599 research outputs found

    Li–Na interdiffusion and diffusion-driven lithium isotope fractionation in pegmatitic melts

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    In this study, we investigate the diffusion of Li and its stable isotopes (6Li and 7Li) in flux-rich (1.8 % Li2O, 2.6 % B2O3, 2.3 % P2O5 and 3 % F) pegmatitic melts in order to contribute to the understanding of Li enrichment in such systems. Two glasses were synthesized with a model pegmatitic composition, one of which is highly enriched in Li (> 1 wt %, PEG2-blue) and the other one essentially Li-free (PEG2-Li-free). Diffusion couple experiments were performed to determine the chemical diffusivity of Li in dry pegmatitic melts. Experiments were conducted using rapid-heat and rapid-quench cold-seal pressure vessels in a temperature range of 650–940 ∘C at 100 MPa with Ar as the pressure medium. We observed rapidly formed diffusion profiles, driven by an interdiffusive exchange of the monovalent alkalis Li and Na, while the other elements are immobile on the timescale of experiments (1–30 min). From these experiments, activation energies for Li–Na interdiffusion were determined as 99 ± 7 kJ mol−1 with a pre-exponential factor of log D0 = −5.05 ± 0.33 (D0 in m2 s−1). Li and Na partitioning between the stronger depolymerized PEG2-blue and the less depolymerized PEG2-Li-free leads to a concentration jump at the interface; i.e. Na is enriched in the more depolymerized PEG2-blue. Li–Na interdiffusion coefficients in the studied melt composition are in a similar range as Li and Na tracer diffusivities in other dry aluminosilicate melts, confirming little to no effect of aluminosilicate melt composition on Li diffusivity. Thus, added fluxes do not enhance the Li diffusivity in the same way as observed for H2O (Holycross et al., 2018; Spallanzani et al., 2022). Using melt viscosity as a proxy for the polymerization of the melt shows that water has a stronger potential to depolymerize a melt compared to other fluxing elements. Faster diffusion of 6Li compared to 7Li leads to a strong Li isotope fractionation along the diffusion profile, resulting in δ7Li as low as −80 ‰ relative to the diffusion-unaffected regions. This diffusive isotope fractionation can be quantified with an empirical isotope fractionation factor (β) of 0.20 ± 0.04, similar to previously observed β values for Li diffusion in melts. This suggests in accordance with previously published data that a β value of ca. 0.2 seems to be universally applicable to diffusive Li isotope fractionation in aluminosilicate melts

    Improving Sparse Representation-Based Classification Using Local Principal Component Analysis

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    Sparse representation-based classification (SRC), proposed by Wright et al., seeks the sparsest decomposition of a test sample over the dictionary of training samples, with classification to the most-contributing class. Because it assumes test samples can be written as linear combinations of their same-class training samples, the success of SRC depends on the size and representativeness of the training set. Our proposed classification algorithm enlarges the training set by using local principal component analysis to approximate the basis vectors of the tangent hyperplane of the class manifold at each training sample. The dictionary in SRC is replaced by a local dictionary that adapts to the test sample and includes training samples and their corresponding tangent basis vectors. We use a synthetic data set and three face databases to demonstrate that this method can achieve higher classification accuracy than SRC in cases of sparse sampling, nonlinear class manifolds, and stringent dimension reduction.Comment: Published in "Computational Intelligence for Pattern Recognition," editors Shyi-Ming Chen and Witold Pedrycz. The original publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    What do hospital decision-makers in Ontario, Canada, have to say about the fairness of priority setting in their institutions?

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    BACKGROUND: Priority setting, also known as rationing or resource allocation, occurs at all levels of every health care system. Daniels and Sabin have proposed a framework for priority setting in health care institutions called 'accountability for reasonableness', which links priority setting to theories of democratic deliberation. Fairness is a key goal of priority setting. According to 'accountability for reasonableness', health care institutions engaged in priority setting have a claim to fairness if they satisfy four conditions of relevance, publicity, appeals/revision, and enforcement. This is the first study which has surveyed the views of hospital decision makers throughout an entire health system about the fairness of priority setting in their institutions. The purpose of this study is to elicit hospital decision-makers' self-report of the fairness of priority setting in their hospitals using an explicit conceptual framework, 'accountability for reasonableness'. METHODS: 160 Ontario hospital Chief Executive Officers, or their designates, were asked to complete a survey questionnaire concerning priority setting in their publicly funded institutions. Eight-six Ontario hospitals completed this survey, for a response rate of 54%. Six close-ended rating scale questions (e.g. Overall, how fair is priority setting at your hospital?), and 3 open-ended questions (e.g. What do you see as the goal(s) of priority setting in your hospital?) were used. RESULTS: Overall, 60.7% of respondents indicated their hospitals' priority setting was fair. With respect to the 'accountability for reasonableness' conditions, respondents indicated their hospitals performed best for the relevance (75.0%) condition, followed by appeals/revision (56.6%), publicity (56.0%), and enforcement (39.5%). CONCLUSIONS: For the first time hospital Chief Executive Officers within an entire health system were surveyed about the fairness of priority setting practices in their institutions using the conceptual framework 'accountability for reasonableness'. Although many hospital CEOs felt that their priority setting was fair, ample room for improvement was noted, especially for the enforcement condition

    Prehospital Partial Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta for Exsanguinating Subdiaphragmatic Hemorrhage.

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    IMPORTANCE: Hemorrhage is the most common cause of preventable death after injury. Most deaths occur early, in the prehospital phase of care. OBJECTIVE: To establish whether prehospital zone 1 (supraceliac) partial resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (Z1 P-REBOA) can be achieved in the resuscitation of adult trauma patients at risk of cardiac arrest and death due to exsanguination. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This was a prospective observational cohort study (Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment and Long-term follow-up [IDEAL] 2A design) with recruitment from June 2020 to March 2022 and follow-up until discharge from hospital, death, or 90 days evaluating a physician-led and physician-delivered, urban prehospital trauma service in the Greater London area. Trauma patients aged 16 years and older with suspected exsanguinating subdiaphragmatic hemorrhage, recent or imminent hypovolemic traumatic cardiac arrest (TCA) were included. Those with unsurvivable injuries or who were pregnant were excluded. Of 2960 individuals attended by the service during the study period, 16 were included in the study. EXPOSURES: ZI REBOA or P-REBOA. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The main outcome was the proportion of patients in whom Z1 REBOA and Z1 P-REBOA were achieved. Clinical end points included systolic blood pressure (SBP) response to Z1 REBOA, mortality rate (1 hour, 3 hours, 24 hours, or 30 days postinjury), and survival to hospital discharge. RESULTS: Femoral arterial access for Z1 REBOA was attempted in 16 patients (median [range] age, 30 [17-76] years; 14 [81%] male; median [IQR] Injury Severity Score, 50 [39-57]). In 2 patients with successful arterial access, REBOA was not attempted due to improvement in clinical condition. In the other 14 patients (8 [57%] of whom were in traumatic cardiac arrest [TCA]), 11 successfully underwent cannulation and had aortic balloons inflated in Z1. The 3 individuals in whom cannulation was unsuccessful were in TCA (failure rate = 3/14 [21%]). Median (IQR) pre-REBOA SBP in the 11 individuals for whom cannulation was successful (5 [46%] in TCA) was 47 (33-52) mm Hg. Z1 REBOA plus P-REBOA was associated with a significant improvement in BP (median [IQR] SBP at emergency department arrival, 101 [77-107] mm Hg; 0 of 10 patients were in TCA at arrival). The median group-level improvement in SBP from the pre-REBOA value was 52 (95% CI, 42-77) mm Hg (P < .004). P-REBOA was feasible in 8 individuals (8/11 [73%]) and occurred spontaneously in 4 of these. The 1- and 3-hour postinjury mortality rate was 9% (1/11), 24-hour mortality was 27% (3/11), and 30-day mortality was 82% (9/11). Survival to hospital discharge was 18% (2/11). Both survivors underwent early Z1 P-REBOA. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this study, prehospital Z1 P-REBOA is feasible and may enable early survival, but with a significant incidence of late death. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04145271

    Skin Conductance Response to the Pain of Others Predicts Later Costly Helping

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    People show autonomic responses when they empathize with the suffering of another person. However, little is known about how these autonomic changes are related to prosocial behavior. We measured skin conductance responses (SCRs) and affect ratings in participants while either receiving painful stimulation themselves, or observing pain being inflicted on another person. In a later session, they could prevent the infliction of pain in the other by choosing to endure pain themselves. Our results show that the strength of empathy-related vicarious skin conductance responses predicts later costly helping. Moreover, the higher the match between SCR magnitudes during the observation of pain in others and SCR magnitude during self pain, the more likely a person is to engage in costly helping. We conclude that prosocial motivation is fostered by the strength of the vicarious autonomic response as well as its match with first-hand autonomic experience

    Scientific Opportunities with an X-ray Free-Electron Laser Oscillator

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    An X-ray free-electron laser oscillator (XFELO) is a new type of hard X-ray source that would produce fully coherent pulses with meV bandwidth and stable intensity. The XFELO complements existing sources based on self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) from high-gain X-ray free-electron lasers (XFEL) that produce ultra-short pulses with broad-band chaotic spectra. This report is based on discussions of scientific opportunities enabled by an XFELO during a workshop held at SLAC on June 29 - July 1, 2016Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Study protocol: can a school gardening intervention improve children's diets?

