5,847 research outputs found

    Electronic structure of Pr2MnNiO6 from x-ray photoemission, absorption and density functional theory

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    The electronic structure of double perovskite Pr2MnNiO6 is studied using core x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The 2p x-ray absorption spectra show that Mn and Ni are in 2+ and 4+ states respectively. Using charge transfer multiplet analysis of Ni and Mn 2p XPS spectra, we find charge transfer energies {\Delta} of 3.5 and 2.5 eV for Ni and Mn respectively. The ground state of Ni2+ and Mn4+ reveal a higher d electron count of 8.21 and 3.38 respectively as compared to the atomic values of 8.00 and 3.00 respectively thereby indicating the covalent nature of the system. The O 1s edge absorption spectra reveal a band gap of 0.9 eV which is comparable to the value obtained from first principle calculations for U-J >= 2 eV. The density of states clearly reveal a strong p-d type charge transfer character of the system, with band gap proportional to average charge transfer energy of Ni2+ and Mn4+ ions.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    The life history of Drosophila sperm involves molecular continuity between male and female reproductive tracts

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    This research was funded by the National Science Foundation (DEB 1655840 to S.D., S.P., and M.F.W.), the National Institutes of Health (NICHD R21HD088910 to S.D., S.P. and M.F.W. and R37/R01HD038921 to M.F.W.), and a generous gift from Mike and Jane Weeden to Syracuse University.Interactions between sperm and the female reproductive tract (FRT) are critical to reproductive success and yet are poorly understood. Because sperm complete their functional maturation within the FRT, the life history of sperm is likely to include a molecular “hand-off” from males to females. Although such intersexual molecular continuity is likely to be widespread among all internally fertilizing species, the identity and extent of female contributions are largely unknown. We combined semiquantitative proteomics with sex-specific isotopic labeling to catalog the posttesticular life history of the sperm proteome and determine the extent of molecular continuity between male and FRTs. We show that the Drosophila melanogaster sperm proteome undergoes substantial compositional changes after being transferred to the FRT. Multiple seminal fluid proteins initially associate with sperm, but most become undetectable after sperm are stored. Female-derived proteins also begin to associate with sperm immediately after mating, and they comprise nearly 20% of the postmating sperm proteome following 4 d of storage in the FRT. Female-derived proteins that associate with sperm are enriched for processes associated with energy metabolism, suggesting that female contributions support sperm viability during the prolonged period between copulation and fertilization. Our research provides a comprehensive characterization of sperm proteome dynamics and expands our understanding of the critical process of sperm–FRT interactions.Peer reviewe

    Allergenicity of latex rubber products used in South African dental schools

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    Background. Latex sensitisation is recognised as a health problem among health care workers (HCWs) using latex products. The aim of this study was to quantify specific latex allergens in latex devices used in South African academic dental schools. The current study also compared the total protein content and the levels of specific allergens in these products.Methods. Fourteen latex examination gloves (powdered and non-powdered) and five dental rubber dams, representing 6 brands, from five dental academic institutions were analysed for latex allergens and total protein. Total protein content was determined using the BioRad DC protein assay kit and natural rubber allergen levels using a capture enyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for Hev b 1, Hev b 3, Hev b 5 and Hev b 6.02.Results. Hev b 6.02 was found in higher concentrations thanother natural rubber latex (NRL) allergens in the products analysed. Hev b 5 content ranged from 0 to 9.2 ìg/g and Hev b 6.02 from 0.09 to 61.5 ìg/g of sample. Hev b 1 levels were below the detection limit (DL) for 79% of the samples (15/19). Dental dams showed higher allergen levels (median 80.91 ìg/ g) than latex gloves (median 11.34 ìg/g). Powdered rubber samples also showed higher allergen levels (median 40.54 ìg/g) than non-powdered samples (median 5.31 ìg/g). Astatistically significant correlation was observed between totalprotein and total allergen (r=0.74,

    Objective Ultrasonic Characterization of Welding Defects Using Physically Based Pattern Recognition Techniques

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    Computer-based methods for analysing ultrasonic data to distinguish between different defect types have been based on a variety of techniques such as adaptive learning [1], artificial intelligence [2] and statistical pattern recognition [3]. The uncertain classification reliability of these techniques when applied to a range of realistic defect types has, however, often been a significant practical limitation to their use

    The Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program: A community-based translational study

