846 research outputs found

    Concomitant Presence of Carcinoma of Breast in a Patient with Early-Onset Cataract: First Case Report of a Potential Association

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    A recent nation-wide population based retrospective cohort study from Taiwan in 2014 suggested a propensity of developing breast cancer in young females with early-onset cataract. We report here a case of a young non-obese female who presented to us with a large lump in the right breast with skin nodules and bilateral painless progressive diminution of vision. Patient was diagnosed to be suffering from locally advanced carcinoma of right breast with axillary metastasis (Stage III B) and bilateral early-onset nuclear cataract. Patient was started on taxane and anthracycline based neoadjuvant chemotherapy and after three cycles of chemotherapy patient showed partial response (≈50% reduction of tumour mass). Patient underwent small incision cataract surgery in left eye after the first cycle of chemotherapy. However, the patient was lost before any operative intervention could be done as she died in a road traffic accident. Possible mechanism of development of breast cancer in patients with early-onset cataract is discussed. This is the first reported case of a patient of early–onset cataract developing breast cancer as well as the first reported case of concomitant presence of early-onset bilateral cataract with breast cancer

    Empirical study of error behavior in Web servers

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    The World Wide Web has been a huge success, bringing the Internet to widespread popularity. For Web based systems to deal effectively with increasing number of Web clients, it is very important to understand the basic fundamentals of Web workload and error characteristics. In this thesis we focus on detailed empirical analysis of Web server error characteristics and reliability based on the data extracted from eleven different web servers. First, we address the data collection process and describe the methods for extraction of workload and error data from Web logs. Then, we analyze the Web error characteristics which include unique errors, frequency of occurrence of unique errors and top files causing errors. Furthermore, we analyze the relationship between errors among Web workload and estimate request-based and session-based reliability. The discussion presented in this thesis shows the sessions-based reliability is better indicator of user perception of Web quality than request-based reliability. Finally, we analyze and develop heuristic search criteria to identify sessions which indicate unusual server behavior, such as extremely long sessions and sessions with large number of server errors. The results of our study provide valuable measures for tuning and maintaining of Web servers

    Role of Optical Network in Cloud/Fog Computing

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    This chapter is a study of exploring the role of the optical network in the cloud/fog computing environment. With the growing network issues, unified and cost-effective computing services and efficient utilization of optical resources are required for building smart applications. Fog computing provides the foundation platform for implementing cyber-physical system (CPS) applications which require ultra-low latency. Also, the digital revolution of fog/cloud computing using optical resources has upgraded the education system by intertwined VR using the fog nodes. Presently, the current technologies face many challenges such as ultra-low delay, optimum bandwidth, and minimum energy consumption to promote virtual reality (VR)-based and electroencephalogram (EEG)-based gaming applications. Ultra-low delay, optimum bandwidth, and minimum energy consumption. Therefore, an Optical-Fog layer is introduced to provide a novel, secure, highly distributed, and ultra-dense fog computing infrastructure. Also, for optimum utilization of optical resources, a novel concept of OpticalFogNode is introduced that provides computation and storage capabilities at the Optical-Fog layer in the software defined networking (SDN)-based optical network. It efficiently facilitates the dynamic deployment of new distributed SDN-based OpticalFogNode which supports low-latency services with minimum energy as well as bandwidth usage. Therefore, an EEG-based VR framework is also introduced that uses the resources of the optical network in the cloud/fog computing environment

    Analysis of Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol

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    Sensor network consists of tiny sensors and actuators with general purpose computing elements to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, pressure, etc. Wireless Sensor Networks are uniquely characterized by properties like limited power they can harvest or store, dynamic network topology, large scale of deployment. Sensor networks have a huge application in fields which includes habitat monitoring, object tracking, fire detection, land slide detection and traffic monitoring. Based on the network topology, routing protocols in sensor networks can be classified as flat-based routing, hierarchical-based routing and location-based routing. These protocols are quite simple and hence are very susceptible to attacks like Sinkhole attack, Selective forwarding, Sybil attack, Wormholes, HELLO flood attack, Acknowledgement spoofing or altering, replaying routing information. Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is an energy-efficient hierarchical-based routing protocol. Our prime focus was on the analysis of LEACH based upon certain parameters like network lifetime, stability period, etc. and also the effect of selective forwarding attack and degree of heterogeneity on LEACH protocol. After a number of simulations, it was found that the stability region’s length is considerably increased by choosing an optimal value of heterogeneity; energy is not properly utilized and throughput is decreased in networks compromised by selective forwarding attack but the number of cluster-heads per round remains unaffected in such networks

    Ultrastructural Changes in Bovine Oocytes Induced During In Vitro Production of Embryos

