17 research outputs found

    Management Allowable Depletion (MAD) Level for Water Use Efficiency of Chili on Typic Kanhapludults at Tamanbogo, Lampung

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    Water scarcity is the main factor causing crop production decrease and harvest failure in the upland areas. To improve water use efficiency by plants, Management Allowable Depletion (MAD) concept can be applied. MAD is the degree of soil dryness that still lead to optimum crop yied. This research was aimed to: 1) determine a correct MAD-level in order to achieve the optimum water use efficiency and 2) evaluate the effect of irrigation water sources on water use efficiency. The research was carried out on a Typic Kanhapludults at Tamanbogo Experimental station, East Lampung in dry season of 2005. Chili (Capsicum annum) was use as an indicator crop. The size of experimental plot was 5 x 10 m, that was arranged in split-plot design with 3 replications. The treatments were irrigation water sources designed as main plot which consisted of: A1 = ground water A2 = surface water, while MAD-level was designed as sub-plot, which consisted of : I1 = 20% of available water, I2 = 40% of available water, I3 = 60% of available water, I4 = 80% of available water, and I5 = 100% of available water. Irrigation was provided to reach 80, 60, 40, and 20% available water respectively. For the I5 treatment, irrigation was applied every day. The results showed that MAD-level of 60% of available water (I3) with the average of 9.6 mm of irrigation water, applied every three days, gave themost optimum crop yield and water use, thus achieving the highest water use efficiency. The surface irrigation water had a better quality than ground water,leading to a better plant growth, a higher crop yield and a higher water use efficiency than ground wate

    Kajian Tingkat Aliran Permukaan dan Erosi, pada Berbagai Tipe Penggunaan Lahan di Sub DAS Jenneberang Hulu

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate and assess the level of run-off and erosion on various types of land use in the Upper Jenneberang Sub Watershed. This research was conducted in the Upper Jenneberang Sub Watershed, Saluttoa Village, Sub Tinggimoncong, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi Province. Land use type (LUT) which was used as land units of observations was determined based on land use maps of upper Jenneberang sub watershed. Based on the analysis results of map and observation in the field, it was defined four types of land use as land units of observation: 1) Natural forest, 2) Gliricidia tree-dominated agroforestry, 3) Coffee tree-dominated agroforestry, and 4) Maize monoculture. Each LUT was given the observation plot size 30 m x 10 m and plot placement was determined randomly. All LUT had slope 26%, soil type of Brown Latosol at the same altitude and climate. The composition of the observation plot was based on Randomized Block Design (RBD). Collected data on LUT included: soil physical properties, infiltration rate, run-off and erosion. The result showed that changes in land use of natural forests into agroforestry and maize monoculture types resulted in decreased amount of woody vegetation that resulted in increased run-off and erosion

    The Impact of Land Use on Hydrological Characteristics in Kaligarang Watershed

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    The increasing number of population in Kaligarang watershed will cause population pressure that will have a direct impact on land-use change and in turn will have an impact on watershed hydrological characteristics. Watershed management planning as an integral part of land-use and conservation based development is very important and need to be applied. The aims of this research were to analyze land-use changes in Kaligarang watershed, and the impact of land-use changes on watershed hydrological characteristics in Kaligarang. The results of this research showed that in Kaligarang watershed, there was a decrease in forest area of 2.28% and rice field of 13.96%, an increase in resident area of 2.14%, dry land farming of 5.82% and mixed dry land farming of 10.03%. The decreasing forest area caused an increase in runoff coefficien (CRO= 147.5 – 7.06F), an increase in average daily maximum discharge (Qmax(cms) = 79.33 – 4.23 F) and a decrease in baseflow (BF (cms) = -1.65 + 0.36 F

    Land Use Planning of Way Betung Watershed for Sustainable Water Resources Development of Bandar Lampung City

