributive dell’aumento ed esplorare la possibilità che tali tendenze siano connesse alla sua ricostruzione diacronica come marca temporale. Dopo aver inserito il fenomeno entro il quadro della comparatistica indoeuropea, il lavoro procede illustrando la distribuzione di forme aumentate e non aumentate in Omero, attraverso un accurato spoglio bibliografico. Viene offerta a seguire una sintesi delle diverse opinioni sulla ricostruzione della funzione e del valore morfologico primitivi dell’aumento, evidenziando anche il contributo dei dati omerici al dibattito generale. Il confronto e la valutazione delle diverse proposte suggerisce la maggiore attendibilità della teoria che interpreta la funzione originaria dell’aumento come una marca temporale di passato. Nella seconda parte, la tesi procede presentando un’analisi personale condotta su un corpus di quattro canti dell’Iliade. L’analisi testuale dei dati mostra che la presenza o l’assenza dell’aumento è spesso correlata ad effetti o strategie narrative. L’analisi sintattica, condotta entro il quadro teorico della linguista generativa, esplora successivamente la possibilità di un differente comportamento sintattico da parte di verbi aumentati e non aumentati. I risultati di quest’indagine mettono anche in luce una frequente corrispondenza tra la distribuzione sintattica di forme con e senza aumento e alcuni effetti narrativi. Nella conclusione, dopo aver presentato l’informazione temporale espressa dai tempi verbali come una struttura complessa, il lavoro cerca di discutere in che modo l’aumento in Omero possa essere considerato una marca di tempo e valuta la possibilità che le tendenze emerse dall’analisi siano correlate a tale interpretazione

    Strumenti e criteri per la lemmatizzazione del franco-italiano: verso la costruzione di un corpus lemmatizzato della "Geste Francor"

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    L’articolo discute strumenti e criteri per la costruzione di un corpus lemmatizzato di franco-italiano, presentando i risultati di una lemmatizzazione sperimentale delle Enfances Bovo della Geste Francor

    Adverbial causal clauses as relative clauses : on siccome 'because/since' from Old to Contemporary Italian

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    This paper investigates to what extent adverbial causal clauses and relative clauses can be reduced as one and the same phenomenon. Whereas causal clauses have always posed a challenge for a unified account of relativization and adverbial subordination in theoretical studies, typological research has long demonstrated that causal clauses are diachronically connected to relative clauses as well as to adverbial subordinates that have been theoretically analysed as relative clauses. We argue that at least some causal clauses are underlyingly relative clauses over situations (see Arsenijević 2021). Our claim is supported by the diachronic development of the Italian subordinator siccome 'because/since', an univerbated form morphologically composed of two items, the comparative-similative wh-pronoun come 'how' and the demonstrative adverbial pronoun sì 'so'. We demonstrate that the causal subordinator is derived from the comparative-similative one via a three-stage diachronic change which is formally captured in terms of type of movement and null elements (Kayne 2005, Cinque 2020b). In so doing, our paper extends a relative clause analysis to causal clauses and adds a novel path to the diachronic development of causal clauses