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    Despite substantial progress in the development of procedures for in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilisation and in vitro culture, the production of viable embryos in most laboratories is around 20-30%. The objective of this study was to examine ultrastructural changes induced in bovine oocytes during various stages of in vitro embryo production as these changes could contribute towards the low viability of the embryos. The oocytes recovered from slaughterhouse ovanes were transported in modified Dulbecco's phosphate buffered saline for various periods of time at two different temperatures, in vitro matured (WM), in vitro fertilised (WF) and in vitro cultured (WC) to morulae stages. After submitting to various stages mentioned above the oocytes were processed for transmission electron microscopy and examined in Hitachi 7100 or Phillips CM 12 electron microscopes at 75 or 80 kV respectively. Results exhibited that holding of oocytes in commonly used transport medium induced changes in the organelles such as rough endoplasmic reticulum, cortical granules, mitochondria and Golgi complexes both in the cumulus cells and those present in the oocytes. The severity of these changes was higher in oocytes transported at 2-4 C than those transported at 35-370 C the effect of which was reflected by the viability test. None of the cleaved oocytes (0/49) in the former while an average of 18.2% (10/55) of the oocytes in the latter developed to morulae. In the second experiment, the oocytes which were submitted to IVM, exhibited ultrastructural changes such as incomplete cumulus expansion, swelling of mitochondria, reduced incidence of cortical granules and accumulation of lipid droplets which were probably the factors affecting the viability of oocytes. In the third experiment, examination of in vitro produced morulae (35/121, 28.9%) revealed the presence of a large number of lipid droplets, vacuoles and numerous mitochondria undergoing the process of degeneration which ultimately may affect the viability of embryos. It was concluded that the ultrastructural changes induced during various stages of in vitro embryo production contribute towards low viability of the in vitro produced embryos

    A new class of negabent functions

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    Negabent functions were introduced as a generalization of bent functions, which have applications in coding theory and cryptography. In this paper, we have extended the notion of negabent functions to the functions defined from Zqn\mathbb{Z}_q^n to Z2q\mathbb{Z}_{2q} (2q2q-negabent), where q2q \geq 2 is a positive integer and Zq\mathbb{Z}_q is the ring of integers modulo qq. For this, a new unitary transform (the nega-Hadamard transform) is introduced in the current set up, and some of its properties are discussed. Some results related to 2q2q-negabent functions are presented. We present two constructions of 2q2q-negabent functions. In the first construction, 2q2q-negabent functions on nn variables are constructed when qq is an even positive integer. In the second construction, 2q2q-negabent functions on two variables are constructed for arbitrary positive integer q2q \ge 2. Some examples of 2q2q-negabent functions for different values of qq and nn are also presented

    Evaluation of Bearing Fault Detection on Different _K-Folds using Deep Learning Ensemble Models

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    One of the most crucial parts of contemporary machinery and industrial equipment is the induction motor. Therefore, it is essential to create a fault diagnosis system that can identify induction motor problems and operating circumstances before they become serious. In this study, an induction motor's defect diagnosis is carried out in three different states, including normal, rotor fault, and bearing fault. The suggested fault diagnostic system is also described, along with a GUI. The experimental findings support the suitability of the suggested approach for rotor and bearing defects in induction motor diagnosis. A GUI for defect diagnostics was also created and used in a real-world setting. We have used Chi-Square method for high score attributes values. For the normal, rotor fault, and bearing fault states of induction motors identified by DBN, CNN, SNN, SVM and RF respectively, the fault detection system's accuracy in the actual world. In the experiment, we find Algorithms model-II, K-Folds (5, 10 & 15) , Accuracy (%), Training loss, Validation loss value for RF-SVM-CNN are 89.2, 0.260013, 0.304936 for k fold 5, 98.4, 0.155960, 0.154133 for k-fold 10 and 98.3, 0.155759, 0.144127 for k- fold 15 respectively

    Digital Watermarking: Digital Data Hiding techniques for BMP Images

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    Purpose: This research evaluates the digital watermarking technology further for hide/retrieved data into the BMP file by manipulating the contents their pixel value using least significant bits (LSB) approach. Methodology: Various experiments have been applied on the pixel value of the BMP file to hide/store the maximum data. With a condition the size and the quality of the BMP file will not change. The trail and error methods have been used or applied to check the various sizes with various qualities. Findings: The study finds that the any digital data can be hiding into the BMP file by manipulating the contents of the Red Green Blue (RGB) value by applying least significant approach. Originality/Value: Due to the growing usage of multimedia content on the internet, serious issues have emerged. Counterfeiting, forgery fraud and pirating of this content are rising. The research is a mechanism which can help resolve the ownership issues for digital data

    Integration of Online Social Network and E-Commerce Business through Facebook Pages

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    The aim of this paper is to explore Facebook page options through which e-commerce companies can establish relationship with online social networking users. It explores the various options available on Facebook page like audience building, data analysis, paid promotions etc. Techniques for organic and paid promotion discussed to build the page audience. Comprehensive study on data insights provided by Facebook is tabulated. This paper highlights the factors for integration of Online Social Network and e-commerce to help ecommerce companies to focus on building audience and converting them into sale. A step by step implemen-tation starting from page setup, audience building and data analy-sis is presented