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes is a major public health problem in Australia with prevalence increasing in parallel with increasing obesity. Prevention is an essential component of strategies to reduce the diabetes burden. There is strong and consistent evidence from randomised controlled trials that type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed through lifestyle modification which improves diet, increases physical activity and achieves weight loss in at risk people. The current challenge is to translate this evidence into routine community settings, determine feasible and effective ways of delivering the intervention and providing on-going support to sustain successful behavioural changes. Methods/Design. The Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program (SDPP) is a translational study which will be conducted in 1,550 participants aged 50-65 years (including 100 indigenous people aged 18 years and older) at high risk of future development of diabetes. Participants will be identified through a screening and recruitment program delivered through primary care and will be offered a community-based lifestyle modification intervention. The intervention comprises an initial individual session and three group sessions based on behaviour change principles and focuses on five goals: 5% weight loss, 210 min/week physical activity (aerobic and strength training exercise), limit dietary fat and saturated fat to less than 30% and 10% of energy intake respectively, and at least 15 g/1000 kcal dietary fibre. This is followed by 3-monthly contact with participants to review progress and offer ongoing lifestyle advice for 12 months. The effectiveness and costs of the program on diabetes-related risk factors will be evaluated. Main outcomes include changes in weight, physical activity, and dietary changes (fat, saturated fat and fibre intake). Secondary outcomes include changes in waist circumference, fasting plasma glucose, blood pressure, lipids, quality of life, psychological well being, medication use and health service utilization. Discussion. This translational study will ascertain the reach, feasibility, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a lifestyle modification program delivered in a community setting through primary health care. If demonstrated to be effective, it will result in recommendations for policy change and practical methods for a wider community program for preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes in high risk people. © 2010 Colagiuri et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Factors Associated with Participation in a Multidomain Web-Based Dementia Prevention Trial: Evidence from Maintain Your Brain (MYB)

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    Background: The Maintain Your Brain (MYB) trial aims to prevent cognitive decline and dementia through multidomain, web-based risk-reduction. To facilitate translation, it is important to understand drivers of participation. Objective: To describe characteristics associated with participation in MYB. Methods: This was an observational ancillary study of MYB, a randomized controlled trial nested within the 45 and Up Study in New South Wales, Australia. We linked 45 and Up Study survey and MYB participation data. The study cohort comprised 45 and Up Study participants, aged 55-77 years at 1 January 2018, who were invited to participate in MYB. 45 and Up Study participant characteristics and subsequent MYB consent and participation were examined. Results: Of 98,836 invited, 13,882 (14%) consented to participate and 6,190 participated (6%). Adjusting for age and sex, a wide range of factors were related to participation. Higher educational attainment had the strongest relationship with increased MYB participation (university versus school non-completion; AdjOR = 5.15; 95% CI:4.70-5.64) and lower self-rated quality of life with reduced participation (Poor versus Excellent: AdjOR = 0.19; 95% CI:0.11-0.32). A family history of Alzheimer's disease was related to increased participation but most other dementia risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, and current smoking were associated with reduced participation. Conclusion: Higher socio-economic status, particularly educational attainment, is strongly associated with engagement in online dementia prevention research. Increasing population awareness of dementia risk factors, and better understanding the participation barriers in at-risk groups, is necessary to ensure online interventions are optimally designed to promote maximum participation

    Genomic selection in commercial perennial crops: applicability and improvement in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)

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    Genomic selection (GS) uses genome-wide markers to select individuals with the desired overall combination of breeding traits. A total of 1,218 individuals from a commercial population of Ulu Remis x AVROS (UR x AVROS) were genotyped using the OP200K array. The traits of interest included: shellto- fruit ratio (S/F, %), mesocarp-to-fruit ratio (M/F, %), kernel-to-fruit ratio (K/F, %), fruit per bunch (F/B, %), oil per bunch (O/B, %) and oil per palm (O/P, kg/palm/year). Genomic heritabilities of these traits were estimated to be in the range of 0.40 to 0.80. GS methods assessed were RR-BLUP, Bayes A (BA), Cπ (BC), Lasso (BL) and Ridge Regression (BRR). All methods resulted in almost equal prediction accuracy. The accuracy achieved ranged from 0.40 to 0.70, correlating with the heritability of traits. By selecting the most important markers, RR-BLUP B has the potential to outperform other methods. The marker density for certain traits can be further reduced based on the linkage disequilibrium (LD). Together with in silico breeding, GS is now being used in oil palm breeding programs to hasten parental palm selection

    Recent advances on information transmission and storage assisted by noise

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    The interplay between nonlinear dynamic systems and noise has proved to be of great relevance in several application areas. In this presentation, we focus on the areas of information transmission and storage. We review some recent results on information transmission through nonlinear channels assisted by noise. We also present recent proposals of memory devices in which noise plays an essential role. Finally, we discuss new results on the influence of noise in memristors.Comment: To be published in "Theory and Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics: Model and Design of Complex Systems", Proceedings of ICAND 2012 (Springer, 2014