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    Way Betung watershed is one of the important water resources in Lampung Province and it provides a clean water for Bandar Lampung City through a regional water supply company (PDAM). By the increase of population and economical activities of Bandar Lampung City, the need of clean water also increase, however by the time, the conditions of Way Betung watershed as water resources are declining. Therefore, to improve or to restore WayBetung watershed, a high cost is needed. The research was aimed: (a) to study the effects of Way Betung watershed land use change on the water resources of Bandar Lampung City, (b) to arrange the sustainable development of Way Betung watershed in order to maintain the availability of water resources. The sustainable developments of water resources of Way Betung watershed were arranged in five alternatives/scenarios and each alternative was related toits erosion (USLE method) and its run off volume (SCS method). The results showed that land use changes of Way Betung watershed (1991-2006) were likely to increase daily maximum discharge (Q max), to decrease daily minimum discharge (Q min), to increase fluctuation of river discharge, and to increase yearly run off coeffcient. The best sustainable development of water resources of Way Betung watershed, Lampung Province, was alternative/scenario-4 (forest as 30% of watershed areas + alley cropping in the mix garden). This alternative will decrease erosion to the level lower than tolerable soil loss and also decrease fluctuation of monthly run off


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    Land use changes from forest to agricultural farms have been incessantly occurring in Indonesia. This condition will have harmful effects on nature equilibrium if uncontrolled. Forest can effectively absorbed carbon, in contrast deforestation will result in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere. The research results indicated that significant carbon losses have taken place due to forest changes to agricultural farms.  Agro-forestry system can lessen these losses from vegetation, litter, soil and due to soil erosion. Agricultural farm with maize and peanut produced lower carbon than forest and vanilla agro-forestry

    Valuasi Manfaat Ekologis Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Rth) Di Kota Bogor Dengan Aplikasi Citygreen 5.4

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    Greenery open space is a fundamental part of urban development and management in sustaining the quality of urban environment and the welfare of urban dwellers. A high rate of population growth and limited land owned causing the growth of physical development in the city is done by converting such green open space, agricultural land, forest and other open space for urban development purposes. This study is intended to analyze total value of greenery open space ecological benefits of Bogor City, and provide possible recommendations in order to increase the capacity of its urban ecosystem. This analytical framework is applied to Bogor City considering its peculiarities of greenery open space existence and architectures. The research was conducted by spatial approach through CITYGreen 5.4 software to determine the ecological benefits of greenery open space, based on the trees canopy cover and non trees canopy cover to predict the economic value. CityGreen is a software tool developed by American Forest that helps people understand the value of trees to the local environment. The result showed that CITYGreen 5.4 software can be used to conduct complex analysis of ecosystem services and create easy to understand reports.The software calculate dollar benefits for the services provided by the trees and other greenery open space in absorbed such harmfull pollutants, carbon storage and sequestration, and reducing storm water volumes as natural flood control. The capacity of ecological benefit can still be improved to provide greater benefits in various ways. This software will be very beneficial for city planners in evaluate site plan, and model development scenario that capture the benefits of trees


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    This research was aimed to study alternative techniques for soil conservation in controlling erosion and nutirients lost from Andisol planted with potatoes in upper part of Merao watershed, in Kerinci Region, Jambi Province.  The research was conducted in Kebun Baru, Kayu Aro, Kerinci.  The soil and sediment samples were analysed at Soil and Land Resource Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty, Institute Pertanian Bogor.  Erosion was measured on small plots consisting of seven (7) treatments and three (3) replications considered as blocks.  The results showed that planting potatoes across the slope direction, or making soil bed across 15% slope, or soil bed as slope direction and across slope direction every 4.5 m distance could control erosion and nutrients lost, and did not affect potato yield compared to soil bed as slope direction.  Planting potatoes on soil bed as slope  and across slope direction in each 4,5 m distance (modified farmers model) reduced erosion, soil organic-C, and total-N lost for 65.89, 65.19, and 24.55%, respectively, compared to planting as slope direction.  Keywords: erosion, nutrient lost, sedimentatio

    The Impact of Land Use on Hydrological Characteristics in Kaligarang Watershed

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    The increasing number of population in Kaligarang watershed will cause population pressure that will have a direct impact on land-use change and in turn will have an impact on watershed hydrological characteristics. Watershed management planning as an integral part of land-use and conservation based development is very important and need to be applied. The aims of this research were to analyze land-use changes in Kaligarang watershed, and the impact of land-use changes on watershed hydrological characteristics in Kaligarang. The results of this research showed that in Kaligarang watershed, there was a decrease in forest area of 2.28% and rice field of 13.96%, an increase in resident area of 2.14%, dry land farming of 5.82% and mixed dry land farming of 10.03%. The decreasing forest area caused an increase in runoff coefficien (CRO= 147.5 – 7.06F), an increase in average daily maximum discharge (Qmax(cms) = 79.33 – 4.23 F) and a decrease in baseflow (BF (cms) = -1.65 + 0.36 F


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