358 research outputs found

    Monitoring neutron embrittlement in nuclear pressure vessel steels using micromagnetic Barkhausen emissions

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    In nuclear power plants, neutron embrittlement of pressure vessel steels has been one of the main concerns. The use of micromagnetic Barkhausen emissions is a promising method to monitor the variations in microstructural and subsurface stress states due to their influence on these emissions. Measurements of these emissions can reveal neutron irradiationdegradation in nuclear power plant components. Samples which were irradiated at differentneutron fluences and annealed at different temperatures were obtained from three reactor surveillance programs. The results of different neutron fluences and annealing procedures showed noticeable fractional changes in the magnetic Barkhausen effect signal parameter, ΔMBE/MBE, and in the mechanical properties of these specimens. For example, increased intensity of neutron fluence decreased the ΔMBE/MBE as well as impact energy and upper‐shelf energy, but increased Rockwell hardness and yield strength. Typical changes in this parameter were in the range from −20% to −45% for fluences of up to 25×1018 n cm−2

    Comprehensive analysis of Barkhausen emission spectra using pulse height analysis, frequency spectrum, and pulse wave form analysis

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    The dependence of magnetic Barkhausen emissions (MBE) upon both field excitation and detection frequencies and excitation wave form was studied in order to investigate two of several crucial factors which affect the emissions. Sinusoidal, triangular, and square wave forms were used to generate the MBE and the pulse height spectra, frequency spectra, and pulse wave forms of these signals were analyzed. The frequency spectra of sinusoidal and triangular alternating field excitations showed similar behavior but the spectrum under square wave excitation was different due to the existence of high frequency components during square wave switching. As yet, no common standard has been agreed upon for parameterization and representation of Barkhausen signals. It appears from this work that field excitation wave form and frequency should define the inputs, while detection frequency range, pulse height spectrum, frequency spectrum, and emitted pulse wave form analysis should be used to quantify the output

    Spin-polarized transport in ferromagnetic multilayered semiconductor nanostructures

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    The occurrence of inhomogeneous spin-density distribution in multilayered ferromagnetic diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures leads to strong dependence of the spin-polarized transport properties on these systems. The spin-dependent mobility, conductivity and resistivity in (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs,(Ga,Mn)N/GaN, and (Si,Mn)/Si multilayers are calculated as a function of temperature, scaled by the average magnetization of the diluted magnetic semiconductor layers. An increase of the resistivity near the transition temperature is obtained. We observed that the spin-polarized transport properties changes strongly among the three materials.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Charge and spin distributions in GaMnAs/GaAs Ferromagnetic Multilayers

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    A self-consistent electronic structure calculation based on the Luttinger-Kohn model is performed on GaMnAs/GaAs multilayers. The Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor layers are assumed to be metallic and ferromagnetic. The high Mn concentration (considered as 5% in our calculation) makes it possible to assume the density of magnetic moments as a continuous distribution, when treating the magnetic interaction between holes and the localized moment on the Mn(++) sites. Our calculation shows the distribution of heavy holes and light holes in the structure. A strong spin-polarization is observed, and the charge is concentrated mostly on the GaMnAs layers, due to heavy and light holes with their total angular momentum aligned anti-parallel to the average magnetization. The charge and spin distributions are analyzed in terms of their dependence on the number of multilayers, the widths of the GaMnAs and GaAs layers, and the width of lateral GaAs layers at the borders of the structure.Comment: 12 pages,7 figure

    Stability Analysis of a Human-in-the-Loop Telerobotics System with Two Independent Time-Delays

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    In this paper, stability of a human-in-the-loop telerobotics system with force feedback and communication delays is investigated. A general linear time-invariant time-delayed mathematical model of the human operator is incorporated into the system dynamics based on the interaction of the human operator with the rest of the telerobotic system. The resulting closed loop dynamics contains two independent time-delays mainly due to back and forth communication delay and human reaction time delay. Stability of this dynamics is characterized next on the plane of the two delays by rigorous mathematical investigation using Cluster Treatment of Characteristic Roots (CTCR). An illustrative numerical example is further provided in the results section along with interpretations. © 201

    A rare cause of intraabdominal hematoma: rupture of mesenteric artery branch aneurysm

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    Superior mesenteric artery (SMA) aneurysm is the third most common splanchnic artery aneurysm. Unlike other splanchnic artery aneurysm, isolated aneurysms of the SMA branches are rare. They are usually asymptomatic and difficult to detect until they rupture and cause abdominal pain and hypovolemic shock. Thus, most cases are diagnosed after the occurrence of complications. In this report, we described a 76 year-old woman who had two saccular aneurysms in the superior mesenteric arterial branch(es). One of them was ruptured and partly thrombosed. The patient had acute renal failure secondary to massive intraabdominal hemorrhage

    Effects of linear filter on stability and performance of human-in-the-loop model reference adaptive control architectures

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    Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) can effectively handle various challenges of the real world control problems including exogenous disturbances, system uncertainties, and degraded modes of operations. In human-in-the-loop settings, MRAC may cause unstable system trajectories. Basing on our recent work on the stability of MRAC-human dynamics, here we follow an optimization based computations to design a linear filter and study whether or not this filter inserted between the human model and MRAC could help remove such instabilities, and potentially improve performance. To this end, we present a mathematical approach to study how the error dynamics of MRAC could favorably or detrimentally influence human operator's error dynamics in performing a certain task. An illustrative numerical example concludes the study. Copyright © 2017 ASME

    Hysteresis in the Random Field Ising Model and Bootstrap Percolation

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    We study hysteresis in the random-field Ising model with an asymmetric distribution of quenched fields, in the limit of low disorder in two and three dimensions. We relate the spin flip process to bootstrap percolation, and show that the characteristic length for self-averaging LL^* increases as exp(exp(J/Δ))exp(exp (J/\Delta)) in 2d, and as exp(exp(exp(J/Δ)))exp(exp(exp(J/\Delta))) in 3d, for disorder strength Δ\Delta much less than the exchange coupling J. For system size 1<<L<L1 << L < L^*, the coercive field hcoerh_{coer} varies as 2JΔlnlnL2J - \Delta \ln \ln L for the square lattice, and as 2JΔlnlnlnL2J - \Delta \ln \ln \ln L on the cubic lattice. Its limiting value is 0 for L tending to infinity, both for square and cubic lattices. For lattices with coordination number 3, the limiting magnetization shows no jump, and hcoerh_{coer} tends to J.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure