10 research outputs found

    Image Transmission Over Wireless Channel

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    In this project, we investigate the basic image processing technique, which are the fast Fourier transforms, discrete cosine transform and discrete wavelet transform. With the basic understanding the methodology of JPEG and JPEG 2000 compression is studied

    Trellis coded modulation : a MATLAB simulation

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    Trellis - Coded Modulation (TCM) is a combined coding and modulation scheme which is used in band limited communication systems. Traditionally, e1rnr - correction coding techniques were used by adding extra bits to information bits or higher order modulation schemes were used in order to improve the bit e1rnr rate, but at the expense of bandwidth expansion or by increasing signal power respectively. TCM is a technique which achieves better performance without bandwidth expansion or using extra power. This technique consists of encoding information with a convolution encoder and the mapping is done in such a manner as to maximize the minimum Euclidean distance and is done by using Ungerboeck partitioning. At the receiver side the Viterbi algorithm is used to decode the information which operates on the soft output samples of the noisy received signal. For this project a basic TCM encoder/decoder was designed using Matlab. The simulation results of error performance of this system were compared to the analytical results

    Design and development of a precision flow perturbation device

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    This project entailed the design of a perturbation device which would disturb a free jet at a prescribed amplitude and frequency that can be altered using the device. The device was designed with the idea of a piston-crank mechanism in mind where a link can be connected at increasing radii of the disc in order to increase the displacement of the piston and the frequency of the perturbation. This device was then designed using Solidworks along with the stand for the motor so that it can be kept at an elevated level with respect to the pipe on which perturbation will be carried out. The second part of this project consists of a flow visualisation study of a free jet that was excited at different frequencies. Elliptic and rectangular nozzles were used. From knowledge gained from literature review of past studies done on excited nozzles it was found that jets, when excited at their characteristic frequencies, will exhibit structures of higher coherency and vortex pairing will occur more regularly. This found to be true for both the nozzles of AR=3. From the analysis, the author postulated that the characteristic frequency for the elliptic nozzle was between St=0.31 and St=0.60 and for rectangular nozzles, in the region of St=0.50, This was in line with previous studies conducted by Gutmark and Grinstein(1999) and Husain and Hussain(1993) where characteristic frequencies of asymmetric nozzles of AR=3 was postulated to be in the region of St=0.50. In the final part of this project, a numerical study was conducted on a two dimensional pipe flow that was simulated to be perturbed at increasing amplitudes. These perturbations were carried out by introducing a sinusoidal velocity input whose velocity fluctuated about a mean velocity of 0.1m/s. These fluctuations were dependent of the amplitude of the flow. However, the study did not bear fruit as the simulations flows perturbed at increasing amplitudes were exactly the same which in theory is definitely not the case.Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering

    Large-scale Wind Power Integration in Northern Norway

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    Norway has very high flexibility in energy production since hydropower covers about 95% of yearly energy demand. It is best to have a combination of wind and hydropower and hence it applies perfectly here in Norway. The performance of the wind farm can be significantly enhanced by employing full-capacity converters. The state-of-the-art literature study has been done on Squirrel Cage Induction Generator connected to the grid via two-level voltage source converter. The thesis is further focused on modeling a wind farm as a single machine equivalent to provide 100 MW to the grid by having a best possible way to integrate it into the regional grid of Northern Norway. The primary attention was given to Power converter and Squirrel Cage Induction Generator as they are main electrical components. Mathematical models of induction generator and power converter are studied in depth emphasizes on optimal ways of controlling mechanism. Analysis of grid connection methods is focused primarily based on Northern Norway grid’s voltage rating. Steady-state analysis of the system is properly performed. Five case studies are presented which were performed in DIgSILENT © PowerFactory software, and results are examined and discussed. Finally, the discussion and conclusion have been presented

    Geotechnical Characterization of Near Surface Materials in Tampin, Negeri Sembilan

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    Soil occurrence and distribution in nature differ from one location to the next. Thetype of soil is determined by the rock type, mineral composition, and regional climate conditions. The stability of engineering structures is affectedbythegeotechnical properties of soils

    Gambaran Epidemiologi Kasus Tumor Meningioma Intrakranial WHO Derajat II dan III di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais

