255 research outputs found

    Estimation of sulfuric acid concentration using ambient ion composition and concentration data obtained with atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer

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    Sulfuric acid (H2SO4, SA) is the key compound in atmospheric new particle formation. Therefore, it is crucial to observe its concentration with sensitive instrumentation, such as chemical ionisation (CI) inlets coupled to atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight (APi-TOF) mass spectrometers. However, there are environmental conditions for which and physical reasons why chemical ionisation cannot be used, for example in certain remote places or during flight measurements with limitations regarding chemicals. Here, we propose a theoretical method to estimate the SA concentration based on ambient ion composition and concentration measurements that are achieved by APi-TOF alone. We derive a theoretical expression to estimate the SA concentration and validate it with accurate CI-APi-TOF observations. Our validation shows that the developed estimate works well during daytime in a boreal forest (R-2 = 0.85); however, it underestimates the SA concentration in, e.g. the Antarctic atmosphere during new particle formation events where the dominating pathway for nucleation involves sulfuric acid and a base (R-2 = 0.48).Peer reviewe

    Effects of 12-month home-based physiotherapy on duration of living at home and functional capacity among older persons with signs of frailty or with a recent hip fracture - protocol of a randomized controlled trial (HIPFRA study)

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    Background: Health concerns, such as frailty and osteoporotic fractures decrease functional capacity and increase use of health and social care services in the aging population. The ability to continue living at home is dependent on functional capacity, which can be enhanced by rehabilitation. We study the effects of a 12-month home-based physiotherapy program with 12-month follow-up on duration of living at home, functional capacity, and the use of social and health care services among older persons with signs of frailty, or with a recently operated hip fracture. Methods: This is a non-blinded, parallel group, randomized controlled trial performed in South Karelia Social and Health Care District, Finland (population 131,000). Three hundred community-dwelling older persons with signs of frailty (age >= 65) and 300 persons with a recent hip fracture (age >= 60) will be recruited. Frailty is screened by FRAIL questionnaire and verified by modified Fried's frailty criteria. Both patient groups will be randomized separately to a physiotherapy and a usual care arm. Individualized, structured and progressive physiotherapy will be carried out for 60 min, twice a week for 12 months at the participant's home. The primary outcome at 24 months is duration of living at home. Our hypothesis is that persons assigned to the physiotherapy arm will live at home for six months longer than those in the usual care arm. Secondary outcomes are functional capacity, frailty status, health-related quality-of-life, falls, use and costs of social and health care services, and mortality. Assessments, among others Short Physical Performance Battery, Functional Independence Measure, Mini Nutritional Assessment, and Mini-Mental State Examination will be performed at the participant's home at baseline, 3, 6, and 12 months. Register data on the use and costs of social and health care services, and mortality will be monitored for 24 months. Discussion: Our trial will provide new knowledge on the potential of intensive, long-term home-based physiotherapy among older persons at risk for disabilities, to enhance functional capacity and thereby to postpone the need for institutional care, and diminish the use of social and health care services.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of mid-age-onset and late-onset Huntington's disease in Finnish patients

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    The phenotype of juvenile Huntington's disease (HD) differs clearly from that of adult-onset HD, but information about differences between mid-age-onset HD and late-onset HD (LOHD) is scarce. A national cohort of 206 patients with adult-onset HD was identified using national registries and patient records. LOHD was defined as age >= 60 years at HD diagnosis. Genetic disease burden was assessed using CAG age product (CAP) score. LOHD comprised 25% of the adult-onset HD cohort giving a point prevalence of 2.38/100,000 in the Finnish population at least 60 years of age. The proportion of LOHD out of new HD diagnoses increased from 21% in 1991-2000 to 33% in 2001-2010. At the time of diagnosis, patients with LOHD had 10.4 units (95% CI 4.8-15.9; p = 0.0003) higher CAP scores, more severe motor impairment and slightly more severe functional impairment than that in patients with mid-age-onset HD. There was no difference in the rate of disease progression or survival between LOHD and mid-age-onset patients. The lifespans of deceased patients were shorter in mid-age-onset HD (p < 0.001) and LOHD (p = 0.002) than their life expectancies. Causes of death differed between the two patient groups (p = 0.025). LOHD comprises a quarter of Finnish HD patients and the proportion appears to be increasing. Our results did not reveal differences in the phenotype between mid-age-onset HD and LOHD, but prospective studies are needed

    Applicability of condensation particle counters to measure atmospheric clusters

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    This study presents an evaluation of a pulse height condensation particle counter (PH-CPC) and an expansion condensation particle counter (E-CPC) in terms of measuring ambient and laboratory-generated molecular and ion clusters. Ambient molecular cluster concentrations were measured with both instruments as they were deployed in conjunction with an ion spectrometer and other aerosol instruments in Hyytiälä, Finland at the SMEAR II station between 1 March and 30 June 2007. The observed cluster concentrations varied and ranged from some thousands to 100 000 cm -3. Both instruments showed similar (within a factor of ~5) concentrations. An average size of the detected clusters was approximately 1.8 nm. As the atmospheric measurement of sub 2-nm particles and molecular clusters is a challenging task, we conclude that most likely we were unable to detect the smallest clusters. Nevertheless, the reported concentrations are the best estimates to date for minimum cluster concentrations in a boreal forest environment

    Talousveden laatu Suomessa vuonna 1996.