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    BACKGROUND: The current academic literature suggests there is a potential for using gardening as a tool to improve children's fruit and vegetable intake. This study is two parallel randomised controlled trials (RCT) devised to evaluate the school gardening programme of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening, to determine if it has an effect on children's fruit and vegetable intake. METHOD/DESIGN: Trial One will consist of 26 schools; these schools will be randomised into two groups, one to receive the intensive intervention as "Partner Schools" and the other to receive the less intensive intervention as "Associate Schools". Trial Two will consist of 32 schools; these schools will be randomised into either the less intensive intervention "Associate Schools" or a comparison group with delayed intervention. Baseline data collection will be collected using a 24-hour food diary (CADET) to collect data on dietary intake and a questionnaire exploring children's knowledge and attitudes towards fruit and vegetables. A process measures questionnaire will be used to assess each school's gardening activities. DISCUSSION: The results from these trials will provide information on the impact of the RHS Campaign for School Gardening on children's fruit and vegetable intake. The evaluation will provide valuable information for designing future research in primary school children's diets and school based interventions. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN11396528

    Towards Solving QCD - The Transverse Zero Modes in Light-Cone Quantization

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    We formulate QCD in (d+1) dimensions using Dirac's front form with periodic boundary conditions, that is, within Discretized Light-Cone Quantization. The formalism is worked out in detail for SU(2) pure glue theory in (2+1) dimensions which is approximated by restriction to the lowest {\it transverse} momentum gluons. The dimensionally-reduced theory turns out to be SU(2) gauge theory coupled to adjoint scalar matter in (1+1) dimensions. The scalar field is the remnant of the transverse gluon. This field has modes of both non-zero and zero {\it longitudinal} momentum. We categorize the types of zero modes that occur into three classes, dynamical, topological, and constrained, each well known in separate contexts. The equation for the constrained mode is explicitly worked out. The Gauss law is rather simply resolved to extract physical, namely color singlet states. The topological gauge mode is treated according to two alternative scenarios related to the In the one, a spectrum is found consistent with pure SU(2) gluons in (1+1) dimensions. In the other, the gauge mode excitations are estimated and their role in the spectrum with genuine Fock excitations is explored. A color singlet state is given which satisfies Gauss' law. Its invariant mass is estimated and discussed in the physical limit.Comment: LaTex document, 26 pages, one figure (obtainable by contacting authors). To appear in Physical. Review

    Environmental Risk Assessment of Fluctuating Diazinon Concentrations in an Urban and Agricultural Catchment Using Toxicokinetic–Toxicodynamic Modeling

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    Temporally resolved environmental risk assessment of fluctuating concentrations of micropollutants is presented. We separated the prediction of toxicity over time from the extrapolation from one to many species and from acute to sublethal effects. A toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic (TKTD) model predicted toxicity caused by fluctuating concentrations of diazinon, measured by time-resolved sampling over 108 days from three locations in a stream network, representing urban, agricultural and mixed land use. We calculated extrapolation factors to quantify variation in toxicity among species and effect types based on available toxicity data, while correcting for different test durations with the TKTD model. Sampling from the distribution of extrapolation factors and prediction of time-resolved toxicity with the TKTD model facilitated subsequent calculation of the risk of undesired toxic events. Approximately one-fifth of aquatic organisms were at risk and fluctuating concentrations were more toxic than their averages. Contribution of urban and agricultural sources of diazinon to the overall risk varied. Thus using fixed concentrations as water quality criteria appears overly simplistic because it ignores the temporal dimension of toxicity. However, the improved prediction of toxicity for fluctuating concentrations may be small compared to uncertainty due to limited diversity of toxicity data to base the extrapolation factors on

    Bilateral multifocal Warthin's tumors in upper neck lymph nodes. report of a case and brief review of the literature

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    Cystadenolymphomas (Warthin's tumors) are the second most frequent lesions of the parotid gland. Due to their benign clinical behavior, the low rates of recurrence and malignant transformation they were classified as tumor-like lesions. In addition, a polyclonal growth of the epithelial components of the tumor could be detected. Warthin's tumors occur bilateral in 7-10%, whereas a multifocal appearance is extremely rare. Even if the pathogenesis is still unclear a heterotopia of salivary tissue during embryogenesis is the most likely explanation for the origin of these tumors in the upper neck and periparotideal region. Here we present a rare case of bilateral, multifocal, extraglandular Warthin's tumors in lymph nodes of the upper neck and give a brief review of the literature. If a primary malignancy can be excluded by a careful staging procedure prior to the operation an isolated excision of the lesions of the neck is the adequate treatment