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    ABSTRACT Meningioma is the most common primary intracranial tumors in adults. Although most meningioma cases are regarded as benign, certain types have been suggested of having higher proliferative capacities compared to the majority. Knowing the epidemiology of the more aggressive types of meningioma are important to anticipate the disease burden and improve their management.  This study aims to describe the epidemiology of WHO grade II and III intracranial meningiomas at Dharmais National Cancer Center Hospital. All patients diagnosed with WHO grade II or III intracranial meningiomas between 2011 and 2022 were included in this study. Information on patient’s characteristics, tumor location, and histopathological analyses. As many as thirty-three patients diagnosed with WHO grade II and III intracranial meningiomas between 2011 and 2022. Most patients were female (72.72%), aged between 40- to 60-year-old (57.57%), classified as WHO grade II (60.6%), and had their tumors located at convexity regions (48.48%). The most common grade II intracranial meningioma is atypical (95%), while the majority of grade III intracranial meningiomas is anaplastic (76.92%). In both WHO grade II and III intracranial meningiomas, the highest number of patients aged between 40- to 60-year-old, 60% and 53.85%, respectively. Interestingly, most WHO grade II intracranial meningiomas were in skullbase regions (50%); meanwhile, majority of WHO grade III intracranial meningiomas were in convexity regions (69.23%). Although it only represents a minor fraction from the total meningioma cases, patients who are diagnosed with WHO grade II and III intracranial meningiomas are faced with higher risks of morbidity and mortality compared to WHO grade I intracranial meningiomas. The results of this study describe the current epidemiology of this challenging tumor. Keywords : Intracranial, Meningioma, Benign, WHO Grading ABSTRAK Meningioma adalah tumor intrakranial yang paling sering terjadi pada pasien dewasa. Meskipun kebanyakan kasus meningioma intrakranial tergolong jinak, namun beberapa tipe meningioma tertentu terbukti memiliki kapasitas proliferatif yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan mayoritas tipe meningioma. Pengetahuan mengenai epidemiologi dari tipe meningioma yang bersifat agresif sangatlah penting untung mengetahui beban penyakit dan melakukan upaya peningkatan manajemen penyakit ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui data epidemiologi meningioma intrakranial derajat 2 dan 3 berdasarkan klasifikasi histopatologis yang ditetapkan oleh badan kesehatan dunia / World Health Organization (WHO). Seluruh pasien yang didiagnosis dengan meningioma intrakranial derajat 2 dan 3 di RS Kanker Dharmais selama periode tahun 2011 s.d. 2022 dimasukkan ke dalam studi ini. Data mengenai karakteristik pasien, lokasi tumor, dan hasil analisis histopatologis diambil dan diolah sebagai data penelitian. Sebanyak 33 pasien didiagnosis dengan meningioma intrakranial derajat 2 dan 3 selama periode tahun 2011 s.d. 2022. Mayoritas pasien adalah perempuan (72.72%), berusia antara 40 s.d. 60 tahun (57.57%), didiagnosis dengan meningioma intrakranial derajat 2 (60.6%), dengan lokasi tumor di daerah konveksitas (48.48%). Jenis meningioma derajat 2 tersering adalah atipikal (95%), sedangkan jenis meningioma derajat 3 tersering adalah anaplastik (76.92%). Rentang usia terbanyak dari pasien penderita meningioma intrakranial derajat 2 (60%) dan 3 (53.85%) adalah 40 s.d. 60 tahun. Dalam hal lokasi tumor, lokasi tumor tersering dari meningioma derajat 2 adalah dasar tengkorak (50%), sedangkan lokasi tumor tersering dari meningioma derajat 3 adalah konveksitas (69.23%). Meskipun mayoritas pasien yang didiagnosis dengan meningioma intrakranial tergolong sebagai derajat 1, namun pasien meningioma intrakranial derajat 2 dan 3 memiliki resiko morbiditas dan mortalitas yang lebih tinggi. Hasil dari penelitian ini memaparkan data epidemiologi terkini dari jenis meningioma intrakranial yang terbilang lebih agresif. Kata Kunci: Meningioma, Intrakranial, Jinak, Derajat WH

    Abses Epidural sebagai Komplikasi Sinusitis Pada Anak: Laporan Kasus

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    ABSTRACT Intracranial complications from sinusitis are rare and can be life-threatening. Children have a higher risk of developing complications and difficult to recognize their signs and symptoms. A 14-year-old child presented with complaints of severe pain in the right ear and fever. The patient had a history of trauma to the right nose 2 years ago, controlled asthma, and an allergy to humid air. Painkillers were given which did not improve, followed by advanced radiology. The results showed an epidural abscess accompanied by sinusitis on the right frontal. Craniotomy followed by antibiotic therapy was performed as well as an evaluation of the patient's symptoms. Epidural abscess is a rare intracranial complication, and its recognition is quite tricky, requiring supporting examination and good teamwork. Early recognition and adequate therapy can prevent morbidity and mortality.  Keywords: Epidrual Abscess, Intracranial, Rhinosinusitis  ABSTRAK Komplikasi intrakranial dari sinusitis merupakan kejadian yang jarang dan dapat mengancam nyawa. Anak-anak memiliki risiko yang lebih tinggi mengalami komplikasi serta sulit dikenali tanda dan gejalanya. Seorang anak 14 tahun datang dengan keluhan nyeri hebat pada telinga kanan sejak dan demam. Pasien memiliki riwayat trauma pada hidung kanan 2 tahun lalu, asma terkontrol, dan alergi terhadap udara lembab. Pemberian anti-nyeri yang tidak membaik, diikuti dengan radiologi lanjut. Hasilnya menunjukan terdapat abses epidural diserai dengan sinusitis pada frontal kanan. Pembedahan, diikuti dengan terapi antibiotik dilakukan serta evaluasi gejala pasien. Abses epidural merupakan komplikasi intrakranial yang jarang terjadi, dan pengenalannya cukup sulit sehingga membutuhkan pemeriksaan penunjang dan kerjasama tim yang baik. Pemberian terapi yang tepat dan adekuat dapat mencegah kesakitan dan kematian. Kata Kunci: Abses Epidural, Intrakranial, Rinosinusiti