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    2. korjattu paino

    Huntingtonin tauti

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    Huntingtonin tauti on vallitsevasti periytyvä, HTT-geenin virheen aiheuttama etenevä hermoston rappeumasairaus. HTT-geeni on kehityksellisesti vanhaa perua, ja sillä on useita tehtäviä solussa. Virheellisen geenituotteen toksisuus on taudin synnylle oleellista ja välittyy monien mekanismien kautta. Taudin esiintyvyys on suurinta valkoihoisen väestön joukossa, mutta Suomessa tauti on harvinaisempi kuin muissa länsieurooppalaisperäisissä väestöissä. Suomessa esiintyvyys on 2,12/100 000 henkilöä. Ydinoireita ovat liikehäiriö, erityisesti korea, kognitiivinen oireisto sekä mieliala- ja käytösoireet. Lapsuus- ja nuoruusiässä ilmenevälle taudille ominaista ovat rigiditeetin ja epileptisten kohtausten yleisyys, kognitiivisen oirekuvan korostuminen sekä korean suhteellinen vähäisyys, ja ilmiasu poikkeaakin aikuisiässä alkavasta taudista. Oireenmukaista hoitoa ohjaava näyttö on vähäistä. Taudin kulkuun vaikuttavaa hoitoa ei ole käytettävissä.</p

    Measurement report : Long-term measurements of aerosol precursor concentrations in the Finnish subarctic boreal forest

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    Aerosol particles form in the atmosphere via the clustering of certain atmospheric vapors. After growing into larger particles by the condensation of low-volatility gases, they can affect the Earth's climate by scattering light and acting as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Observations of low-volatility aerosol precursor gases have been reported around the world, but longer-term measurement series and any Arctic data sets showing seasonal variation are close to nonexistent. Here, we present similar to 7 months of aerosol precursor gas measurements performed with a nitrate-based chemical ionization atmospheric pressure interface time-of-flight (CI-APi-TOF) mass spectrometer. We deployed our measurements similar to 150 km north of the Arctic Circle at the SMEAR I (Station for Measuring Ecosystem-Atmosphere Relations) continental Finnish subarctic field station, located in the Varrio strict nature reserve. We report concentration measurements of the most common compounds related to new particle formation (NPF): sulfuric acid (SA), methane sulfonic acid (MSA), iodic acid (IA) and the total concentration of highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs). At this remote measurement site, SA originates from both anthropogenic and biological sources and has a clear diurnal cycle but no significant seasonal variation. MSA shows a more distinct seasonal cycle, with concentrations peaking in the summer. Of the measured compounds, IA concentrations are the most stable throughout the measurement period, except in April during which time the concentration of IA is significantly higher than during the rest of the year. Otherwise, IA has almost identical daily maximum concentrations in spring, summer and autumn, and on NPF event or non-event days. HOMs are abundant during the summer months and low in the autumn months. Due to their low autumn concentrations and high correlation with ambient air temperature, we suggest that most HOMs are products of biogenic emissions, most probably monoterpene oxidation products. NPF events at SMEAR I happen under relatively low-temperature (1-8 degrees C) conditions, with a fast temperature rise in the early morning hours as well as lower and decreasing relative humidity (RH, 55% vs. 80 %) during NPF days compared with non-event days. NPF days have clearly higher global irradiance values (similar to 450 m(-2) vs. similar to 200 m(-2) and about 10 ppbv higher ozone concentrations than non-event days. During NPF days, we have, on average, higher SA concentrations, peaking at noon; higher MSA concentrations in the afternoon; and slightly higher IA concentration than during non-event days. In summary, these are the first long-term measurements of aerosol-forming vapors from SMEAR I in the subarctic region, and the results of this work will help develop an understanding of atmospheric chemical processes and aerosol formation in the rapidly changing Arctic.Peer reviewe

    Promoting mobility after hip fracture (ProMo): study protocol and selected baseline results of a year-long randomized controlled trial among community-dwelling older people

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    Background. To cope at their homes, community-dwelling older people surviving a hip fracture need a sufficient amount of functional ability and mobility. There is a lack of evidence on the best practices supporting recovery after hip fracture. The purpose of this article is to describe the design, intervention and demographic baseline results of a study investigating the effects of a rehabilitation program aiming to restore mobility and functional capacity among community-dwelling participants after hip fracture. Methods/Design. Population-based sample of over 60-year-old community-dwelling men and women operated for hip fracture (n = 81, mean age 79 years, 78% were women) participated in this study and were randomly allocated into control (Standard Care) and ProMo intervention groups on average 10 weeks post fracture and 6 weeks after discharged to home. Standard Care included written home exercise program with 5-7 exercises for lower limbs. Of all participants, 12 got a referral to physiotherapy. After discharged to home, only 50% adhered to Standard Care. None of the participants were followed-up for Standard Care or mobility recovery. ProMo-intervention included Standard Care and a year-long program including evaluation/modification of environmental hazards, guidance for safe walking, pain management, progressive home exercise program and physical activity counseling. Measurements included a comprehensive battery of laboratory tests and self-report on mobility limitation, disability, physical functional capacity and health as well as assessments for the key prerequisites for mobility, disability and functional capacity. All assessments were performed blinded at the research laboratory. No significant differences were observed between intervention and control groups in any of the demographic variables. Discussion. Ten weeks post hip fracture only half of the participants were compliant to Standard Care. No follow-up for Standard Care or mobility recovery occurred. There is a need for rehabilitation and follow-up for mobility recovery after hip fracture. However, the effectiveness of the ProMo program can only be assessed at the end of the study. Trial registration. Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN53680197peerReviewe

    Valkuaiskasveista Voimaa. Tuota Valkuaista -hankkeen loppujulkaisu

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    Tässä julkaisussa esitellään Tuota Valkuaista hankkeen tuloksia, sekä hankkeessa tuotettuja viljelyohjeita erinäisten valkuaiskasvien viljelyyn. Hankkeen päärahoittajana toimi Etelä-Pohjanmaan ja Keski-Suomen ELY keskuksien Manner-Suomen maaseudun kehittämisohjelma. Hanketta rahoittivat niin ikään mm. Marjatta ja Eino Kollin säätiö, Niemi säätiö, Boreal kasvinjalostus sekä Oiva Kuusiston säätiö. Tuota Valkuaista (TUOVA) hankkeen tavoitteena oli saada hankealueen (Keski-Suomen ja Etelä-Pohjanmaan maakunnat) valkuaiskasvimarkkinoista toimivampia, selvittää mm. perunan sivuvirtaproteiinin hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia ja parantaa hankealueen valkuaisomavaraisuutta kasvinviljleyssä tiedotuksella uusinta tutkimustietoa hyödyntäen. Hanke toteutettiin vuosina 2016 - 2018 yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutin, Perunantutkimuslaitoksen sekä ProAgria Etelä-Pohjanmaan kanssa. Luonnonvarakeskus koordinoi tätä hankekokonaisuutta. Hanke sisälsi niin viljelijöiden kuin valkuaiskasvien sisäänostajien haastetteluja, kenttäkoetutkimuksia valkuaiskasvien ja perunan osalta, kyselytutkimuksen valkuaiskasvien viljelystä, tiedottamista mm. pellonpiennarpäivien muodossa sekä opintomatkoja joiden kaikkien paras anti on pyritty kokoamaan tähän käsissäsi olevaan julkaisuun yksiin kansiin. Suurimmaksi haasteeksi valkuaiskasvimarkkinoilla todettiin tiedon saanti. Valkuaiskasvien viljelytekniset tiedot sekä puolueeton, oleellinen ja paikalliset olosuhteet huomioiva tieto koettiin puutteelliseksi, ja myös tuotteiden jatkojalostajat tiedostivat viljelijöiden tiedonpuutteen merkittäväksi haasteeksi. Hankkeessa tunnistettiin useita sekä palkokasvien että öljykasvien viljelyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Valkuaiskasveja viljellään todennäköisimmin tiloilla, jotka ovat kooltaan suuria. Niillä on myös potentiaalia lisätä valkuaiskasvien viljelyä. Valkuaiskasvien viljelyssä olisi kuitenkin lisäämisen mahdollisuuksia pienillä tiloilla. Perunan sivuvirtaproteiinin hyödyntämistä ajatellen hankkeessa saatujen tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että tällä hetkellä tärkkelysteollisuuden ei ole tarvetta huomioida perunan proteiinipitoisuutta tai proteiinin määrää ostamansa perunan hinnoittelussa. Tärkkelyksen määrään perustuva hinnoittelu on riittävä kannustin viljelijälle tuottaa mahdollisimman korkean kuiva-ainepitoisuuden perunaa, joka tarkoittaa usein myös korkeaa proteiinipitoisuutta. Viljelijän näkökulmasta ei ole riittävää kannustinta vaihtaa lajiketta tai tarkentaa perunan lannoitusta pelkästään proteiinipitoisuuden nostamiseksi, vaikka teollisuus maksaisikin lisähintaa proteiinista. Valkuaiskasvien viljelykokeissa erityisesti satoisat ruisvehnät yhdessä palkovalkuaiskasvien kanssa kokoviljasäilörehuksi korjattavana nousivat potentiaalisina valkuaisrehuvaihtoehtoina nurmisäilötehujen rinnalle. Hyvänä kasvukautena ruisvehnien satopotentiaali palkovalkuaiskasvien kanssa osoitettiin olevan yli 10 000 kg/ka/ha, mikä vastaa hyvin kahden korjuun nurmisatoa. Näiden hehtaarilta korjattu valkuaissato oli hieman nurmiseoksia korkeampi. Toisaalta, kokoviljasäilörehujen sulavuus pidättäytyi nurmirehuja alhaisempana. Valkuaispitoisista nurmista valkuaissadoiltaan satoisimpia vaihtoehtoja vastaavasti olivat puhdas puna-apilakasvusto, sekä timotei yhdessä puna-apilan kanssa.201