1,919 research outputs found

    Fostering the Development of Domain-General, Nonlinear Mental Models: A Foundation for Systemic Thinking

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    Two experiments examined whether people can develop a domain-general, nonlinear mental model when provided with an appropriate conceptual model. Both experiments presented causal loop models (i.e., variables connected in a circle by arrows representing causal relationships) as a conceptual model for positive feedback. Study 1 found that participants trained in causal loop modeling could accurately represent scenarios of low but not high complexity. Study 2 expanded on the design of Study 1 by varying the type of training and type of aid presented during testing. Participants received training with modeling instruction, training with cue-utilization instruction (i.e., participants were trained to represent scenarios as a list of bivariate relationships), general training, or no training. For a subset of testing scenarios, participants received either a modeling aid (i.e., a causal loop model) or a cueing aid (i.e., a list of bivariate relationships). Participants trained in modeling predicted the behavior of variables more accurately and quickly than those trained in cue utilization. In addition, participants provided with modeling aids during testing predicted system behavior more accurately and more quickly than those provided with cueing aids. In addition, spatial ability was found to correlate positively with accuracy scores. Overall, the results offer strong evidence that people can develop and successfully utilize a domain-general, nonlinear mental model

    X-ray Scattering Study of the spin-Peierls transition and soft phonon behavior in TiOCl

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    We have studied the S=1/2 quasi-one-dimensional antiferromagnet TiOCl using single crystal x-ray diffraction and inelastic x-ray scattering techniques. The Ti ions form staggered spin chains which dimerize below Tc1 = 66 K and have an incommensurate lattice distortion between Tc1 and Tc2 = 92 K. Based on our measurements of the intensities, wave vectors, and harmonics of the incommensurate superlattice peaks, we construct a model for the incommensurate modulation. The results are in good agreement with a soliton lattice model, though some quantitative discrepancies exist near Tc2. The behavior of the phonons has been studied using inelastic x-ray scattering with ~2 meV energy resolution. For the first time, a zone boundary phonon which softens at the spin-Peierls temperature Tsp has been observed. Our results show reasonably good quantitative agreement with the Cross-Fisher theory for the phonon dynamics at wave vectors near the zone boundary and temperatures near Tsp. However, not all aspects of the data can be described, such as the strong overdamping of the soft mode above Tsp. Overall, our results show that TiOCl is a good realization of a spin-Peierls system, where the phonon softening allows us to identify the transition temperature as Tsp=Tc2=92 KComment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Analysis of College Students’ Personal Health Information Activities: Online Survey

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    Background: With abundant personal health information at hand, individuals are faced with a critical challenge in evaluating the informational value of health care records to keep useful information and discard that which is determined useless. Young, healthy college students who were previously dependents of adult parents or caregivers are less likely to be concerned with disease management. Personal health information management (PHIM) is a special case of personal information management (PIM) that is associated with multiple interactions among varying stakeholders and systems. However, there has been limited evidence to understand informational or behavioral underpinning of the college students’ PHIM activities, which can influence their health in general throughout their lifetime. Objective: This study aimed to investigate demographic and academic profiles of college students with relevance to PHIM activities. Next, we sought to construct major PHIM-related activity components and perceptions among college students. Finally, we sought to discover major factors predicting core PHIM activities among college students we sampled. Methods: A Web survey was administered to collect responses about PHIM behaviors and perceptions among college students from the University of Kentucky from January through March 2017. A total of 1408 college students were included in the analysis. PHIM perceptions, demographics, and academic variations were used as independent variables to predict diverse PHIM activities using a principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical regression analyses (SPSS v.24, IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA). Results: Majority of the participants were female (956/1408, 67.90%), and the age distribution of this population included an adequate representation of college students of all ages. The most preferred health information resources were family (612/1408, 43.47%), health care professionals (366/1408, 26.00%), friends (27/1408, 1.91%), and the internet (157/1408, 11.15%). Organizational or curatorial activities such as Arranging, Labeling, Categorizing, and Discarding were rated low (average=3.21, average=3.02, average=2.52, and average=2.42, respectively). The PCA results suggested 3 components from perception factors labeled as follows: Assistance (alpha=.85), Awareness (alpha=.716), and Difficulty (alpha=.558). Overall, the Demographics and Academics variables were not significant in predicting dependent variables such as Labeling, Categorizing, Health Education Materials, and Discarding, whereas they were significant for other outcome variables such as Sharing, Collecting, Knowing, Insurance Information, Using, and Owning. Conclusions: College years are a significant time for students to learn decision-making skills for maintaining information, a key aspect of health records, as well as for educators to provide appropriate educational and decision aids in the environment of learning as independent adults. Our study will contribute to better understand knowledge about specific skills and perceptions for college students’ practice of effective PHIM throughout their lives

    Crystallization in suspensions of hard spheres: A Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulation study

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    The crystallization of a metastable melt is one of the most important non equilibrium phenomena in condensed matter physics, and hard sphere colloidal model systems have been used for several decades to investigate this process by experimental observation and computer simulation. Nevertheless, there is still an unexplained discrepancy between simulation data and experimental nucleation rate densities. In this paper we examine the nucleation process in hard spheres using molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation. We show that the crystallization process is mediated by precursors of low orientational bond-order and that our simulation data fairly match the experimental data sets

    Early high flow nasal cannula therapy in bronchiolitis, a prospective randomised control trial (protocol): A Paediatric Acute Respiratory Intervention Study (PARIS)

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    Background Bronchiolitis imposes the largest health care burden on non-elective paediatric hospital admissions worldwide, with up to 15 % of cases requiring admission to intensive care. A number of previous studies have failed to show benefit of pharmaceutical treatment in respect to length of stay, reduction in PICU admission rates or intubation frequency. The early use of non-invasive respiratory support devices in less intensive scenarios to facilitate earlier respiratory support may have an impact on outcome by avoiding progression of the disease process. High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) therapy has emerged as a new method to provide humidified air flow to deliver a non-invasive form of positive pressure support with titratable oxygen fraction. There is a lack of high-grade evidence on use of HFNC therapy in bronchiolitis. Methods/Design Prospective multi-centre randomised trial comparing standard treatment (standard subnasal oxygen) and High Flow Nasal Cannula therapy in infants with bronchiolitis admitted to 17 hospitals emergency departments and wards in Australia and New Zealand, including 12 non-tertiary regional/metropolitan and 5 tertiary centres. The primary outcome is treatment failure; defined as meeting three out of four pre-specified failure criteria requiring escalation of treatment or higher level of care; i) heart rate remains unchanged or increased compared to admission/enrolment observations, ii) respiratory rate remains unchanged or increased compared to admission/enrolment observations, iii) oxygen requirement in HFNC therapy arm exceeds FiO2 ≥ 40 % to maintain SpO2 ≥ 92 % (or ≥94 %) or oxygen requirement in standard subnasal oxygen therapy arm exceeds >2L/min to maintain SpO2 ≥ 92 % (or ≥94 %), and iv) hospital internal Early Warning Tool calls for medical review and escalation of care. Secondary outcomes include transfer to tertiary institution, admission to intensive care, length of stay, length of oxygen treatment, need for non-invasive/invasive ventilation, intubation, adverse events, and cost. Discussion This large multicenter randomised trial will allow the definitive assessment of the efficacy of HFNC therapy as compared to standard subnasal oxygen in the treatment of bronchiolitis

    Melanoma LAMP-2C Modulates Tumor Growth and Autophagy

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    Autophagy plays critical but diverse roles in cellular quality control and homeostasis potentially checking tumor development by removing mutated or damaged macromolecules, while conversely fostering tumor survival by supplying essential nutrients during cancer progression. This report documents a novel inhibitory role for a lysosome-associated membrane protein, LAMP-2C in modulating autophagy and melanoma cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Solid tumors such as melanomas encounter a variety of stresses in vivo including inflammatory cytokines produced by infiltrating lymphocytes directed at limiting tumor growth and spread. Here, we report that in response to the anti-tumor, pro-inflammatory cytokine interferon-gamma, melanoma cell expression of LAMP2C mRNA significantly increased. These results prompted an investigation of whether increased melanoma cell expression of LAMP-2C might represent a mechanism to control or limit human melanoma growth and survival. In this study, enhanced expression of human LAMP-2C in melanoma cells perturbed macroautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy in several human melanoma lines. In vitro analysis showed increasing LAMP-2C expression in a melanoma cell line, triggered reduced cellular LAMP-2A and LAMP-2B protein expression. Melanoma cells with enhanced LAMP-2C expression displayed increased cell cycle arrest, increased expression of the cell cycle regulators Chk1 and p21, and greater apoptosis and necrosis in several cell lines tested. The increased abundance of Chk1 protein in melanoma cells with increased LAMP-2C expression was not due to higher CHEK1 mRNA levels, but rather an increase in Chk1 protein abundance including Chk1 molecules phosphorylated at Ser345. Human melanoma cell xenografts with increased LAMP-2C expression, displayed reduced growth in immune compromised murine hosts. Melanomas with high LAMP-2C expression showed increased necrosis and reduced cell density upon histological analysis. These results reveal a novel role for LAMP-2C in negatively regulating melanoma growth and survival

    Albumin-coupled methotrexate (MTX-HSA) is a new anti-arthritic drug which acts synergistically to MTX

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    Objective. To evaluate the anti-arthritic effects of the new inflammation-targeted drug MTX-HSA and to investigate whether peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) are potential target cells for albumin-mediated drug delivery. Methods. The murine model of collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) was used to measure the anti-arthritic effect of MTX, MTX-HSA or a combination of both (n = 30 to 35 per group). In addition, the uptake of fluorescence-labelled albumin (AFLc-HSA) in PBMC of 14 patients with RA was measured by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Results. In equivalent doses of 7.5 mg/kg intravenously (IV) twice a week, MTX-HSA is significantly (P<0.02) superior to MTX in inhibiting the development of CIA and reducing the joint count as well as the number of affected paws. When given in lower doses as combination therapy, both drugs act synergistically (P<0.03). A mean of 96, 72 and 64% of the CD14-, CD16- and CD20-positive cells from peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients showed an uptake of albumin after incubation with AFLc-HSA in vitro. This finding was not significantly different in comparison to healthy controls. In contrast, the number of CD3-positive cells taking up albumin is increased significantly in RA patients in comparison to controls (26.3 ± 12.9% s.d. vs 11.6 ± 7.3% s.d.; P = 0.005). Conclusion. The data show that the effectiveness of MTX-HSA in CIA is superior to MTX and that both drugs act synergistically. In addition, albumin appears to be taken up by peripheral blood cells, suggesting that they might be one of the potential target cells of this novel anti-arthritic treatment approac

    Homogeneous nucleation of colloidal melts under the influence of shearing fields

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    We study the effect of shear flow on homogeneous crystal nucleation, using Brownian Dynamics simulations in combination with an umbrella sampling like technique. The symmetry breaking due to shear results in anisotropic radial distribution functions. The homogeneous shear rate suppresses crystal nucleation and leads to an increase of the size of the critical nucleus. These observations can be described by a simple, phenomenological extension of classical nucleation theory. In addition, we find that nuclei have a preferential orientation with respect to the direction of shear. On average the longest dimension of a nucleus is along the vorticity direction, while the shortest dimension is preferably perpendicular to that and slightly tilted with respect to the gradient direction.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Six-reflection meV-monochromator for synchrotron radiation

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    A design is presented for a cryogenically stabilized monochromator for 10–40 keV synchrotron radiation that uses six crystal reflections to achieve a meV-bandpass with high efficiency

    Transmission dynamics of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease may lead to disease-induced extinction

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    Most pathogens threatening to cause extinction of a host species are maintained on one or more reservoir hosts, in addition to the species that is threatened by disease. Further, most conventional host–pathogen theory assumes that transmission is related to host density, and therefore a pathogen should become extinct before its sole host. Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease is a recently emerged infectious cancer that has led to massive population declines and grave concerns for the future persistence of this largest surviving marsupial carnivore. Here we report the results of mark–recapture studies at six sites and use these data to estimate epidemiological parameters critical to both accurately assessing the risk of extinction from this disease and effectively managing this disease threat. Three sites were monitored from before or close to the time of disease arrival, and at three others disease was well established when trapping began, in one site for at least 10 years. We found no evidence for sex-specific differences in disease prevalence and little evidence of consistent seasonal variation in the force of infection. At all sites, the disease was maintained at high levels of prevalence (>50% in 2–3-year-old animals), despite causing major population declines. We also provide the first estimates of the basic reproductive rate R0 for this disease. Using a simple age-structured deterministic model, we show that our results are not consistent with transmission being proportional to the density of infected hosts but are consistent with frequency-dependent transmission. This conclusion is further supported by the observation that local disease prevalence in 2–3-year-olds still exceeds 50% at a site where population density has been reduced by up to 90% in the past 12 years. These findings lend considerable weight to concerns that this host-specific pathogen will cause the extinction of the Tasmanian devil. Our study highlights the importance of rapidly implementing monitoring programs to determine how transmission depends on host density and emphasizes the need for ongoing management strategies involving a disease-free “insurance population,” along with ongoing field monitoring programs to confirm whether local population extinction occur
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